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Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
ISSN : 25024825     EISSN : 25029495     DOI : 10.30604/jika
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan (JIKA), with registered number ISSN 2502-4825 (Print) and ISSN 2502-9495 (Online), is an international peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (June and December) by Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu (UAP) Lampung. JIKA is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on Health Science field especially Nursing and Midwifery, as well as with their development through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. The submission process of the manuscript is open throughout the year. All submitted manuscripts will go through the blind peer review and editorial review before being granted with acceptance for publication.
Articles 952 Documents
Family characteristics as risk factors of stunting among children age 12-59 month Khairani, Nurul; Effendi, Santoso Ujang
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 4, No 2 (2019): December
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (135.791 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v4i2.188


Stunting in children (low height for age) increases morbidity  and  mortality rate. It can lead  to poor intelligence and  productivity, and degenerative diseases. The objective  of this research was to investigate the associations of  family characteristics with stunting in  children aged 12-59 months  who visited  the integrated health posts in Ratu Samban District, Bengkulu City.  The hypothesis of  this research was there were associations of family characteristics with stunting in children  aged 12-59 months who visited the integrated health posts in Ratu Samban District, Bengkulu City. This research was conducted in June, 2017. The type of the research was Analytical Survey and the design was Cross Sectional. The subject was mothers  of  children  aged 12-59 months who visited the  integrated health posts in Ratu Samban District, Bengkulu City. The sampling technique was Accidental Sampling and the sample number was 102 mothers. The data were collected by questionnaires and anthropometric assessment. Chi-Square test was used to assess the associations of  family characteristics with stunting. The result showed that  of 102 mothers, 32 mothers (31,37 percent) had  stunted children. Family characteristics (maternal height (p=0.257), maternal education (p=0.455), paternal education (p=0.250), total of family member (p=0.245), and income of family head (p=0.320) were  not associated  with stunting and maternal knowledge (p=0.003) was associated  with stunting. The researchers suggest to the community health center and the integrated health post can conduct nutrition education, and especially about stunting more intensively to increase the knowledge of productive woman, pregnant woman, and mother of children.
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Diare Pada Balita Meliyanti, Fera
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 1, No 2 (2016): December
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (58.211 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v1i2.15


Diarrhea still often cause a remarkable event with the number of patients that a lot in a short time. In OKU District, diarrhea is still the fifth largest disease, one of which is Saung Naga Village to the number of visits diarrhea in infants in 2013 there were 159 (18.8%). This study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of diarrhea in infants. The research method using cross sectional approach. The population is all mothers with infants residing in Saung Naga Village as much as 843 mothers with a sample of 159 mothers. Sampling techniques with simple random sampling. The research location in Saung Naga Village UPTD Puskesmas Tanjung Baturaja Barat conducted in February to April 2014. Data were analyzed using Chi Square. The survey results revealed no correlation between health information with the incidence of diarrhea (p-value 0.001). There is a way of feeding correlation with the incidence of diarrhea (p-value 0.001). There is a correlation between the availability of latrines (p-value 0.001). There is a correlation between the provision of clean water to the incidence of diarrhea (p-value 0.001).Keywords: diarrhea, toddlers, health information.
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Stres Kerja Pada Petugas Pemadam Kebakaran Kompi C di Kota Padang Permatasari, Putri; Hendra, H
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 3, No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (74.848 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v3i2.64


Stress is actually a form of response to a person, both physically and mentally, to a change in the environment that felt annoying and cause self in danger. One of the professions that have a very high risk of exposure to stress is a firefighters. This study was conducted in Fire department South Padang in May-June 2016. Study sample as many as 116 respondents. In this study, analysis performed descriptive analyzes to look at the picture of the frequency distribution of each variable both dependent and independent variables, including: work stress, workload, a routine work, work environment, interpersonal relations with a boss, interpersonal relations with colleagues, promotion (the increase in the level of office), salary, a role in the organization, family problems, economic issues and type of personality. While the bivariate analysis aims to see whether the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable and observed differences in the frequency value. Based on the results study, firefighters who experienced job stress as much as 29,3 percent. While the variables that have an association with job stress events such as workload (p value 0,020), a routine work (p value 0,033), and promotion (the increase in the level of office) (p value 0,024). There are some suggestions that can of work stress in firefighters by held a relaxation activities and conduct spiritual cleansing.
Awarding Support Becomes a Dominant Factor in the Election of Family Planning in the Long-Term Contraception Method in Kampung KB Ningsih, Dewi Ayu; Firdawati, Firdawati; Satria, Pom Harry
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 4, No 1 (2019): June
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (34.666 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v4i1.185


Indonesia’s Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is currently in the high category. One effort to reduce MMR is through family planning program. The family planning program contributes in reducing 32% all of maternal mortality by increasing the coverage of LARC users whose achievements are currently only 17.45%. One of the biggest influences on the escalation of LARC users is psychosocial support from the environment. The objective of this study analyzed the relationship between emotion, informational, instrumental, and appraisal supports from the environment with the LARC use in the Kampung KB. The research used an observational analytic design with a cross-sectional approach to 100 respondents that acceptor KB. Statistic analysis used the chi-square and logistic regression. The results of this study showed that the emotional, instrumental and appraisal support were associated with LARC use, based on the p values of 0.028, 0.019 and 0,001, respectively. Appraisal support became the dominant factor in choosing LARC in Kampung KB with an odds ratio (OR) 5,000. It meant that a woman who got appraisal support from the environment have 5,000 times higher to have an opportunity to use LARC than the woman who did not get the appraisal support.ABSTRAKAngka Kematian Ibu (AKI) Indonesia saat ini masih dalam kategori tinggi. Salah satu strategi menurunkan AKI adalah program KB. Program KB berkontribusi dalam menurunkan 32% dari seluruh kematian ibu dengan cara meningkatkan cakupan pengguna KB MKJP yang saat ini capaiannya hanya 17,45%. Peningkatan pengguna KB MKJP salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh dukungan psikososial dari lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara dukungan emosional, informasional, instrumental, dan penghargaan dari lingkungan dengan penggunaan KB MKJP di Kampung KB. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cros-secsional terhadap 100 responden akseptor KB. Analisis statstik yang digunakan adalah uji chi-square dan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dukungan emosional, instrumental dan penghargaan berhubungan dengan penggunaan KB MKJP di Kampung KB, dengan masing-masing nilai p yaitu 0,028, 0,019, dan 0,001. Sementara, dukungan informasional tidak berhubungan dengan nilai p lebih dari 0,05. Dukungan penghargaan menjadi faktor dominan dengan nilai ood rasio (OR) sebesar 5,000. Seseorang yang memperoleh dukungan penghargaan dari lingkungan akan 5,000 kali berpeluang memilih menggunakan KB MKJP dibanding dengan yang tidak memperoleh dukungan penghargaan.
Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Sikap Ibu Tentang Menopause Putri, Nopi Anggista; Sukarni, Sukarni; Maesaroh, Siti
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 1, No 1 (2016): June
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (29.614 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v1i1.5


Abstrak: Menopause merupakan fase dalam kehidupan seorang wanita yang ditandai dengan berhentinya masa subur. Menopause diikuti dengan gejala yang sering timbul pada tiga hingga sepuluh tahun sebelum datangnya menopause dengan berbagai keluhan, baik keluhan fisik maupun psikologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dengan sikap ibu tentang menopause di Desa Tambahrejo Kecamatan Gadingrejo Kabupaten Pringsewu. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey analitik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu menopause yang ada di Desa Tambahrejo yang berjumlah 148 orang, dengan sampel berjumlah 60 orang. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis uji chi-square. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan dengan sikap ibu tentang menopause.  CORRELATION BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE WITH THE ATTITUDE OF MOTHER ABOUT MENOPAUSEAbstract: Menopause is a phase in the life a woman that is marked with the stopping the fertile. Menopause is followed by symptoms that often arise on three up to ten years before the arrival of menopause with a variety complaints, either physical or psychological complaints. This research aims to know the relationship of knowledge with the attitude of mothers about menopause in the village of Tambahrejo sub-district og Gadingrejo Regency Pringsewu. Design research is survey analytical research. The population in this research is the mother of menopause in the village Tambahrejo totalled 148 people with a sample 60 people. Data analysis inthis study uses chi-square formula. Conclusion this study is there is a meaningful relationship between maternal attitudes kowledge about menopause.
Kejadian Anemia pada Ibu Hamil Ditinjau dari Paritas dan Usia Astriana, Willy
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 2, No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.406 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v2i2.57


Abstrak: Anemia merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat terbesar di dunia terutama bagi kelompok wanita usia reproduksi (WUS). Menurut WHO secara global prevalensi anemia pada ibu hamil di seluruh dunia adalah sebesar 41, 8 %. Salah satu penyebab anemia pada kehamilan yaitu paritas dan umur ibu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh ibu hamil di Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas Tanjung Agung Kabupaten OKU  pada periode Agustus – Oktober 2017 didapatan sampel berjumlah 277 orang. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square, dengan derajat kepercayaan 95%. Pada analisa univariat, Dari 277 responden yang mengalami kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil sebanyak 118 responden (42, 6%) dan 159 responden (57, 4%) yang tidak mengalami kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil, paritas beresiko sebanyak 226 responden (81, 6%) dan paritas tidak beresiko sebanyak 51 responden (18, 4%), umur beresiko sebanyak 199 responden (71, 8%) dan umur tidak beresiko sebanyak 78 responden (28, 2%). Analisa statistik menunjukkan adanya korelasi antara kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil dengan paritas (p value 0,023) dan usia (p value 0, 028). Petugas kesehatan diharapkan dapat melakukan promosi kesehatan dengan memberikan informasi tentang pentingnya mengkonsumsi tablet zat besi yang tepat, makan makanan yang mengandung sumber zat besi, dan pentingnya vitamin C untuk meningkatkan penyerapan zat besi di dalam tubuh. THE OCCURRENCE OF ANEMIA IN PREGNANT WOMEN BASED ON PARITY AND AGEAbstract: Anemia is the largest public health problem in the world, especially for women of reproductive age. According to WHO globally the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women around the world is 41, 8%. One of the causes of anemia in pregnancy is parity and maternal age. This research use analytical method with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all pregnant women in the working area of UPTD Puskesmas Tanjung Agung OKU period August - Ocktober, and a sample of 277 people. Data analysis using univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using distribution tables and Chi-Square statistical test, with 95% confidence degree. In the univariate analysis, 277 respondents who experienced anemia incidence in pregnant women were 118 respondents (42, 6%) and 159 respondents (57, 4%) who did not experience anemia in pregnant mother, the risk parity was 226 respondents (81, 6%) and parity is not risk as much 51 respondent (18, 4%), age at risk as much as 199 respondent (71, 8%) and age not risk as much 78 respondents (28, 2%) Statistical analysis showed a correlation between the incidence of anemia in pregnant women with parity (p value 0, 023) and age (p value 0.028). Healthcare workers are expected to conduct health promotion by providing information on the importance of taking proper ferrum tablets, eating foods containing ferrum sources, and the importance of vitamin C to increase absorption of ferrum in the body.
Celebrity worship and body image satisfaction: An analytical research among adolescents in Tangerang Indonesia Azizah, Shieva Nur; Kristiutami, Apriyati
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (93.49 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i1.254


The activities of the Idol are many found in teenagers, as a form of self-seeking. The youth can adore it to emulate his idol, so as to desire like someone in his idol. Research objectives to find out if there is an idol-like behavior relationship with the satisfaction of body image in adolescents. This type of research using a cross-sectional research method with a sample of 126 respondents. Sampling techniques using purposive sampling. The results of this study used the Chi-Square statistical test. The results of this study showed that respondents who experienced the behavior of imitating as much (50.8 percent) And who experienced the worshipping behavior (49.2 percent), while respondents who had dissatisfied body image (58.7 percent) and satisfying body image (49.3 percent). The results of a statistical test of Chi-Square p-value 0.001 (p less than 0.05) so that there is a behavioral relationship with body image satisfaction in teenager vocational high school in Tangerang. It is hoped that the study of teenagers who have idols can control the behavior of the idol to increase the satisfaction of his body image to be positive.Perilaku mengidolakan dan kepuasan citra tubuh: Riset analitik pada remaja di TangerangAbstrak: Kegiatan pengidolaan banyak ditemukan pada remaja, sebagai bentuk pencarian jati diri. Remaja dapat memuja hingga meniru idolanya, sehingga berkeinginan seperti seseorang diidolanya. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan perilaku seperti idola dengan kepuasan citra tubuh pada remaja. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian cross sectional dengan sampel 126 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menggunakan uji statistik Chi Square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa responden yang mengalami perilaku meniru sebanyak (50,8 persen) dan yang mengalami perilaku memuja (49,2 persen), sedangkan responden yang memiliki citra tubuh tidak puas (58,7 persen) dan citra tubuh puas (49,3 persen). Hasil uji statistik Chi Square p-value sebesar 0,001 (p kurang dari 0,05) sehingga ada hubungan perilaku dengan kepuasan citra tubuh pada remaja SMK di Tangerang. Diharapkan dengan penelitian ini remaja yang memiliki idola dapat mengontrol perilaku mengidolakan agar meningkatkan kepuasan citra tubuhnya menjadi positif.
Analisis Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Infeksi Menular Seksual pada Wanita Pekerja Seksual Puspita, Linda
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2017): June
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.004 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v2i1.30


Abstrak: Infeksi menular seksual (IMS) ditularkan melalui koitus, anal dan oral dan digolongkan pada 5 kategori penyakit dewasa yang memiliki dampak besar pada kesehatan seksual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian IMS pada Wanita Pekerja Seksual. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan Desain Analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah WPS di klinik VCT mobile Puskesmas Sukaraja Kota Bandar Lampung sebanyak 83 sampel dengan menggunakan teknik simpel random sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan analisis univariat, bivariat chi square dan multivariate (regresi logistic). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara umur (p=0,012; or=3.6), status pernikahan (p=0,035; OR=3.1), penggunaan kondom (p=0.001; OR=5.5). Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan kondom merupakan variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan IMS pada WPS di klinik VCT mobile Puskesmas Sukaraja dengan p value (p=0,002 dan OR=7.7). Petugas kesehatan disarankan dapat meningkatan intensitas VCT Mobile, meningkatkan penyuluhan kesehatan pencegahan IMS, meningkatkan sosialisasi kondom, dan menyediakan tempat dan waktu untuk penyuluhan kesehatan bagi WPS.  Abstract: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are transmitted through coitus, anal and oral and are classified into 5 categories of adult diseases that have a major impact on sexual health. This study aims to determine the factor analysis associated with the incidence of STIs in women sex workers. The type of this research is quantitative research using Analytic Design with cross sectional approach. Population in this research is WPS at VCT mobile clinic of Puskesmas Sukaraja Bandar Lampung City as many as 83 samples by using simple random sampling technique. Data analysis used univariate analysis, bivariate chi square and multivariate (logistic regression). The results showed that there was a significant relationship between age (p = 0.012; or = 3.6), marital status (p = 0,035, OR = 3.1), condom use (p = 0.001; OR = 5.5). The result of multivariate analysis showed that condom use was the most dominant variable related with STI in WPS at VCT mobile clinic of Puskesmas Sukaraja with p value (p = 0,002 and OR = 7.7). Healthcare workers are advised to increase the intensity of VCT Mobile, improve health education prevention of STIs, improve condom socialization, and provide premises and time for health education for WPS.
Pengetahuan dan Sikap Perempuan yang Sudah Menikah Terhadap Pencegahan Penularan Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) Ayuningtias, Rayinda; Solehati, Tetti; Maryati, Ida
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 3, No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (108.274 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v3i2.130


The number of woman infected with HIV in Indonesia predicted to continue to rise. The main mode of this infection is through heterosexual and IDU this causes it to trigger the wide spread of infection to partner or wife.The purpose of this research was to find out the woman's knowledge and attitude toward the prevention of HIV/AIDS disease transmission at Kelurahan Kebon Pisang. This research was a quantitative research using descriptive method where study was conducted in September 2012 using questionnaires that were distributed to 350 respondents with stratified random sampling technique. The result of this research showed nearly to half of the respondents understood well about the object of transmission (44,9 percent), behavioral risk of contracting HIV (55,1 percent), and HIV prevention efforts (52 percent). In terms of attitude, nearly to half of respondents supported people with HIV/AIDS (52 percent) and HIV prevention efforts (58,6 percent). However, if viewed as averall attitude components 52,7 percent respondents have an attitude that did not support towards the prevention of HIV/AIDS. Therefore, the health care providers is expected to further optimize the programs that already exist related health promotion program on HIV/AIDS as whole to all society especially the womans.
The effect of the modeling approach to enhance knowledge and skill of lactation management among primipara’s mother Oktalesmana, Lina; Munir, Zainal; Nursiam, Wiwin
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 4, No 2 (2019): December
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (471.431 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v4i2.232


A modeling approach to lactation management is a learning effort undertaken by mothers, fathers and families to support the success of breastfeeding by watching and paying attention to other people's behavior and then copying it. The purpose of this research was to analyze the knowledge and skills of primiparous mothers about lactation management before and after the modeling approach. This research method uses pre-experiment with one-group pre-post test design. The research population was all primiparous mothers whose babies were treated in level 2 perinatology, which were taken as accidental sampling involving 26 primiparous mothers. The method used in health education (penkes) is the Modeling approach with pantom tools, modules, and containers or bottles that have a lid. The modeling approach consists of four processes, namely Attention, Retention, Reproduction motori (reproduction), and motivation (motivation). The results showed that there was a significant influence between the modeling approach to the knowledge and skills of primiparous mothers in the perinatology room of Bondowoso Hospital.Abstrak: Pendekatan modeling tentang manajemen laktasi merupakan suatu upaya pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh ibu, ayah dan keluarga untuk menunjang keberhasilan menyusui dengan melihat dan memperhatikan perilaku orang lain kemudian mencontohnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu primipara tentang manajemen laktasi sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pendekatan modeling. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pre experiment dengan rancangan one-grup pre-post test design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu primipara yang bayinya dirawat diruang perinatologi level 2, yang diambil secara asidental sampling dengan melibatkan 26 ibu primipara. Metode yang digunakan dalam pendidikan kesehatan (penkes) adalah pendekatan Modeling dengan alat bantu pantom, modul, dan wadah atau botol yang mempunyai tutup. Pendekatan modeling terdiri dari empat proses, yaitu Perhatian (attention), Pengendapan (retention), Reproduksi motori (reproduction), dan motivasi (motivation). Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara pendekatan modelling terhadap Pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu primipara di ruang perinatologi rumah sakit Bondowoso.

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