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Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology
ISSN : 27753425     EISSN : 26567997     DOI : 10.24071/jaot
Focus Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology (JAOT) is founded and sponsored by Sanata Dharma University School of Theology. It publishes scientific and critical thoughts in Asian Theology with Contextual and interdisciplinary approaches. Scope JAOT develops contextual theological discourses in dialogue with sociological, anthropological, comparative religion, religious studies, historical, cultural and psychological perspectives and takes the diversity of Asian societies and cultures as its context. The journal is open to scholars from all religious backgrounds.
Articles 53 Documents
Toward a Theology of Engagement a Study of Komunitas Tritunggal Mahakudus as a Field of Action Martinus Joko Lelono; Fatimah Husein; Leonard Chrysostomos Epafras
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology Vol 2, No 01 (2020): Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

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In his Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), for the Bishop, Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and the Lay Faithful on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Todays World, Pope Francis emphasized on the need to approach the young people, either to evangelize and educate them or the urgency to exercise greater leadership (Art. 106). Pope Francis encouraged the Catholic Church to regard these youth do not only as object but also the subject of evangelization. Komunitas Tritunggal Mahakudus, one kind of Catholic Charismatic Renewals in Indonesia, puts intensive programs to engage the youth in the evangelization work. With a well design programs, they achieve voluntary youth involvement. The present paper is an analysis of a negotiation process of Komunitas Tritunggal Mahakudus toward the present situation of the Catholic Church in Indonesia. From the perspective of Social Action Field theory, this analysis provides us with an insight of engaging youth in the evangelization efforts.DOI:
Theology of Independence as a Foundation of Developing Catholic Education in Indonesian Context According to Y.B. Mangunwijaya Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology Vol 1, No 02 (2019): Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/jaot.2019.010201


Education is one of the forms of the Indonesian Church's apostolate. In the context of Indonesia that fought for its independence, Y.B. Mangunwijaya affirmed the importance of theology of independence as an anthropological foundation of developing a liberating education. By using analytical descriptive method, this research focuses on finding the main ideas of YB. Mangunwijaya about theology of independence as a foundation of education and learning process at school. There are three important things found in this research. First, theology of independence is the right formula that unites Christian values and the struggle for national life. It bases on the movement of Jesus Christ that is inclusive and universal for the sake of a more human life. Second, theology of independence becomes the foundation to develop a child-centered learning to develop or liberate themselves exploratively, creatively and integrally. Third, in order to develop liberating education, teachers who love children and dare to explore with the children for optimal child development are needed. Y.B. Mangunwijaya's thoughts provide a foundation for reconstructing the vision, mission and praxis of Catholic education in Indonesia contextually for a more liberating national life.
Diocesan Bishops Intervention Towards Priests Being Involved in Partisan Politics: An Indonesian Context Rikardus Jehaut
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology Vol 2, No 02 (2020): Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/jaot.2020.020203


This article aims to analyze critically the intervention of a diocesan Bishop towards priests being involved in partisan politics in the light of can. 287 2 Code of Canon Law and various affirmations of the Churchs Magisterium, which remain relevant and actual today, with particular reference to the Indonesian context, taking into account the case of a Catholic priest who ran for office and the involvement of several priests of a certain diocese in partisan politics. The author argues that as the leader of the particular church, the diocesan bishop must protect the unity of the whole Church and as consequently, he is obliged to insist on the implementation of all ecclesiastical laws, including in connection with the prohibition on priests not to engage in partisan politics (can. 287, 2). If an individual or group of priests is found to have violated this provision, the Diocesan Bishop must intervene quickly, precisely and decisively in due time. Such an intervention can be seen as an imperative sine qua non in order to protect the identity of the priest and his mission in the world and respect the political role of the laity. The form of intervention can be a verbal warning, written warning, and some canonical sanctions. It should be noted that within the Indonesian context, the intervention like this must be taken because there can be no justification for the direct involvement of the priest in partisan politics, at least at the moment, and also its destructive effects: create tension and division among the faithful and coulddeteriorate the credibility of priests and Churchs institution.
Daughter Zions Contemporary Sibling Dalit Assertions vis--vis a Postcolonial Reading of the Book of Lamentations Dominic S. Irudayaraj
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology Vol 1, No 01 (2019): Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/jaot.2019.010104


Taking a cue from a perceptive and a widely-received work of Carleen Mandalfo (Daughter Zion Talks Back to the Prophets: A Dialogic Theology of the Book of Lamentations), the present paper aims to glean some of the salient multi-disciplinary insights of the author. The same insights are grouped around some of the salient postcolonial features that R. S. Sugirtharajah outlines, which together constitute postcolonial construal with attendant illustrations. Then, the paper shifts the spotlight on commensurate features in contemporary Dalit assertions from the Indian subcontinent in order to propose that the latter can be viewed as a meaningful, contemporary sibling of Daughter Zion. Despite the chronological and cultural distances between the Dalits and Daughter Zion of Lamentations, it is proposed here that the assertions of these two likewise siblings may profitably be appropriated by todays readers of courage and commitment in order to come to terms with the angsts and outbursts of people, particularly of those who reel under immense pain and fissure.
vanglisation sur Internet par le Tmoignage de la foi Dimas Danang Agus Widayanto
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology Vol 2, No 01 (2020): Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

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Since her existence, the Church has assumed her vocation to evangelize through various means of communication. Indeed, many Catholics today, including those in Indonesia, are committed to the proclamation of the Gospel on the internet. How can we effectively evangelize in the digital era? Does communication through the web allow an encounter with Jesus Christ? Delving on these questions, this paper talks about the use of social media platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) in Indonesia for evangelization. This study, drawing on the works of Antonio Spadaro, Renaud Laby, Guy Marchessault, Jean Ladrire and Paul Ricur, brings out the effectiveness of the reading of the testimonies of faith that encourage the Christian Internet user to read Biblical texts, so that he can experience his encounter with Jesus Christ. However, it also discovers the existence of the enclave effects on the internet that prevent the encounter with otherness to become a true encounter. Thus, this paper states that the testimonies broadcasted on the social medias favor rather evangelization ad intra than evangelization ad gentes, which limits the use of the internet to communicate our faith.DOI:
Sacred Space and Cultural Symbol: Cultural Exegesis of Japanese Church Architecture Antonius Firmansyah
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology Vol 1, No 02 (2019): Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/jaot.2019.010202


One of the many challenges of inculturation is cultural exegesis. Different cultures can have different understanding about the sacred expressed through their symbols. Church architecture is one of those symbolic expressions. Cultural symbols of church architecture can be interpreted merely as ornamental symbols of faith rather than an invitation for understanding the underlying context of religious experience within a particular culture. To avoid this, we need to find categories which can serve as methodological components for a proper cultural exegesis. This paper will attempt to apply three categories of nature, community, and cultural tradition as the standards to understand the sacrality of a cultural symbol. Through the application of these three categories into the architecture of Japanese church, we can find that cultural symbol embedded in church architecture serves more than as a bricolage expressing a symbolic identity of faith. Instead, it serves as a marker for cultural values being transformed through experiencing the sacred. Cultural symbols in church architecture is, thus, more about revealing the experience of divine transformation of a culture rather than its appropriation to the Christian faith.
Love and the Capacity to Love An Ontological Analysis of Love According to Ibn Sina and Thomas Aquinas Albertus Joni
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology Vol 2, No 02 (2020): Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/jaot.2020.020204


This paper will elaborate on the different concepts of love as offered by Thomas Aquinas and Ibn Sina; two prominent thinkers representing the Christian and Islamic tradition. Ris?lah f? al- ishq (The Treatise on Love) of Ibn Sina is comparable in terms of theological and philosophical approaches to the Aquinas treatment of love in Summa Theologiae II-IIae q.23, a.2. I argue that since Ibn Sinas ontological definition of love is related tightly to his cosmogony, then there is no rigid distinction between the love of the Pure Being and the contingent beings. Love acts as a medium of unification and perfection towards the Pure Being. The different levels of love are already determined in the contingent beings according to the principle of harmonia during the emanative process. For Aquinas, love is present only in the rational being as it is a grace of God, the Holy Spirit himself. But this similar notion of Aristotelian harmonia in Aquinas (1) would never be able to blur the wide, apparent discrepancy between God and human beings. (2) Through the model of rational love as an intellectual counsel, we can see that there is no sense of determinism on Aquinas concept of rational love.
Big Cities's Challenge to Christian Identity Leonardus Samosir
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology Vol 1, No 01 (2019): Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/jaot.2019.010105


Identity brings about positive values and demands commitment, but also potentially spreads seeds of conflict. Learning from identity as dynamically moving borders, from the phenomena multiple identity, and from discovering the meaning of religion, it is suggested, that Christianity views the so-called shaded-in area or convergent area as a place for mutual enrichment, deepening Christianity as orientation, bringing about solidarity, and learning from another views to face the complex reality of the world.
Towards an Interreligious Ecotheological Leadership Paradigm to Overcome the Ecological Crisis Aluysius Budi Purnomo
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology Vol 2, No 01 (2020): Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

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An increasingly complex ecological crisis due to misperceptions, wrong perspective and behaviour in managing the environment requires an interreligious ecotheological leadership paradigm to evaluate and change it. However, there is no conceptualization of such leadership. This paper elaborates my personal praxis in involving to maintain the integrity of creation and the environment preservation to construct a paradigm of an interreligious ecotheological leadership in overcoming the ecological crisis. The praxis with the interreligious activists in three places namely Kendeng, Gedongsongo and Tambakrejo (Central Java) became a starting point of this reflection. Starting with an overview of environmental problems, an interreligious ecotheological praxis is performed. Then, I propose the interreligious ecotheological leadership as a new paradigm to evaluate misperception, wrong perspective and behaviour in order to overcoming ecological crisis. I also offer the six characteristics of an interreligious ecotheological leader based on my interreligious ecotheological praxis and some purposive literature. All is discussed and reflected in the lens of the interreligious ecotheology as a part of contextual theology based on the personal praxis supported by the available literature and the Catholic Social Teaching, especially the Laudato
Transfersal Transformation: From Personal Analysis to Social Analysis According to Calvin and Ricoeur John C. Simon
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology Vol 1, No 02 (2019): Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/jaot.2019.010203


Two figures who live in different ages, Calvin and Ricoeur, have built their thinking by way of an experience of repentance or self-renewal. It is this experience what so-called as personal analysis. Calvin, with his experience of "sudden conversion (subita conversio)", was moved to undertake a better world transformation as the stage of God's glory. Ricoeur, with his concept of self-consciousness", emancipated the open subject aimed at social emancipation. Their experiences are individual in character, but it isnt closed, conversely opened and forwarded out to others through relationships with others in the context of living together. Its goal is a social analysis through the transformation of a good and just life. The shifting process from personal analysis to social analysis, I name it as a transfersal transformation, namely, a change in the private realm that is forwarded to the public sphere with a call to live a good and fair life together.In Asia, the shift from personal analysis to social analysis (transfersal transformation) is important for Asian theology to be contextual and design a good and just society.