Law Research Review Quarterly
The Law Research Review Quarterly is intended to be a national and international journal that provides a forum and forum for academics, legal practitioners, legal observers, students, researchers and the general public who have an interest in the field of legal science. This journal covers all fields of law, including: Criminal Law, Civil Law, State Administrative Law, International Law, Business Law, Human Rights Law, Tax Law, Land Law, Agrarian Law, Sea Law, Diplomatic Law, Law and Society, Philosophy of Law, Comparative Law, Procedural Law, Sociology of Law, Criminology, Victimology, Law and Gender, Islamic Law, and various other relevant fields of law studies. This journal is published every three months (four times a year) both online and in print.
522 Documents
Revitalizing the Pancasila Ideology in the Global Level of the Rule of Law Perspective
Hidayat, Arief
Law Research Review Quarterly Vol 2 No 1 (2016): L. Research Rev. Q. (February 2016) "Pancasila and Global Ideology: Challenges an
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang
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DOI: 10.15294/snh.v2i01.20111
GLOBALIZATION is a fact. It can no longer be avoided. Both positive and negative effects of globalization must be addressed and responded to appropriately. The Indonesian people are demanded not to be passive about the current of globalization. Globalization is the challenge of the times. With regard to democracy, globalization breeds its own paradox: on the one hand the globalization of democracy results in the bankruptcy of many ideologies, on the other it also encourages the rise of local nationalism, even in its most shallow and narrow forms such as ethnonationalism, or even tribalism.
Strengthening the Nation's Ideology Values in the Framework of Strengthening National Resilience in the Global Level
Widjojo, Agus
Law Research Review Quarterly Vol 2 No 1 (2016): L. Research Rev. Q. (February 2016) "Pancasila and Global Ideology: Challenges an
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang
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DOI: 10.15294/snh.v2i01.20113
The reform process currently underway is basically a process of reinventing and rebuilding and consolidating the Indonesian nation towards a modern democratic society and at the same time a corrective awareness to reorganize its life so that it becomes better for the achievement of its national goals and ideals. However, at the empirical level, it is indicated that the reforms have not yet proceeded as originally expected, namely as a process of systematic and measured change. This can be seen in the application of the rights of individual and group freedoms that even give rise to vertical and horizontal conflicts. On the other hand, the demands for regional expansion which are considered to be an expression of local freedom, in practice have grown wider and more difficult to control. The emergence of sectoral ego, regional ego, tribal ego, religious group ego, all of which often neglect harmony and harmony in the life of the nation and state.
Deter and Deny Strategies in Counter Terrorism Crime
Masyhar, Ali
Law Research Review Quarterly Vol 3 No 1 (2017): L. Research Rev. Q. (February 2017) "Supervision of Immigration in the Control of
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang
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DOI: 10.15294/snh.v3i1.20915
ADULTS, movement and human traffic are not only confined around one country alone. In a very short time, a person can move from one country to another, even moving to several countries. Such conditions, of course, must be followed by a renewal of the concept of law, mainly related to criminal law. Crime also moves not only struggling in one area of ​​the country, but has crossed national borders. One of the crimes that goes beyond national borders is terrorism. Terrorism is one form of crime that has the potential to be strong across national borders (transnational crime) and even organized (transnational organized crime), because it networking with organized groups that reside in other countries. Therefore, in order to anticipate terrorism that has international networks, the concept of Cekal (Prevent-Tangkal) becomes a very telling instrument. Prevention is a temporary ban on people leaving Indonesia based on immigration reasons or other reasons determined by law. Meanwhile, deterrence is a prohibition against foreigners entering Indonesian territory based on immigration reasons
Visa Free Policy and Immigration Oversight Function in Radicalism Control in Indonesia
Dhesinta, Wafia Slivi
Law Research Review Quarterly Vol 3 No 1 (2017): L. Research Rev. Q. (February 2017) "Supervision of Immigration in the Control of
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang
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DOI: 10.15294/snh.v3i1.20916
Visa-free policy established through Presidential Regulation Number 21 Year 2016 in order to increase the country's foreign exchange in tourism, in fact is not free from a number of potential problems. The visa-free visa for 169 countries opens up opportunities for problems not only of visa abuse but also the potential for the spread of radicalism and terrorism. As a country with the largest Muslim population, Indonesia has the potential to become a target of spreading radicalism. Therefore the role of immigration as the guardian of the gate of state sovereignty is very much needed. The author in this case raises the issue of how the immigration control functions in controlling radicalism in Indonesia after applying a visa-free policy. Visa-free policies open up the possibility of weak and vulnerable oversight for immigrants. Immigration as the first and last institution in selecting the arrival and departure of foreigners in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia has a very large role in conducting surveillance. The oversight function possessed by immigration will not run without the participation and integral support of the regional apparatus and also the community. The formation of a Foreigners Monitoring Team (TIMPORA) is one of the instruments for Immigration to conduct surveillance for foreign nationals who enter Indonesia. In its regulations, Timpora is equipped with the authority to conduct joint operations in carrying out its supervisory functions.
Deny Practices in Immigration in the Prevention of Terrorism
Abdullah, Reza Riansyah
Law Research Review Quarterly Vol 3 No 1 (2017): L. Research Rev. Q. (February 2017) "Supervision of Immigration in the Control of
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang
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DOI: 10.15294/snh.v3i1.20918
Immigration control through the block system is part of the implementation of the duties and functions of the Directorate General of Immigration as a state agency that carries out government affairs in the areas of immigration, law enforcement, state security and facilitators of community welfare development, which have not been fully empowered for law enforcement functions outside of immigration interests. Formally the immigration blocking system has openness to cross-sector cooperation for its use. In the context of preventing terrorism, immigration control based on a banned system has concepts and facilities that can be a means to strengthen the carrying capacity of the implementation of terrorism prevention in Indonesia while still paying attention to the human rights side.
Securitization of Cross-border Refugee Forced Migration in Indonesia
Zayzda, Nurul Azizah
Law Research Review Quarterly Vol 3 No 1 (2017): L. Research Rev. Q. (February 2017) "Supervision of Immigration in the Control of
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang
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DOI: 10.15294/snh.v3i1.20920
Securitization of migration refers to the phenomenon of attaching the issue of migration to the issue of national security. This concept has evolved since Western countries such as Europe and the United States have imposed restrictions on those who migrate through selective immigration policies, strict border security. Basically migration securitization is not just about making migration organized; it also contains symbolic processes that create or reinforce rhetoric regarding the exclusivity of the political community. In Indonesia, the securitization of migration lies in the policies and rhetoric that is disseminated to the public domain regarding the migration of foreign nationals into Indonesian territory. This is demonstrated by the use of immigration detention centers to hold immigrant asylum seekers, the implementation of the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime and the Lombok Treaty with Australia, as well as border security cooperation with Australia. All of these are forms of policy or cooperation to deal with the entry of immigrants on an irregular basis and prevent the dangers of national security including terrorism. The dilemma is, Indonesia is one of the transit countries that is passed by asylum seekers or asylum seekers from various regions in the world who seek protection to Australia.
Deradicalization as a Non-Penal Effort in Combating Terrorism Criminal Acts in Indonesia
Maskur, Muhammad Azil
Law Research Review Quarterly Vol 3 No 1 (2017): L. Research Rev. Q. (February 2017) "Supervision of Immigration in the Control of
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang
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DOI: 10.15294/snh.v3i1.20922
Terrorism is an extraordinary crime that is different from ordinary crime. Perpetrators of ordinary crimes such as murder and theft are aware that what they do is evil and wrong, while the perpetrators of terrorism mostly feel that their actions are religious orders and will get a reward in the form of heaven from God Almighty. The issue of the inner attitude of the perpetrators of terror makes up until now the criminal acts of terrorism continue to grow and develop and even begin to spread to female perpetrators. Terrorists continue to build networks and recruit new members to launch the action. Seeing this phenomenon, the method of combating terrorism is not enough to only be done through the path of punishment but also the path of non-punishment. Even this non-penal pathway must be a top priority. The government must cut the chain of wrong understanding of religious teachings through deradicalization efforts. Deradicalization is done by involving all elements of the nation, both law enforcement officials, actors and society. Actors in this case must involve the families of perpetrators, while elements of society involve religious leaders who are qualified and understand the issues of religion and the state. The process of deradicalization will give terrorists awareness that the crimes committed so far are wrong and not in accordance with religious teachings. This awareness will also bring the wider community not easily carried away by a narrow and radical understanding of religion.
Synergy Against the Prevention of Terrorism and Understanding Radicalism
Muin, Fatkhul;
Aspihanto, Aan
Law Research Review Quarterly Vol 3 No 1 (2017): L. Research Rev. Q. (February 2017) "Supervision of Immigration in the Control of
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang
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DOI: 10.15294/snh.v3i1.20923
This study analyzes a comprehensive perspective on efforts to prevent terrorism and spread radicalism in Indonesia. Terrorist movements are an issue of primary concern for all elements / steakholders in Indonesia. The handling of these crimes often causes problems in society, with such conditions, it is necessary to prevent efforts to prevent terrorism and understand radicalism which often causes anxiety in the community due to theoretical actions and the spread of radicalism, especially to the younger generation. In efforts to prevent terrorism and radicalism, all elements must be involved. The existence of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Criminal Funding of Terrorism and Presidential Regulation Number 12 of 2012 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 46 of 2010 concerning Terrorism Prevention Agency, institutionally, prevention and non-criminal acts of terrorism can be carried out by state apparatus, but in other aspects active involvement of the community towards the prevention of terrorism and radical understanding in society is needed, because with the active involvement of the community, the level of spread of radical branches and public awareness of the dangers of terrorism for the social life of the community. This study aims to explore the need for synergy of all stakeholders in the prevention of terrorism and the spread of radicalism. This study uses a normative approach.
Febriyansah, Mochamad Nurhuda;
Khodriah, Lailatuh;
Wardana, Raka Kusuma
Law Research Review Quarterly Vol 3 No 2 (2017): L. Research Rev. Q. (May 2017) "Supervision of Immigration in the Control of Radi
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang
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DOI: 10.15294/snh.v3i1.20926
Sepanjang tahun 2016, masyarakat Indonesia kembali dikejutkan oleh serangkaian aksi terorisme. Berbagai macam modus yang dilakukan oleh teroris ini dapat mengganggu keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat, serta bahkan dapat menjadi ancaman bagi kedaulatan Negara. Para pelaku peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut selain dilakukan oleh wajah-wajah baru juga dilakukan oleh mantan narapidana atas kasus yang sama, yakni terorisme. Upaya pemidanaan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana kasus terorisme perlu pembinaan yang khusus. Penanganan terorisme sebenarnya suatu perlawanan yang ditujukan kepada ideologi yang dianut teroris beserta penyebarannya. Salah satunya dengan upaya deradikalisasi sebagai upaya menetralisir paham radikal bagi mereka yang terlibat aksi terorisme dan para simpatisannya, hingga meninggalkan aksi kekerasan. Upaya deradikalisasi perlu dilakukan khususnya di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) agar pada saat napi kembali ke masyarakat, kondisi-kondisi lingkungannya telah mendukung bagi perubahan yang terjadi dalam dirinya.
Sumardiana, Benny
Law Research Review Quarterly Vol 3 No 2 (2017): L. Research Rev. Q. (May 2017) "Supervision of Immigration in the Control of Radi
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang
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DOI: 10.15294/snh.v3i1.20927
Masyarakat Indonesia saat ini sedang menghadapi kondisi darurat adanya penyebaran paham ekstrim. Paham ekstrim yang dimaksud disini adalah pemikiran yang berlebihan atas suatu aliran sehingga menyebabkan loyalis atau penganutnya dapat bersikap berbeda dengan masyarakat umum yang hanya menganut nilai Pancasila. Hal tersebut diperparah dengan pemaksaan terhadap anggota masyarakat lainnya untuk sama-sama menganut aliran atau paham yang dianut. Paham tersebut bila dibiarkan dipahami oleh masyarakat yang secara pengetahuan dan kedewasaan yang belum siap akan mengakibatkan pada lahirnya penganut-penganut paham ekstrim yang mau berbuat apapun untuk mempertahankan atau menyebarkan aliran pemikiran yang dianutnya. Konsep pemikiran ‘ekstrim kanan’ sendiri merupakan satu kelanjutan dari rasa semangat beragama yang sangat kuat, yang ditindaklanjuti dengan berbagai relasi sosial dan politik. Penganut aliran pemikiran ini memandang agama menjadi sumber motivasi pribadi, kelompok, bangsa dan negara. Kelompok yang hendak menerapkan ajaran agama secara paripurna sebagaimana diperintahkan oleh agama dipandang sebagai suatu nilai positif. Penulis menilai maraknya tindak terorisme dikarenakan masifnya penyebaran paham ekstrim yang dapat mempengaruhi dan memprovokasi masyarakat. Masifnya penyebaran paham ekstrim ini salah satunya adalah disebabkan lemahnya pengawasan serta pencegahan oleh penegak hukum yang dalam hal ini perhatian khusus penulis tujukan pada institusi POLRI dan BNPT yang memiliki kewenangan secara langsung menangani terorisme dari segi dampak dan juga pencegahannya. Penulisan ini menggunakan Metode Yuridis Normatif dalam menganalisis permasalahan, mengkaji penyebaran paham ekstrim dan kaitannya dengan perbuatan pidana terorisme yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat dengan peraturan-peraturan yang ada dan teori-teori pakar hukum terkait diharapkan nantinya akan dapat memberikan masukan secara keilmuan atau pertimbangan pada pemerintah maupun pemangku kebijakan agar dapat mengambil keputusan yang tegas dan tepat. Ketegasan pemerintah dalam menangani kejahatan terorisme yang dilakukan oleh pelaku teroris sangat dibutuhkan. Perlu ada formulasi khusus kebijakan hukum pidana dalam menangani penyebaran paham ekstrim ini karena tindak pidana terorisme ini juga disebabkan oleh adanya penyebaran paham ekstrim yang tidak terbendung dalam masyarakat utamanya pemikiran paham ekstrim kanan, tentunya bila formulasi yang diambil tidak tepat justru akan menyebabkan semangat penanggulangan tindak pidana terorisme saat ini hanya akan menjadi usaha yang sia-sia.