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Indonesian Scientific Journal (Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia) Jl. Pasar Atas No 3, Kompleks Setramas Kota Cimahi, Bandung
International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems
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International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems (IJADIS) (e-ISSN: 2721-3056) is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of data science and information system that is published twice a year; scheduled in April and October. The journal is published for those who wish to share information about their research and innovations and for those who want to know the latest results in the field of Data Science and Information System. The Journal is published by the Indonesian Scientific Journal. Accepted paper will be available online (free access), and there will be no publication fee. The author will get their own personal copy of the paperwork. IJADIS welcomes all topics that are relevant to data science, and information system. The listed topics of interest are as follows: Data clustering and classifications Statistical model in data science Artificial intelligence and machine learning in data science Data visualization Data mining Data intelligence Business intelligence and data warehousing Cloud computing for Big Data Data processing and analytics in IoT Tools and applications in data science Vision and future directions of data science Computational Linguistics Text Classification Language resources Information retrieval Information extraction Information security Machine translation Sentiment analysis Semantics Summarization Speech processing Mathematical linguistics NLP applications Information Science Cryptography and steganography Digital Forensic Social media and social network Crowdsourcing Computational intelligence Collective intelligence Graph theory and computation Network science Modeling and simulation Parallel and distributed computing High-performance computing Information architecture
Articles 54 Documents
Application of K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Determination of Fire-Prone Areas Utilizing Hotspots in West Kalimantan Province Nabila Amalia Khairani; Edi Sutoyo
International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April 2020 - International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/ijadis.v1i1.13


Forest and land fires are disasters that often occur in Indonesia. In 2007, 2012 and 2015 forest fires that occurred in Sumatra and Kalimantan attracted global attention because they brought smog pollution to neighboring countries. One of the regions that has the highest fire hotspots is West Kalimantan Province. Forest and land fires have an impact on health, especially on the communities around the scene, as well as on the economic and social aspects. This must be overcome, one of them is by knowing the location of the area of ??fire and can analyze the causes of forest and land fires. With the impact caused by forest and land fires, the purpose of this study is to apply the clustering method using the k-means algorithm to be able to determine the hotspot prone areas in West Kalimantan Province. And evaluate the results of the cluster that has been obtained from the clustering method using the k-means algorithm. Data mining is a suitable method to be able to find out information on hotspot areas. The data mining method used is clustering because this method can process hotspot data into information that can inform areas prone to hotspots. This clustering uses k-means algorithm which is grouping data based on similar characteristics. The hotspots data obtained are grouped into 3 clusters with the results obtained for cluster 0 as many as 284 hotspots including hazardous areas, 215 hotspots including non-prone areas and 129 points that belong to very vulnerable areas. Then the clustering results were evaluated using the Davies-Bouldin Index (DBI) method with a value of 3.112 which indicates that the clustering results of 3 clusters were not optimal.
Analysis of Malware Impact on Network Traffic using Behavior-based Detection Technique Adib Fakhri Muhtadi; Ahmad Almaarif
International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April 2020 - International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/ijadis.v1i1.14


Malware is a software or computer program that is used to carry out malicious activity. Malware is made with the aim of harming user’s device because it can change user’s data, use up bandwidth and other resources without user's permission. Some research has been done before to identify the type of malware and its effects. But previous research only focused on grouping the types of malware that attack via network traffic. This research analyzes the impact of malware on network traffic using behavior-based detection techniques. This technique analyzes malware by running malware samples into an environment and monitoring the activities caused by malware samples. To obtain accurate results, the analysis is carried out by retrieving API call network information and network traffic activities. From the analysis of the malware API call network, information is generated about the order of the API call network used by malware. Using the network traffic, obtained malware activities by analyzing the behavior of network traffic malware, payload, and throughput of infected traffic. Furthermore, the results of the API call network sequence used by malware and the results of network traffic analysis, are analyzed so that the impact of malware on network traffic can be determined.
Impact Analysis of Malware Based on Call Network API With Heuristic Detection Method One Tika Suryati; Avon Budiono
International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April 2020 - International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/ijadis.v1i1.176


Malware is a program that has a negative influence on computer systems that don't have user permissions. The purpose of making malware by hackers is to get profits in an illegal way. Therefore, we need a malware analysis. Malware analysis aims to determine the specifics of malware so that security can be built to protect computer devices. One method for analyzing malware is heuristic detection. Heuristic detection is an analytical method that allows finding new types of malware in a file or application. Many malwares are made to attack through the internet because of technological advancements. Based on these conditions, the malware analysis is carried out using the API call network with the heuristic detection method. This aims to identify the behavior of malware that attacks the network. The results of the analysis carried out are that most malware is spyware, which is lurking user activity and retrieving user data without the user's knowledge. In addition, there is also malware that is adware, which displays advertisements through pop-up windows on computer devices that interfaces with user activity. So that with these results, it can also be identified actions that can be taken by the user to protect his computer device, such as by installing antivirus or antimalware, not downloading unauthorized applications and not accessing unsafe websites.
Analysis of User Acceptance of ERP System on After Sales Function Using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model Verina Risky Andwika; R. Wahjoe Witjaksono
International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April 2020 - International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/ijadis.v1i1.178


Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) is a model used to describe user behavior towards the acceptance of information technology. UTAUT is a development of eight previous leading theories. UTAUT has four constructs that can be a significant direct determinant of behavioral intention and use behavioral, ie performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. This model is then used to analyze user acceptance of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) at PT Wijaya Toyota Dago. ERP is a system that can help companies to integrate one process with another process, in order to achieve company goals. This research will explain about the relation of factors influencing acceptance and usage of ERP by using UTAUT model. This research is an explanative research with data analysis technique using PLS (Partial Least Square). Data obtained comes from respondents who are employees of After Sales function of PT Wijaya Toyota Dago, data obtained by way of distributing the questionnaire tertuup. The sample size in this study was 37 resondents and analyzed using SPSS and SmartPLS applications. The analysis results are as follows: (1) Variable Performance Expectancy (PE) has a positive and significant influence on Behavioral Intention (BI); (2) Variable Effort Expectancy (EE) has a positive and significant influence on Behavioral Intention (BI);(3) Social Influence Variables (SI) have a positive and significant influence on Behavioral Intention (BI); (4) Variable Facilitating Conditions (FC) has a positive and significant influence on Use Behavior; (5) Social Influence (SI) variable has positive but not significant influence on Behavioral Intention (BI).
Design of Cooling and Air Flow System Using NDLC Method Based on TIA-942 Standards in Data Center at CV Media Smart Semarang Septian Sony Hermawan; Rd Rohmat Saedudin
International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April 2020 - International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/ijadis.v1i1.179


CV Media Smart is a company that involved in the procurement of IT tools in schools and offices. With wide range coverage of schools and companies, CV Media Smart want to add more business process, therefore data center is needed to support existing and added later business process. The focus of this research is on cooling system and air flow. To support this research, NDLC (Network Development Life Cycle) is used as research method. NDLC is a method that depend on development process, like design of business process and infrastructure design. The reason why this research is using NDLC method is because NDLC is method that depend on development process. The standard that used in this research is TIA-942. Result of this research is a design of data center that already meet TIA-942 standard tier 1.
The Diversity of Labuhanbatu Community Culture in Android-Based Applications Bambang Ade Sulakono; Sumitro Sarkum; Musthafa Haris Munandar; Masrizal Masrizal; Deci Irmayani
International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): October 2020 - International Journal of Advances in Data and Information System
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/ijadis.v1i2.182


Android is an application system which has been developed by many people so that people can use the Android system in a work which can help them solve problems in their work. Android systems in smartphones can support complete facilities with Android. Labuhan Batu area is divided into three regions, because of this, knowledge is needed to explains about the culture of the people of Labuhanbatu main district separately of the people in the other districts. In this research, the author describes the research methods used in system design into two parts of method namely the research results obtained by methods using descriptive methods and the research conducted based on actual data by comparing theories and then drawing conclusions. The benefit of the authors working on this research is to make an Android-based application which eases the public to find out the information about the culture that exists in each district in Labuhanbatu Regency. Labuhanbatu Regency Cultural Information Application based on Android can be used by students and even the public, using an Android-based smartphone.
Volatility, Global Proxy Index, V-A-R: Empirical Study on Pakistan And China Stock Exchanges Muhammad Arslan; Wajid Shakeel Ahmed; Mansoor Akhter
International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): October 2020 - International Journal of Advances in Data and Information System
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/ijadis.v1i2.183


This study postulates that propose global proxy index is a significant conduit to evaluate the shocks in volatile stock markets i.e. PSX and SSE, alike. The two separate models i.e. Log-GARCH (1, 1) and ARMA-GARCH (1, 1) have been used along with the value at risk (V-a-R) @ 5% criteria for choosing best-fitted model. The study results showed Log-GARCH (1, 1) model proves to the best. This study results are not driven by political-level risks and thus independent study can be conducted to evaluate the detrimental consequences on investment opportunities under volatile environments.
The Analysis of Functional Needs on Undergraduate Thesis Information System Management: A Case Study in Indonesian Universities Lila Setiyani; Abin Syamsudin; Abdorrakhman Gintings; Daeng Arifin
International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): October 2020 - International Journal of Advances in Data and Information System
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/ijadis.v1i2.184


Undergraduate thesis is a scientific paper that students must complete to get a bachelor’s degree. During the completion of the thesis, many students face difficulties in determining research topics, supervision, and administration processes so that they cannot graduate on time. This study aims to analyze the functional needs of the undergraduate thesis information system management that is needed by both students and administrators. This system serves to accelerate the thesis preparation process that is useful for students, supervisors, and thesis administration managers. The procedure of the study was conducted by compiling matrix planning and data collection. As the data source, this study involved 20 students who were writing their undergraduate thesis and 10 alumni who have completed their theses. This sample was selected with the criteria of students or alumni who have been involved in the undergarduate thesis business process. In the process of taking samples reseachers used a purposive sampling method. In addition, difficulties in managing the thesis were also explored by supervisors and study program management. Furthermore, the data were analyzed through PIECES (Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency, Service). This study produces a list of functional needs on the thesis management system that can encourage students to graduate on time, in which universities can implement this system and socialize it to users.
Website Quality Measurement of Higher Education Services Institution Region IV Using Webqual 4.0 Method Rintho Rante Rerung; Muhammad Fauzan; Hari Hermawan
International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): October 2020 - International Journal of Advances in Data and Information System
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/ijadis.v1i2.185


The purpose of this study is to measure and describe the Higher Education Services Institution Region IV website quality using the Webqual 4.0 method. The questionnaire filling, depth interviews, and observation are the methods used in this research. The measurement results showed that the overall of the Higher Education Services Institution Region IV website quality was included in Good criteria. In detail from the measurement results, the dimension criteria that gained the highest score was the usability dimension which is 741,63 with a percentage of 81.05 (good criteria). The information quality dimension obtained an average score of 730,57 with a percentage 79.84 (good criteria). While the dimension that obtained the lowest score was the service interaction dimension which was 710,50 with the percentage of 77.10 (good criteria). In addition, in order to accommodate the needs of visitors, this study found the fact that visitors expected website developers to build the website navigate easily, information updated more, implement a comprehensive recommendation system, and more interactive.
Designing an Information System for Inventory Forecasting: (Case Study: Samsung Partner Plaza, Sorong City) Matheus Rumetna; Elisabeth Esmeralda Renny; Tirsa Ninia Lina
International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): October 2020 - International Journal of Advances in Data and Information System
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/ijadis.v1i2.187


Samsung Partner Plaza is a company that sells smartphones and serves large-scale sales by adopting the membership and computerized systems. The company’s inventory management activities consist of the normal inventory flow direction and management, ranging from the inventory procurement, storage to sales. The company would often face a problem where it would be running out of finished goods inventory to be sold in coming months. The remaining inventory would be inadequate to meet the customer demands. Such situation, and the fact that the company has competitors both inside and outside Sorong city, might cause customers to find other companies that could meet their demands, thus reducing the company’s capacity to generate profit. Given the situation, this research was conducted to create an information system which could be used by Samsung Partner Plaza for inventory forecasting. The system would provide information regarding the correct amount of inventory which could meet the customer demands. The waterfall method was employed to develop the system whereas the exponential smoothing method was employed by the system to perform forecasting. The research produced a forecasting information system which was helpful for the company in predicting the adequate amount of inventory to be ordered to meet the customer demands. The system was tested using the Black Box testing and the results showed that all functions of the system worked well (valid).