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Achmad Muchaddam Fahham
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Aspirasi : Jurnal Masalah-masalah Sosial
ISSN : 20866305     EISSN : 26145863     DOI : -
Jurnal Aspirasi is a journal on social issues publishing articles from parliamentary perspectives, covering both library and field studies. The journal puts emphasis on aspects related to social issues in Indonesian context with special reference to sociology, psychology, education, environment, religion, and health.
Articles 205 Documents
Jurnal Aspirasi Vol 5, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.45 KB) | DOI: 10.46807/aspirasi.v5i1.445


Illegal drugs cultivation, production, trafficking, and abuse are recognized as criminal acts. The number of drugs abusers in Indonesia is the highest among Southeast Asian countries. ASEAN leaders have declared to make the region a drug-free zone by 2015. This paper is conducted through literature study to examine the phenomenon of the spread of drugs in the ASEAN region. From the literature study it appears that the region is vulnerable to trans-national crime, including drug smuggling. The Indonesian people should be aware on transnational crimes as possible side effects of market liberalization. Family and local communities are the major foundation in fighting against drugs abuse. Illegal drugs distribution should be controlled by reducing both supply and demand.
Dinamika Hubungan Antarumat Beragama: Pola Hubungan Muslim dan Hindu di Bali Achmad Muchaddam Fahham
Jurnal Aspirasi Vol 9, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (624.977 KB) | DOI: 10.46807/aspirasi.v9i1.1148


In 2015, in terms of religious harmony in Indonesia, Bali Province was ranked second. The province of Bali received a score of 81.6 percent and was under the province of NTT which obtained a value of 83.3 percent. The acquisition of the harmony index shows that generally the relationship between religious believers in Bali is harmonious. Nevertheless, this does not mean that Bali is protected from the problems of relations between religious believers. This study aims to explain the pattern of relations between Islamic and Hindu communities in Bali. This study uses a qualitative approach, the data is collected through literature studies and interviews with several informants who are selected purposively. The findings obtained show that the pattern of relations between Muslim and Hindu followers is not single, but diverse. There are associative patterns and there are also patterns of disassociative relationships. Associative relationships are divided into three, namely cooperation, accommodating, and tolerance, while associative relationships are divided into two, namely competitive and conflict. Factors that encourage the birth of associative relationships are historical factors, economic interests, and integration factors. On the other side, the determinants of the birth of a disassociative relationship are factors of economic jealousy, lack of understanding of the teachings of Islam, communication and the strong customs implemented in Bali.Di tahun 2015, dalam hal kerukunan umat beragama di Indonesia, Provinsi Bali menempati peringkat kedua. Provinsi Bali memeroleh nilai 81,6 persen dan berada di bawah Provinsi NTT yang memeroleh nilai 83,3 persen. Perolehan indeks kerukunan tersebut menunjukkan secara umum hubungan antarumat beragama di Bali adalah harmonis. Meskipun demikian, ini bukan berarti Bali terhindar dari problema hubungan antarumat beragama. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pola hubungan antarumat Islam dan Hindu di Bali. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, data-datanya dikumpulkan melalui studi pustaka dan wawancara dengan beberapa informan yang dipilih secara purposive. Temuan yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pola hubungan antarumat Islam dan Hindu tidak tunggal, tetapi beragam. Ada pola hubungan yang asosiatif dan ada pula pola hubungan yang disasosiatif. Hubungan yang asosiatif dipilah menjadi tiga yakni kerja sama, akomodatif, dan toleransi, sementara hubungan yang diasosiatif dibagi menjadi dua, yakni kompetitif dan konflik. Faktor yang mendorong lahirnya hubungan yang asosiatif adalah faktor historis, kepentingan ekonomi, dan faktor integrasi. Sementara faktor penentu lahirnya hubungan yang disasosiatif adalah faktor kecemburuan ekonomi, ketidakemengertian terhadap ajaran agama Islam, komunikasi dan kuatnya adat yang berlaku di Bali.
Jurnal Aspirasi Vol 6, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46807/aspirasi.v6i1.468


As an effort to protect Indonesian children, the State has made the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation No. 21 of 2013 on Child Care and Act No. 35 of 2014 on Child Protection. To optimize the child protection efforts, Ministry of Social Affairs seeks to make the program of Family Development Session (FDS) with the purpose to built the knowledge of parenting for Indonesian parents to supports the development and protection of children. This study seeks to see the benefits of the implementation of the FDS program. The research uses qualitative methods. The technique used to collect data is interview and observations of the three informants. The results showed that the FDS program has succeeded in changing the informants parenting style in all three domains, namely affective, behavior, and cognitive. In the future, the government should ensure that the FDS program is felt by all the people of Indonesia. While the Parliament should encourage the government to be more creative and innovative to make Indonesian children healthy in spiritual and body owing, to the proper parenting and proper protection.
Jurnal Aspirasi Vol 2, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (521.324 KB) | DOI: 10.46807/aspirasi.v2i1.436


Smoking cessation is not a simple thing for smokers. Most of them realized smoking is danger for their health, therefore they intense to quit. Nevertheless, many of them can’t be succeed in oversteping the rehabilitation process and than relapse. This research explore rehabilitation problem experienced by heavy smokers who have more complex relapse experience rather than smokers with lower level. This research used cognition approach, that is Health Belief Model (HBM). To explore the problem deeply, qualitative method has been used. The result is, although smokers have been through rehabilitation process, they didn’t fully understood that smoke is danger for themselves. Internal factor is the most influenting factor, especially health motivation and locus of control. This factors influence their perception on health threat and their evaluation of health behavior. Government has significant role for a successful modification of healthy new behavior through regulations.
Pesantren dan Konstruksi Realitas Sosial Moh. Sholeh
Jurnal Aspirasi Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.179 KB) | DOI: 10.46807/aspirasi.v7i1.1283


Judul Buku : Membangun dari Keterpencilan: Soft Contructivism, Kesadaran Aktor dan Modernitas Dunia PesantrenPenulis : Aniek NurhayatiPenerbit : Daulatpress Tahun : 2016 Buku ini, awalnya merupakan tugas akhir Aniek Nurhayati pada Program Doktor Ilmu Pertanian di Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Secara umum buku ini berupaya memahami peran pesantren dalam melakukan perubahan sosial di pedesaan.
Jurnal Aspirasi Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.326 KB) | DOI: 10.46807/aspirasi.v5i2.459


In order toachieve the national health developments goals, we need health workforce who are competent, responsible, uphold ethical standards and spread evently all over Indonesia. But in fact, health workforce in Indonesia still face a lot of problem. Therefore the parliament and the government formed health workforce act as a legal reference to handle the problems. This research was conducted to determine health policy triangle in forming health workforce act. With qualitative approach, the study concluded that the actors come from the government, the president, the legislators, interest groups and political party. The content include aspects of professionalism and the relationship between the health workforce. The context includes aspects of cultural, social, political, economic, and legal. The process began in 2010 until 2014. This study recommended that in order to get common perspective, the public and the stakeholders should get involved more intensely.
Jurnal Aspirasi Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (847.731 KB) | DOI: 10.46807/aspirasi.v3i2.270


This paper aims at explaining some factors that led to the practice of under age marriage in Sukabumi West Java. Using qualitative research methods, it was found that the five factors are: the perception on puberty term, sustenance perception, the perception of the age limit of marriage, perceptions about who is morei deal to get married first, and perceptions to reduce the economic burden of the family. In addition, the practice of under age marriage that occurred are followed by a variety of issues such as: gender discrimination, divorce, lack of family stability, and parenting mistake. The practice of under age marriage is also reinforced by factors such as religious textualism and cultural interpretations adopted by the community.
Cover Aspirasi Vol. 10 No. 2 Redaksi Aspirasi
Jurnal Aspirasi Vol 10, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (867.579 KB)


Strategi Dosen dalam Pengondisian Perilaku Membaca Mahasiswa di Era Digital: Studi Kasus di Kalimantan Barat dan Sulawesi Selatan Elga Andina
Jurnal Aspirasi Vol 8, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (471.967 KB) | DOI: 10.46807/aspirasi.v8i2.1265


Reading is an activity that helps develop college student’s thinking ability, as well as support academic performance and achievement. This study wanted to know how the role of lecturers in shaping student’s reading behavior in the digital era. By interviewing 26 lecturers, 38 students, 2 university library heads and an officer of provincial education authorities, this study found that students' reading behavior did not grow due to lack of guidance in the previous education level. Interaction with information technology and telecommunications in the digital era increasingly keeps students away from the expected reading behavior. Intervention of the lecturer becomes important in conditioning the reading behavior, that is with the assignment of notes and the assignment of reading. In addition, universities need to prepare facilities and infrastructures that support the growth of student’s reading behavior.Membaca adalah kegiatan yang membantu mengembangkan pemikiran mahasiswa sehingga mendukung performa dan pencapaian akademik. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana peran dosen dalam membentuk perilaku membaca mahasiswa di era digital. Dengan mewawancarai 26 dosen, 38 mahasiswa, 2 pimpinan perpustakaan kampus, dan 1 pejabat dinas pendidikan provinsi, peneliti menemukan bahwa perilaku membaca mahasiswa tidak tumbuh karena kurangnya pembinaan di jenjang pendidikan sebelumnya. Interaksi dengan teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi di era digital semakin menjauhkan mahasiswa dari perilaku membaca yang diharapkan. Intervensi dari dosen menjadi penting dalam mengondisikan perilaku membaca, yaitu dengan penugasan mencatat dan penugasan membaca. Selain itu, perguruan tinggi perlu mempersiapkan sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung tumbuhnya perilaku membaca mahasiswa.
Jurnal Aspirasi Vol 6, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1092.14 KB) | DOI: 10.46807/aspirasi.v6i2.514


Book ReviewJudul Buku : Suara dari Desa Menuju Revitalisasi PKKPenulis : Ani W. Soetjipto dan Shelly AdelinaPenerbit : CV Marjin KiriTahun Terbit : 2013Jumlah Halaman : xiii, 222 halamanISBN : 978-979-1260-19-0 

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