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Buletin Palma
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Core Subject : Agriculture,
Buletin Palma memuat artikel hasil-hasil penelitian kelapa dan palma lainnya. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Bulletin of Palma is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research finding on coconut and other palm research results. SCOPE Scope of Bulletin of Palma are: 1. Scope of science: Agricultural Microbiology, Agricultural Socio-Economics, Agronomy, Bioetechnology, Plant Breeding, Plant pathology, Plant Protection, Plant Physiology, Soil Science, Seed Technology, Primary Post Harvest, Climate science, Genetic resources, Entomology,Farming system, Environment, Agricultural extension 2. Scope of commodities : spice, medicinal, aromatic and industrial crops The journal publishes Indonesian or English articles.
Articles 220 Documents
Eksplorasi Aren (Arenga pinnata Merr) di Tomohon, Sulawesi Utara ELSJE T. TENDA
Buletin Palma No 37 (2009): Desember, 2009
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (138.823 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/bp.v0n37.2009.114-118


ExplorationofSugar Palm (Arenga pinnata Merr) in Tomohon,North SulawesiIndonesia has high genetic diversity of sugar palm, although until now sugar palm germplasm had been collection it’s about 11 acession’s. If sugar palm acession’s not conserved, it apprehensive sugar palm’s accession which is have promising gen’s will occur genetic’s erosion. The research activity was conducted on January, 2009 at Tomohon North Sulawesi, there were Tara-tara, Pinaras and Woloan Village. The purpose of palm sugar germ plasm exploration is to increase genetic diversity of sugar palm germplasm collection which is use as breeding material in compose superior palm sugar and seeds resources in short term. The result showed that on that three villages has been found three accessions of palm sugar namely Tara-tara sugar palm, Pinaras sugar palm and Woloan sugar palm. The highest production and sugar content of toddy to be found in tall sugar palm at  Tara-tara, is about 25-38 lire/bunch/day. Selection for improvement population of three accessions is needs to carry out on production and sugar content of toddy.
Produktivitas Nira Beberapa Aksesi Kelapa Genjah NURHAINI MASHUD; YULIANUS MATANA R MATANA
Buletin Palma Vol 15, No 2 (2014): Desember, 2014
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (227.487 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/bp.v15n2.2014.110-114


Nira merupakan cairan bening yang terdapat dalam tandan kelapa yang belum terbuka. Nira kelapa diolah menjadi berbagai produk baik pangan maupun non pangan, namun umumnya nira kelapa diolah menjadi gula. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kultivar kelapa Genjah dengan produktivitas nira yang tinggi (>2 l/tandan/hari) dengan mutu yang baik. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan tujuh perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah tujuh kultivar kelapa genjah, yang terdiri atas (1). Genjah Kuning Nias (GKN), (2). Genjah Raja (GRA), (3). Genjah Salak (GSK), (4). Genjah Orange Sagerat (GOS), (5). Genjah Hijau Jombang (GHJ), (6). Genjah Tebing Tinggi (GTT), dan (7). Genjah Kuning Bali (GKB). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi nira per tandan per hari maupun per pohon per hari berbeda antar kultivar Genjah dengan produksi nira tertinggi diperoleh pada kelapa GTT, yaitu 2172,38 ml/pohon/hari dan lama penyadapan nira paling lama, yaitu 19 hari/tandan. Kadar gula nira tujuh kultivar kelapa Genjah tersebut berkisar 13,51-14,56% dengan pH 6,17-6,21.ABSTRACTSap Productivity of some Dwarf Coconut AccessionsCoconut sap is a clear liquid contained in the unpenend coconut bunches. Coconut sap is processed into various products both food and non food products, but generally coconut sap is processed into sugar. The study aims to obtain coconut dwarf cultivar with high production (>2 l/palm/day) and good quality of sap. The research was conducted using randomized block design with seven treatments and three replications. The treatments were seven different of coconut dwarf accessions which consisting of (1). Nias Yellow Dwarf (NYD), (2). Raja Brown Dwarf (RBD), (3). Salak Green Dwarf (SGD), (4). Sagerat Orange Dwarf (SOD), (5). Jombang Green Dwarf (JGD), (6). Tebing Tinggi Dwarf (TTD), and (7). Bali Yellow Dwarf (BYD). The result showed that the production of sap per bunch per day or per palm per day was differed among accessions with the highest production was obtained on Tebing Tinggi Dwarf (TTD), i.e 2,172.38 ml/palm/day and longest tapping duration of sap , ie 19 days/bunch. Sugar content of sap of seven dwarf coconut accessions ranged from 13,51 to 14,56% with the pH from 6.17 to 6.21.
Variabilitas Genetik Plasma Nutfah Kelapa Sawit Asal Angola dan Seleksi Genotipe Berbasis Famili dan Individu untuk Pembentukan Breeding Population Baru Ismail Maskromo; Azis Natawijaya; Syafaruddin Syafaruddin; Fadjry Djufri; M. Syakir
Buletin Palma Vol 18, No 1 (2017): Juni, 2017
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (796.058 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/bp.v18n1.2017.43-51


Development a new oil palm variety is determined by the availablity of oil palm genetic materials. The genetic variability could be resulted from both intra and inter family variation. Angola oil palm germplasm is a new oil palm material which were collected from natural habitat in Angola, Africa by Indonesian oil palm qonsortium. The objective of this research were to identify genotypes which carrying any specific characters as well as genotypes-based selection of families and individuals for the formation of a new breeding population. The research were conducted at Kebun Percobaan Sitiung, West Sumatra from January until Desember 2016. The result showed that the genetic variability within and among families are relatively high. There are some genotypes and families selected. The selected genotypes could be used for formation a new breeding population.ABSTRAKKeberhasilan pengembangan varietas unggul kelapa sawit untuk program intensifikasi ditentukan oleh ketersedian material genetik dan variabilitas genetiknya yang luas. Variasi genetik pada plasma nutfah dapat berasal dari variasi antar individu dalam famili dan variasi antar famili. Karakterisasi plasma nutfah kelapa sawit asal Angola bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi plasma nutfah kelapa sawit asal Angola, mengidentifikasi genotype-genotipe yang memiliki karakter spesifik, serta seleksi genotype berbasis family dan individu untuk pembentukan breeding populations baru. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Sitiung, Sumatera Barat pada bulan Januari sampai Desember 2016. Semua individu pada semua famili di populasi dura dan tenera/pisifera digunakan sebagai bahan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa plasma nutfah kelapa sawit asal Angola memiliki variabilitas genetik yang luas. Penelitian ini berhasil mengidentifikasi genotipe-genotipe yang memiliki karakter spesifik dan famili-famili terseleksi. Genotipe-genotipe tersebut dapat digunakan untuk merakit populasi baru untuk pemuliaan kelapa sawit tipe baru.
Hubungan Produksi Buah dengan Beberapa Karakter Vegetatif dan Generatif Populasi Pinang Betara Melalui Analisa Koefisien Lintas nFn MIFTAHORRACHMAN; MUHAMMAD NUR
Buletin Palma Vol 14, No 1 (2013): Vol. 14 No. 1, Juni 2013
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (517.496 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/bp.v14n1.2013.34-40


Varietas pinang Betara adalah jenis pinang unggul yang telah dilepas secara resmi oleh Menteri Pertanian pada tahun 2012. Varietas pinang Betara berasal dari Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Provinsi Jambi. Studi analisis korelasi telah dilakukan terhadap varietas pinang Betara di Desa Bunga Tanjung, Kecamatan Betara, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Provinsi Jambi mulai tahun 2010 sampai dengan tahun 2012. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk melihat hubungan langsung dan tidak langsung beberapa karakter vegetatif dan generatif terhadap produksi buah per tandan dengan menggunakan analisis sidik lintas. Perhitungan sidik lintas dilakukan dengan metoda matriks. Hasil sidik lintas empatbelas karakter yang diamati ternyata tiga karakter memberikan pengaruh langsung terhadap jumlah buah per tandan dengan nilai koefisien korelasi sangat nyata. Karakter-karakter tersebut adalah jumlah bekas daun (r = 0,5230), jumlah tandan (r = 0,8067), dan jumlah spikelet (r = 0,4564). Karakter-karakter tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar seleksi pohon induk untuk populasi pinang Betara. Kata kunci: Sidik lintas, karakter morfologi, produksi buah, pinang Betara.ABSTRACTCorrelation of Production with Some Morphology Characters of Betara Arecanut Population by Path Coefficient AnalysisBetara is high yielding arecanut which had released by Indonesian Agriculture Minister in 2012, originated from Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jambi Province. Study of correlation analysis of Betara arecanut had done at Bunga Tanjung Village, Betara Distric, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jambi Province from 2010 to 2012 to know the direct and indirect effect of fourteen vegetative and generative characters on the fruit production per bunch. Path analysis method was used in this experiment. Results showed that three characters had direct effect on fruit production. They were, number of leafscars (r = 0.5230), number of bunch (r = 0.8067), and number of spikelet (r = 0.4564). These three characters could be used as selection criteria for selecting high yielding parents of Betara arecanut population.
Kandungan Unsur Hara N, P, dan K Lahan Kelapa Komposit di Daerah Gorontalo dan Banyuwangi Yulianus R Matana; Jeanette Kumaunang
Buletin Palma No 32 (2007): Juni, 2007
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (177.032 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/bp.v0n32.2007.45-51


Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman kelapa adalah ketersediaan unsur hara didalam tanah. Untuk dapat mengetahui ketersediaan unsur hara lahan didaerah Gorontalo dan Banyuwangi maka dilakukan pengambilan sampel tanah di dua daerah tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk memeberikan gambaran tentang ketersediaan unsur hara pada lahan komposiot didaerah Gorontalo dan Banyuwangi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di daerah Gorontalo kadar hara N, P dan K berada dibawah batas kritikal sehingga diperlukan penambahan unsur tersebut lewat tindakan pemupukan. Sedangkan di daerah Banyuwangi unsur N dan K berada dibawah batas kritikal sehingga perlu dilakukan penambahan unsur hara tersebut sedangkan unsur P pada umumnya ( 80%) berada diatas batas kritikal. Namun yang perlu diperhatikan pada kedua daerah tersebut adalah sistem irigasi dan drainase sehingga tidak mengganggu pertumbuhan tanaman.
Varietas Kelapa Sri Gemilang untuk Lahan Pasang Surut [Sri Gemilang Coconut Variety for Tidal Area] Donata Suriaty Pandin; E. T. Tenda; Meity T. Tulalo; Ismail Maskromo
Buletin Palma Vol 17, No 1 (2016): Juni, 2016
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (901.028 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/bp.v17n1.2016.1-13


Indonesia has a tidal swampy area of about 33.4 million hectares, from which + 20 million hectares could be cultivated as a coconut plantation. If it is used optimally, the area could play an important role in supporting the national food security. Several technologies have been produced and applied, and the use of adaptive varieties in tidal land, can improve and enhance the productivity of the land. The availability of superior tall coconut varieties to meet the required coconut seeds for coconut development program is still limited. All of the coconut high yielding varieties launched by the Minister of Agriculture are suitable for dry land only, and not for tidal one. Sri Gemilang, a coconut variety grown in tidal land in Parit Sialang Krubuk, Hidayah Village, Pelangiran District, Indragiri Hilir, Riau Province was evaluated from 2012 to 2016. Observations showed that the production of frutis and copra were relatively stable, averaging above 3.0 tons of copra/ha/year. Sri Gemilang variety with a potential endosperm weight of about 518 g/nut was selected as palms for superior seed sources. Weight of nuts decreased to about 433 g/nut during observation in 2016, after long dry season. However, it was still higher than the control varieties, DTA (371 g/nut) and DMT (366 g/nut) grown on the same tidal land. If the weight of coconut meat is converted to the production of copra/ha, it can reach > 3.0 tons of copra/ha/year, while DTA and DMT grown on tidal land was only 1.6 tons and 1.56 tons of copra/ha/year, respectively. The low weight of endosperm of DTA and DMT is presumably because both varieties which typically grow well on dry land, less adaptable on tidal land. ABSTRAKIndonesia memiliki lahan rawa pasang surut 33,4 juta hektar, sekitar 20 juta hektar dapat diusahakan sebagai perkebunan kelapa. Jika dimanfaatkan secara optimal akan berperan penting dalam mendukung swasembada dan ketahanan pangan nasional. Beberapa teknologi telah dihasilkan dan diterapkan, penggunaan varietas adaptif di lahan pasang surut, dapat memperbaiki dan meningkatkan produktivitas lahan. Jenis kelapa Dalam unggul yang tersedia masih sangat terbatas sehingga belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan benih untuk program pengembangan kelapa. Varietas unggul kelapa yang telah dilepas oleh Menteri Pertanian, semuanya memiliki habitat pada lahan kering, sedangkan habitat pada lahan pasang surut belum ada. Kelapa Dalam Sri Gemilang tumbuh di lahan pasang surut, yaitu di Parit Sialang Krubuk, Desa Hidayah, Kecamatan Pelangiran, Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, Provinsi Riau. Hasil penelitian tahun 2012 hingga 2016, menunjukkan bahwa produksi buah kelapa dan kopra relatif stabil, yaitu rata-rata di atas 3,0 ton kopra/ha/tahun. Pada varietas kelapa Sri Gemilang dilakukan pemilihan Pohon Induk dengan potensi rata-rata berat daging buah 518 g/butir. Kemarau panjang pada tahun 2015 mengakibatkan berat daging buah turun pada tahun 2016, yaitu 433 g/butir, namun lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelapa DTA (371 g/butir) dan DMT (366 g/butir) sebagai varietas pembanding yang ditanam di lahan pasang surut. Jika berat daging buah kelapa dikonversi ke produksi kopra per hektar maka kelapa Dalam Sri Gemilang mencapai > 3,0 ton kopra/hektar/tahun, sedangkan kelapa DTA dan DMT yang ditanam di lahan pasang surut masing-masing 1,6 ton dan 1,56 ton kopra/hektar/tahun. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Kelapa DTA dan DMT yang biasanya tumbuh baik dan berproduksi tinggi pada lahan kering, kurang adaptif pada lahan pasang surut.
Karakteristik dan Potensi Pengembangan Kelapa Dalam Bido [Characteristict and Potential for The Development of Bido Tall Coconut ] Meity Aneke Tulalo; Sukmawati Mawardi; Budi Santosa; Ismail Maskromo; Meldy Hosang; Hengky Novarianto
Buletin Palma Vol 20, No 1 (2019): Juni 2019
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.387 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/bp.v20n1.2019.11-18


Coconut is a commodity that has an important role in the economy and culture. The various types of coconuts is significant capital in order to support coconut breeding program to obtain coconut varieties according to the needs of farmers and the market in general. North Maluku is one of the coconut center provinces in Indonesia. The research conducted from 2015 to 2017 in Bido Village, North Morotai District, Morotai Island Regency, North Maluku Province. The purpose of this study was to determine the origin of Bido coconut, as well as characterize and evaluate the morphological character, production, fruit components and fatty acid content and the potential development of Bido coconut. Bido coconut research method is done through direct observation. Data collected included the origin of varieties, morphological characters, production, fruit components and fatty acid content. The results showed that coconut Bido has copra yield potential about 4,36 tons/ha/year with main features including fast fruiting, high fruit production, large fruit size and slow growing height with a distance between leaves is + 3 cm. Fatty acid content is 64,50%, with the highest fatty acid content was 48,39% lauric acid. As a source of seeds, 113 PIT of Bido coconut have been selected, with potential to produce 120 nut/tree/year, or around 10.848 seeds that can be used for the development or rejuvenation of coconut plants covering an area of 54,24 ha/year. Rejuvenation and development of Bido tall coconut main plantations have been carried out to increase the potential of seed production and future use in industry. Fast fruit bearing, high production and slow growing stems possessed by Bido coconut have the potential to be a source of pollen in assembling fast-bearing coconut, high production and slow to high.ABSTRAKKelapa merupakan komoditas perkebunan yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam perekonomian maupun budaya.  Tersedianya beragam jenis kelapa merupakan modal yang sangat  berarti dalam mendukung program pemuliaan kelapa untuk mendapatkan varietas  kelapa sesuai kebutuhan petani maupun pasar pada umumnya.  Maluku Utara merupakan salah satu Provinsi sentra kelapa di Indonesia.  Penelitian dilakukan sejak tahun 2015 sampai dengan tahun 2017 di Desa Bido, Kecamatan Morotai Utara, Kabupaten Pulau Morotai, Provinsi Maluku Utara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui asal usul kelapa Bido, mengkarakterisasi dan mengevaluasi karakter morfologi, produksi, komponen buah dan kandungan asam lemak serta potensi pengembangan kelapa Bido. Metode penelitian dilakukan melalui observasi langsung. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi asal usul varietas, karakter morfologi, produksi, komponen buah dan kandungan asam lemak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kelapa Bido memiliki potensi hasil kopra 4,36 ton/ha/tahun dengan ciri karakter utama cepat berbuah, produksi buah tinggi, ukuran buah besar dan lambat bertambah tinggi dengan jarak antar bekas daun + 3 cm. Kadar asam lemak rantai medium 64,50% dengan kadar asam lemak tertinggi adalah  asam laurat  48,39%.  Sebagai sumber benih, telah diseleksi sebanyak 113 PIT kelapa Bido  yang memiliki potensi produksi buah sebanyak 120 butir/pohon/tahun, atau sekitar 10.848 butir benih yang dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan atau peremajaan tanaman kelapa seluas 54,24 ha/tahun. Perbanyakan dan pembangunan kebun induk kelapa Dalam Bido telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan potensi produksi benih maupun pemanfaatannya di bidang industri ke depan. Karakter cepat berbuah dan produksi tinggi serta karakter spesifik batang pendek/lambat tumbuh tinggi yang dimiliki kelapa Bido sangat potensial untuk dijadikan sumber polen dalam merakit kelapa cepat berbuah, produksi tinggi dan lambat menjadi tinggi.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Vermikulit Terhadap Pertumbuhan Planlet In Vitro Kelapa Genjah Kopyor NURHAINI MASHUD; ENGELBERT MANAROINSONG
Buletin Palma No 38 (2010): Juni, 2010
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (168.326 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/bp.v11n38.2010.43-48


The Effect of Vermiculate in Y 3 Media Substituted by Coconut Water toGrowth of Kopyor Dwarf Coconut PlantletsThe research was conducted at Tissue Culture Laboratory of Indonesian Coconut and Palms Research Institute, Manado, North Sulawesi, from August to December 2009. The aim of of this research was to determine the effect of vermiculate to development of rooting system of dwarf kopyor coconut in vitro plantlets. The result showed that application of vermiculate on liquid Y 3 media which substituted by coconut water improved the rooting system of the plantlets. Number of lateral roots/planlet on liquid Y 3 media which substituted by 25 ml coconut water/l media higher (98,67) than those in media substituted by 50 ml coconut water/l media. These plantlets were vigor, so that it is expected that they could survive in the screen house during acclimatitation.
Karakteristik Edible Film Komposit Pati Sagu Molat-Pektin [Characteristics of Edible Film from Composite of Molat Sago Starch-Pectin] Febby J Polnaya; Natalia D. J. Alfons; Agustina Souripet
Buletin Palma Vol 20, No 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.078 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/bp.v20n2.2019.111-118


The utilization of starch-base ingredients, such as sago starch for the manufacture of edible films, is still growing. The nature of the film produced from starch material is still not optimal, hence research is needed to improve its utilization. Starch composites with other ingredients, such as pectin, are expected to grow their properties. The study aimed to characterize the properties of edible film produced from molat sago starch-pectin composites, including thickness, tensile strength, elongation, solubility, transparency, and water vapor transmission rate. The study was conducted from July to August 2017 at Food Chemistry and Biochemistry Laboratory, Pattimura University, Ambon, and Food Engineering Laboratory, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. The design used was a non-factorial completely randomized design of the treatment of composite sago-pectin starch, with five levels of treatment (3: 0; 2.75:0.25; 2.5:0.5; 2.25:0.75 and 2:1 (g/g)). Based on the results of the analysis of diversity, the treatment of composite sago-pectin starch affects the changes in the mechanical, physical, and barrier characteristics of the edible film. Increasing the concentration of pectin (0-1%) in the film solution decreases the elongation of the film, but increases the properties of thickness, tensile strength, solubility, transparency, and the rate of water vapor transmission. The treatment of sago-pectin starch composites 2:1 can improve the physical and mechanical properties of edible films, although it has a high value of solubility and water vapor transmission rate.ABSTRAKPemanfaatan bahan dasar pati-patian, seperti pati sagu untuk pembuatan edible film masih terus berkembang. Sifat film yang dihasilkan dari bahan pati-patian masih belum optimal. Diperlukan penelitian untuk dapat meningkatkan pemanfaatannya. Komposit pati dengan bahan lainnya, seperti pektin diharapkan dapat meningkatkan sifat-sifatnya. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkarakteristik sifat-sifat edible film yang dihasilkan dari komposit pati sagu molat-pektin, meliputi ketebalan, kuat tarik, elongasi, daya larut, transparansi dan laju transmisi uap air. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli sampai dengan Agustus 2017 di Laboratorium Kimia dan Biokimia Pangan, Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, dan Laboratorium Rekayasa Pangan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan adalah komposit pati sagu molat-pektin, dengan lima taraf perlakuan (3:0; 2,75:0,25; 2,5:0,5; 2,25:0,75 dan 2:1 (g/g)). Berdasarkan hasil analisis keragaman, perlakuan komposit pati sagu molat-pektin berpengaruh terhadap perubahan sifat-sifat mekanik, fisik dan barrier edible film. Meningkatnya konsentrasi pektin (0-1%) pada larutan film menurunkan elongasi film, tetapi meningkatkan sifat-sifat ketebalan, kuat tarik, daya larut, transparansi, dan laju transmisi uap airnya. Perlakuan komposit pati sagu molat-pektin 2:1 dapat memperbaiki sifat fisik dan mekanik edible film walaupun daya larut dan nilai laju transmisi uap airnya tinggi.
Buletin Palma Vol 16, No 2 (2015): Desember, 2015
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (822.006 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/bp.v16n2.2015.183-194


ABSTRAK Program pemuliaan untuk peningkatan produksi minyak kelapa sawit dapat dilakukan dengan cara melakukan seleksi plasma nutfah, observasi/eksplorasi lapang, maupun introduksi aksesi baru dari luar negeri. Teknologi seleksi kelapa sawit dapat dilakukan secara konvensional dan non-konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi keragaman genetik aksesi kelapa sawit asal Kamerun  berdasarkan keragaman karakter morfologi, produksi awal, dengan menggunakan marka molekuler  SSR. Penelitian dilakukan di KP Sitiung dan BB Biogen. Sampel yang dipilih adalah aksesi yang memiliki produksi awal tandan buah segar (TBS) minimal 4 kg.  Sebanyak 35 aksesi kelapa sawit asal Kamerun dan 20 primer SSR digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil pengamatan karakter morfologi menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan karakter morfologi diantara 35 tanaman kelapa sawit yang produksi awalnya ≥ 4 kg TBS. Produksi awal kelapa sawit berkisar antara 4 - 9,5 kg TBS per tandan dengan koefisien keragaman rendah, yaitu < 20%. Berdasarkan analisis 20 primer SSR dihasilkan   enam pita dengan kisaran 4−12 alel. Jumlah alel dominan sangat mendominasi dibanding dengan alel jarang maupun alel sedang.  Nilai Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) yang diperoleh sebagian bernilai negatif, 11 primer (55%) bernilai positif. Primer MEgcl3639 menghasilkan nilai PIC tertinggi (0,65), sedangkan nilai PIC terendah pada primer MEgcl0046 (-0,48). Berdasarkan analisis UPGMA aksesi 35 kelapa sawit terbagi  ke dalam dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok I terdiri dari 34 aksesi pada tingkat kesamaan genetik 42,5 - 67,5%, dan  kelompok II, yaitu satu aksesi (D91.4). Aksesi  D91.4 memiliki komposisi genetik yang sangat berbeda dengan kelompok I, dapat digunakan sebagai calon tetua persilangan. Perlu penelitian lebih detail pada aksesi D91.4 ini untuk pengamatan karakter kadar minyak, ketebalan cangkang, daging buah, dll.Kata kunci : Kelapa sawit, Kamerun, produksi awal, SSR. Diveristy Analysis of 35 Oil Palm Accessions (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Originated from Cameroon Based on Early Production Character by Using SSR Markers ABSTRACT Oil palm breeding programs to increase oil palm production can be done by under going selection in the germplasm collection, observation/exploration in the field and introduction from abroad. The technology can also be done by conventional or non-convention always. This study aimed to obtain information about genetic diversity of palm accessions originated from Cameroon based on the diversity of morphology and early production characters by using SSR molecular markers. Selected samples were those  that had early production of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) of at least 4 kg. The  research were held in Sitiung Field Station and ICABIOGRAD. Accessions used were oil palm accessions  originated from Cameroon as many as 35 accessions, where as microsatellite primers used were as many as 20 SSR  primers. The observation result of morphological characters showed that 35 oil palm accessions with production level of  ≥4,00 kg of FFB were not statically different. Initial production of oil palm accession were ranged from 4,00 to 9,50 kg  FFB per cluster with low diversity coefficient of <20%, which indicating high level of genetic uniformity. Molecular  analysis by using 20 SSR primers resulted  in number of bands up to six, with a range of 4-12 alleles. Dominant alleles  were more dominat as compared to rare or medium alleles. Some of Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) values were  obtained  negative, and only 11 primers (55%) showed positive PIC value. In this study, the primer Megcl3639 produced  the highest PIC value (0.65), while the lowest value was obtained on the primer MEgcl0046 (-0,48). Based on the UPGMA  analysis, 35 oil palm accessions were divided into two groups. The first group was comprised by 34 accessions with similarity of 42,5 - 67,5%, where as group II was comprised by one accession (D91.4). Accession D91.4 has a genetic composition that is very different the group I, can be used as a prospective parent for crosses. More detailed research is needed on this D91.4 accessions such as oil content, shell thickness, thickness of fruit, etc.Keywords: Oil palm, Cameroon, early production, SSR.

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