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Global Science Education Journal is a peer-reviewed scientific open access, with e-ISSN 2656-9191 pISSN 2656-6281 published by Sains Global Institut Indonesia. Global Science Education Journal published research articles on Education, mainly related to teaching, learning, theories and practices in education, Education Policy, Curriculum and Materials Development, Teacher Education, Technology and Media of Teaching, and other relevant activities.
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Efforts To Improve Pkn Learning Achievement In Class XII SMA Negeri 3 Ambon By Applying Two Stay-Two Stray Engineering In Learning Tahalele, A.R
Global Science Education Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Sains Global Institut

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This research is a classroom action research, which aims to improve the Learning Achievement of Civics in Class XII Students of SMA Negeri 3 Ambon By Applying the Two Stay-Two Technique. The subjects in this study were students of Class XII  of SMA Negeri 3 Ambon with a total of 32 students The procedure of implementing CAR is presented in the form of a cycle (cycle) assessment process which is expressed in a PTK spiral. The PTK spiral actually describes cycle after cycle. One cycle consists of four main components of CAR, namely: action planning, action implementation, action observation, and reflection and revision of actions. an increase in the percentage of student activity during learning and an increase in the percentage of students who have finished learning, ie in cycle I the percentage of student activity is 57.50%, increasing in cycle II to 77.50%, and in cycle III increasing to 87.50%, while the percentage of the total number of students who completed study in the first cycle was 53.13%, increased in the second cycle to 71.88%, and in the third cycle increased to 87.50%.
Application Of The Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model To Improve The Learning Outcomes Of Civic Education Of 8th Grade Students In SMPN 9 Kota Sorong Lawatta, Esterlina H.
Global Science Education Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Sains Global Institut

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This research is a classroom action research that aims to see whether there is an influence of the application of the Jigsaw cooperative learning model in an effort to improve the learning outcomes of Civics. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII-3 at SMP Negeri 9 Sorong City in the academic year 2017/2018 with a total of 30 students consisting of 13 male students and 17 female students. This CAR procedure consists of 2 cycles with 2 meetings per cycle. Each cycle consists of four stages as follows: 1) planning; 2) implementing actions; 3) observation and evaluation of actions; and 4) reflection of actions. The research data used the learning achievement test instrument, student worksheets and observation sheets. Data obtained from the results of the test, both at the beginning of the test and at the end of each cycle are processed using descriptive statistics. Statistical techniques to describe student characteristics and results are presented in the form of the highest value, lowest value, average value and frequency distribution table. The results of the study show that: (1) Quantitatively the learning outcomes of citizenship education on the concept of popular sovereignty in class VIII-3 students, SMP Negeri 9 Sorong City after the implementation of the first cycle action through the application of jigsaw cooperative learning is categorized as moderate with an average value of 47.5 with an average classical completeness of 43.34% and after the implementation of the second cycle is categorized well with an average value of 72.84 with an average classical completeness of 96.67%; (2) Qualitatively, there was a good increase from cycle I to cycle II with the percentage of permanent student attendance from 100%, the percentage of students paying attention to subject matter increased from 90% to 98.34%, the percentage of students who asked questions about material that had not understood decreased from 48.34% to 8.34%, the percentage of students working on practice questions / answering questions increased from 84.98% to 100%.
Efforts To Improve Learning Achievement Of 8th Grade Students In SMPN 9 Sorong Through The Application Of Problem Solving Type Cooperative Learning Models In Christian Religious Education Subjects Tamaela, Ellen
Global Science Education Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Sains Global Institut

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This research is a classroom action research that aims to see whether there is an influence on the application of problem solving learning models in an effort to improve PAK learning achievement. The subjects in this study were selected from students of class VIII-2 SMPN 9 Sorong City in the 2018/2019 academic year with a total of 25 students. The research procedure is a series of stages of research from beginning to end. This CAR procedure consists of 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages as follows: 1) planning; 2) implementing actions; 3) observation and evaluation of actions; and 4) reflection of actions. Research data were collected using interviews, observations, and tests. The data of this study were analyzed using data analysis techniques as follows; (1) Comparative analysis is done by comparing the results obtained in the first cycle with the second cycle and; (2) Qualitative Analysis in the form of field notes which are presented in detail and in full throughout the research process. This research is said to be successful if in learning students get a minimum of 75% of the number of students already active in the learning process and a minimum of 75% student achievement increases. The results of the study show that: (1) based on the results of research observations, it can be concluded that the application of the problem solving learning model can increase student activity during learning. This is indicated by a change in students' attitudes in learning, including the interaction and cooperation between students the better, the more students have the courage to express ideas and opinions in front of the class. The center of learning is no longer on the teacher. Students are required to actively search for information and must be able to exchange ideas; (2) based on data in the form of pre-observation values ??and after research, it can be concluded that the application of problem solving learning models can improve student learning achievement.
Optimize The Improvement Of Civic Education Learning Achievement Of 7th Grade Students In Gemah 7 Ambon Middle School Through The Applicationof Discussion And Assignment Methods Loupatty, Hermelina
Global Science Education Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Sains Global Institut

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This research is a class action research that aims to describe whether there is an increase in student achievement in citizenship education subjects through the implementation of discussion and assignment methods. The subjects in this study were students of class VII-2 SMP Gemah 9 Ambon with a total of 23 students. The research procedure is a series of stages of research from beginning to end. The PTK procedure includes 2 cycles with 2 meetings per cycle. Each cycle consists of four stages as follows: 1) planning; 2) implementing actions; 3) observation and evaluation of actions; and 4) reflection of actions. In this study the data were analyzed to determine the effectiveness of a learning method in teaching and learning activities with a qualitative descriptive approach consisting of 3 stages, namely: 1) Data reduction; 2) data presentation and presentation; and 3) drawing conclusions. This research is said to be successful if students in learning get a value of ?70 (KKM = 70) and or more with an average completeness level of 75% or more. The results of the study show that: (1) The application of the discussion method and the task of learning citizenship education in VII grade students of SMP Gemah 7 Ambon can improve student achievement as seen from the increase in learning achievement tests, namely from the first cycle of 61.6 experiencing an increase in the second cycle to 77.6; (2) The application of the discussion and task method is very effective to be used in the learning of citizenship education in VII grade students of SMP Gemah 7 Ambon in 2018/2019 in odd semester; (3) The steps of applying the discussion method and the task, namely as many as two research cycles are adjusted to the steps in the learning plan so that it can improve the learning achievement of Grade VII students of SMP Gemah 7 Ambon.
The Effect Of The Application Examples Non Examples Learning Model In Science Biology Subjects To Improve The Control Of The Concept Of 7th Grade Students In SMPN 9 Ambon Parinussa, Lona
Global Science Education Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Sains Global Institut

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This research is a classroom action research that aims to determine whether there is an influence on the application of the examples non examples learning model in an effort to improve the mastery of the concepts of VII-3 grade students of SMPN 9 Ambon in learning biology especially on microscope material. The subjects in this study were students of class VII-3, SMP Negeri 9 Ambon with a total of 28 students consisting of 15 male students and 13 female students. The research procedure is a series of stages of research from beginning to end. The CAR procedure consists of 2 cycles with 3 meetings per cycle, according to the level of the problem to be solved and the conditions to be improved. Each cycle consists of four stages as follows: 1) planning; 2) implementing actions; 3) observation and evaluation of actions; and 4) reflection of actions. The data in this study were collected through tests, observations, interviews applying the Examples Non Examples learning model, and discussions between teachers, peers and collaborators to reflect the results of the PTK cycle. The results of the study show that: (1) The model of learning examples non examples can improve the mastery of microscope material in students of class VII-3, SMP Negeri 9 Ambon; (2) Student learning outcomes for microscope material have increased from cycle I to cycle II; (3) Student learning outcomes have increased along with the increase in students' cooperative skills.
Efforts To Improve The Learning Outcomes Of Indonesian Of 7th Grade Students In SMPN 9 Sorong Through The Implementation Of The Cooperative Model Integrated Reading And Composition Sabring L, Muh.
Global Science Education Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Sains Global Institut

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This research is a classroom action research using a qualitative description analysis that aims to determine whether there is an influence of the application of the CIRC type cooperative learning model in an effort to improve student learning outcomes. The subjects in this study were students of class VII-3, SMPN 9 Sorong whose average learning achievement was lower than other class VII, with a total of 26 students. The procedure of the study was to choose a learning model that was assessed according to the material presented. The PTK procedure consists of 2 cycles with 3 meetings per cycle, according to the level of the problem to be solved and the conditions to be improved. Each cycle consists of four stages as follows: 1) planning; 2) implementing actions; 3) observation and evaluation of actions; and 4) reflection of actions. Data in this study were collected through observation and tests to find out the extent of students' mastery learning towards the material delivered using the CIRC type of cooperative learning model. The results of the study show that: (1) In using the CIRC type of cooperative learning model the teacher must also pay attention to the importance of classroom management. This is for the sake of the smooth learning process; (2) The average score of students' understanding in paying attention to problems about determining the main ideas and problems in arlikel through intense reading activities, in the first cycle of 54.8, in the second cycle increased by 69.2, while in the third cycle increased by 83, 5 is quite good. Likewise, the completion of learning in cycle I by 57.6% increased in cycle III to 65.3% and also increased in cycle III to 100%; (3) CIRC type of cooperative learning model can improve student learning outcomes and can improve students' ability to solve problems regarding basic competencies in understanding explanatory text through oral and written on Indonesian subjects in VII grade students of SMPN 9 Sorong.
Efforts To Improve Student Learning Activities Of 8th Grade Students In SMPN 18 Ambon Through The Implementation Of Think Pair Share Models In Biology Science Learning Rumahlatu, Paulina W
Global Science Education Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Sains Global Institut

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This research is a classroom action research that aims to describe whether there is an increase in the activity of learning biology after the teacher applies a think pair share learning model. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII-A SMPN 18 Ambon with 28 students consisting of 15 male students and 13 female students. The research procedure was a series of stages of research from beginning to end. The design or design in this class action research is a model developed by Stephen Kemmis and Robbin Mc Taggart .. The stages in this study there are four components, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data in the study were collected through observation sheets, student worksheets, and documentation. From the observations using observation sheets the level of student learning activeness in learning science biology before the action as much as 32% with a low category. In the first cycle the level of student learning activeness with the application of the think pair share model increased to 62.2% in the medium category and in the second cycle increased to 82.6% with a high category.
Implementation Of Coopertive Learning Strategies To Improve Learning Outcomes In Subjects Of Civic Education Main Subjects State Power Sharing System Of 10th Grade Students Accounting In SMKN Tanimbar Selatan Sabarlele, Veky Robinson
Global Science Education Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Sains Global Institut

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The purpose of this classroom action research (CAR) is to aim to find out whether there is an increase in learning outcomes in the subject of Citizenship Education students using cooperative learning strategies. This research is a classroom action research study involving 30 students of class X Accounting SMKN 2 Tanimbar Selatan consisting of 5 women and 20 men. Some of the variables investigated in this study are as follows (1) input variables which include students, lesson material, learning resources, (2) the variable process of organizing teaching and learning activities, such as teaching and learning interactions, student questioning skills, student learning methods, and (3) output variables such as student curiosity, students' ability to apply knowledge, student learning motivation, student learning outcomes, student attitudes towards learning experiences through improvement activities. There are four stages carried out in carrying out this research activity, namely: the stages of planning, implementation of actions, observation and interpretation as well as analysis and reflection. This research was conducted in two research cycles. From the results of the action in the first cycle, it was found that the average value of students was 78.67 with the highest score of 90 and the lowest value of 65 and completeness of learning only reached 77% or 23 students out of 30 students, still below the established completeness of 85% of students unfinished learning 23% or 7 students out of 30 students. Thus the next learning cycle still needs to be designed. Results in Cycle II the average value of students 81.00 with the highest value of 95 and the lowest value of 70 and completeness of learning has only reached 87% or 26 students out of 30 students, already above the mastery that has been set that is 85% of students who have not finished learning 13 % or 4 students out of 30 students. Thus there is no need to design further learning cycles. The results showed that the use of cooperative learning strategies in fact can improve learning outcomes in subjects Citizenship Education in class X Accounting for SMKN 2 Tanimbar Selatan 2018/2019
Efforts To Improve Learning Achievement of Islamic Religious Education And Character In High School Of 7th Grade Students In SMA LKMD Laha Ambon Through The Application of The Contextual Teaching Learning Model n, Basirun
Global Science Education Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Sains Global Institut

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This research is a classroom action research that aims to see whether there is an influence on the application of the CTL learning model in an effort to improve the learning achievement of PAI and character. The subjects in this study were students of class XII IPA-1, Laha Ambon High School LKMD with a total of 24 students in the 2018/2019 school year. This study uses instruments namely: (1) Teacher and student observation sheets; (2) List of students' attendance; (3) List of grades, (4) Student questionnaire sheet to determine student responses. This CAR procedure consists of 2 cycles with 2 meetings per cycle. Each cycle consists of four stages as follows: 1) planning; 2) implementing actions; 3) observation and evaluation of actions; and 4) reflection of actions. Data in this study were collected by interview and observation. This study uses a combination of qualitative data analysis techniques and quantitative data analysis techniques because some of the data obtained in the form of quantitative data. Qualitative data analysis from this research will be carried out through 3 stages, namely: Data reduction, data exposure, and inference. This research is said to be successful if students in Islamic religious education learning get a value of 70 (KKM = 70) or more with an average completeness level of 80% or more. The results of the study show that: (1) The contextual teaching learning model is very suitable for growing students' criticality in analyzing, differentiating, generalizing, and hypothesizing problems; (2) With the increase in student learning activities, student achievement shows a significant increase, namely by increasing the average value of student achievement from the first cycle of 67.1 with a level of student learning completeness of 25.0% increased to 83, 7 with the level of mastery learning students 87.5% at the end of the second cycle. The more intensive the application of the contextual teaching learning model, the more learning achievement and motivation of students increases. The more intensive in applying the contextual teaching learning model, the more the number or percentage of students experiencing mastery learning increases, if implemented consistently based on the correct cycle path.
The Effect of the Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of N.1 High School Students Stu Jehe Pakpak Bharat Regency From 2015 - 2018 Aritonang, Elsida
Global Science Education Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Sains Global Institut

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Based on the list of Mathematics grade X grade students from T.P 2015/2016 to T.P 2017/2018, there can be seen many significant and positive changes with an increase in students' mastery learning from 40.87% to 48.72% to 80.85%. In addition to increased learning completeness, the average student learning outcomes in mathematics also increased. There is a change in the involvement of students to discuss and cooperate with fellow friends in terms of solving problems given by the teacher. Changes in the activity of students to take part in learning mathematics. The seriousness of students in participating in learning has also increased. The activeness of students in answering oral questions has also increased. This is indicated by the increasing number of students who give correct answers. the activeness of students in completing homework is increasing. This is indicated by the increasing frequency of students completing homework on time. The activeness of students to appear in front of the class solving problems on the board also increased. Students begin to believe in themselves and have the ability to solve the problems given. Based on observation, the teacher has a problem where the students are very familiar with the conventional way, the teacher explains in front of the class while students listen, Building a conducive classroom atmosphere by involving students to be more active sometimes inviting a commotion in the classroom where students initially play more than learn. Building a sense of responsibility to students also becomes difficult because students' demands actually become reversed because the teacher explains a little subject matter and students are directed to further develop material insights through discussion activities and so on. The application of the 2013 curriculum also requires students to understand the implementation of the value of the knowledge acquired so that a variety of practical activities are needed as a tangible form of the implementation of students' mathematical knowledge

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