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Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil
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Core Subject : Engineering,
Ge-STRAM journal published 2 (two) times a year in March and September. This journal presents scientific articles on the results of research, scientific studies, analysis and critical review of the problems closely related to the field of civil engineering. The manuscript will be received by the editor to be assessed for the feasibility and technical substance of its writing by Bestari Partners and the Board of Editors. The editorial board is authorized to accept or reject the submitted manuscript.
Articles 181 Documents
Studi Pengaruh Temperature dan Pembuatan Beton Massa dengan Ketebalan 4 Meter (Studi Kasus : Proyek Gunawangsa Tidar Apartement Surabaya) Wardhani, Fitri Swastika; Koespiadi, Koespiadi
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.002 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v2i2.1867


Building a building with a large and large number of foundations requires a mass casting method. In mass casting work requires observation and analysis of temperature in order to find out the peak temperature and no thermal cracks occur. In this Final Project aims to determine the effect of mass concrete temperature on the raft foundation of the Surabaya Gunawangsa Tidar Aparment Project. The project has 25 types of raft foundations, but the ones with large dimensions and mass casting are pile cap 114 and pile cap 119. Mass casting is carried out in a full day so after casting it is necessary to observe the effect of concrete temperature. The effect of temperature observed was peak temperature, temperature difference, and statistical hypothesis testing. In general, the peak temperature at ijinkam is 78.20˚ C with a difference in temperature of 20˚C. Observations on pile cap 114 and pile cap 119 are safe and have no thermal cracks.
Analisis Evaluasi Kinerja Simpang Bersinyal Jl. Raya Nginden - Jl. Raya Panjang Jiwo Menggunakan PKJI 2014 Prayitno, Eko Adi; Abidin, Zainal; Huda, Miftachul
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 2, No 1: March 2019
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (433.113 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v2i1.1491


Jl. Raya Nginden - Jl. Raya Panjang Jiwo intersection is an intersection that has a high density level, especially at peak hour, it can be seen from the length of the queue. The aim of this study is to determine the intersection performance in existing conditions and the next 5 (five) years and give a recommendation for improving an intersection performance. For analyzing intersection traffic performance using Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines method (PKJI 2014). Primary data in this study are traffic volume, intersection geometric conditions, and cycle times. While secondary data in this study are population data, vehicle growth data, and traffic data from CCTV. Data retrieval in one day of weekday and one day of weekend. The results show that the degree of saturation (DJ) of existing (in 2018) on Wednesday, North approach is 1.45, South 1.35, West 0.76, East 1.49 and existing DJ on Sunday approaching North 0.80, South 0.88, West 0.69 and East 1.12. For traffic performance in the next five years (in 2023) with existing cycle and phase times, DJ on Wednesday, North approach is 2.36, South 2.20, West 1.24, East 2.43 and DJ values on Sunday, North approach is 1.30, South 1.42, West 0.95 and East 1.81. For traffic performance improving at the intersection is made an alternative with changing the cycle time and movement phase which show the results in existing DJ (2018) on Wednesday for North approach is 0.86, South 0.92, West 0.77, East 0.43 and DJ on Sunday for North approach is 0.52 , South 0.67, West 0.52 and East 0.28. For the next five years' traffic performance (in 2023), DJ on Wednesday for North approach is 1.45, South 1.67, West 1.35, East 0.91 and existing DJ on Sunday for North approach is 0.88, South 1.22, West 0.92 and East 0.60.
Analisis Kapasitas Saluran Drainase Pada Saluran Primer Medokan-Semampir Surabaya Harmani, Evy; Wiyono, Wiyono
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 1, No 1: March 2018
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (727.04 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v1i1.804


Pertumbuhan penduduk Kota Surabaya yang tinggi mengakibatkan banyak lahan dijadikan tempat tinggal atau lokasi pemukiman bagi masyarakat sehingga terjadi perubahan tata guna lahan. Lahan persawahan telah berubah menjadi pemukiman sehingga mengakibatkan lahan untuk resapan air semakin mengecil dan koefisien pengaliran semakin membesar. Daerah Medokan Semampir adalah satu kawasan yang terkena dampak dari perubahan tersebut. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka dilakukanlah studi analisis kapasitas saluran drainase di Medokan-Semampir Surabaya. Pada studi analisis ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui apakah saluran drainase Medokan-Semampir Surabaya masih bisa menampung debit air hujan yang terjadi setelah terjadi perubahan tata guna lahan yang berakibat koefisien pengaliran semakin membesar. Dengan menggunakan periode ulang hujan 1.2, 2, 5 dan 10 tahunan dan dengan cara meninjau disetiap segmen aliran untuk mengetahui koefisien pengalirannya maka didapatkan hasil pada hujan dengan periode ulang 1,2 tahun pada segmen 3, segmen 8, segmen 9 dan segmen 10 mengalami luapan. Dan dengan hujan periode ulang 2, 5 dan 10 tahun pada segmen 3, segmen 4, segmen 8, segmen 9 dan segmen 10 mengalami luapan. Saluran yang mengalami luapan tersebut bisa dilakukan pelebaran saluran atau memperdalam saluran agar kapasitas saluran bertambah dan saluran bisa berfungsi sebagai mana mestinya
Optimalisasi Profil Baja IWF Pada Konstruksi Bangunan Parkir Sepeda Motor 4 Lantai (Studi Kasus Gedung Spazio Tower 2, Surabaya) Santina, Azmi Cindi; Zuraidah, Safrin; Hastono, Budi
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 1, No 2: September 2018
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (938.983 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v1i2.1145


Keterbatasan lahan merupakan penyebab pembangunan pada saat ini dibangun vertikal, begitu pula dengan pembangunan tempat parkir sepeda motor lantai 4 gedung Spazio Tower 2 dengan menggunakan struktur baja. Namun pembangunan tersebut dirasa belum optimal, sehingga perlu direncanakan ulang pemilihan profil baja IWF yang paling optimal pada struktur portal (balok dan kolom) serta tetap dapat menahan beban-beban dalam yang terjadi.Dalam pengoptimalisasian ini perhitungan mengacu pada Spesifikasi untuk Banguna Gedung Baja Struktural (SNI 1729:2015), dan pembebanan mengacu pada Pedoman Perencanaan Pembebanan untuk Rumah dan Gedung  (PPURG 1987) serta pembebanan gempa mengacu pada Standar Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung  (SNI 1726-2002) dengan menggunankan permodelan 2D pada analisis struktur menggunakan SAP2000.Berdasarkan hasil analisis struktur dan perencanaan ulang profil baru pada struktur portal pembangunan tempat parkir sepeda motor 4 lantai dihasilkan profil IWF yang optimal untuk komponen balok memanjang menggunakan  IWF 400 x 200 x 7 x 11, komponen balok melintang  menggunakan IWF 350 x 175 x 6 x 9 dan pada kolom baik memanjang maupun melintang menggunakan IWF 350 x 350 x 10 x 16. Dengan presentase pengurangan pada dimensi sebesar 33% dari eksisting, 45,1 % pada momen nominal terfaktor dan 2,1% pada kuat tekan nominal dibandingkan kondisi eksisting.
Studi Perancangan Ruang Henti Khusus (RHK) Sepeda Motor Di Simpang Bersinyal (Studi Kasus Simpang Tugu Pecel, Simpang Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Kartini Dan Simpang Diponegoro Di Kota Madiun) Wahana Lestari, Titik Nur; Amudi, Abdiyah; Anggraeni, Ayu Roesdyning Tyas Dyah
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (152.217 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v2i2.1967


The growth of motorcycle in Indonesia increased rapidly and is the most common vehicle on the highway, especially at a crossroads in the city of Madiun. As a result, there is often an accumulation of irregular motorcycle and breaking traffic at the junction in the red phase. This is indicated by motorcycle reaching more than 30 motorcycle at the junction in the red phase. That inflic the a conflicts that affect the movement of other vehicle. Related with this problem, to reduce the occurrence of conflict, needed traffic engineering by providing facility Advance Stop Lines (ASLs) at the Signed Intersection which is intended so that vehicle can exit from Intersection regularly and reduce the accidents at the Signed Intersection. The purpose of this research is knowing the Level Of Service (LOS) and determine the desain of Advance Stop Lines (ASLs) at Signed Intersection with research area is the Tugu Pecel Intersection, Ruang Terbuka Hijau Intersetion and Diponegoro Intersection in Madiun City. The method used in this research is the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI,1997). The Level of Service (LOS) in existing condition is at Tugu Pecel Intersection is A (very good), at the RTH Kartini Intersection is E (bad) and Diponegoro Intersection is F (very bad). Design of Advance Stop Lines at the north approaching Tugu Pecel Intersection is 2 lanes with approach lanes (10,00 m × 1,00 m) and with an area of 6,75 m × 4,66 m, at the east approach of RTH Kartini Intersection is 2 lane with approach lanes (7,00 m × 1,00 m) and the area of 5,25 m ×4,66 m and the north Diponegoro Intersection are 2 aprroaching lanes with aprroac lanes (10,00 m ×1,00 m) and area 4,50 m ×4,66 m, south approach 2 lanes with approach lanes (7,00 m ×1,00 m) and area 4,50 m ×4,66 m, east approach is 2 lanes with approach lanes (9,50 m × 1,00m) and an area of 5,50 m ×4,66 m, the western approach is 2 lanes with approach lanes (7,00 m ×1,00 m) and an area 5,50 m ×4,66 m.
Kajian Risiko Kecelakaan Kerja Terhadap Manajemen Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) (Proyek Pembangunan Villa Grand Sinensis PT.Wahana Karya Wijaya) Nugroho, Doni Feby; Yakin, Kusnul; Bustamin, Maulidya Octaviani
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 1, No 2: September 2018
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (572.039 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v1i2.1210


Indonesia merupakan negara berkembang, banyak proyek konstruksi yang sedang dikerjakan. Pelaksanaan proyek tersebut sering terhambat oleh hal yang tidak diinginkan seperti kecelakaan kerja. Besarnya kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi tergantung dari jenis industri, teknologi serta upaya pengendalian risiko yang dilakukan. Secara garis besar kejadian kecelakaan kerja disebabkan oleh tindakan manusia yang tidak memenuhi keselamatan kerja dan keadaan lingkungan yang tidak aman (Suma’mur, 1984). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan rangking dan pengendalian risiko K3. Oleh sebab itu perusahaan atau jasa konstruksi perlu menerapkan progaram kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3) untuk mengurangi risiko terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Penelitian ini fokus pada kajian analisis risiko kecelakan kerja terhadap sistem manajemen K3 pada proyek konstruksi. Metode penelitian menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif dengan melakukan penyebaran kuisioner untuk mendapat tanggapan mengenai potensi bahaya atau risiko kecelakaan kerja dilapangan. Data diolah menggunakan program aplikasi komputer SPSS.16 untuk memperoleh validitas dan reliabilitas. Setelah didapat nilai validitas dan reliabilitas, data responden dilakukan Analisa risiko dengan melakukan perhitungan probability dan impact yang bersumber dari AZ/NZS 4360:2004. Hasil dari perhitungan probability dan impact yang masih dalam bentuk prosentase diskalakan kemudian dilakukan perkalian matriks untuk mengetahui variabel tersebut masuk ke dalam level risiko rendah, sedang, tinggi atau sangat tinggi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh risiko paling tinggi (very hight Risk) sebanyak 14 sub variabel dari variabel pekerja, peralatan, metode, dan lingkungan kerja. Untuk risiko tinggi (Hight Risk) sebanyak 4 sub variabel dari variabel pekerja dan metode kerja. Sedangkan untuk risiko sedang (Medium Risk) sebanyak 2 sub variabel dari variabel peralatan dan lingungan kerja. Pengendalian yang dilakukan berdasarkan sub variabel yang memiliki risiko tertinggi. Dari 20 sub variabel terdapat 14 sub variabel yang memiliki risiko tinggi. Dari beberapa metode pengendalian risiko, dipilih pengendalian secara administratif, eleminasi dan penggunaan APD.
Perencanaan Perkerasan Kaku (Rigid Pavement) Dengan Menggunakan Wiremesh Pada Ruas Jalan HOS. Cokroaminoto Dan Jalan Moch. Yamin (Tuban) Sulaiman, Kristedy Permana; Wasono, Sapto Budy
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (225.73 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v2i2.1868


Highway is one of the land transportation infrastructure which plays an important role in human life in the field of transportation. Jalan Hos. Cokroaminoto and Jalan Moch. Yamin is a national road that fights important to support the economic flow of the surrounding region and also other cities.The author will compare the calculations using two methods, namely the Bina Marga Method 2002 and the AASHTO 1993 method in order to obtain the value of pavement, besides that it also wants to see which method is more efficient and economical in terms of pavement thickness and cost.From the results of the road pavement planning used, the thickness of the pavement is according to the planned 20-year age from 2017 to the end of the year plan for 2037. Economic factors also taken into account in this analysis include the 1993 AASHTO Method.The input parameters of pavement thickness planning for the 1993 AASHTO method are traffic parameters, subgrade reaction modulus, pavement construction material, reliability, and drainage coefficient. For the Jalan Hos section. Cokroaminoto and Jalan Moch. Yamin concrete plate thickness based on the calculation of the 2002 Bina Marga method is 20 cm, while based on the 1993 AASHTO method it is 29 cm. The difference obtained is quite large, namely 9 cm. This is due to differences in the input parameters of each method. Based on the survey that has been done, the thickness of the existing concrete slab is 29 cm, the thickness is the same as the results of calculations using the AASHTO 1993 method.
Kajian Kebutuhan Air Irigasi Pada Daerah Irigasi Tawangsari, Kabupaten Jombang Ramadhani, Safira; Rosytha, Anna; Huda, Miftachul
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 2, No 1: March 2019
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.306 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v2i1.1492


Water is very important for the survival of living things in this world. Therefore there needs to be a balance between the needs and availability of water, including the need for water in agricultural areas. Water requirements in agricultural areas such as Tawangsari irrigation areas, especially paddy fields, are influenced by several factors, namely; Evapotranspiration, layer replacement, and effective rainfall. The availability of Tawangsari irrigation water from the very limited Tawangsari Dam is a major problem in the Tawangsari irrigation area. From the above problems, it is necessary to study the efficiency of water requirements in the irrigation area by analyzing effective rain, irrigation water needs and the availability of irrigation water. The analysis referred to the Irrigation Planning Criteria 01. From the results of the analysis it could be concluded that the water discharge was very sufficient and could be used to irrigate new land, while the calculation of the amount of water needs was greater than the water available in the dry season. Then from that another alternative was needed, namely by a water distribution rotation system and replacement of the water layer according to the available water so that the available water discharge could be sufficient for the needs.
Analisa Dampak Optimalisasi Waktu Terhadap Biaya Pekerjaan Struktur Pembangunan Hotel Amaris-Taman Apsari Surabaya Yakin, Kusnul; Sandi, Patrisius Valdo; Bustamin, Maulidya Octaviani
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 1, No 1: March 2018
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (392.704 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v1i1.805


Dalam kegiatan proyek konstruksi terdapat tiga hal yang menjadi faktor pengaruh terhadap keberhasilan dan kegagalan yaitu waktu, biaya dan mutu. Keberhasilan suatu proyek biasanya dilihat dari waktu penyelesaian yang tergolong singkat tanpa mengabaikan mutu hasil pekerjaan proyek. Pengelolaan proyek yang tepat dan teratur diperlukan untuk memastikan waktu, biaya, dan mutu proyek. Hal ini untuk menghindari berbagai hal yang tidak diinginkan seperti: keterlambatan penyelesaian, membengkaknya biaya, gagal mutu, dan lain sebagainya yang bisa saja berimbas pada kegagalan proyek dan munculnya biaya denda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghitung perubahan biaya dan waktu pelaksanaan proyek dengan alternatif penambahan jam kerja lembur membandingkan hasil antara normal dengan perubahan biaya sesudah penambahan jam kerja (lembur). Data-data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari kontraktor pelaksana. Analisis data menggunakan program Microsoft Project 2007 dan metode time cost trade off (TCTO). Hasil dari analisis adalah lintasan kritis dan kenaikan biaya akibat dari penambahan jam kerja (lembur) sedangkan hasil dari metode time cost trade off adalah percepatan durasi dan kenaikan biaya akibat percepatan durasi dalam setiap kegiatan yang dipercepat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa waktu dan biaya total proyek pada kondisi normal sebesar 117 hari dengan biaya Rp,56 dengan penambahan 3 jam kerja lembur didapaktan durasi crashing 98 hari dan dengan biaya sebesar Rp 8,147,282,633.64, pada penambahan 5 jam kerja lembur didapatkan durasi crashing 95 hari dan biaya sebesarRp 8.157.344.186,22.
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Vol 3, No 1: March 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jprs.v3i1.2431


The budget is an estimate of the costs to be incurred for a particular business project. Here it is discussed about the unit price of various kinds of work and materials that will be used in a construction. Because estimates are made prior to the start of construction, the costs obtained are estimated costs, not actual costs for a project later. The study was conducted on the project of SDN Kedung Cowek Baru in Surabaya there was a budget planning made by the contractor. The problem in this research is how the writer to get the value of the comparison and the difference in the budget. So this research focuses on the aim to produce a comparison of the value of the project with a planned budget using the analysis of SNI and HSPK in 2016. Data processing on the RAB calculation uses the SuperRAB software. After getting the results from the SuperRAB software, then comparing the value of the project budget between the contractor, SNI, and HSPK. Based on processing using HSPK 2016 analysis produces a value of Rp 1.788.763.474,49, an analysis of SNI 2016 produces a value of Rp.1.512.242.079,60, and a contractor analysis produces a value of Rp.764.935.498,42, If the three analysis results are compared, produces the percentage of HSPK 2016 43,99%, SNI 2016 18,82%, contractors 37,19%. The difference between the largest analysis of HSPK 2106 and the smallest analysis from the contractor is Rp. 1.023.827.976,07. The large difference in value is influenced by the unit price of materials and wages used.

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