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Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara
ISSN : -     EISSN : 26857650     DOI : 10.33366
Core Subject : Social,
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara (JKN) merupakan jurnal ilmu komunikasi yang diterbitkan oleh Unitri Press Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara menerima tulisan yang belum pernah diterbitkan dalam bentuk naskah hasil penelitian atau kajian teori dan konsep.. Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara (JKN) fokus pada artikel-artikel yang berisi penelitian dan pemikiran kontemporer dalam bidang Ilmu Komunikasi dalam berbagai perspektif.
Articles 67 Documents
Kajian Communibiology dalam Komunikasi Keluarga untuk Mendukung Perawatan Penderita Gagal Ginjal Kronis Putra Fajar, Dewanto; Illahi, Azizun Kurnia
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 3 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v3i1.68


Chronic kidney failure is a degenerative disease that causes the sufferer to experience not only physiological and psychological disorders but also social problems. Interestingly, the social problems experienced by sufferers of chronic kidney failure are likely to increase the physiological and psychological disorders of the sufferer. Therefore, communication to build support for people with chronic kidney failure has a big role to play in increasing self-confidence in people with chronic kidney failure, which indirectly reduces the appearance of physiological and psychological disorders in sufferers of chronic kidney failure. This study seeks to comprehensively describe the aspects of communibiology in the communication process to provide moral support to sufferers of chronic kidney failure. This research is qualitative research using a case study methodological approach and literature review. The literature review is used to provide a detailed explanation of the communibiological processes in individuals and is used to strengthen the researchers' analysis of the observed phenomena. This study provides a big picture that communibiology processes play an important role in the communication processes carried out by families with chronic kidney failure to provide moral support to sufferers, as well as by people with chronic kidney failure to families who provide support, and when sufferers build trust. themselves when facing their social environment. Researchers concluded that moral and spiritual support through family communication has a positive role for chronic kidney failure sufferers to continue treatment and build self-confidence in their social environment. Keywords: family communication; interpersonal communication; communibiology; chronic kidney failure
Kajian Media Terhadap Pemberitaan Proses Legislasi Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja Buchori, Masad Masrur
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 3 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v3i1.70


The agenda setting of Mass Media in Indonesia, which tends to be pro towards the presence of the Job Creation Law, is considered not an actual articulation of the public interest (receiver) which it should represent. Theory, research, and even digital surveys involving the mass media as news subjects (channels) assess that the mass media are trapped in insignificant, normative news and do not accommodate counter opinions in an objective and balanced manner. The public then uses new media, especially social media, to mobilize a movement against the Job Creation Law, or to broadly mobilize pro-democracy forces through this movement. Although social media is not a mass media that applies measurable journalistic principles, social media offers digitization, convergence, interactivity, and development of network, which are considered more effective in articulating the true public interest in political communication towards the government as the messenger (sender). Keywords: government; job creation law; mass media; social media
Manajemen Komunikasi Pelestarian Budaya Seni Tari Pada Sanggar “Potre Koneng” Kabupaten Sumenep Fauzuna , Hafidlatul
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 3 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v3i1.71


Today, the art of dance is being destroyed so that it requires preservation effort, in order to maintain its sustainability in the midst of society. This is what the Potre Koneng dance studio in Sumenep Regency is doing, namely by managing good communication so that efforts to preserve the art of dance take place well. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The result showed that the communication management carried out in the Potre Koneng dance studio used an adult communication model which was analogous to the "Russian Matouschka dolls", which consisted of self doll, interpersonal doll, people-in-system doll, and competence doll components. Self doll was done in the form of contact, involvement and intimacy. Interpersonal doll was done in the form of empathy, supportive attitude, positive attitude, and an equality. The people-in-system doll was depicted by messing with the humanistic design between the Potre Koneng dance studio and the community. Meanwhile, competence doll covers all layers or sizes of the previous doll. The obstacles in communication management at the Pore Koneng dance studio are the noise during practice and the existence of suspicious prejudices. Keywords: communication management; dance art; cultural preservation
Kesetaraan Gender dalam Konstruksi Media Sosial Widodo, Wicha Rizky Sakti Mashito; Nurudin; Widiya Yutanti
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 3 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v3i1.73


Patriarchy results in gender inequality in the social environment. This makes women and men have roles, status and even emotional levels that tend to discriminate. So that researchers are interested in analyzing and criticizing gender inequality in Indonesia through campaigns carried out by the @lawanpatriarki and @lakilakibaru Instagram accounts, where the two accounts have different backgrounds but have one goal. This research uses a qualitative approach with a critical paradigm and an interpretive type. As for the data collection methods used are screenshots of posts on gender equality content and captions on Instagram accounts @lawanpatriarki and @lakilakibaru, notes, journals, books, and articles on the website or the internet. This data collection is used to obtain information regarding the messages that the two accounts convey in the 'Free from Sexual Violence' campaign posts. Then, the data is processed using a discourse analysis text study of Sara Mills. From The research conducted shows that the differences in the background of two accounts have the same goal, namely to voice gender equality which applies to all parties, both men, women and others. Everyone has the right to feel free from sexual violence, especially from the shackles of a patriarchy culture. This is because the patriarchy culture is not only detrimental to women but also men. Keywords: social media construction; gender equality; instagram; rape
Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Kae Thai Tea Dalam Meningkatkan Brand Awareness Noti, Fetnisari Babang; Widodo, Herru Prasetya; Setiamandani, Emei Dwinanarhati
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 3 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v3i1.76


The current business competition is so tight that there are many similar competitors. This is where a brand awareness strategy is needed so that the business being run can still compete. This study aims to determine the strategies used by Kae Thai Tea in increasing this brand awareness. In this study, a qualitative research method was used through observation, documentation and semi-structured interviews with informants who were determined through positive sampling. From the research carried out, it can be concluded that in carrying out a marketing communication strategy to increase brand awareness, this goal can be achieved by implementing a well-organized strategy in accordance with the wishes of the businessman. As for several supporting factors, namely the elements of marketing communication and brand elements by having a concept that is quite affordable. The presence of several inhibiting factors will not make the marketed brand worse but will become stronger in the face of competition. Keywords: communication; marketing communication; brand awareness
Shared Experienced of ‘Love Myself’ Tagline Among BTS Fans Evelyn Eugenia Vetrix; Cendera Rizky Anugrah Bangun
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 4 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v4i1.89


‘Love Myself’ word is a campaign organized by BTS and in collaboration with UNICEF to voice the anti-violence movement to children and young adults worldwide to feel safe, happy, and get the attention they deserve. The Love Myself campaign is done so that more people can love themselves and share the love with others. This research aims to find out the experience and meaning of BTS fans about the word love myself. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive research properties and interpretive paradigms. The method used is Husserl’s phenomenological method to find out the experience and meaning felt by BTS fans. The data analysis technique used is a phenomenological data analysis technique. In this study, data were obtained from in-depth interviews with six participants. This study showed that BTS fans interpreted the word love myself as a way to respect yourself and become a person who understands oneself better. In addition, the underlying experience of the meaning of the word love myself is the sense of insecurity that BTS fans have because of their physical appearance. Abstrak ‘Love Myself’(mencintai diri sendiri) adalah kampanye yang diselenggarakan oleh BTS dan bekerja sama dengan UNICEF untuk menyuarakan gerakan anti-kekerasan kepada anak-anak dan dewasa muda di seluruh dunia, sehingga mereka dapat merasa aman, bahagia, dan mendapatkan perhatian yang layak mereka dapatkan. Kampanye Love Myself dilakukan agar semakin banyak orang yang bisa mencintai diri sendiri dan berbagi cinta dengan sesama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengalaman dan makna dari penggemar BTS tentang kata love yourself. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan sifat penelitian deskriptif dan paradigma interpretif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode fenomenologis Husserl untuk dapat mengetahui pengalaman dan makna yang dirasakan oleh penggemar BTS. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis data fenomenologis. Dalam penelitian ini, data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara mendalam pada enam partisipan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggemar BTS memaknai kata mencintai diri sendiri sebagai cara untuk menghargai diri sendiri dan menjadi orang yang lebih memahami diri sendiri. Selain itu, pengalaman yang mendasari makna kata Love Yourself adalah rasa tidak aman yang dimiliki para penggemar BTS karena penampilan fisik mereka.
Analisis Framing Media Online dalam Pemberitaan Menteri Sosial Republik Indonesia, Tri Rismaharini Listya Anindita; Leo Randika; Riska Y. Imilda; Yanti Widayanti; Dedeh Fardiah
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 4 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v4i1.90


Mass media has become the main source of information for the public to find out the latest and actual news. Through the mass media, various forms of freedom are shown to voice various statements and opinions. This is where the media plays a strong role in bringing up interesting issues for the audience, including in the process of framing a news story. There is no doubt that the framing of the news relates to public figures who are often the targets. This research focuses on the online media when framing news about the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini in the December 2021 period. Of course, it aims to see how far is framing the news and packaging news about Tri Rismaharani for public consumption. This research is also supported by using qualitative research methods, constructivist paradigms, and framing analysis. This result of framing analysis on this study indicate how the media constructs and conveys news by format and narrative. In the same event, when viewed from the packaging from one news to another, this frame depends on the interests of a media so that it shows the media's construction of a reality. This news is then formed with a frame through the selection of emphasis on an issue. Abstrak Media massa telah menjadi sumber informasi utama bagi masyarakat untuk mengetahui berita terbaru dan teraktual. Melalui media massa berbagai wujud kebebasan ditampilkan untuk menyuarakan berbagai pernyataan dan pendapat. Di sinilah media berperan kuat untuk memunculkan isu-isu menarik bagi khalayak termasuk dalam proses framing sebuah berita. Tak ayal framing pemberitaan berkenaan dengan tokoh publik yang kerap kali menjadi sasaran. Penelitian ini salah satunya, fokus pada media online saat membingkai pemberitaan mengenai Menteri Sosial (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini di periode Desember 2021. Tentu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana membingkai dan mengemas pemberitaan tentang Tri Rismaharani untuk konsumsi publik. Penelitian ini didukung dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, paradigma konstruktivis, serta analisis framing. Hasil analisis framing pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bagaimana media mengkonstruksi dan menyampaikan berita dengan format dan narasinya. Dalam suatu peristiwa yang sama, bila dilihat dari pengemasan dari berita satu ke berita lainnya frame ini tergantung pada kepentingan suatu media sehingga memperlihatkan konstruksi media atas suatu realitas. Berita ini lalu dibentuk dengan frame melalui seleksi penekanan terhadap sebuah isu.
Makna Tasamuh pada Fungsi Ganda Media Sosial bagi Pemain Sepakbola Liga Inggris Muhammad Fauzy Emqi; Herru Prasetya Widodo; M. Abdul Ghofur
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 4 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v4i1.94


Social media has a dual function for several parties that are involved in the world of social media in their daily lives. In its use, social media has dual functions, where it is could become the supporter system and also an obstacle to the occurrence of a social phenomenon. Including in the case of racism that has recently occurred in the English football league, which has led to a boycotting some social media platforms as an action to demand firmness from the platform regarding the racism that pervades within. Therefore, the existence of Tasamuh is needed to implement a fair game. Including in the world of football itself where there is the term Fair Play which supports the existence of tasamuh in it. Fair Play or fair play is applied thoroughly both outside and inside a match as well as in the use of social media. Abstrak Media sosial memiliki fungsi ganda bagi beberapa pihak yang di dalam kesehariannya berkecimpung dalam dunia media sosial. Dalam penggunaannya, media sosial mempunyai fungsi ganda, dimana ia adalah suatu pendukung dan juga penghambat akan terjadinya suatu gejala dalam fenomena sosial. Termasuk dalam kasus rasisme yang akhir-akhir ini terjadi didalam lingkungan sepak bola Inggris, yang mana menyebabkan terjadinya aksi boikot terhadap platform-platform media sosial sebagai aksi untuk menuntut suatu ketegasan dari pihak platform akan adanya rasisme yang menjalar didalamnya. Oleh karena itu adanya Tasamuh diperlukan untuk menerapkan suatu permainan yang adil. Termasuk pula dalam dunia sepak bola itu sendiri dimana terdapat istilah Fair Play yang mendukung adanya tasamuh didalamnya. Fair Play diterapkan secara menyeluruh baik diluar maupun didalam suatu pertandingan juga dalam penggunaan media sosial.
Komunikasi Pemasaran sebagai Upaya Rebuilding Image Pizza Hut Restoran di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Nur Iksan; Imaddudin; Fadli M. Athalarik
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 4 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v4i1.95


The Covid-19 pandemic has made the F&B (food and beverage) sector also spin its brains to defend itself from market share. In addition, the concept changes with policies that must be adapted to the competition in the middle of the market. The purpose of this study was to determine the promotion strategy used in rebuilding the image of Pizza Hut during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is descriptive qualitative, with data collection methods by observation, interviews and documentation which is processed by the data from reducing data to explaining based on findings and correlation of concepts and theories used. The results of the study describe the use of the 7P marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence) in a promotional strategy that supports the rebuilding of Pizza Hut's image, with a focus on approach to people and products. People who will continue to communicate directly with consumers, and the product becomes a Pizza Hut signature that should not be left behind. The concept of picking up consumers, promotions by lowering prices and other processes that support Pizza Hut promotions. So that the original image as a family restaurant with dining at the place is now closer to consumers and affordable prices for all levels of society and can be achieved not only in related restaurants but can be found in various strategic places while still showing the characteristics of Pizza Hut itself. Abstrak Kondisi Pandemi Covid-19 menjadikan sektor F&B (food and beverage) juga berputar otak untuk tetap mempertahankan dari pangsa pasar. Selain itu, perubahan konsep dengan kebijakan yang harus di adaptasi berdampak pada perebutan pasar ditengah persaingan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui strategi promosi yang digunakan dalam rebuilding image Pizza Hut di masa pandemic Covid-19. Penelitian ini secara kualitatif deskriptif, dengan metode pengumpulan data secara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi yang diolah data-data tersebut dari mereduksi data hingga memaparkan berdasarkan temuan dan korelasi konsep dan teori yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan penggunaan bauran pemasaran 7P (product, price, place, promotion, people, process dan physical evidence) dalam strategi promosi yang menunjang rebuilding image Pizza Hut, memfokuskan pendekatannya pada people dan produk. People yang akan mengkomunikasikan langsung kepada konsumen, dan produk tetap menjadi signature Pizza Hut yang tidak boleh ditinggalkan. Konsep jemput konsumen, promosi dengan banting harga serta proses lain yang mendukung promosi Pizza Hut. Sehingga image semula sebagai family restaurant with dining at the place kini menjadi lebih dekat dengan konsumen dan harga yang terjangkau bagi semua lapisan masyarakat serta bisa dijangkau bukan hanya di resto terkait namun bisa ditemukan diberbagai tempat strategis dengan tetap menunjukkan ciri khas dari Pizza Hut itu sendiri.
Perilaku Komunikasi Komunitas Kpopers Palangka Raya dalam Loyalitas pada Idola Tirra Nugrahani Dewi; Nurudin
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 4 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v4i1.97


The Kpopers community is a separate communication behavior for young people in the midst of social life, because its unique lifestyle makes this community exist and be known in Palangka Raya City. Some of the ways that this community does to exist is by imitating the way they dress and covering dance movements of their idol boy groups and girl groups, as well as K-Pop music fans who experience technological advances that can facilitate the spread of popular culture, causing consumptive behavior on matters related to his idol. This study aims to determine the motives of members to join the Kpopers community in Palangka Raya, the meaning of Korean Pop (Kpop) for members of the Palangka Raya Kpopers community and the communication experiences of members of the Kpopers community in Palangka Raya. A qualitative approach is used in this research. Data collection is carried out through in-depth interviews, observation and study of documentation and literature. Communication is carried out through various activities, including festival events and publications. The message, which is designed in such a way as to be channeled through various media, is a strategic step to introduce and share the latest information on their idols so that they are widely known by the public so that efforts to increase their idol branding and promotion can take place continuously. Abstrak Komunitas Kpopers merupakan perilaku komunikasi tersendiri bagi kaum muda di tengah kehidupan sosial, karena gaya hidupnya yang unik membuat komunitas ini eksis dan dikenal di Kota Palangka Raya. Beberapa cara yang dilakukan komunitas ini untuk tetap eksis adalah dengan meniru cara mereka berpakaian dan meliput gerakan dance boy group idola dan girl group mereka, serta para penggemar musik K-Pop yang mengalami kemajuan teknologi yang dapat memfasilitasi penyebaran budaya populer, menyebabkan perilaku konsumtif pada hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan idolanya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui motivasi anggota bergabung dalam komunitas Kpopers Palangkaraya, apa makna musik K-pop (Kpop) bagi anggota komunitas Kpopers Palangkaraya, dan pengalaman komunikasi anggota komunitas Kpopers Palangkaraya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, penelitian kepustakaan, dan penelitian kepustakaan. Komunikasi dilakukan melalui berbagai acara, termasuk festival dan publikasi. Informasi yang dirancang untuk disebarluaskan melalui berbagai media merupakan langkah strategis untuk menyajikan dan berbagi informasi terbaru tentang idola agar publik dapat mengetahuinya secara luas, guna berupaya meningkatkan brand mereka. Promosi dapat dilakukan secara berkelanjutan.