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Articles 119 Documents
Jurnal Tekno Global Vol 6, No 2

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (601.521 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jtg.v6i2.400


 In general the intersection is vulnerable to jamming because of frequent conflicts between vehicles, the second meeting of the conflict is the path of the vehicle. One of Tanjung Api-Api KM 9 Palembang is one intersection signals that are pretty solid. Research needs to be done for it to provide. The capacity of the junction (C) and volume (V) vehicles that operate on the junction parameters to find out the level of service the junction. Geometric intersection data, the volume of the vehicle, the condition of the city and the junction is analyzed using Manual Indonesia road capacity (MKJI) 1997 and Bina Marga (BM/2013) to get the capacity of the junction and the junction service levels from a year 2016-2021. The results of the analysis of the capacity of Tanjung Api-Api KM 9 Palembang at peak morning is 3365 smp/hour, at peak lunch is 3304 smp/hour and at the peak of the afternoon was 3196 smp/hour. While the road level of service (Level of Service/LOS) on Tanjung Api Api KM 9 Palembang at peak hours in the morning at Jln. Kol. H. Burlian with level of service "F" belongs to a standstill, the queue length (volume of the vehicle exceed the capacity of the flow has experienced congestion). At the Summit lunch at Jln. Kol. H. Burlian with level of service "F" belongs to a standstill, the queue length. At peak hours in the afternoon at Jln. Kol. H. Burlian "F" belongs to a standstill, the queue length. Certain management application needs to be done on each foot of the intersection of LOS his being in the critical zone, Kol. H. Burlian (Polda) to Kol. H. Burlian (KM 12) as well as vice versa.Keywords: Crossing Signals, capacity, Level of Service / LOS
Perhitungan Perkerasan Lentur Berdasarkan Metode Manual Desai Perkerasan (MDP) (Studi Kasus: Bts. Provinsi Jambi – Peninggalan) Sartika Nisumanti
Jurnal Tekno Global Vol 8, No 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.533 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jtg.v8i1.738


ABSTRACTRoad section in border area of Jambi Province - Peninggalan is Lintas Timur Sumatera street which link between provinces. So, this road is often crossed by large vehicles with heavy load and increasing traffic volume which affect on these road. Besides the relatively high volume of traffic, a vehicle load which exceeds the permitted limit causing damage to this road section.This is a problem for road user if it isnʼt immediately repaired, therefore itʼs necessary to calculate the planning of flexible pavement thickness for handling and increasing the road.This research is conducted by using secondary data from the IRMS survey method. Deflection data which carried by Falling Weight Deflectomer (FWD) from P2JN in South Sumatera Province. Furthermore, planning of pavement layer thickness by analyzing the average daily traffic (LHR) to obtain the Cummulative Equivalent Standard Axle Load (CESA) value, the age of plan is calculated for 20 years by using the road damage factor (VDF) Manual Design, determining the thickness of the added layer (overlay).Based on the result of analysis with the 2013 Road Pavement Design Manual method, the CESA4 value of 20 years is 178.213.146,32 and the CESA5 value is 569.466.311,89 , while the planned deflection value is 0,285 mm, thickness of added layer (Ho) is 5,197 cm, the correction value of thickness added layer (Fo) is 1,01563 , the thickness of corrected added layer (Ht) is 5 cm. So, the AC-WC overlay is 4 cm. The calculation result of pavement thickness design based on both design chart 3 and design chart 3A if used HRS or CTB is difficult to implement, so the proposed pavement thickness is 3A flexible pavement with AC-WC thickness is 4 cm, AC-BC 6 cm, AC base 24,5 cm, LPA Class A 30 cm.Keywords : 2013 Pavement Design Manual, Flexible Pavement Layer, Thickness of added layer.ABSTRAKRuas jalan  Bts. Prov. Jambi – Peninggalan  merupakan jalan Lintas Timur Sumatera penghubung antar Provinsi. Sehingga ruas jalan ini sering dilintasi oleh kendaraan besar bermuatan berat dan meningkatnya volume lalu lintas yang berpengaruh terhadap penurunan kualitas perkerasan pada ruas jalan tersebut.  Selain volume lalu lintas relatif tinggi, beban kendaraan  melebihi batas yang diizinkann sehingga ruas jalan ini sering terjadi kerusakan. Hal ini menjadi masalah bagi pengguna jalan jika tidak segera diperbaiki, untuk itu perlu dilakukan perhitungan perencanaan tebal perkerasan lentur untuk penanganan maupun peningkatan jalan pada ruas jalan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan data sekunder cara survey IRMS, data lendutan  dilakukan dengan alat Falling Weight Deflectomer (FWD) dari P2JN Provinsi Sumatera Selatan.  Selanjutnya perencanaan tebal lapisan perkerasan dengan cara menganalisa lalu lintas harian rata-rata (LHR) untuk mendapatkan nilai Cummulatif Equivalent Standar Axle Load (CESA), Umur Rencana dihitung setiap tahun selama 20 tahun menggunakan Faktor Perusak Jalan (VDF) Manual Design, penentuan tebal  lapis tambah (Overlay). Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan metode Manual Desain Perkerasan jalan tahun 2013 diperoleh  nilai CESA4 20 tahun sebesar 178.213.146,32 dan nilai CESA5 adalah 569.466.311,89, sedangkan nilai lendutan rencana/ijin adalah 0,285 mm, tebal lapis tambah (Ho) 5,197 cm, nilai koreksi tebal lapis tambah (Fo) 1,01563, sehingga tebal lapis tambah terkoreksi (Ht) 5 cm, jadi nilai lapis tambah  (overlay) Ac-Wc sebesar 4 cm. Hasil perhitungan desain tebal perkerasan berdasarkan kedua bagan desain 3 dan bagan desain 3A menunjukkan bahwa bagan desain 3 jika digunakan HRS atau CTB sulit untuk diimplementasikan, sehingga  tebal perkerasan yang diusulkan adalah perkerasan lentur bagan 3A dengan tebal Ac-Wc 4 cm, Ac-Bc 6 cm, Ac-Base 24,5 cm, LPA kelas A 30 cm. Kata kunci : Manual Desain Perkerasan 2013, lapis perkerasan lentur, tebal lapis tambah
Jurnal Tekno Global Vol 2, No 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1011.419 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jtg.v2i1.388


Steel construction work generally requires a maximum power that can be retained by a cross-section of the burden, so for that we need a large enough cross-section to carry the load. In an attempt to overcome this problem, created a new profile as needed, so that the use of a cross-section Walled Beams Plates Plates Full or often called Girder (Girder Plate). Fully walled plate girder is a beam with a high cross-section, so it is probably influenced by the folding wings on plate element or the element plates bend the body, so that the necessary calculations to solve the folding and buckling. To overcome this happens folding or bending, buckling calculations required lokak (local buckling) and if it is necessary, then the component mounted stiffeners (stiffener), Bearing stiffener, Intermediate stiffener, and Longitudinal stiffener. To meet the needs of the beams to support the existing load, so he found a full-walled beam size plate (Plate Girder) d = 1,400 mm high, with a weight plate size 15 mm x 1350 mm, and the wing plate size 25 mm x 500 mm of steel fy = 240 MPa. Beam stiffeners fitted pedestal (Bearing stiffener), stiffeners between (Intermediate stiffener) and longitudinal stiffeners (stiffener Longotudinal).Keywords: girder plate, local buckling, stiffener
Kajian Longsoran pada Area Lereng untuk Pengembangan Perumahan Ahmad Junaidi
Jurnal Tekno Global Vol 7, No 2

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (648.467 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jtg.v7i2.546


AbstractIn late November 2017, the Cempaka tropical cyclone which occurred in the southern coastal waters of the island of Java, resulted in high rainfall causing landslides in landfill and damage to the retaining wall of a residential area in Kasihan Sub-District, Bantul Regency.Stability analysis of retaining walls using Geo5 software with bolster stability review, shear stability, soil bearing capacity and decreases that occur with soil parameters based on CPT testing and earthquake load with acceleration values with a PGAM value of 0.5g.The results of the analysis of the existing retaining wall without seismic load obtained a rolling stability value with a safety factor 1.38. Slip field stability with safety factor 1.11. The capacity of soil bearing capacity with safety factor 0.9. Soil reduction of 43.9 mm and slope stability with safety factor 1.35. Based on the results of the analysis, the retaining wall is declared unsafe by referring to the safety factor of the Geo5 ASD software. The plan to strengthen cantiliver wall type retaining wall was modeled with Geo5 software to produce dimensions with height of 9 m and footting dimensions 6.55 m with safety factor 2.63 for rolling stability, 3.14 for slip field stability, 3.80 for soil bearing capacity and soil degradation of 75.50 mm. Based on the results of the analysis, the retaining wall is declared safe with reference to the safe number of the Geo5 ASD software.Keywords : retaining wall, static load, safety factorAbstrakPada akhir November 2017, siklon tropis Cempaka yang terjadi di perairan pesisir selatan pulau Jawa, mengakibatkan curah hujan yang tinggi menyebabkan kelongsoran pada tanah timbunan serta kerusakan pada dinding penahan tanah suatu kawasan perumahan yang berada di Kecamatan Kasihan, Kabupaten Bantul. Analisis stabilitas dinding penahan tanah menggunakan software Geo5 dengan tinjauan stabilitas guling, stabilitas geser, daya dukung tanah serta penurunan yang terjadi dengan parameter tanah berdasarkan pada pengujian CPT serta beban gempa dengan nilai percepatan dengan nilai PGAM 0.5g. Hasil analisis dinding penahan tanah eksisting tanpa beban gempa didapatkan nilai stabilitas penggulingan dengan angka aman 1,38. Stabilitas bidang gelincir dengan angka aman 1,11. Kapasitas daya dukung tanah dengan angka aman 0,9. Penurunan tanah sebesar 43,9 mm dan stabilitas lereng dengan angka aman 1,35. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut, dinding penahan tanah dinyatakan tidak aman dengan mengacu pada angka aman ASD software Geo5. Rencana perkuatan dinding penahan tanah tipe cantiliver wall di modelkan dengan software Geo5 menghasilkan dimensi dengan tinggi badan 9 m dan dimensi footting 6,55 m dengan nilai angka aman 2,63 untuk stabilitas penggulingan, 3,14 untuk stabilitas bidang gelincir, 3,80 untuk kapasitas dukung tanah dan penurunan tanah sebesar 75,50 mm. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut, dinding penahan tanah dinyatakan aman dengan mengacu pada angka aman ASD software Geo5.Kata kunci : dinding penahan tanah, beban statis, faktor aman
Jurnal Tekno Global Vol 5, No 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (707.933 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jtg.v5i1.223


This study aimed to design a concept of sustainable palm oil management that took into account economic, socio-political, and environmental aspects using the Agribusiness Partnership approach. The approach used to establish a concept was using synergic relationships between stakeholders (government, private sector and community) with considering sustainable natural resource management aspects. The result considered that the concept of agribusiness partnership in the management of oil palm plantations can be sustainable if it meets three aspects of sustainable management. From the economic point of view, it can increase community's income. Meanwhile, in terms of social welfare, it can improve through the equitable distribution of palm oil. Environmental issues can be maintained because of the synergic cooperation between government, private and community. Keywords : Sustainable palm oil, Oil Palm Cultivation, Integrated Farming Partnership  
Jurnal Tekno Global Vol 3, No 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1344.463 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jtg.v3i1.16


Sekip Bendung is one of the flood area . Some of the causes of flooding in this area is high rainfall and the unpreparedness of the area to absorb rainwater as quickly. This is because the level of development in this area is very high and the use of building materials that are not environmentally friendly.One solution to reduce the flood discharge is by making open space to both the public and private with the aim that rainwater can be absorbed into the soil. It also aims to change the paradigm of society which were initially how to keep the rain water as quickly - quickly discharged into the river becomes how to keep the rain water as quickly - quickly absorbed into the soil and also aims to preserve groundwater.With the aim of catchment areas is expected to arise from the characteristics of the open space that can be a guideline for planning - planning of open spaces in Palembang.
Jurnal Tekno Global Vol 6, No 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (670.895 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jtg.v6i1.423


Sp. Penyandingan – Pematang Panggang highway in thelastthreeyearshas arecord oftrafficaccidentsincreasedwiththe victim died. Based on the perception ofthe experts which were processedby the method ofAHP, humansare the main factorscausingaccidentswithfatalities(66.88%)., followed by the physical conditionof thesub-human factors (51.71%), geometrichorizontal(37.14%) of thesub-factor of the road, speed(60.27%) of thesub-factor of a vehicle.Withconditions of alinemenhorizontalandverticalalinemenandwitha highvolume oftraffic, theroadshaveaccident-points, from25based onsurveythe crash site,there are 5 critical points (black Spot)that need comprehensive treatment.. Based on AEK the black spot of this road are 1) Mulya Guna (Air Jernih) Km 97, 2) Muara Burnai 1 Km 105, 3) Muara Burnai 2 Km 112, 4) Tugu Jaya Km 125+4, 5)Tugu Mulya Km 136+1. The perception of experts in strategi of blackspots treatments, environment criteria is the main factor (28.63%), human (27.65%), roads (25.11%), vehicles (18:01%). Priorityalternativein strategy of blackspots treatmentsbased on the factorsthat influenced itare widening (31.40%), traffic hazard (26.69%), median(20.70%), harmonization ofroad signs andmarkings(20.61%)Keywords: blackspots, human, environment, widening.
Jurnal Tekno Global Vol 6, No 2

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (728.106 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jtg.v6i2.396


Aerial imaging using a non-metric camera that installed on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) produce Small Format Aerial Photography (SFAP). For mapping and spatial analysis, a number of digital aerial images must be processed into an orthophoto mosaic. The aims are producing three-dimensional orthophoto mosaic model of the aerial image that acquired by using UAV and producing RMSE value that has high geometric accuracy of models. The research has been done by using aerial images for two locations in Kretek District, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The first location consists of 752 pieces of aerial image covering 375 Ha of agriculture area. The second location consists of 674 pieces of aerial image covering 1,560 Ha of coastal area. Number of GCP used for orthorectification are 4 GCP for the first location and 12 GCP for the second location. The step of researches were images election based on camera position, photo alignment, point cloud production by using image matching, GCP identification, camera optimization, texture formation, and orthophoto mosaic production. After the optimization process of placement of GCP in all aerial images, the accuracy of orthophoto models are 0,46 cm of RMSE value for the first location and 1.74 cm of RMSE value for the second location. The conclusions are orthophoto products that formed by aerial images processing with GCP have a good geometric accuracy. The RMSE values of orthophoto are smaller than GSD value. But, the form of three-dimensional objects are imperfect because the image matching process was not optimal.Keywords: foto udara format kecil, ortofoto, UAV
Analisa Kelayakan Fasilitas Sarana dan Prasarana Pada Kolam Renang Baturaja Azwar Azwar
Jurnal Tekno Global Vol 7, No 2

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (515.48 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jtg.v7i2.551


Abstrack Swimming pool building is a type of building used for swimming sports.  Better the facilities available in the building, then more and more people come to visit. The purpose of this thesis research is to determine the level of feasibility of facilities at the Baturaja Swimming Pool Building based on the assessment from the community through a with questionnaire media. The standard used in the research is SNI 03-3427-1994 dan PERMENKES No.416/MEN.KES/PER/IX/1990. While the data processing system using SPSS (Sofware Statistic Program For Special Science) with multiple linear regression methods. Primary data is obtained from questionnaires as many as 80 respondents consisting of 26 questions. The results of the analysis of the Multiple Linear Regression equation data obtained  are :Y’ = 1,007 + 0,258 (X1) + 0,148 (X2) + 0,099 (X3) + 0,221 (X4) + 0,042 (X5)Variable X1, X2, and X4 which has a significant effect while variable X3and X5 which has no significant effect.  Dimana : Y = Facility Feasibility, X1 = Swimming Pool Water Conditions, X2 =  Sanitation Facilities, X3 = Swimming Pool Facilities, X4 = Building Construction, X5 = Security Facilities.Keywords : Feasibility, Facilities, Swimming Pool Abstrak Bangunan gedung kolam renang merupakan jenis bangunan yang digunakan untuk cabang olahraga renang. Semakin baik fasilitas yang tersedia pada bangunan tersebut, maka semakin banyak pula masyarakat yang datang berkunjung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat kelayakan fasilitas pada Gedung Kolam Renang Baturaja berdasarkan penilaian dari masyarakat dengan media kuesioner. Standar yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah SNI 03-3427-1994 dan PERMENKES No.416/MEN.KES/PER/IX/1990. Sedangkan sistem pengolahan data mengunakan SPSS (Sofware Statistic Program For Special Science) dengan metode Regresi Linear Berganda. Data primer diperoleh dari kuesioner sebanyak 80 responden terdiri dari 26 pertanyaan.Hasil analisa data persamaan Regresi Linear Berganda yang diperoleh adalah : Y’ = 1,007 + 0,258 (X1) + 0,148 (X2) + 0,099 (X3) + 0,221 (X4) + 0,042 (X5)Variabel X1, X2, dan X4 yang berpengaruh signifikan sedangkan variabel X3 dan X5 yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Dimana : Y = Kelayakan Fasilitas, X1 = Kondisi Air Kolam Renang, X2 = Fasilitas Sanitasi, X3 = Sarana Kolam Renang, X4 = Konstruksi Bangunan, X5 = Fasilitas Keamanan.Kata kunci : Kelayakan, Fasilitas, Kolam Renang
Jurnal Tekno Global Vol 5, No 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.336 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jtg.v5i1.384


Sanitation is one of the basic services that often get less attention. Poor sanitation conditions affect the declining quality of the environment. Kelurahan 11 Ulu - Palembang is a densely populated area located on the banks of the Musi River and heavily affected by the tides of the Musi River. The purpose of this research is to identify the existing condition of community sanitation, to make prototype of sanitation facilities in the form of MCK and septic that best suits the existing condition, calculate the estimated cost of construction, and the willingness and ability of the community to build according to the prototype Based on the analysis of the survey results, the existing condition, and the wishes of the respondents, the sanitation system in each MCK is the most suitable and with the waste handling technique using the Tripikon-S installation. The S-Tripic-installation is 3 (three) septic pipes each with different sizes concentrically installed, mounted perpendicularly. Intake PipeÆ different according to the number of residents in each home. There are 4 types of prototypes that match the conditions in this environment, ie Tripikon-S without closet, Tripikon-S with closet, wooden toil with Tripikon-S, and Stone-to-Tripokon with S-Tripic. Cost Type 1 - Tripic-S Installation (No Closet) for capacity 1 - 5 soul with ÆEstimated cost of tripikon with 10”: Rp.2.567.000, for capacity  6 – 10 people  with Æ pipe 14”: Rp.3.137.000, for cpacity  11 – 20 people with Æ Pipa 17” & 20”/asphalt thin: Rp.4.454.500. The costs for type 2 are : - Tripikon-S instalation (with Closet), for capacity 1 – 5 people with Æ Pipe 10”: Rp.2.732.000,for capacity 6 – 10 people with Æ Pipe 14”: Rp.3.302.000,for capacity 11 – 20 people with Æ Pipe 17” & 20”/asphalt drum: Rp.4.619.500. The costs for type 3 are - MCK wood with Tripikon-S instalation , with MCK made from wood (1,20 x 1,75 M): Rp. 2.000.000, added with Tripikon–S. For type 4 costs are  - - MCK made by wood with Tripikon-S installation , added with MCK made from brick stone (2 x 1,5 M); Rp. 5.200.000, with Tripikon–S installation.Key Words : Riverfront Sanitation, Tripikon – S, WC made from brick stone, Wcmade by wood

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