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Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya
ISSN : 25028626     EISSN : 25494074     DOI : -
Core Subject : Art, Social,
Besaung is a scientific journal Visual Communication Design Study Program, Faculty of Government and Culture of the University of Indo Global Mandiri which includes the results of research, meetings, community service, conceptual coordination (thinking), and analytical studies in the fields of art, design and culture. Besaung is expected to be a medium for writers to publish their works, so publishing this journal can help in advancing science in the fields of art, design and culture. This journal is published twice in one year in March and September.
Articles 237 Documents
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.159 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jsdb.v1i1.43


Corporate Identity is a general overview of a medium to convey identity and inform about the positive values of a company, institution or government and private institution., The main objective of this scheme is to produce an identity design company that has its own characteristics. Sri Malay restaurant Palembang require designing new Corporate Identity to build corporate image. Through the creation of the logo on the Corporate Identity with unique simple impression and show the personality of the house eating, and then apply it in various media-related promotion.
Perancangan Infografik sebagai Media Pendukung Sosialisasi KPU ke Daerah Terpencil Putra, M. Edo Pratama
Jurnal Seni, Desain dan Budaya Vol 4, No 3
Publisher : Jurnal Seni, Desain dan Budaya

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ABSTRACT???????????The General Election was held in 2019 with the KPU as the organizer on April 17, 2019. Among the tasks of the KPU was the dissemination of General Elections to remote areas throughout Indonesia. Remote areas are the main concern of the KPU in an effort to increase election participation in 2019, because remote areas are one of the biggest contributors to the Golput number in the 2014 elections. One of the remote areas with very low participation rates is Tegal Rejo Village, Gedang Sari District, Gunung Kidul Regency. This village is located in a hilly area which is one of the disaster prone areas. Tegal Rejo village has not received socialization from the Gunung Kidul Regency KPU and many villagers are still not informed about the 2019 Presidential Election. From the problems that occur, the author finds a solution to the problem by making an "Infographic Design as a Media Supporting the Socialization of KPU to Remote Areas". As for this design contains information on Election 2019, such as the introduction of candidates in the form of profiles of each prospective president and vice president, procedures for voting, time and place of execution until the conditions become a Permanent Voters List (DPT). And the media created will be given to the KPU to be the material for dissemination to remote areas in Indonesia.Keywords : Infographics, Socialization of KPU, Remote AreasABSTRAK???????????Pada tahun 2019 Komisi Pemilihan Umum? mengadakan Pemilihan Umum berupa Pemilihan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden, yang akan dilaksanakan pada 17 April 2019. diantara tugas yang dijalankan KPU adalah berupa sosialisasi Pemilihan Umum ke daerah-daerah terpencil di seluruh Indonesia. Daerah terpencil menjadi perhatian utama KPU dalam upaya peningkatan partisipasi Pemilu pada tahun 2019, karena daerah terpencil menjadi salah satu penyumbang angka Golput terbesar di Pemilu tahun 2014. Salah satu penyebab kurangnya angka partisipasi pemilih adalah diantaranya sedikitnya pengetahuan dan informasi masyarakat tentang Pemilu di daerah-daerah terpencil Indonesia. Salah satu daerah terpencil yang tingkat partisipasinya sangat rendah adalah Desa Tegal Rejo Kecamatan Gedang Sari, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Desa ini terletak di daerah perbukitan yang menjadi salah satu daerah rawan bencana. Desa Tegal Rejo belum mendapat sosialisasi dari KPU Kabupaten Gunung Kidul dan masyarakat desa masih banyak yang tidak mendapat informasi mengenai Pemilihan Presiden 2019. Dari permasalahan yang terjadi, penulis menemukan usulan pemecahan masalah yaitu dengan membuat sebuah ?Perancangan Infografik sebagai Media Pendukung Sosialisasi KPU ke Daerah Terpencil?. Adapun pada perancangan ini berisikan tentang Informasi Pemilu 2019, seperti pengenalan calon berupa profil setiap calon peresiden dan wakil presiden, tata cara mencoblos, waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan hingga syarat-syarat menjadi Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT). Dan media yang dibuat akan diberikan kepada KPU untuk menjadi bahan sosialisasi ke daerah-daerah terpencil di Indonesia.Kata kunci : Infografik, Sosialisasi KPU, Dearah Terpencil
Transformasi Bentuk Pertunjukan Ronggeng Pasaman Grup Ganto Saroha Kecamatan Duo Koto Kabupaten Pasaman Fernando, Kurniawan; Martarosa, Martarosa; Awerman, Awerman
Jurnal Seni, Desain dan Budaya Vol 4, No 1
Publisher : Jurnal Seni, Desain dan Budaya

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AbstractThis study aims to determine the transformation of the Ronggeng Pasaman performance of the Ganto Saroha group in Duo Koto District, Pasaman Regency. Ronggeng Pasaman is a performance art consisting of pantun, joget, and music, especially in Simpang Tonang, Pasaman, West Sumatra. The form of the Ronggeng Pasaman show is combining bouncing skills while dancing to the accompaniment of violin and drum music. The show starts at night, and ends until early morning. Currently Ronggeng Pasaman has undergone a transformation, people, especially young people, are less interested and begin to leave their regional arts, so the Ronggeng Pasaman show is rarely displayed. There was anxiety from the artists themselves, then initiatives emerged to attract the attention of the people. So it formed the Ronggeng Pasaman Ganto Saroha group, with the addition of keyboard music instruments in the show. Unlike the Pasaman Ronggeng Performance in general, the Ganto Saroha group does not show male singers with female appearance, but rather singers are real women or men. This study uses qualitative methods, is analytic description, observant participants. The results showed that the transformation carried out by the artists, made the Ronggeng Pasaman performance of the Ganto Saroha group well received and in great demand by all people in Pasaman, and was fully supported by the local government.Keywords : Form Transformation, Pasaman Ronggeng Performance, Ganto Saroha GroupAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui transformasi bentuk pertunjukan Ronggeng Pasaman grup Ganto Saroha di Kecamatan Duo Koto, Kabupaten Pasaman. Ronggeng Pasaman merupakan seni pertunjukan? terdiri dari pantun, joget, dan musik, khususnya terdapat di Simpang Tonang, Pasaman, Sumatera Barat. Bentuk pertunjukan Ronggeng Pasaman adalah menggabungkan keahlian berpantun sambil menari dengan iringan musik biola dan gendang. Pertunjukan dimulai pada malam hari, dan berakhir hingga menjelang pagi. Saat ini Ronggeng Pasaman telah mengalami transformasi, masyarakat khususnya anak muda kurang meminati dan mulai meninggalkan kesenian daerahnya, sehingga pertunjukan Ronggeng Pasaman jarang ditampilkan. Terdapat keresahan dari diri seniman, kemudian muncul inisiatif untuk menarik kembali perhatian masyarakatnya. Sehingga dibentuk grup Ronggeng Pasaman Ganto Saroha, dengan penambahan instrument musik keyboard dalam pertunjukannya. Beda dengan Pertunjukan Ronggeng Pasaman? pada umumnya, grup Ganto Saroha tidak menampilkan penyanyi laki-laki berpenampilan perempuan, melainkan penyanyi adalah perempuan atau laki-laki sesungguhnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, bersifat deskripsi analitik, partisipan observan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa transformasi yang dilakukkan para seniman, membuat pertunjukan Ronggeng Pasaman grup Ganto Saroha diterima dengan baik ?dan diminati semua kalangan masyarakat Pasaman, dan? didukung penuh oleh pemerintahan setempat.Kata kunci : Transformasi Bentuk, Pertunjukan Ronggeng Pasaman, Grup Ganto Saroha
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 2, No 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (767.279 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jsdb.v2i1.241


Public Service Ads (PSAs) are ads that present social messages that are ready to raise public awareness of the goods they should have, whose conditions can be aligned and public life. This Community Service advertisement is very sociable that emphasizes the interest of the community who likes to instil awareness of the community about important social issues. The choice of design themes of Public Service Ads serves to inform the government and the public. Expected by the design of this ad more than what we want and prepare for fire hazard. Key words: Public Service Ads, Forest Fires 
Limpapeh Pada Baju Kuruang Basiba Rahmawati Rahmawati; Ahmad Akmal; Awerman Awerman
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 3, No 3

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.134 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jsdb.v3i3.491


AbstractLimpapeh or Attacus atlas is a large butterfly with a wingspan wide, which has a reddish brown color and decorated with a bit of white color. Limpapeh usialy found in houses, buildings, on trees, leaves and flowers that blooming. For the people of Minangkabau, limpapeh is the designation for Minangkabau women who have grown up and will be the responsible for maintaining the lineage of the future, based on the maternal lineage will become residents in the house. The form of limpapeh in the creation of this Artwork is such a motif that is found on kuruang basiba clothes, kuruang bsiba clothes is basically a women Minangkabau clothes, that has a characteristic on the side of the shirt called siba and kikik. The presence of limpapeh wings shape on the chest, arms and subordinate makes the clothes more interesting.Keywords : Limpapeh, Clothes Kuruang Basiba Abstrak Limpapeh atau attacus atlas merupakan kupu-kupu besar dengan  bentangan sayap yang luas, yang memiliki warna coklat kemerahan dan dihiasi sedikit warna putih. Kebiasaan limpapeh hinggap pada rumah, bangunan, pepohonan, dedaunan dan bunga yang sedang bermekaran. Bagi masyarakat minangkabau limpapeh adalah sebutan untuk  perempuan Minangkabau yang sudah beranjak dewasa yang bertanggung jawab menjaga garis keturunan berikutnya, berdasarkan garis keturunan ibu yang akan menjadi penghuni dalam rumah gadang.  Bentuk limpapeh dalam penciptaan karya ini adalah sebagai motif dari baju kuruang basiba, baju kuruang basiba merupakan pakaian perempuan Minangkabau yang mempunyai ciri khas yaitu pada bagian samping baju  terdapatnyasiba dan kikik. Bentuk sayap limpapeh yang terdapat pada bagian dada, lengan dan bawahan baju serta bentuk limpapeh yang berbentuk utuh yang berterbangan sehingga membuat baju kuruang basiba, ini lebih menarikKata kunci : Limpapeh, Baju Kuruang Basiba
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 1, No 3

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.459 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jsdb.v1i2.129


The creation of this work of art is to design furniture making family room by applying a geometric shape as an idea or a reference shape, such as squares, triangles, circles and rectangles, because of the geometric shape is a shape that tends to have properties with the times to form a line that is strong, firm, hard, simple, and modern impression which does not want the order or complex shapes.This family room furniture making use of materials such as plywood blockboard and metals such as stainless steel. Techniques used in furniture pembutan family room is a technique carpentry or often referred to as engineering work bench and using welding techniques. The tool used was semi masinal tools (hand machine) and manual. Finishing applied is finishing tacon in red, black and silver.The basic idea of making furniture geometric-shaped living room is transformed into an alternative sketch, sketch elected, and working drawings. The basic idea visualized in 3-appointed with a variety of shapes. 1) TV shelf with a rectangular shape, a length of 150 cm, width 50 cm, and a height of 55 cm. This TV stand can hold many items, such as TV, VCD player, tape recorder, a collection of CDs, books and magazines. 2) Console table with triangular shapes to form elongated leaves his desk, a length of 90 cm, 30 cm wide and 82 cm high. The function of this console table is a decorative table, filling the long side wall of the family room and a shelf decoration. 3) The clock square with angular size of 34 cm, 4.5 cm thick and wide cross-section of winder diameter of 25 cm. This wall clock functions as a time to decorate the room and placed on a wallKeywords:Geometric shape, Furniture, Family Room
Brand Identity Nagari Pariangan, Desa Terindah di Dunia Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat Muhammad Syukri Erwin; Zainal Warhat; Syafwandi Syafwandi
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 4, No 2

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ABSTRACTA city of  Pariangan is an old city in Minangkabau. A city called as the area of origin of the ancestors of the Minangkabau people that have a lot of potential both natural beauty and culture that is still exist and protected. Through the design of brand identity, the various potentials in the city of  Pariangan is  such a beautiful way that the creation of an effective promotional activities. So it can increase the number of tourists visiting both local and foreign. This will affect the economic sector of the community, either directly or indirectly. In the application of the concept that is inspired from the unique visual design  of Pariangan city.  Like the illumination motif of the ancient manuscript of Pariangan such as "Kambang Reno",  a pointed roof typically of Minangkabau, roof terraced from the old mosque  that became the pride of society and the typical stairs of Pariangan city. The color choice of yellow, brown and green to symbolize the natural cycles are some  process of planting to harvest the rice. A brand identity of Pariangan city are designed into logos and supporting media such as stationaries, sovenir and social media that synergize together into a visual unity. The Synergy between the media will affect the image formation of the Pariangan city itself to be easier to remember and recognizeable by tourists. The successfulness of this brand identity affects the cooperation of various parties to always be consistent to apply and use  this brand.Keywords: City of  Pariangan, brand identity, an old city, tourist areaABSTRAKNagari Pariangan adalah sebuah nagari tuo yang ada di Minangkabau. Nagari yang disebut sebagai daerah asal mulanya nenek moyang orang Minangkabau memiliki banyak potensi baik keelokan alam dan budayanya yang masih terjaga. Melalui perancangan brand identity, berbagai potensi yang ada di nagari Pariangan di kemas sedemikian rupa agar terciptanya sebuah kegiatan promosi yang efektif. Sehingga bisa meningkatkan jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung baik lokal maupun mancanegara. Hal ini akan berpengaruh pada sektor ekonomi masyarakat baik langsung ataupun tidak langsung. Menggunakan konsep yang terinspirasi dari bentuk visual khas nagari Pariangan. Seperti motif iluminasi naskah kuno dari nagari Pariangan yaitunya “Kambang Reno”, bantuk gonjong khas Minangkabau, atap bertingkat dari surau tua yang menjadi kebanggaan masyarakat dan jenjang khas nagari Pariangan. Pemilihan warna kuning, coklat dan hijau untuk melambangkan siklus alam dari proses menanam hingga memanen padi. Perancangan brand identity nagari Pariangan meliputi logo dan media pendukung seperti stationari, sovenir dan sosial media yang saling bersinergi membentuk sebuah kesatuan visual. Sinergi antara media akan berpengaruh kepada pembentukan image terhadap nagari Pariangan agar mudah diingat, dikenali oleh wisatawan. Keberhasilan dari brand identitiy ini berpengaruh kepada kerjasama berbagai pihak untuk selalu konsisten menggunakan brand ini.Kata kunci : Nagari Pariangan, brand identity, Nagari tuo, kawasan wisata
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 3, No 1

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South Sumatra custom homes as a cultural heritage of the community of South Sumatra containing elements of a culture that has existed since long ago. As a cultural heritage, South Sumatra custom homes should be maintained and conserved. But not the inclusion of diversity learning curriculum of South Sumatra custom homes in school especially elementary school made knowledge of South Sumatra custom homes is very A little. The existence of this drafting aims to introduce a variety of South Sumatra custom homes and as learning in schools using the medium of Puzzle Games. This design can preserve the diversity of South Sumatra custom homes through a media game, preserving in this is in terms of scholarship in the know diversity custom homes using various media. This puzzle game is a simple game that is played with the loading plug. Based on the notion of a puzzle game, then it can be inferred that this puzzle game is an educational game tool that can stimulate the child's abilities, played by way of dismantling the puzzle pieces based on pairs of couples who has been specified.               Keywords: South Sumatra custom homes, Media education, puzzle game
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 1, No 2

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Yoga is a way to achieve harmony and balance the mind. In the program Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga aims to achieve success is a natural law that is applied to the human exsperiece. Yoga is a series of principles that create what has not materialized be realized. Yoga poses made in the depiction of human life, therefore in the process of creating works of yoga poses are in though as the source of the idea of creation into a work of art. Source of inspiration in this work is a yoga pose from The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga. The findings in this creation is the incorporation of wood circles 2cm diameter and 2.3 cm in the work of art. "Yoga Pose In Kriya work" is expected to enrich the artistic creation of the circle unique wood and characteristics, arouse awareness of the audience towards the aesthetic works to absorb the meaning contained in the artwork. Keywords : Yoga Pose, wood craft
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 2, No 2

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Human beings are cultured, this is manifested because of an interaction between humans and the universe in which it is located On that basis then the diversity of cultures of ethnic groups around the world according to their mindset by learning from the environment in which they live. Culture is created by human activity. This human activity can be seen from various aspects such as marriage, ceremonies of death, art, customs and so forth. Man as a creature that creates culture is an inseparable unity, although man will die later, but what he has obtained will be passed on to his future generations. For the villagers of Seleman, death is not just a matter of the exodus of the spirit, but it is also a sacred event that becomes the entrance of man to the next. Death is not the end of the journey of human life, but it is the beginning of another life. As the beginning of a new life, it is natural to prepare all the necessities needed in a new life. The ceremony of death conducted by the community of Seleman Village Kerinci-Jambi Regency, if examined deeply, then it contains values and concepts in social science that can be used as a reference in life together and the provision of life in the future. These values include mutual cooperation, humanity, andreligion.  The value of mutual cooperation and humanity is reflected in the behavior of the people around the family who are experiencing the disaster. In this case, without being asked, every family came to express their condolences and help by sending one of their members (women) to the house of a mourning family carrying some rice. Meanwhile, the men, in addition to assisting in the preparation of burials, also prepared the woodsneededforcookinginordertosave (Festivity). Keywords : Culture, Death Ceremony, Seleman, Value, Mutual Cooperation.

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