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Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Published by Universitas Bina Darma
ISSN : 26565935     EISSN : 26564882     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science,
Journal-ISI is a scientific article journal that is the result of ideas, great and original thoughts about the latest research and technological developments covering the fields of information systems, information technology, informatics engineering, and computer science, and industrial engineering which is summarized in one publisher. Journal-ISI became one of the means for researchers to publish their great works published two times in one year, namely in March and September with e-ISSN: 2656-4882 and p-ISSN: 2656-5935.
Arjuna Subject : -
Articles 262 Documents
Measurement of the Maturity Level of IT Governance in Implementing Personnel Management Information System Using the MEA Domain COBIT 5 Framework In Regional Personnel, Education and Training Agency Stanny Dewanty Rehatta; Augie David Manuputty
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v1i2.16


BKDIKLATDA in Salatiga is an Personnel Institution located in the Salatiga City Government area, which is currently implementing IT as a supporter of business processes. One of the IT used is the Personnel Management Information System (SIMPEG). SIMPEG is a system specifically designed to provide personnel administration management information quickly, accurately and accurately, and has the function to manage staffing data and information in the working environment of the Salatiga Municipal Government. In this study COBIT 5 was used specifically the Monitor, Evaluate, Assessment (MEA) domain to observe, evaluate and evaluate the performance of IT governance on the application of SIMPEG in the Salatiga City BKDIKLATDA. MEA is a domain in COBIT 5 whose purpose is to observe, evaluate and assess all processes related to IT in a company or organization. The purpose of this study was to help the Salatiga City BKDIKLATDA to optimize the SIMPEG process performance and find out the level of maturity and the ability to apply SIMPEG in the Salatiga City BKDIKLATDA. The research methodology used in this study is mixed method. Mixed method is a research approach that combines or links qualitative and quantitative research methods. The results of this study are expected to optimize the effective and efficient performance process in the application of SIMPEG in the Salatiga City BKDIKLATDA so that in the future it will be even better.
Analysis of Information Technology Governance Using the COBIT 5 Framework (Case Study: E-Legal Drafting Legal Section of the Regional Secretariat of Salatiga City) Caecilia Ika Pramita Ady; Prihanto Ngesti Basuki; Augie David Manuputty
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v1i2.17


Information Technology (IT) governance is used to manage and optimize IT resources in supporting organizational goals. The Legal Section of the Regional Secretariat of Salatiga City as part of a government organization has built E-Legal Drafting information system to develop the functions of making regional legal products as well as the realization of e-government development in the legal field. The COBIT framework supports IT governance by providing work support to regulate IT alignment with the organization's business objectives. The results of this study are expected to show an overview of the implementation of IT governance in E-Legal Drafting information system from APO domain within the COBIT 5 framework, show the current system information level of capability and performance that is obtained from the measurement of capability levels, and also providing evaluation and recomendation based on the results of the gap analysis to help obtain the quality of information systems expected by the Legal Section of the Regional Secretariat of Salatiga City.
Analysis of Document Clustering based on Cosine Similarity and K-Main Algorithms Bambang Krismono Triwijoyo; Kartarina Kartarina
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v1i2.18


Clustering is a useful technique that organizes a large number of non-sequential text documents into a small number of clusters that are meaningful and coherent. Effective and efficient organization of documents is needed, making it easy for intuitive and informative tracking mechanisms. In this paper, we proposed clustering documents using cosine similarity and k-main. The experimental results show that based on the experimental results the accuracy of our method is 84.3%.
Comparison of Sentiment Analysis against Digital Payment “T-cash and Go-pay” in Social Media Using Orange Data Mining Novita Anggraini; Heri Suroyo
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v1i2.21


Saat ini pembicaraan publik di sosial media menjadi salah satu hal menarik untuk diteliti. Dari topik pembicaraan itu menghasilkan komentar yang sebagian besar mengandung opini sentimen. Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis komentar dengan metode analisis vader, yaitu metode analisis lexicon-based berbasis rule-based sentiment analysis. Vader akan menganalisis text berdasarkan lexicon (a library) yang menghasilkan class sentimen berupa positif, negatif, dan neutral dengan tambahan skor total atau compound (combined score). Penelitian ini memanfaatkan Prepocess text yang meliputi transformation, tokenization, normalization, dan filtering yang bertujuan agar text bisa dianalisis oleh Orange Data Mining guna mendapat perbandingan analisis sentimen terhadap T-cash dan Go-pay di sosial media. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan mendapat kesimpulan bahwa T-cash memiliki nilai sentimen positif lebih tinggi dari pada Go-pay dan memiliki sentimen negatif yang lebih rendah dari pada Go-pay. Namun persamaanya T-cash dan Go-pay memiliki kesamaan pola grafik dimana sentimen terbesar adalah neutral, diikuti oleh positif, dan terakhir adalah negative.
Geographic Information System for Schools Mapping in Tugumulyo District, Musi Rawas Regency Hutrianto Hutrianto; Baibul Tujni
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v1i2.22


School is institution that provide educational services to the community formed by the government in the form of organizational means to educate the nation's life. To guarantee the implementation of good education and in accordance with regulations set by the government, each school or school educational institution must follow accreditation. The spread of school locations certainly makes it difficult to access for assessors when they are going to do an accreditation assessment. In addition, other constraints experienced by the unavailability of school location information can be used as a reference for assessors in the accreditation assessment process. Under these conditions, it will certainly cause problems or obstacles in the accreditation process such as (1) the accreditation assessment process is not on schedule, (2) inaccurate assessment of the schedule, and (3) the quality of the accreditation assessment itself. Based on these conditions, in this study the development of a school mapping geographic information system can be used as a means of information for assessors in conducting accreditation assessments. the results of research that has been done show that geographic information systems can provide information on the distribution of schools both middle and upper levels. The information system can also function properly based on test results
Social Media Analytics: Data Utilization of Social Media for Research Ria Andryani; Edi Surya Negara; Dendi Triadi
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v1i2.23


The amount of production data generated by social media opportunities that can be exploited by various parties, both government and private sectors to produce the information. Social media data can be used to know the behavior and public perception of the phenomenon or a particular event. To obtain and analyze social media data needed depth knowledge of Internet technology, social media, databases, data structures, information theory, data mining, machine learning, until the data and information visualization techniques. In this research, social media analysis on a particular topic and the development of prototype devices software used as a tool of social media data retrieval or retrieval of data applications. Social Media Analytics (SMA) aims to make the process of analysis and synthesis of social media data to produce information can be used by those in need. SMA process is done in three stages, namely: Capture, Understand and Present. This research is exploratorily focused on understanding the technology that became the basis of social media using various techniques exist and is already used in the study of social media analytic previously.
A Study of Economic Value Estimation on Cryptocurrency Value back by Gold, Methods, Techniques, and Tools Ferdiansyah Ferdiansyah; Siti Hajar Othman; Raja Zahilah Md Radzi; Deris Stiawan
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v1i2.25


After Bitcoin Introduced around the world, many Cryptocurrencies was created that followed the standard of bitcoin. The use of Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrency as a currency is also an interesting study from an Islamic economic perspective. They tried to use gold with value back by gold , which gold itself is famous for its exchange rate stability. From abu bakar There is a need for monitoring organization of the cryptocurrency, to controlling from Riba (Interest), Maysir (gambling) and ghahar (Uncertainty). To solve this problem there is a need a tool that can predict with certainty based on valid historical data, to produce accurate prediction results and produce Economic value estimations that are close to Gold real value. With the results we can monitoring day by day, see next day value and continuously based on Cryptocurrency with value back by gold, and see what other impact influences the value by looking the factor negative or positive with sentiment analysis. In the last section we discuss and provide method that we analyse from previous work to produce method to estimate value cryptocurrency value back by gold.
Adoption of Information Technology at LLDIKTI Region II with UTAUT Framework (Case Study : Lecturer Workload Application) Intan Fitriana Wulandari; Muhammad Ariandi
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v1i2.26


Teknologi informasi menjadi salah satu bagian terpenting dalam suatu instansi, salah satu instansi yang memerlukan teknologi informasi yaitu Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDikti) Wilayah II. LLDikti Wilayah II merupakan suatu instansi Pemerintah yang berada di bawah Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi yang tugasnya memberikan pengawasan, pengendalian dan pembinaan terhadap Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang ada dalam lingkungannya. Salah satu teknologi informasi yang telah digunakan adalah aplikasi teknologi informasi Beban Kerja Dosen (BKD), maka diperlukan suatu metode untuk melihat layanan teknologi informasi tersebut dengan menggunakan salah satu framework. Framework UTAUT dapat menunjukkan bagaimana pengaruh perbedaan dari setiap responden dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi. Lebih khusus lagi, hubungan antara persepsi suatu pemanfaatan, kemudahan penggunaan, dan niat penggunaan dapat dimoderatori oleh usia, jenis kelamin, golongan/pangakat, dan pengalaman dalam penggunan aplikasi teknologi informasi BKD. Dengan menggunakan variabel-variabel yang ada pada framework UTAUT tersebut diharapkan memberikan kualitas layanan teknologi informasi di LLDikti Wilayah II lebih jelas dan bisa diukur sejauh mana pengadopsian teknologi informasi BKD selama ini bagi dosen di lingkungannya dalam melakukan aktifitas kependidikan.
Development of Gate Game Applications Using the IMSDD Method Nyimas Humairoh Khairunnissa; Muhamad Akbar; Siti Sauda
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v2i1.27


Menurut KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) Sejarah adalah suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang telah lampau dan benar-benar terjadi. Namun kerap kali untuk mempelajarinya, terlalu membosankan dan membuat jenuh karena banyak menghafal. Karena itulah dibuatnya aplikasi game Gerbang(Gerakan Bangsa). Game ini bertemakan tentang sejarah penjajahan di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode IMSDD (Interactive Multimedia System of Design and Development) dan aplikasi Unity, game Gerbang diciptakan dengan OS Android agar mudah digunakan dan menarik minat pengguna. Di dalam metode pengembangan IMSDD, terdapat 4 tahapan, yaitu: 1. System Requirement, 2. Design Concideration, 3. Implementation, 4. Evaluation. Dimana masing-masing tahapan pada akhirnya membentuk game Gerbang yang memiliki 6 tema soal berbeda yang terdiri dari Jepang, Inggirs, Prancis, Belanda, Spanyol dan Portugis. Nama-nama tersebut merupakan nama negara yang pernah menjajah Indonesia. Dengan 6 tema yang berbeda itu pula, pengguna dapat mengetahui sebatas mana pengetahuan mereka prihal penjajah ketika menempati Indonesia di masa lampau
Developing a Software Mechanism for Scheduling and Tracking Project Lifecycle Using Open-Source Software: An application on a government institution Osman Abd allah Nasr Ali
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v2i1.28


This research aims at developing a software mechanism for scheduling and tracking the status of pre-planned tasks using an open sources to achieve projects in government institutions based on project management theory. This mechanism will facilitate the system process via planning, managing, and evaluating the project team activities to ensure that the project is running according to the time and financial plans. The system will also enables the work team to share tasks information, and follow their status during the lifecycle of these tasks. The system will also allow the project management to benefit from these reports to continuously assess individuals, tasks, and refine management decisions for present and future projects. The study is also relied on an open source project management software (ODOO) in planning, implementation, and the following up of an academic quality accreditation project of the department of ( MIS ) in the College of Business (King Khalid University, KSA, 2018-2020). The application of such software will allow improvement, and control participants performance and achievement of the tasks entrusted to them. Also some software components will be added and reused.

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