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Riayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan
ISSN : 2538049x     EISSN : 25486446     DOI :'ayah
Core Subject : Education,
Riayah Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan which is published by Post Pascasarjana IAIN Metro Lampung. The accepted papers are the scientific which are the outcomes of either research or thoughts that never be published in other medias. The Journal Ri’ayah publishes works and relevanced issue refers to Social and Religious Journal in some studies such as: Social Phenomenon, Conflict of Religion, Social Violance, Harmony of Prularism, Multikulturalism, Religous Education, Social Culture, Social Studies, Humaniora, and the others. It is published for the readers both regional and global. The Ri’ayah is published into two volumes a year ( June and December). As the peer-review of Indonesian Journal, we accept scientific works on islamic studies which are writen both in English and Indonesia. Feel free to send the papers through
Articles 138 Documents
Fatwa Sesat Syiah dan Legitimasi Kekerasan Wildan Imaduddin Muhammad
Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 2 No 01 (2017): Agama dan Kekerasan Sosial
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Metro

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Abstract Recently, Shi’a-Sunni’s controversy in Indonesia increase dramatically as occurring as geo-political clash in the Middle East, particularly between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The culmination of Indonesian Shi’a’s conflict is assigned by expulsion several communities from their home and village. Afterward, that’s discrimination is legitimated by the book of MUI entitled Mengenal dan Mewaspadai Penyimpangan Syi’ah di Indonesia. This article aims to review the book’s contents by using linguistic philosophy in form of Stephen Toulmin’s theory of argumentation. Stephen Toulmin is professor of Linguistic Philosophy Studies at Cambridge University. He develops six concepts for examine argumentation namely data, claim, warrants, backing, qualifier and rebuttal. Dialectically, its six concepts is related each other to form an argumentation. A good argumentation, as Toulmin’s opinion, is arranged from factual and objective data, supported by strong warrants and backing, truthful qualifier, and can defend from rebuttal. As one of result, this research shows that the correlation between data and claim in MUI’s book categorized as unilateral fact that produces negative issues and impacts to discriminative action for Shi’a community. Keywords: Indonesian Shi’a, Stephen Toulmin, Theory of Argument Abstrak Perdebatan mengenai Syiah di Indonesia meningkat seiring dengan meruncingnya kontestasi geopolitik di Timur Tengah, khususnya yang diwakili oleh Saudi Arabia dan Iran. Konflik Syiah di Indonesia mencapai puncaknya ditandai dengan pengusiran sebagian kelompok Syiah dari tempat tinggal dan kampung halamannya. Perbuatan diskriminatif atas komunitas Syiah itu kemudian mendapatkan legitimasi dengan terbit dan beredarnya buku atas nama MUI pusat yang berjudul Mengenal dan Mewaspadai Penyimpangan Syi’ah di Indonesia. Artikel ini hendak meninjau ulang bangunan wacana dalam buku tersebut dengan perspektif filsafat linguistik, tepatnya menggunakan teori argumentasi yang digagas oleh Stephen Toulmin. Sebuah wacana argumentatif dapat disebut baik, menurut Toulmin, apabila data yang disajikan merupakan fakta bersifat objektif yang didukung oleh warrant dan backing yang kuat, jujur atas qualifier, serta dapat mempertahankan diri dari rebuttal. Salah satu kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa korelasi antara data dan claim dalam buku MUI tentang Syiah dikategorikan sebagai fakta sepihak yang melahirkan isu negatif dan dapat berimplikasi pada sikap diskriminatif terhadap komunitas syiah. Kata Kunci: Syiah Indonesia, Stephen Toulmin, Teori Argumentasi.
Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 4 No 02 (2019): Mainstreaming The Moderate Islam In The Globalization Era
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Metro

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Character problems are increasingly diverse that is evidenced by the increasing violence and criminal acts on children, pornography, drug abuse and other deviant acts. Integrated Islamic Primary School as one of the three types of elementary school institutions is expected to an alternative solution. This research focused on the analysis of ideas on character education at an Integrated Islamic Elementary School. This qualitative field research employed a phenomenological approach. The data were collected from the documents at the school, interview with the founders, and observation to triangulate the data. This research argued that the idea was to answer the needs of the local community, especially the upper middle class. The main purpose of education is to develop the potential of students' nature towards creating a generation with courageous and character leaders based on the Koran and the Sunnah. The 7 characters were instilled as a hallmark of character education at the school. These characters are adopted from Hassan Al-Banna's thought in "Tarbiyah's mission." This point confirmed Hasan’s contention. However, there is a slight difference in terms of nationalism, namely that the school run a 5 pillar government program on character education (PPK) in implementing the school's vision and mission.
Pendidikan Islam Dan Politik Abdul Mujib; Yuyun Yunita
Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 3 No 01 (2018): Agama dan Politik
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Metro

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Education is a fundamental part of human need which must be fulfilled by every human being. Education is part of the political problem as the management of people's affairs) based on the ideology of the state. Based on a fundamental understanding, the politics of education of a country is determined by the ideology of the country. It is this factor that determines the character and typology of the society it establishes. Thus, the politics of education can be understood as an educational strategy designed by the state in an effort to create the quality of human resources) which is aspired. Similarly with Islam; will build a society in accordance with ideological ideals. The model of society it creates will of course be different from the society formed by the State ideology system. Through this observation of the ideological characteristics, the educational system traces that take place will be easily understood. The secular-capitalist education system gave birth to a secular education strategy so that in turn it would create a typology of a secular-capitalist society. Similarly, socialism and Islamic education system.
Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 1 No 02 (2016): Pendidikan Islam dan Dakwah
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Metro

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This article explains the importance of human resource potential as a driving force in a organiasi or bureaucracy. The study was conducted with the literature study with reference to a number of previous studies and related literature. From the study represent the importance of human resources in an organization, institution, or bureaucracy. Primarily in a bureaucratic public sector can be used as a reference for building a strong bureaucracy. Civil Administrative State was instrumental as planners, implementers and supervisors holding general duty of government and national development through the implementation of policies and a professional public service, free from political interference, as well as clean of corruption, collusion, and nepotism in the contribution of performance and service support improving the competitiveness of the Indonesian nation. The quality of human resources (HR) is basically determined not only by mastering science and technology, but also the spiritual-mental toughness in creating the human resource potential
Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 3 No 02 (2018): Agama dan Kepemimpinan
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Metro

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The problem facing the madrasa today, is that there are still very fundamental internal problems, in all the education system, especially the management system and a low work ethic, the quality and quantity of inadequate Educators, ineffective curricula, and physical facilities and facilities that are still not enough. Because these factors make the madrasa receive less response from the community, so that its existence becomes marginalized from the world of education. Although many problems arise from the implementation of the Islamic education system in the madrasa as mentioned above, there are several Islamic education institutions (madrasas) in South Lampung that it turns out that it can be considered superior and able to compete with other advanced school institutions - even some of the madrassas are much in demand by the public even though they are private, namely MTs Mathla'ul Anwar Cintamulya, MTs. Hidayatul Mubtadii Jati Agung and MTs. Al Ishlah Sukadamai Natar. Research in three madrasa institutions, this study produced several findings, namely, that first, Educator resource development is based on self-evaluation and needs analysis, program preparation, program implementation; Conduct implementation evaluation; Achievement target; and Orientation of resource development Educators for madrasas. Second, the Educator HR development strategy starts from the "buy" (recruitment) and "make" (coaching / development) process. Third, the form of activities in the context of educating / developing HR Educators is carried out correctly and systematically according to quality standards. Likewise with the development of educational resources (employees) carried out by: planning, training and development, assessment of the percentage of work, employee reward / career planning. The HR development strategy of employees is almost the same as Educators, which starts from the process of "buy" (recruitment) and "make" (coaching / development), which is then carried out correctly and systematically in accordance with quality standards. can be achieved if HR (Educators and Education staff) are optimized through reliable management.
Kajian Hermeneutika dalam Ilmu Al-Qur’an Andi Warisno
Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 4 No 01 (2019): Moderasi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Metro

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This article attempts to show that hermeneutics as an approach in understanding the Qur‟an has been available in Ulum al-Qur‟an (the science of the Qur‟an). Hermeneutics is the art of interpreting the text. It is a theory imported from the West and has been implemented mostly to interpret the Bible. Many scholars who implemented this approach to investigate the Bible showed that Bible is no longer original and many alteration have been made to it. Thus, how could this approach be implemented to understand the Qur‟an? Will it reduce the divinity of the Qur‟an? This article shows that In fact if we look at the meaning of the hermeneutics as stated above, the procedural aspects in understanding the Qur‟an have been available in ulumul Qur‟an. The science of the Qur‟an has proven that the Qur‟an is sacred and divine. It is revealed from God to Muhammad through Jibril. Thus, there is no question of putting the Qur‟an less divine if we implement hermeneutical approach. It is just a matter of the term which previously unrecognised, but the practice has been implemented in ulum al-Qur‟an long ago.
Tradisi Tahlilan Upaya Menyambung Silaturahmi Andi Warisno
Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 2 No 02 (2017): Agama dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Metro

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Indonesia is a unitary State of diversity. Indonesia consists of a wide range of cultures, regional languages, races, ethnic groups, religions and beliefs, etc. However, Indonesia is able to unify the various diversity in accordance with the slogan of the Indonesian nation "Bhineka Tunggal Ika", which means different but still one. Unity and unity was realized thanks to the strong defense of indigenous culture of the nation of Indonesia. Culture that has long been inherent in the body of the Indoseia a lot in the form of traditions that continue to be maintained. Tradition is something that has been done for a long time and become part of the life of a community group which is one of the real manifestation of the spirit of unity of Indonesian society. In life with the surrounding community, people recognize various experiences, customs, traditions or cultures. From these experiences and traditions people realize that as human beings can not live alone, but need others and must help each other. And this is where the function of tradition, custom or culture as adhesive between citizens as well as efforts to maintain harmony among / interns of religious communities. Every society has its own social system and cultural system that distinguishes it from other societies. Society has a number of traditions or customs that are still carried out in certain events or specific circumstances and also passed on to the next generation. The tradition is viewed by the society is still functional and as a religious ritual that is worthy of worship even social and in accordance with the demands of the environment where people live. One of the local wisdom or traditions that is still maintained and persisted to the present day in society is the "Tahlilan tradition".
Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 1 No 02 (2016): Pendidikan Islam dan Dakwah
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Metro

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This research generally aims to get brief description of teachers’ understanding aboutnstudents and its implication in learning process. Specifically, the purpose of this research are to get description about: 1) teachers understanding about students and its defferences among variables, 2) the implementation of high touch unsure in learning process according to teachers’ and students and defferences among them, 3) the contribution of teachers, understanding about student toward high touch applied in learning process and, the different response between teachers and students about high touch implementation. This research is conducted by descriptive quantitative method. The population is all teachers and students at senior high school in Padang. Samples are taken by using stratified cluster random sampling technique. The percentage, correlation and t test. The results of this research reveal that: 1) everall, teachers understanding is in middle category, so is with the implementation toward learning process, 2) five observable variables about the nature of man are valid and can be used to explain teachers’ understanding about the nature of man as laten variable, and six observable variables about high touch implementation as implication of teachers’ understanding about student in learning process. Therefore, teachers understanding about student has positive and significant correlation with implementation of teachers’ understanding about nature of man toward learning process trough high touch implementation, and 3) teachers’ opinion about high touch implementation as implication of teachers’ understanding toward learning process differ significantly with students’ opinion. In general, teachers’ opinion score is higher compared with student’s opinion score
Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 3 No 02 (2018): Agama dan Kepemimpinan
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Metro

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Hajj experiences fluidity when interpreted by Bugis, which has implications for meaningful symbolic aspects, tends to be mystical and contemplative. For the Bugis, the pilgrimage is a symbol of the transformation of one's selfhood, where hajj means reaching the highest position that a person can attain. Using hajj attributes is a necessity. Attributes such as hajj clothing are highly valued because they have been blessed through the mappatoppo ritual. Aside from being a symbol of Hajj graduation, mappatoppo is also believed to be a condition of hajj perfection which is related to the ability to use the title of hajj and the appropriateness of wearing hajj clothing. The use of hajj clothing must be carried out at public events, if not, it is considered to be an insult to the status of the study. On the contrary, wearing hajj clothing by people who are not public pilgrimage is considered to be a person who has no shame (to de 'gaga siri'na), and undoubtedly will be sanctioned in the form of reproach and exclusion in social interaction.
Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 1 No 01 (2016): Pendidikan Islam dan MEA
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Metro

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The experience model approach, social media, and individual approach called success when; firstly, the lecturers have ability to present their material more variative and interesting because it is integrated with character, through the implementation of inquiry model, social model, and individual model. In applying the Tri Darma’s values of University the lecturers can set the material better. Secondly, exciting presentations are able to decrease the discrepancy relationship among lecturers and learners. Thirdly, lecturers can make contact with other better institutions both profit and non profit to make link between campus and employment which are the real life in society.

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