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Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam
ISSN : 2541402X     EISSN : 28510197     DOI : -
Ar-Rihlah Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam diterbitkan untuk memacu kreativitas dan pengembangan Pendidikan Islam secara berkelanjutan. Dewan Redaksi menerima tulisan dari berbagai kelompok yang memiliki perhatian terhadap pendidikan terutama pendidikan Islam yang membahas isu-isu atau studi yang relevan Islam yang inovatif dan memberi pelajaran bagi upaya pengembangan Pendidikan Islam. Teknik cakupan naskah menggunakan acuan yang terlampir. Redaksi berhak mengubah susunan kalimat naskah tanpa mengubah substansinya. Isi tulisan penuh menjadi tanggung jawab penulis.
Articles 96 Documents
Students’ Responses to The Use Of Information Technology (IT) In The English teaching-Learning at SMK Ma’arif 5 Gombong Alek Andika
Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM IAINU Kebumen

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The aimsof this research areto describe students’ responses and to know the substantive theoriesthat can be formulated from the reality of students’responses to the use of Information Technology (IT) in the English teaching-learning at SMK Ma’arif 5 Gombong. Type of research is a qualitative naturalistic with subjects X and XI grade students. The subjects of the research are students from multimedia, office administration, accounting and automotive study program of SMK Ma’arif 5 Gombong in academic year 2017/2018which consists of 30 students.The data were obtained from students directly in the class by using an open questionnaire. Data analysis techniques inthis researchcarried outbycategorical analysisand descriptiveanalysis.The results showed that there were 141students’responses which were divided into two major group consisted of 77 students’ positive responses and64 students’ negative responses. These all responses were broken down into 22 categories. Based on the descriptive data analysis, there were 5 prominent of students’ responses toward the use of IT in the English teaching learning. They were 3 positive responses in relation to process, method and material. Then, there were 2 negative responses in relation to physics and attitude. There were also obtained 5 substantive theories to the use of IT in the English teaching learning. They were 3 positivesubstantive theorieswhich explained that IT gave the effectiveness and efficiency, IT couldmake easier in getting English materialand IT couldimprove student’s learning outcomes. Then, there were 2 negative substantive theorieswhich explained that IT was able to cause a noisy learning process and IT made anuncomfortable learning processif IT was not prepared properly. On the basis of the results of this research showedthatthere were many advantages of the use of IT more than its disadvantages. Therefore, itcan be suggested for English teachersto use IT in their teaching-learning process
Empowerment of Housewife in Planting and Use Of Family Medicine Plants (Toga) Oky Ristya Trisnawati
Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM IAINU Kebumen

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Utilization of natural materials that have the potential as medicine in the yard of people's housesmotivated by a correct understanding of herbal medicine or medicinal plants family (TOGA) which is commonly known as a living pharmacy. However, knowledge and the knowledge of the Kaliwungu Village community about family medicinal plants (TOGA) is still less, so that people are less able to utilize their home yards for farming cultivating medicinal plants. Implementation of socialization and provision of training Utilization and cultivation of family medicinal plants (TOGA) is one of the ways effective and doable to preserve culture to cultivate and use medicinal plants. This research activity was carried out with a purpose to: (1) provide scientific knowledge about the types and efficacy of TOGA to housewives in Kaliwungu Village, (2) providing knowledge about procedures planting TOGA for housewives in Kaliwungu Village, and (3) giving knowledge to process TOGA for housewives in Kaliwungu Village. Activity research in Kaliwungu Village, Klirong District, Kebumen Regency was conducted for 2 (two) days, namely Monday, December 24 2018 and Sunday, December 23December 2018 using lecture, demonstration and discussion methods. The implementation of this research activity can be described through 3 (three) stages of activity, namely preparation, implementation and evaluation. The real results obtained after the implementation this family medicine cultivation training program (TOGA) is knowledge enhancement the people of Kaliwungu Village in particular are housewives from RT 01 RW 04 and RT 02 RW 04 regarding types, benefits, methods of processing or utilization and methods of planting TOGA.
Management of Extracuricular Activities of Scouts in Improving The Quality Of Students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 4 Kebumen Tursini Tursini
Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM IAINU Kebumen

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This research is based on the importance of scout extracurricular activities in improve the quality of students. In this regard, this study aims to find out the management of scout extracurricular activities in improving quality students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 4 Kebumen. This research is qualitative research. Collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation, and data validity using triangulation, and data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This research produce the following conclusions. (1) Extracurricular Activity Planning Scouting in Improving the Quality of Students at MTs Negeri 4 Kebumen was carried out at the start of each new school year. Planning is carried out by the principal, deputy head student section of the school, vice principal of the curriculum section, activity coordinator extracurriculars, and mentor teachers. (2) Implementation of extracurricular activities at MTs Negeri 4 Kebumen is grouped into two, namely, compulsory extracurricular and elective extracurriculars. Compulsory extracurriculars are extra activities that must be attended by all grade 7 and grade 8 students. While extracurricular options include: volleyball, football, qiraah, drum band, and music arts. Extracurricular activities run every day the day after the completion of teaching and learning activities. The extracurricular activities are running smoothly, according to the schedule that has been prepared. (3) Evaluation of extracurricular activities in MTs Negeri 4 Kebumen is held every three months. Things that are evaluated include targets that have been set, such as the champion target the school wants to achieve, the number of meetings that must be fulfilled in one semester, student participation in extracurricular activities and the results of learning extracurricular activities. (4) Quality / quality of learners after holding the management of extracurricular activities at MTs Negeri 4 Kebumen relatively good and increasing. Judging from the ongoing educational process smoothly and got many non-academic achievements.
The Effect of Principal Leadership, Pedagogic Competence, and Work Motivation on the Performance of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Teachers in Purworejo Regency Sumidah Sumidah
Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM IAINU Kebumen

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This research is based on the problem of unsatisfactory teacher performance.In connection with this, this study aims to determine the effect principal leadership, pedagogic competence, and work motivation on performance Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) teachers in Purworejo District. This research is correlational quantitative research. The population in this study were all teachers MTs in Purworejo Regency, while the research sample is the teacher of MTs N 1 Purworejo: 44 people, teachers at MTs An Nawawi Berjan Purworejo: 40 people, and teachers at MTs Al Iman Bulus Purworejo: 58 people. Data collection using a questionnaire, and data analysis using simple regression analysis techniques and multiple regression. This research produces conclusion as follows. (1) Principal leadership has a positive influence andsignificantly to the performance of MTs teachers in Purworejo Regency, as evidenced by the value Sig = 0.00 < α = 0.05. The value of tcount = 9.262, p = 0.000, and the correlation coefficient (r2) = 0.380 or contribute by 38.0%. (2) Pedagogic competence has a positive and significant effect on The performance of MTs teachers in Purworejo Regency is evident from the Sig = 0.00 < α = 0.05. As for value tcount = 11.490, p = 0.000, and the correlation coefficient (r2) = 0.485 or a contribution of 48.5%. (3) Work Motivation has a positive and significant effect on MTs Teacher Performance in Purworejo Regency, as evidenced by the value of Sig = 0.00 < α = 0.05. The value of tcount = 10.622, p = 0.000, and the correlation coefficient (r2) = 0.446 or a contribution of 44.6%. (4) Leadership Principals, Pedagogic Competence, and Work Motivation together have an influence positive and significant impact on MTs Teacher Performance in Purworejo Regency, as evidenced by the scores Sig = 0.00 < α = 0.05. The value of Fcount = 58.621, p = 0.000, and the correlation coefficient (R2) = 0.560or contribute 56.0%
Aqidah Akhlak Learning Method at MTsN Triwarno, Kutowinangun District, Kebumen Regency Eliyanto Eliyanto; Maskub Maskub
Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM IAINU Kebumen

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This study aims to determine the learning method of aqidah morals at MTsN Triwarno, Kutowinangun District, Kebumen Regency. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation. This research concludes that: (1) The method used in learning aqidah morals at MTs N Triwarno, Kutowinangun District, Regency Kebumen includes lecture methods, question and answer, reading, giving assignments, writing, group work, and uswatun jasanah (exemplary); (2) Results of the methods which is used in learning aqidah morals at MTs N Triwarno District Kutowinangun Kebumen Regency is effective and relevant in its implementation. Thing This can be proven and seen from various sides, among others, can be seen from the level good learning completeness, this is indicated by the results of students' daily tests and grades satisfactory student report cards.
Madrasah Leadership in Improving Teacher Performance in MTs Imam Puro Kutoarjo, Purworejo Samrowi Samrowi
Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM IAINU Kebumen

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This research is based on the problem of unsatisfactory teacher performance. In relation with regard to this study aims to determine the leadership of the madrasa head in improving teacher performance at MTs Imam Puro Kutoarjo, Purworejo Regency. This research using qualitative research that focuses on natural and empirical phenomena analyzed using scientific logic thinking. The data collection techniques on this research was obtained through observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation. Data analysis done by data reduction, data presentation, and data verification then formulate conclusions of the results of research conducted. There are three findings in this study, namely: (1) executive power of the head leadership Madrasas have been proven to produce products, the vision and mission of Madrasas have been implemented properly well, although still on a small scale, to achieve the teacher's performance criteria and objectives This education requires the cooperation and role of the madrasa head, growing develop the characteristics of madrasas with a 5S culture in madrasas and teachers carrying out their duties and responsibilities professionally, has a good personality and can be a role model students, have a high social and societal spirit; (2) legislative power the leadership of the madrasa head as law maker in improving teacher performance in MTs Imam Puro Kutoarjo is proven by fostering and managing community relations between schools; become an agent of change, actively make changes, seek new breakthroughs, mobilizing its members for the advancement of madrasas; able to enforce laws, regulations, and madrasa policy as an effort to improve school quality; preparation of school policies, apply the principle of participation and interaction between policy makers, policy implementers, and stakeholders and carried out by taking into account management functions; (3) decision-making power of the madrasah leadership as a policy maker and achievement of goals that have been set together and role models or central figures who are all his actions, attitudes, deeds, and words set an example for the teachers he leads
Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : IAINU Kebumen

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Penelitian ini didasari oleh pentingnya manajemen pembelajaran PAI dalam membentuk peserta didik yang berakhlakul karimah. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) menganalisis tentang perencanaan pembelajaran PAI atau materi yang akan diajarkan dan proses yang akan dilalui dalam PAI di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Karangjambu Kecamatan Karangjambu Kabupaten Purbalingga; 2) menganalisis pelaksanaan pembelajaran terkait siswa dalam kegiatan dan hasil selama pembelajaran PAI di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Karangjambu Kecamatan Karangjambu Kabupaten Purbalingga; 3) menganalisis evaluasi pembelajaran terkait penilaian hasil atau evaluasi hasil belajar PAI di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Karangjambu Kecamatan Karangjambu Kabupaten Purbalingga. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi, dan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi, dan teknik analisis data meliputi pegumpulandata, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Guru sebelum mengajar telah menyiapkan seperangkat administrasi pembelajaran yaitu RPP, Silabus, Program Tahunan, Program Semester, Pemetaan SK dan KD KTSP, KKM KTSP, Jurnal Mengajar, Analisis SK dan KD KTSP, Catatan Perkembangan Siswa, Agenda Guru PAI, Absen Siswa dan Buku kumpulan Soal-Soal; 2) Guru dalam kegiatan proses pembelajaran PAI sesuai RPP yaitu melaksanakan kegiatan pendahuluan, kegiatan inti, dan kegiatan penutup; 3) Hasil pembelajaran PAI telah maksimal memenuhi KKM 70. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa keberhasilan guru dalam pembelajaran PAI dikarenakan adanya kerjasama stakeholder (kepala sekolah, guru, tenaga perpustakaan dan tenaga administrasi), sehingga pembelajaran PAI sangat mudah memperoleh hasil pembelajaran yang memuaskan karena terpenuhinya sarana dan prasarana sekolah yang memadai.
Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : IAINU Kebumen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (51.473 KB) | DOI: 10.33507/ar-rihlah.v4i1.125


Tradisi sedekah bumi legenanan merupakan sebuah tradisi yang dimiliki olehmasyarakat hingga sekarang ini masih mempertahankan dan masih rutinmelaksanakan tradisi sedekah bumi legenanan untuk setiap tahunnya. Tujuanpenelitian: (1) Mengetahui prosesi pelaksanaan tradisi sedekah bumi legenanan di(2) Mengetahui makna simbolik yang terdapat dalam pelaksanaan tradisi sedekahbumi legenanan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Tradisi sedekahbumi legenanan dilaksanakan setiap setahun Desa Balorejo. Tradisi tersebutmenunjukkan akar dari tradisi agraris dan tetap dilestarikan oleh masyarakatsetempat. Makna simbolik yang terdapat dalam pelaksanaan tradisi sedekah bumilegenanan yaitu sebagai bentuk rasa bersyukur kepada Allah swt dan memohonkepada Allah swt agar diberi keselamatan, kesehatan, keberkahan, rejeki yangmelimpah, bumi yang dipijak agar tetap utuh tidak runtuh, tidak ada bencanaapapun yang melanda Desa Balorejo dan masyarakat Desa Balorejo menjadimasyarakat yang makmur sejahtera. Makna simbolik yang mengandung nilai-nilaibudaya ini oleh masyarakat dijadikan sebagai pedoman hidup yang sudahmengakar dalam masyarakat.
Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : IAINU Kebumen

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Penelitian ini didasari oleh pentingnya prestasi peserta didik. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, kinerja guru, dan media pembelajaran terhadap prestasi peserta didik di SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru dan peserta didik SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo, sedangkan sampel penelitian adalah sejumlah 66 orang guru dan 66 orang peserta didik SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, dan analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis regresi sederhana dan regresi ganda. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan sebagai berikut. (1) Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah memiliki pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap Prestasi Peserta Didik di SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo, terbukti dari nilai Sig = 0,387 > α = 0,05. Adapun nilai koefisien korelasi (r2) = 0,012 atau hanya berkontribusi sebesar 1,2%. (2) Kinerja Guru memiliki pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap Prestasi Peserta Didik di SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo, terbukti dari nilai Sig = 0,429 > α = 0,05. Adapun nilai koefisien korelasi (r2) = 0,010 atau hanya berkontribusi sebesar 1,0%. (3) Media Pembelajaran memiliki pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap Prestasi Peserta Didik di SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo, terbukti dari nilai Sig = 0,136 > α = 0,05. Adapun nilai koefisien korelasi (r2) = 0,034 atau hanya berkontribusi sebesar 3,4%. (4) Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah, Kinerja Guru, dan Media Pembelajaran secara bersama-sama memiliki pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap Prestasi Peserta Didik di SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo, terbukti dari nilai Sig = 0,201 > α = 0,05. Adapun nilai koefisien korelasi (R2) = 0,071 atau hanya berkontribusi sebesar 7,1%.
Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : IAINU Kebumen

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Article is about a new concept of character education mabadi khaira ummah (MKU). The concept tries to integrate concept of character education with unique concept mabadi khaira ummah (MKU). The aim is to develop an unique concept based on socio-cultural Indonesia having Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in Islamic prespective. This new concept rests on concepts and values khaira ummah, ummatan wasathan, and rahmatan lil ‘alamin. Its orientation is building noble character personal individually and socially for our students with the dimensions of living in the world at now and the hereafter

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