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Binsar Antoni Hutabarat
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Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat
ISSN : 24070556     EISSN : 25993267     DOI : -
Fokus pada studi dan penelitian mengenai agama dan masyarakat, utamanya untuk membahas kontribusi agama-agama bagi terciptanya kehidupan masyarakat yang bermartabat, adil dan toleran, serta menghargai keragaman yang merupakan realitas masyarakat Indonesia.
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Articles 188 Documents
Melampaui Politisi, Menuju Negarawan: Refleksi Etis Kristiani Togardo Siburian
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Merajut Kebangsaan
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (535.277 KB) | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v4i1.43


ABSTRACT: This article wants to study the possibility of principles of statemen for politician in these days. As we know, most politicians behave an conduct more as a handiman of politics, instead of a statemen (used to be called: politicos). Therefore Christian reflection on ethics became essential to comprehend the imbalance practice and concept that emerged. This studies is done from ethical perspective through library research. Out of the three things mentioned that make political issues today chaotic particularly is: 1) A detached politics from ethics, 2) political study today only focused on law and social studies, 3) and forget philosophical and historical perspective to the study. Based on the way of ethical politics today, we found a principles that enrich ecclesiastical mandate and transformation in society. KEYWORDS: political matters, ethics, politician, statemen, Christian, transformation, mandate, church.
Penanaman Toleransi Beragama pada Anak Melalui Pendidikan Nurhattati Fuad
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2015): Memperjuangkan Kebebasan Beragama
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (727.086 KB) | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v2i1.61


ABSTRACT: As the plural nation, the peace culture is something necessary to develop and to build for the sake of building local, national, regional, and global security. For this purpose, whatever religious tolerance programs are important, urgent, strategic, and determinative, particularly in the building of the peace culture needed to ccelerate the national developmental programmes. Consequently, from the socio-political perspective, surely the development program is systemicly determined by factors of how far the religious tolerance or the peace culture is successfully carried out. This article endevours to analytically describe of how far the urgency of religious tolerance on behalf of strengtening the peace culture in our country. In his analysis, it is virtually highlighted that the religious tolerance plays very important roles that might be regarded as precondition for the successful development and NKRI (Unified state of Republic of Indonesia) empowerment. For gaining its effectivity, cultivating religious tolerance culture become pivotel to be intensively implemented in our country. KEYWORDS: Religious tolerance, peace culture, security, development, informal (family) education.
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2018): Heterogenitas Pancasila
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (441.128 KB) | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v5i2.87


ABSTRACT: This article entitled, “Evaluation to the Formulation of the Bill on Islamic Boarding School and Religious Education” focuses on the evaluation to the formation process and the material of the Bill on Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) and Religious Education. The instrument used is the Law of Regulation on Drafting the Law No. 12 of 2011 on Establishment of Laws and Regulations as well as the Ministerial Regulation from the State Minister for State Apparatus Reform No.: Per/04/M.PAN/4/2007 about General Guidance on Formulation, Implementation, Work Evaluation, and Revision of Public Policy in Central and Regional Government Institutions especially in relation with the principle of public policy formulation. This study finds that the Bill on Pesantren and Religious Education is elitist and has not fulfilled the requirement of policy formulation in democratic model. And the material of the Bill on Pesantren and Religious Education as an alternative policy has not fulfilled the principle of justice and diversity as decreed in the Regulation on Drafting the Law. The writer’s recommendation is that the proposed Bill on Pesantren and Religious Education as an alternative policy needs to be cancelled. KEYWORDS: public policy, pesantren (Islamic boarding school), religious education, policy evaluation
Menghidupi Kesejatian Agama: Tawaran yang Menggugat Eksistensi Agama Sebagai Usaha Partisipatif dalam Pembangunan Indonesia Edy Syahputra Sihombing
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Agama Dalam Dunia Publik
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (471.685 KB) | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v3i2.38


ABSTRACK: Since human culture exist, religion is also exist in its variety. Religion has became the mode existence of human being. Basically the religion is the place to which gives space for humans to communicated, meet with the ultimate reality. In the development of human culture, religion is experiencing by a growing change in form and contents. Earlier, religion is a relationship between human and the ultimate reality, that overtime turned into an institutions that has systematically conceptualised doctrine in the form of dogmatic. The purpose of religion also shifted from efforts to more close eith the ultimate reality became human attempt to increase followers. Religion seem more concerned with quantity than quality. The shifts is likely to lead a conflict and violence to many people. This became a responsibility for Indonesians religions. This paper want to explain the truth of religion supposed and looking the positive influence of Indonesians religions in an influence of Indonesians religions in an attempt to build Indonesian become to nation that able to thrive religioan pluralism. KEYWORD: Religion, Paradigm, Ideology, Religious violence, Religious repentance, Indonesian development
From America to the World: Protestant Christianity's Creation of Religious Liberty Peter A. Lillback
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2015): Memperjuangkan Kebebasan Beragama
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (952.905 KB) | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v2i1.56


ABSTRACT: Half the population of the world to this day still has not experienced religious freedom. Religious persecution often still occurs at many places in the world. Research studies show that there is a direct correlation between religious freedom and economic prosperity. "Prosperity is the result of freedom, therefore the best way to improve the economic prosperity of a nation is to ensure freedom for its citizens." This article will first elaborate models of the relationship between church and state, and then explain the basic principle of the Bible regarding religious freedom. It further explains why incarceration of religious freedom or of conscience by the state is wrong, despite the reasons of protecting its citizens from false religion or from a cult. This paper will also explore religious persecution from the time of early church until the birth of Protestantism, and then speaks about the struggle and the protection of religious freedom. Furthermore this article goes into what underlies the constitutional protection of religious freedom in America, and then browse through the struggle and the protection of religious freedom as a struggle of the world. KEY WORDS: religious freedom, religious conflict, heresy, early church, Protestantism, religious freedom in the United States of America.
Misi Kristen di Indonesia: Kesaksian Kristen Protestan Benyamin Fleming Intan
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2015): Konflik Berjubah Agama
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (786.387 KB) | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v2i2.21


ABSTRACT: In this article, the writer reveals the presence and struggles of Protestant churches in Indonesia doing God's mission within world's largest Muslim population country. Firstly, the writer explains the challenges and strives of Protestant churches since the time of Dutch colonialism, Japanese colonization, until Indonesian independence which includes the Old Order and the New Order. This article also highlights Indonesian churches’ struggle of independence to release themselves from the control of Dutch government, fully leaning to Christ, as well as the strategic role of Christianity in preventing nation’s disintegration to make Indonesia one. After that, the writer then performs critical reflection on the struggles of Protestant churches in Indonesia from the perspective of Reformed theology. The writer found that the presence of Christian mission in Indonesia is far from the force of arms and economic greed. However, churches in Indonesia cannot detach themselves from various challenges and suffering in God's mission which includes Evangelical Mandate and Cultural Mandate. Therefore, while they are still entrusted by Christ, churches in Indonesia ought to perform their dutiful calling faithfully and joyfully. KEYWORDS: God's mission, witness, evangelism, protestant church in Indonesia, ideology, religion-state relation, mission's institution
Toleransi Pascakonflik di Tobelo H. Hans Panjaitan
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Agama dan Kekerasan
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (587.866 KB) | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v5i1.77


ABSTRACT: This article on "Tolerance of Interfaith Conflict in Tobelo" will measure the level of religious tolerance in Tobelo District to see the current state of religious tolerance in Tobelo. This study was conducted in the form of a survey of high school students in Tobelo District. Tobelo student's opinion can be a gauge to see the level of religious tolerance in Tobelo. The findings of this research are: high levels of interreligious tolerance in Tobelo, but based on data on integration surveys among community groups that have been involved in the conflict must still be improved to foster mutual trust among different religious groups. Therefore, the research recommendation is that local governments should continue to foster the spirit and spirit of tolerance among religious followers by, for example, building diverse communities of religions, especially within the scope of education.KEYWORDS: tolerance, conflict, religion, tolerance education, TobeloABSTRAK: Artikel "Toleransi Pascakonflik Antaragama di Tobelo" ini akan mengukur tingkat toleransi beragama di Kabupaten Tobelo untuk melihat kondisi terkini terkait tingkat toleransi beragama di Tobelo. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam bentuk survei terhadap siswa sekolah menengah atas di Kabupaten Tobelo. Pendapat siswa Tobelo dapat menjadi alat ukur untuk melihat tingkat toleransi beragama di Tobelo. Temuan penelitian ini adalah: tingkat toleransi antaragama di Tobelo tinggi, namun berdasarkan data survei integrasi antar-kelompok masyarakat yang pernah terlibat konflik itu masih harus ditingkatkan untuk menumbuhkan rasa saling percaya antar-kelompok masyarakat yang berbeda agama. Karena itu saran penelitian ini adalah pemerintah daerah sepatutnya terus menumbuhkan jiwa dan semangat toleransi di antara pemeluk agama dengan misalnya, membangun komunitas-komunitas beragam agama, khususnya dalam lingkup pendidikan.KATA-KATA KUNCI: toleransi, konflik, agama, pendidikan toleransi, Tobelo
Evaluasi terhadap Rumusan RUU Permusikan Binsar Antoni Hutabarat
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2019): Menyambut Pesta Demokrasi
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2443.863 KB) | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v6i1.107


Abstract: This article entitled "Evaluation of the Music Draft Law" focuses on the substance of the problem set out in the Music Law, and the procedural side of drafting the Draft Law as an alternative policy, namely the process of drafting a policy seen from the parties involved in its formulation (Policies Stakeholders). This policy research is a type of policy formulation evaluation research. The findings of this paper are that the Music Law, specifically related to the process of its formulation, does not involve adequate stakeholders, and the substance of the policy formulation, specifically regarding the rules of the creative process, has limited individual freedom. The drafting of the Music Law lacks proper attention to the boundaries of private space and public space. The author's recommendation is that the Music Law as an alternative public policy discussion should be stopped as an alternative public policy program. KEYWORDS: policy, public, evaluation research, music law. Abstrak:  Artikel yang berjudul “Evaluasi terhadap Rancangan Undang-Undang Permusikan” ini fokus pada substansi masalah yang dituangkan dalam RUU Permusikan, serta sisi prosedural perumusan RUU Permusikan sebagai alternatif kebijakan, yakni proses penyusunan  suatu kebijakan dilihat dari pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam perumusannya (policies stakeholders). Penelitian kebijakan ini merupakan jenis penelitian evaluasi rumusan kebijakan.  Temuan tulisan ini adalah RUU Permusikan, secara khusus terkait proses perumusannya tidak melibatkan stakeholder yang memadai, dan substansi rumusan kebijakan itu, secara khusus tentang aturan proses kreatif terindikasi telah membatasi kebebasan individu. Perumusan RUU Permusikan kurang memerhatikan batasan ruang privat dan ruang publik secara tepat. Rekomendasi penulis adalah RUU Permusikan sebagai alternatif kebijakan publik permusikan harus dihentikan pembahasannya sebagai alternatif kebijakan publik permusikan.  KATA-KATA KUNCI: kebijakan, kebijakan publik, evaluasi kebijakan,  undang-undang permusikan.
The Relationship Between Christianity and Science: A Brief Historical Study on Darwinism and the Old Princeton Theologians David Tong
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Peran Agama terhadap Kebudayaan
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (772.578 KB) | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v1i1.49


Abstract: Richard Dawkins openly declares that he is strongly against religion since religion destroys scientific works. This assumption is not something new. Since the end of the 19th century there was a development of a thesis that claims Christianity and science are two antagonistic poles. Although this thesis is now inadequate, many Christians are still holding on to this view. In realty, the development of Darwinism in the United States is also supported by Christian scientists. When we study Old Princeton theologians we find that they have different attitude about science. When they face pressure on the development of science (in this case evolution), they actually are not reticent in accepting the fact of evolution although they reject mechanistic and naturalistic interpretation of Darwinism upon those facts. Old Princeton theologians give examples on how Christian should take a stand on science. Evangelicals in Indonesia can learn a lot of from their history and tradition. KEYWORDS: Charles Hodge, Archibald Alexander Hodge, Benjamin Breckinridge Warfiled, John Gresham Machen, Old Princeton, evolution, theistic evolution, Darwinism
Koreksi Persaudaraan: Tantangan dalam Mengembangkan Hidup Bersama Andreas Maurenis Putra
Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama dan Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Mengevaluasi Kebijakan Publik
Publisher : Reformed Center for Religion and Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33550/sd.v4i2.72


ABSTRACT: Fraternal correction is an endeavor that will never end in life. In the diversity of the society, fraternal correction needs to be a pillar to achieve lifes goal of living together as expected through the idea of Augustine. With the reality of plurality, fraternal correction is expected to be one of the strongest foundations in spite of challenges such as differences in interpretation, communication and corrective aversion. It is difficult but necessary to be actualized because it is useful in building togetherness and bringing repentance. Fraternal correction is an admonition given to our neighbor to help them along the path to holiness. It is a means of spiritual progress to help us to know our defects, since these may often be hidden from us by our limitations, disguised by our self-love. It is a necessary precondition to enable us to tackle those defects with Gods help, and so improve our living. KEYWORDS: fraternal correction,

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