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Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Published by Universitas Teuku Umar
ISSN : 24775258     EISSN : 2502051X     DOI : -
Core Subject : Engineering,
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi ini merupakan jurnal yang terbit setiap dua (2) tahun sekali, yaitu Bulan April dan Bulan Oktober. RuangLingkup ilmu yang dapat masuk pada jurnal ini ialah Struktur, Material, Sumber Daya Air, Manajemen dan Transportasi. Artikel yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal ini dire-view oleh para reviewer yang telah berpengalaman. Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi ini sangat membantu para pembaca dan penulis untuk mengembangkan keilmuannya.
Articles 169 Documents
Kerusakan Kerusakan Bangunan Rumah Tinggal (Studi Kasus: Gempa Aceh 2 juli 2013) Muhammad Arrie Rafshanjani Amin
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (675.021 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v4i1.588


Central Aceh Regency and Bener Meriah Regency of the Aceh Province is geologically located in the subduction of the Asian and Australian plate encounters, and is located at the end of Sumatra's fault / transform fault. This is what makes Aceh vulnerable to earthquake disaster. On July 2, 2013 a magnitude 6.1 earthquake shook the province of Aceh causing damage to buildings adjacent to the epicenter. Judging from the strength of the earthquake, this earthquake is one of the major earthquakes that hit Aceh. A research on the ratio of damaged house was conducted through a direct observation of spaciousness by taking samples of damaged houses for each category (collapsed, heavily damaged, moderately damaged, and lightly damaged) then an average is taken for each category of damage. The Result of research shows that the average ratio for collapsed houses are 96,25%, severe damage 70,08%, moderate damage 28,08% and light damage 3,87%, the average value of damage ratio is includes in the standard which established by Fema 1999. Keywords: Damage Ratio, Earthquakes, house damage category
Identifikasi Motivasi Pekerja Pada Proyek Konstruksi Di Kabupaten Aceh Barat Zakia Zakia
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (448.276 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v4i1.593


Motivation aspect becomes very important to boost the spirit and performance of the workers on construction project. This performance improvement becomes an important challenge in the construction industry in Indonesia. The concept of motivation applied in a work environment will provide support to the worker. Therefore, we need a concept of motivation that can be applied in the work environment. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the factors that affect the performance of construction workers and recommend alternative motivation of employers to construction projects in West Aceh regency. The research is based on theoretical biotechnological yoruteorical needs of Maslow's needs. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. The results of this research calculation using the help of computer program SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 16.00. validity test, reliability test, and frequency test of the analysis can be seen that bonuses and additional wages are top priority on physical needs with a total value of 135, a good safety program is a top priority on security and safety needs with a total value of 130, a good relationship with fellow workers being the top priority of social needs with a total of 123 values, being able to complete the job well becomes a top priority on reward needs with a total score of 122, setting a good work schedule a top priority on the need for identity with a total value of 115, while alternatives which can be done to identify the motivation of construction workers in Kabupatan Aceh Barat is to provide bonuses and additional wages when workers can complete the work before the target as a form of appreciation.  Keywords :Workers, motivation, SPSS
STUDI INTERSEPSI BERBAGAI KELAS UMUR KELAPA SAWIT Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Ikhsan; Meidia Refiyanni; Imun Safriana
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (644.114 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v1i1.719


Seiring dengan Meningkatnya permintaan akan bahan baku untuk pembuatan minyak dari kelapa sawit (palm oil) maka pembukaan lahan untuk perkebunan juga semakin besar, akibatnya tutupan lahan menjadi berpengaruh terhadap jumlah air yang diresap oleh tanah karena terjadinya intersepsi.   Intersepsi hujan oleh tanaman adalah proses tertahannya air hujan pada permukaan tanaman yang kemudian diuapkan kembali  ke  atmosfer  atau  diserap  oleh  tanaman  yang  bersangkutan.  Air  hujan  yang  jatuh  diatas tanaman tidak langsung sampai ke permukaan tanah untuk berubah menjadi aliran permukaan (surface run off), tetapi untuk sementara air hujan akan ditampung oleh tajuk, batang dan tanaman. Setelah tempat- tempat tersebut jenuh air, air hujan akan sampai ke permukaan tanah melalui air lolos (throughfall) dan aliran batang (stemflow). Dalam analisis keseimbangan air, intersepsi diperlakukan sebagai kehilangan air (rainfall interception loss) jenis tanaman yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah tanaman kelapa sawit. Hal ini disebabkan karena daerah sekitar banyak terdapat perkebunan kelapa sawit. Tujuan studi ini adalah mengetahui  besarnya  intersepsi  kelapa  sawit  dari  berbagai  kelas  umur.  Penelitian  dilakukan  secara langsung di lapangan pada perkebunan kelapa sawit yang terletak di PT. Scofindo Nagan Raya. Untuk mengetahui besarnya nilai intersepsi air hujan dapat dilakukan melalui pendekatan neraca volume yaitu dengan mengukur curah hujan, air lolos dan aliran batang. Hasil penelitian akan didapatkan hubungan antara curah hujan dengan intersepsi hujan berbeda pada tiap kelas umur. Luas proyeksi tajuk  dan curah hujan berpengaruh terhadap intersepsi, air lolos dan aliran batang. Hubungan ini akan membentuk persamaan regresi yang akan digunakan dalam menghitung besarnya intersepsi hujan oleh perkebunan kelapa sawit. Hasil perhitungan didapatkan intersepsi yang terjadi pada pohon kelapa sawit yang 10 tahun adalah sebesar 40,81% mm dan yang 20 tahun adalah 64,04% dari total curah hujan sebesar 225,00 mm. Perhitungan air lolos yang 10 tahun sebesar 56,62 % dan yang 20 tahun sebesar 36,25%. Perhitungan aliran batang yang 10 tahun adalah 7,17% dan yang 20 tahun sebesar 3,12%. Semakin besar curah hujan maka intersepsi semakin besar, dan semakin tua umur kelapa sawit maka intersepsi juga semakin besar.  Kata Kunci: Tanaman Kelapa sawit,  intersepsi, air lolos, aliran batang
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (511.805 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v1i1.724


Gempa  bumi  samudra hindia  2004  adalah gempa  bumi  berskala tinggi  di  bawah laut dengan magnitude Mw >  9 di kedalaman 28,6 Km terjadi pada hari minggu 26 desember 2004, gempa ini menyebabkan tsunami di sepanjang pantai barat Aceh salah satunya di Lhok Kruet kabupaten Aceh Jaya. Bencana ini memakan korban jiwa sangat besar dan kerusakan bangunan, selain itu sifat fisis pantai juga  berubah di  antaranya mundurnya  garis pantai, terjadi  penurunan tanah, adanya genangan air di bibir pantai sehingga terbentuk laguna. Informasi yang berguna untuk menjaga masyarakat selalu  waspada  terjadi tsunami  sangat penting,  seperti  dalam penelitian  ini  yang bertujuan mengetahui lama penjalaran gelombang tsunami dan tinggi maksimum gelombang tsunami di Lhok Kruet kabupaten Aceh Jaya sebagai bagian dari upaya untuk meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dan kapasitas pemerintah daerah terhadap bencana tsunami.  Data yang  digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data topografi, data batimetri, dan data gempa. Data tersebut akan di input  dalam pemodelan  numerik,  pemodelan  ini  merupakan  suatu model  dengan menggunakan rumus-rumus matematika  yang diselesaikan dengan mentransformasi objek fisik  pantai ke  dalam wilayah komputasi dan salah satu model numerik tersebut adalah program COMCOT (Cornell Multi- grid Coupled Tsunami). Hasil akhir penelitian ini berkenaan dengan pokok permasalahan dan tujuan dari penulisan ini yang merupakan penyajian dari hasil simulasi yang didasari oleh data sekunder sehingga  didapatkan  profil  penjalaran gelombang  tsunami  yang  mencakup   ETA   dan  tinggi gelombang tsunami. Hasil yang di dapat pada penelitian ini dengan ETA 28,33 menit dan ketinggian gelombang tsunami maksimum 28,76 meter. Selain itu dengan penelitian ini masyarakat lokal dan pemerintah  dapat  dipergunakan  untuk  kesiapsiagaan tsunami  dalam  mendukung   perencanaan evakuasi dan layanan peringatan dini. Kata kunci :Tsunami, COMCOT,  ETA, Evakuasi, Mitigasi bencana tsunami
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.677 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v3i2.729


The capacity and functions of the drainage has decreased due to the superficiality in drainage, such as the garbage and soil sedimentation that brought by rain water. The system of drainage networks not interconnected and defective building drainage has due the quality is not worth. This is a problem that often occurs in particular in the area of Gampong Kuta Padang, Meulaboh. Based on these conditions, it need to do research and evaluation with problems of system drainage networks in the area of study. Evaluation of existing drainage/channel condition and how public perception or the Government in doing the management of sustainable drainage systems. Evaluation results indicate there is still a channel that is not integrated with other channels, as a secondary channel that is not integrated with the primary channel, the existence of sedimentation and trash that accumulates in drainage resulting in water flow is obstructed, the drainage is wrecked because the quality of drainage are constructed does not have good quality. The results from assessment of the existing drainage conditions, the role of Government and society participation. In the event of the management of sustainable drainage system with 93 peoples of respondents, shows that participation of society and the role Government still belongs to the low with average of 3.55%. With this condition expected active participation of society and the Government in the future could increase the dissemination importance of maintaining for quality of the building infrastructure and the encouraged participation active of society cance development planning. Key Words: Drainage Function, Problems Of Drainage, The Drainage Network
Pengaruh Subtitusi Agregat Buatan (Beton Daur Ulang) Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton Normal Yusra, Andi; Opirina, Lissa
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1520.41 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v5i1.1078


The development of building construction has caused the need for construction materials to?increase. Material recycling can be an alternative because it reduces the use of natural materials. Recycled aggregate construction is environmentally friendly construction. This research uses concrete recycle and boiler crust. The recycled concrete used passed the 19.1 mm filter, while the boiler scale was used 15% of the weight of cement by passing the filter No. 200. Variation in the percentage of concrete is recycled to coarse aggregate, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% and made concrete without recycle as comparable concrete (0%). The strength of concrete is planned to be 30 MPa at 28 days. The weight of concrete without recycle (0%) is 12,430 kg, the use of 25% concrete recycle is 12,419 kg, the use of 50% recycled concrete is 12,245 kg, the use of 75% recycled concrete is 12,131 kg and the use of 100% recycled concrete is 12,106 kg. Test of the average compressive strength of concrete cylinders without the addition of recycled concrete is 30.007 MPa, 25% recycled concrete is 23.213 MPa, 50% recycled concrete is?26.799 MPa, 75% recycled concrete is 16.419 MPa and 100% recycled co ncrete is 20.382?MPa. Overall, it can be seen that the effect of using recycle concrete with the addition of boiler crust to the compressive strength of concrete has decreased to 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. The decreased in percentage is 22.664%, 10.692%, 45.283% and 32.075%. The results of the study show that the percentage of the optimum aggregates subtitution of recycle in concrete is at?50%, which is equal to 26,799 MPa. Based on SNI 03-6468-2000 concrete with the use of concrete? recycle? with? the addition? of boiler scale at the age of 28? days can? be used? for structural purposes, because the compressive strength is between 12.5 - 40 MPa. The crack pattern that occurs is of two kinds, namely the addition of recycled concrete 0%, 25%, 50% shear and at 75% and 100% in the form of a columnar axis.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.06 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v5i1.1084


The Kaye Lhon road section of Teunom Aceh Jaya Subdistrict is the main route that connects Banda Aceh City with districts in the West Coast region which is a national road with the function as the primary collector road that is passed most by various types of vehicles as a result the main roads are in sections the road is no longer able to serve the existing traffic flow properly, as long as the crossing is very prone to accidents because some road conditions are damaged. Based on the condition of the damaged road, the researchers used the PCI (Pavement Condition Index) method to see the conditions of the pavement when surveying the road with STA 191 + 000 to 193 + 00 for 2000 meters and divided into 10 sample unit segments. Each sample unit is evaluated by measuring dimensions, identifying types and levels of damage to obtain PCI values. The analysis showed that the damage was cracked by alligator cracks 50% of the total damage area of 1,067.95 m2, weathering and loose grain 30% of the total damage area of 631.42 m2, utility excavation 12% of total damage area 251.37 m2, corrugated (4) total damage area 83.40 m2, holes (potholes), 2% total damage area 52.93 m2, grooves (rutting) 1% total damage area 11.97 m2, and collapse (depression) 1% of the total damage area of 11.87 m2. The average PCI value on the Jalan Kaye Lhon section of Teunom Aceh Jaya Subdistrict in kilometer 191 to 193 is 42.30 which is categorized as Fair (fair), so it needs a serious handling from the government to mmediately make repairs before the damage becomes more severe. 
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 3, No 4 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (671.813 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v3i4.216


Identification characteristics of the slums area  need can be done for each region. the purpose of this identification to know exactly the problems that existed in the village of Panggong. Identification of problems with the review of indicators and parameters of untidiness. And then will be resulting strategy handling  for location or region that have a problems of slum. The identification in this research is performed only on the physical aspects, and observation is done directly in the field. Analysis Methods the level of untidiness and determination of the slums area is done with comprehensive analysis method. The level of untidiness and deliniasi regions of slum obtained, further analysis  is done with a matrix of issues and handling that will be done. The results identification of the characteristics of the slums area indicates that the problem most dominant  are present on the parameters irregularity of the building 75%, the road is not worthy of 61%, and waste water problems fused with the drainage environmental  of 100%. The Results from study of the problems further is done of calculation to obtain the level of untidiness Gampong Panggong obtained 59% or the level of untidiness is medium. Handling for the problem of slums area is done with zoning as a step in determine the zone of priority handling, where is a zone of priority handling problems of slums area in zone 1. Keywords: characteristics of the slums area, identification of the slums area, The level of   untidiness, handling the slums area
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v4i2.1290


Transport is the activity of moving goods from one place to another where the activities pertaining to the transportation system an important role for every region. Meulaboh City are in the growth stage due to high urbanization rate of rapid economic growth. This has implications for the needs of the population in making be increasing to any movement. Until now, the means of public transport of passengers that already exist in Meulaboh City only public transportation for students. The absence of public transport is a particular concern that needs to be analyzed the causes of the absence of mass public transportation in Meulaboh City, the analysis is based on public perception of the needs of urban public transport. To be able answering the problems of transport in The Meulaboh City, conducted research using descriptive Qualitative Methods. This method is based on qualitative methods will be used to reinforce the assumptions of the data obtained. Units are observed as how the public perception of urban transport, judging from public demand for urban transportation, thus having known the public perception, it can be formulated in a form of? Transportation system desired by the people in Meulaboh and then determined the public transport development plans carried out by SWOT analysis to collecting internal and external factors related into the public transportation system in Meulaboh City.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 3, No 4 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (210.138 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v3i4.222


Need for policies and activities such as housekeeping activities and policy development inorder to maintain the order and comfort to reduce the problems of the city in the future.Based on the context of the analysis and evaluation purposes traffic congestion costs, caused by an increase in the number of motorcycle users against traffic and transport in urban  areas, it is  first necessary  to  understand  the Vehicle  Operating  Costs (VOC) motorcycles  in  greater  depth.  In  this  reseaarches  conducted  interviews  done  with  a special kind of motorcycle scooter matic domiciled in Dormitory Military Makorem 012 / TU Alue Peunyareng  route from the hostel  to  the Central Business  District  (CBD). Analysis of the data for the calculation of the BOK is done manually and statistical analysis using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 20. Statistical analysis includes analysis of the correlation coefficient, multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination (R2), t test and F to variable bound (dependent) is traveling, and the independent variable (independent), namely fuel, engine oil, gear oil, tires, tires, servicing, spares and unexpected costs. The results were obtained magnitude maximum BOK matic scooter type motorcycle with a capacity of 150 CC, 125 CC, 115 CC, 110 CC, respectively, are the costs Rp 379.10 / km, Rp667,44 / km, Rp749,32 / km and Rp552,96 / km. While the average BOK is Rp327,34  / km, Rp365,30  / km, Rp471,80 / km and Rp332,11 / km. The factors that affect the BOK is the cost of fuel oil (BBM), the cost of engine oil, servicing fees, and the cost of spare parts, with a probability level of significance of less than 0.05 (5%). BOK Model matic scooter type motorcycle, which is Y= 104.325 + 0.006 X1 + 0,003X2 - 0,002X6 + 0,000X7. Keywords : Model, BOK, Motorcycles, Multiple Linear Regression

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