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Avesina : Media Informasi Ilmiah Universitas Islam Al-Azhar
ISSN : 20868960     EISSN : 27145611     DOI : -
Jurnal AVESINA diterbitkan mulai tahun 2009 dengan frekuensi 2 (dua) kali setahun oleh Universitas Islam Al-Azhar, berisi hasil penelitian dan ulasan ilmiah dalam bidang Teknik, Ekonomi Pertanian, Hukum, MIPA, Kesehatan, Biomedik, Kedokteran dan Pendidikan.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 5 Documents
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Evaluasi Kinerja Sistem Jaringan Irigasi Daerah Irigasi Bertais Yunita Aprilina; Muhammad Faisal Karo-karo
JURNAL AVESINA Vol 13 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Avesina
Publisher : Universitas Islam Al-Azhar

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ABSTRAK Kata kunci : evaluasi kinerja, jaringan irigasi, daerah irigasi Bertais. ABSTRACT Bertais Irrigation Area is an irrigation area located in Sandubaya Subdistrict of Mataram City with an area of 354.74 ha of raw land, consisting of residential land with an area of 269.17 ha, potential land of 14.70 ha and functional land with an area of 70, 87 ha. The area of agricultural land in the Bertais Irrigation Area is declining due to land conversion without prioritizing geographical conditions which are physical factors with their carrying capacity over a long period of time that will affect the quality and quantity of the environment. This study used observational methods on each indicator and assessment to evaluate the performance of irrigation networks. The indicators assessed were physical infrastructure, planting productivity, supporting facilities, personnel organization, documentation, and P3A institutions. This is based on the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Regulation No. 12/PRT/M/2015 concerning Exploitation and Maintenance of Irrigation Networks. The results showed that the performance of irrigation networks for physical infrastructure reached a percentage value of 19.14% still below the specified minimum value of 25%, plant productivity was 1.61%, Supporting facilities with a percentage value of 1.21% below a minimum value of 5%, personnel organizations with a percentage value of 3.90% under a minimum value of 7.5%, documentation with a percentage value of 2% under a minimum value of 5%, and P3A with a percentage value of 2.15% below a minimum value of 5%. The total of the six indicators is 27.12%. The results of this assessment indicate that the performance of the Bertais irrigation network is poor so the recommendation for handling it is to rehabilitate the Bertais irrigation network. Keywords: performance evaluation, irrigation network, Bertais irrigation area.
Conversation Analysis: Communication Across Cultures Lale Fatma Yulia Ningsih
JURNAL AVESINA Vol 13 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Avesina
Publisher : Universitas Islam Al-Azhar

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The study of intercultural communication continues to grow in importance in response to greater population mobility, migration and globalization. Communication across culture explores how cultural context affects the use and interpretation of language. It provides accessible and interdisciplinary introduction to language and language variations in intercultural communication. This is done by drawing on both classic and cutting-edge research from pragmatics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, anthropology and politeness study. This study aims to discuss the variety of linguistic and non-linguistic features generated by participants in social interaction. The first part will examine turn-taking dynamic in a conversation between three students who have different cultural backgrounds. Later, the last four sections of the study also take into account power relation among the participant, the collaboration, politeness strategy employed as well as embedded speech act in the conversation.
Analisis Kuat Lentur Balok Beton Bertulang Bambu Profil dengan Variasi Susunan Tulang Juanita Juanita; Naimuddin Naimuddin
JURNAL AVESINA Vol 13 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Avesina
Publisher : Universitas Islam Al-Azhar

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ABSTRAK Penggunaan beton bertulang dalam pembangunan yang membutuhkan biaya tinggi menimbulkan fenomena yang menarik untuk mencari material pengganti tulangan baja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengukur kekuatan mekanik bambu galah, mengukur beban maksimum dan momen runtuh pada benda uji beton bertulang bambu, dan membandingkan kapasitas kuat balok uji bertulang bambu profil terhadap balok uji bertulang baja. Pengukuran kapasitas balok beton bertulang dibagi menjadi dua yaitu beton bertulang baja sebagai kontrol dan beton bertulang bambu dengan 2 variasi susunan berbeda dengan dimensi 150 mm x 150 mm x 1000 mm. Pengujian balok beton bertulang dilakukan dengan mengacu SNI 03 – 4154 – 1996 “Metode Pengujan Kuat Lentur Beton dengan Balok Uji Sederhana yang Dibebani Terpusat Langsung”. Momen runtuh rata-rata balok tipe 1, 2, dan 3 (kontrol) secara berurutan yaitu 4994,00 MPa, 6890,17 MPa, dan 8810,00 MPa. Hasil pengujian lentur menunjukkan bahwa balok bertulang baja (kontrol) mempunyai nilai kapasitas kuat balok yang tertinggi. Balok bertulang bambu yang memiliki nilai kapasitas kuat mendekati nilai kontrol adalah balok tipe 2 dengan persentase 78,21 % karena balok tipe 2 memiliki posisi tulangan yang vertical khususnya pada daerah tekan sehingga inersia yang dimiliki pada daerah tekan besar dan bagian kulit bambu di pasang horizontal pada daerah tarik sehingga kuat tariknya lebih besar. Kata kunci: balok, lentur, tulangan ABSTRACT The use of reinforced concrete in construction that requires a high cost raises an interesting phenomenon to find replacement material for steel reinforcement. The purpose of this study was to measure the mechanical strength of bamboo poles, measure the maximum load, and the moment of collapse in bamboo reinforced concrete specimens, and to compare the strength capacity of bamboo reinforced test beams against steel reinforced test beams. The measurement of reinforced concrete beam capacity is divided into two, they are steel reinforced concrete as a control and bamboo reinforced concrete with two different arrangement variations with dimensions of 150 mm x 150 mm x 1000 mm. The testing of reinforced concrete beams is carried out by referring to SNI 03-4154-1996 (concrete flexural strength testing method with a simple test beam which is directly centered.) The average moment collapse of type 1, 2, and 3 (control) beams are 4994.00 MPa, 6890.17 MPa and 8810.00 MPa respectively. The results of the flexural test showed that the steel reinforced beam (control) had the highest beam strength capacity value. Bamboo reinforced beam which has a strong capacity value which approaching the control value is type 2 beam with a percentage of 78.21% because type 2 beam has a vertical reinforcement position especially in the compressed area so that the inertia that is owned in the large compressed area and the bamboo skin part is mounted horizontally in the area Pull so that the strength of the pull is greater. Keywords: beam, flexural, reinforcement
Pemanfaatan Limbah Sekam Padi dan Jerami sebagai Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) sebagai Peluang Usaha Baru di Desa Bonder Kecamatan Praya Barat, NTB Herdiana Herdiana
JURNAL AVESINA Vol 13 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Avesina
Publisher : Universitas Islam Al-Azhar

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Padi merupakan tanaman multifungsi yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. Semakin banyak produksi beras maka semakin banyak pula limbah sekam dan jerami yang dihasilkan, padi adalah jenis tanaman yang multifungsi dimana buahnya dimanfaatkan untuk makan, kulit halusnya untuk pakan ternak dan kulit kasarnya untuk pupuk organic, batang pohon untuk bahan pembuatan sapu. Pada penggilingan padi semi konvensional limbah sekam dapat dijadikan lahan usaha baru yaitu POC (Pupuk Organik Cair). Lokasi penelitian berada di desa Bonder Kecamatan Praya Barat Kabupaten Lombok Tengah-NTB selama 8 bulan dari bulan Januari sampai Agustus 2019. Analisis data dengan deskriptif kualitatif, metode indepth interview dan SWOT. Gambaran usaha hanya memanfaatkan dedak halus sedangkan sekam digunakan sebagai bahan bakar batu bata yang dijual dengan harga murah 1000/karung dan jerami (batang padi) dibuang. Hasil analisis SWOT sebagai berikut strategi S-O meningkatkan volume penjualan, menciptakan pupuk yang berkualitas, memperluas jaringan pemasaran, Strategi W-O melakukan diferensiasi produk dan penggunaan alat modern. Strategi S-T dilakukan dengan meningkatkan promosi dan membuat izin usaha dan strategi W-T melakukan hubungan kemitraan dengan petani. Rencana dalam meningkatkan usaha dan untuk berdaya saing maka melakukan kemitraan dengan para petani di desa lain. Pemanfatan limbah sekam padi dan jerami sebagai POC sebagai peluang usaha baru yang dapat memberikan dampak yang baik bagi masyarakat.
Kajian Pintu Air Kali Ngrowo terhadap Elevasi Muka Air Banjir Kali Parit Agung di Kabupaten Tulungagung Restusari Evayanti; Sugiharta Sugiharta
JURNAL AVESINA Vol 13 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Avesina
Publisher : Universitas Islam Al-Azhar

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ABSTRAK Kali Ngrowo – Kali Parit Agung fungsi utama adalah sebagai drain collector dari sistem drainase yang ada di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Dengan alirannya yang sub-kritis dengan kemiringan dasar sungai yang landai, Kali Ngrowo – Kali Parit Agung merupakan long storage yang berfungsi menyimpan air dan mengendalikan banjir di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Dalam rangka mendukung kegiatan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air, maka diperlukan adanya pintu air Kali Ngrowo sehingga pengendalian banjir di Tulungagung dapat optimal, serta meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat di Kabupaten Tulungagung di bidang Pariwisata, dengan pemanfaatan sumber daya air di sepanjang di sistem Kali Ngrowo. Dilakukan analisa banjir rancangan dan analisa kapasitas tampang sungai terhadap elevasi muka air banjir rencana Kali Parit Agung. Pengendalian elevasi muka air maksimum berkisar +82.77 MDPL s/d +83.00 MDPL atau kurang lebih pengendalian air setinggi 23 cm, dengan adanya konstruksi pintu air Kali Ngrowo. Kata kunci: banjir, elevasi, pintu air. ABSTRACT Ngrowo River - Parit Agung River main function is as a drain collector of the existing drainage system in Tulungagung Regency. With its sub-critical flow with the slope of the sloping river bed, Ngrowo River - Parit Agung River is a long storage that functions to store water and control floods in Tulungagung Regency. In order to support Water Resources Management activities, it is necessary to have the Ngrowo River flood gates so that flood control in Tulungagung can be optimized, as well as improve the economy of the people in Tulungagung Regency in the field of Tourism, by utilizing water resources along the Ngrowo River system. Design flood analysis and river surface capacity analysis were carried out on the elevation of the flood level of the Parit Agung River. The maximum water level control ranges from +82.77 MDPL to +83.00 MDPL or more or less water control as high as 23 cm, with the Ngrowo River floodgate construction. Keywords: flood, elevation, floodgates.

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