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Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal ini memuat artikel tinjauan (review) mengenai hasil-hasil penelitian yang telah diterbitkan, dikaitkan dengan teori, evaluasi hasil penelitian lain, dengan atau mengenai kebijakan. Ruang lingkup artikel tinjauan ini meliputi bidang: tanah, air, iklim, lingkungan pertanian, perpupukan dan sosial ekonomi sumberdaya lahan.
Articles 173 Documents
Utilization and Development Strategy of PLG Peat Land in Central Kalimantan DIDI ARDI SURIADIKARTA
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 2, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (153.719 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v2n1.2008.%p


Swampy lands in Indonesia are covering a very large area which are distributed in three main islands i.e. Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua. The total areas of swampy lands are 33.4 millions ha, that consist of tidal land areas covering 20 millions ha more or less, and about 13.4 millions ha of non tidal lands. To develop swampy land area need good planning with proper technological application, especially in soil and water management. The objective of opening swampy land areas is to overcome the decreasing of rice productivity of rice field in Java. This is due to landuse conversion to another function, such as office building, highway, roads, and manufactures. PLG areas consist of four blocks, namely Block A, B, C, and D which covers 268,000 ha, 156,000 ha, 570,000 ha, and 138,000 ha, respectivelly. The strategy for developing these areas are: 1) To make master plan of PLG areas, 2) The peat land that has a thickness more than 3 meters utilized for conservation areas, 3) The peat land with less than 3meters thickness will be utilized for developing agriculture, fishery and forestry, 4) Protection areas for developing biodivercity. If those strategies are being conducted, thus the rehabilitation and revitalization of this area will be easily executed. According to the research result conducted by Agency of Agricultural Research and Development during the period of 1997-2000 in these areas, it is indicated that the soils are very potential for food crops, horticultures, and fruits. The limiting factors of these areas are pest, diseases, and flooding at the peak of rainy season. These areas are very potential for agribusiness such as food crops, vegetable crops, fruits, and estate crops, if macro water management network can be functioned normally and limiting factors can be controlled.
Karakteristik dan Potensi Lahan Sub Optimal untuk Pengembangan Pertanian di Indonesia Anny Mulyani; Muhrizal Sarwani
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 7, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (778.232 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v7n1.2013.%p


Abstrak. Seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan kebutuhan pangan nasional, semakin meningkat pula kebutuhan lahan untuk pengembangan pertanian. Oleh karena terbatasnya cadangan lahan pertanian subur, maka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan nasional harus memanfaatkan lahan sub optimal. Lahan sub optimal adalah lahan yang secara alamiah mempunyai produktivitas rendah karena faktor internal dan eksternal. Untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik dan potensi lahan sub optimal di Indonesia, telah dilakukan analisis terhadap basisdata sumberdaya lahan yang tersedia baik secara tabular maupun spasial dengan menggunakan GIS, serta berdasarkan hasil kajian di lapangan. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa lahan sub optimal dapat dipilah menjadi lahan kering masam, lahan kering iklim kering, lahan rawa pasang surut, lahan rawa lebak dan lahan gambut. Dari 189,2 juta ha daratan Indonesia, sekitar 108,8 juta ha termasuk lahan kering masam, terluas menyebar di Sumatera, Kalimantan, dan Papua. Sedangkan lahan kering iklim kering seluas 13,3 juta ha tersebar di Kaltim, Jatim, Bali, NTB dan NTT. Untuk lahan rawa terdiri dari rawa pasang surut seluas 11 juta ha, lahan rawa lebak 9,2 juta ha, dan lahan gambut seluas 14,9 juta ha, terluas terdapat di Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Papua. Dari 157,2 juta ha lahan sub optimal, sekitar 91,9 juta ha sesuai untuk pengembangan pertanian, dan sekitar 71,2 juta ha telah digunakan untuk lahan pertanian, pembangunan infrastruktur, dan pemukiman. Sisanya merupakan lahan cadangan masa depan, yang akan bersaing pemanfaatannya baik dalam sub sektor (perkebunan, pangan, hortikultura) maupun antar sektor (pertambangan, perindustrian, infrastruktur, pemukiman). Pemanfaatan lahan sub optimal akan menjadi tumpuan harapan masa depan, namun memerlukan inovasi teknologi untuk mengatasi kendalanya sesuai karakteristik dan tipologi lahannya. Intensifikasi lahan pertanian eksisting juga perlu dilakukan untuk menjawab tantangan peningkatan permintaan terhadap pangan dan hasil pertanian lainnya.Abstract. The demand for agricultural land increases with the increasing population and the demand for food. Availability of the fertile, more suitable land, is decreasing and thus future development should include sub-optimal lands. Sub-optimal lands are those land with low natural fertility due to the intrinsic properties and environmental forming factors. For evaluating the characteristics and potentials of Indonesian sub-optimal lands we analyzed the tabular and spatial land resources database using the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and field observations. The analysis resulted in groupings of sub-optimal lands into, acid upland, semi-arid upland, acid sulfate tidal swamp, inland swamplands and peatland. From the total of 189.2 million ha Indonesian land, about 108.8 million ha is classified as acid upland, distributed mainly in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua. Semi-arid uplands of 13.3 million ha is distributed in East Kalimantan, East Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara. The swampland, consisted of 11 million ha tidal swamps, 9.2 million ha inland swamp and 14.9 million ha peatlands in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua. Among the 157.2 million ha sub-optimal lands, about 91.9 million ha are suitable, but 70 million ha have been used for various uses of agriculture, infrastructure and settlement, and the remaining 21.9 million ha can be considered as land reserve for future uses with an intensified competition between sub-sectors (plantations, food crops, horticulture) as well as across sectors (mining, industry, infrastructure, settlement). The use of sub-optimal lands will become the last resort that should be managed wisely by technological innovation in accordance with the land characteristics and typologies. Maintenance and intensification of existing agricultural must also be done to address the ever-increasing demands for food, oil, fiber and timber.
Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan dalam Budidaya Kelapa Sawit di Lahan Gambut Terdegradasi Masganti Masganti; Nurhayati Nurhayati; Rachmiwati Yusuf; Hery Widyanto
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 9, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.691 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v9n2.2015.%p


Abstrak. Lahan gambut merupakan lahan yang sangat potensial dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan pertanian. Selain fungsi produksi,lahan gambut juga berfungsi dalam sistem hidrologi dan lingkungan. Diperkirakan dari total 14,95 juta hektar lahan gambutIndonesia, sekitar 6,66 juta hektar lahan ini telah terdegradasi. Degradasi lahan gambut menyebabkan fungsi hidrologi, produksi,dan lingkungan menjadi berkurang yang ditandai dengan penurunan produktivitas, pada musim hujan terjadi banjir, dan padamusim kemarau terjadi kekeringan, bahkan kebakaran. Gambut yang terdegradasi mempunyai kesuburan tanah yang lebihrendah, daya pegang air dan porositas lebih rendah, dan jenis dan populasi mikroorganisme lebih sedikit. Degradasi lahan gambutdisebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia seperti pengelolaan air yang salah, penambangan, dan penebangan pohon. Kriteria gambutterdegradasi meliputi (a) kadar karbon < 35 t ha-1, atau (b) tanaman penutup tanahnya merupakan semak belukar atau lahantersebut merupakan lahan terbuka bekas tambang. Meskipun terdegradasi, petani kelapa sawit banyak memanfaatkan lahan ini,sekitar 20-25% lahan gambut terdegradasi dimanfaatkan untuk budidaya kelapa sawit. Untuk itu diperlukan teknologi ramahlingkungan yang mampu menurunkan emisi GRK, meningkatkan produktivitas dan pendapatan petani. Teknologi tersebutmeliputi pengelolaan air menggunakan kanal blok, penggunaan amelioran Tankos dan tumpangsari tanaman.Abstract. Peatlands are potential land used for agricultural purposes. In addition to the production function, peatlands alsofunctions in hydrology and environmental systems. It is estimated that of a total of 14.95 million hectares of Indonesia'speatlands, about 6.66 million hectares of land has been degraded. Peatland degradation caused hydrological function, production,and the environment is reduced which is characterized by a decrease in productivity, floods in the rainy season, and droughts inthe dry season, even a fire. Degraded peat has lower in soil fertility, water holding capacity and porosity, and less in the type andpopulation of microorganisms. Peatland degradation caused by human activities such as poor water management is wrong,mining, and felling trees. Degraded peat criteria include (a) the carbon content <35 t ha-1, or (b) the land cover plants are shrubsor open land is a former mining land. Although degraded, oil palm growers are making use of this land, about 20-25% of degradedpeat lands utilized for the cultivation of oil palm. It is necessary for environment friendly technologies that can reduce greenhousegas emissions, improve productivity and income of farmers. These include water management technologies to use chanal block,use ameliorant Tankos and intercropped plants.
Retention P by Iron Oxide in Acid Sulphate Soil after Land Reclamation WAHIDA ANNISA; B.H PURWANTO
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 4, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (718.904 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v4n1.2010.%p


Acid Sulphate Soil is a kind of soil with high pyrite (FeS2) content. Miss management in land reclamation of acid sulphate soil will cause pyrite oxidation that made the soil becomes very acid. Pyrite oxidation on acid sulphate soil will produce iron oxides such as goethite (α-FeOOH) and hematite (α-Fe2O3). Goethite and hematite have ability to bind the anions and cations in the soilsuch as phosphate which produces a complex surface binuclear with model of Fe-OP(O2)-O-Fe. On acid sulphate land because of its association with soil Fe and its solubility alteration during reduction and oxidation processes of land, P is a limiting factor. More iron oxide in the soil, more P is retentioned. Each m.mol Fe in soil will bind P as much as 0,17 m.mol P.
Prospect of Soybean Extensification in Indonesia ANNY MULYANY; . SUKARMAN; ACHMAD HIDAYAT
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 3, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (137.526 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v3n1.2009.%p


Indonesia which covers 188.2 million ha of land area has great opportunities for soybean expansion. Until now, domestic need for soybean is still complied from import. Soybean is one of the strategic commodities for food and industrial needs, which in 2008 became a national issue because of the scarcity in the market. Therefore, the Department of Agriculture launched a selfsufficiency policy on soybeans targetted in the year 2014 through breakthrough efforts. To support the target, suitable land for soybean has been identified in 17 provinces. The results showed that land suitable for soybeans is around 16.7 million ha, scatteredin various location, namely 4.9 million ha in wetland area, 1.7 million ha in dry land area, 1.7 million ha in plantation area, 2.9 million ha in mix garden area, and 5.5 million ha in grass land area. If 30% of the assumed land suitable for soybeans in ricefield and upland can be utilized, these can produce 2.4 million tons of soybeans with the assumption that the average productivity levels is 1.2 tonnes/ha and once a year planting to maintain the balance of others commodity production. By utilizing 2 million ha of ricefield and upland, soybean self-sufficiency can be achieved in 2015. The development and extensification of soybean planting area should consider land suitability level. Area selection which historically has became soybean production center in 1990 is also has to take into account as well as farmer’s habit in soybean farming system. To accelerate the soybean self sufficiency, the improvement of human resources must be supported in form of assisting, motivation, extention, training, and plot dmeonstration, in order to gain optimal land productivity and technological application. In addition, the government supports are needed for the provision ofproduction facilities, capital, building the marketing chain, as well as conditions to create reasonable prices so that there isincentive for communities to develop soybeans.
Peningkatan Produktivitas Tanah Melalui Sistem Agroforestri Erna Suryani; Ai Dariah
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 6, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (662.802 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v6n2.2012.%p


Abstrak. Rendahnya tingkat kesuburan tanah dan tingginya unsur yang bersifat meracun sebagai akibat tingginya intensitas hujan (>2.500 mm/tahun) merupakan penyebab utama rendahnya produktivitas tanah di daerah tropika basah, seperti Indonesia. Pada kondisi ini, diharapkan sistem agroforestri dapat menjadi solusinya. Terdapat tiga komponen dalam agroforestri, yaitu kehutanan, pertanian dan peternakan. Agroforestry dalam Bahasa Indonesia dikenal sebagai Wanatani yang berarti menanam pepohonan di lahan pertanian. Pohon-pohon memilki perakaran dalam dan menyebar secara intensif pada lapisan tanah bawah mengurangi pencucian hara secara vertikal maupun horisontal. Penutupan tanah oleh vegetasi melindung tanah dan erosi. Peran tersebut menjadikan agroforestri mampu bertindak sebagai salah satu tindakan konservasi tanah dan air, selain menghasilkan beberapa jenis produk yang memilik nilai ekonomi tinggi. Kondisi demikian sekaligus menempatkan agroforestri sebagai sistem pengelolaan lahan yang berkelanjutan.Abstract. The low soil fertility and high toxic elements caused by high rainfall (>2,500 mm/year) is the main factor responsible for the low soil productivity in the humid tropical zone, like Indonesia. In this condition, agroforestry system is expected to be solution. There are three components of agroforestry: silviculture, agriculture and livestock. Agroforestry in Indonesian is called Wanatani that means planting trees in agricultural land. Trees have deep rooting and spread intensively in subsoil may reduce leaching nutrient both vertically and horizontally. Cover crop protected soil from erosion. This role makes agroforestry as one form of soil and water conservation practices, produced some products that have a high economic value. This situation allowed agroforestry as a system of sustainable land management.
Cover JSL Vol.9(1) 2015 Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 9, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.233 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v9n1.2015.%p


Cover JSL
Cover JSDL Vol. 11 No. 2 Desember 2017 Ika Mustika Sundari
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 11, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.851 KB)


Cover depan
Potential Development of Agriculture Commodity High Economy Value in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province SUBOWO GITOSUWONDO
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 3, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (119.426 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v3n1.2009.%p


Indonesia has been able to reach self sufficiency for rice, but the problem is decreasing farmer economic value exchange. For that reason besides pursuing increase land productivity and agriculture commodities development, the improvement farmer income must be done. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province has ± 0,319 million ha within land typology from mountainous vulcanize until sand shore. The problem is narrow land tenure, so that to increase farmer income the development of agriculture commodity with high economics value should be executed based on land carrying capacity. High diversity of land typology with good irrigation network and farm road infrastructure make DI Yogyakarta Province potential to be developed as agriculture seed centre and off season commodity planting. The minerals deposit of volcanous Merapi mountain and marine can increase quality ofagricultural product which good for health, therefore it is potential for development of functional food and improvement livestock reproduction for calf production. Through agricultural product that has high economics value, farmer income and public prosperity are expected to increased.
Pengelolaan Hara Terpadu pada Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Produksi Beras Nasional Antonius Kasno; Diah Setyorini; I Wayan Suastika
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 14, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (769.663 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v14n1.2020.15-24


Abstrak. Beras merupakan makanan pokok bagi bangsa Indonesia dan strategis bagi keamanan pangan nasional. Produksi beras dapat ditingkatkan melalui ektensifikasi lahan, peningkatan mutu intensifikasi dan indeks pertanaman padi. Lahan sawah tadah hujan berpotensi besar untuk menjadi lahan pertanian produktif jika tingkat kesuburan tanahnya ditingkatkan melalui penerapkan pemupukan berimbang sesuai karakteristik tanahnya. Lahan sawah non irigasi seluas 3,30 juta ha, salah satunya adalah sawah tadah hujan. Pengembangan lahan sawah tadah hujan menjadi sangat relavan dengan peningkatan kebutuhan pangan nasional. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menelaah pengelolaan lahan sawah tadah hujan untuk meningkatkan produksi padi nasional. Faktor pembatas yang sering dihadapi antara lain ketersediaan air hujan yang sulit diprediksi serta kesuburan tanah yang rendah akibat kandungan C-organik dan N-total yang rendah. Kegagalan panen dapat terjadi akibat akibat kekurangan air pada awal tanam musim hujan maupun saat menjelang panen pada musim kedua. Perbaikannya dapat dilakukan dengan tanam gogo rancah pada musim tanam pertama, dan sistem culik pada musim tanam ke dua. Pemberian bahan pembenah tanah seperti kompos jerami, pupuk kandang, biochar dan kapur pertanian/dolomit terutama untuk tanah yang bereaksi masam ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah sebelum dilakukan pemupukan. Teknologi pemupukan berimbang yang dapat diterapkan pada lahan sawah tadah hujan, antara lain Urea 250-300 kg ha-1, SP-36 50-75 kg ha-1, dan KCl 50 kg ha-1, pemberian bahan organik minimal 2 t ha-1, serta pengembalian jerami sisa hasil panen ke dalam tanah. Pemupukan berimbang dapat meningkatkan hasil padi dari 1,8-3,5 t ha-1 menjadi 5,0-5,8 t ha-1. Abstract. Rice is a staple food for the Indonesian people and a strategic comodity for national food security. Rice production can be increased through land extensification, improved quality of intensification and rice cropping index. Rainfed lowland rice fields could be very potentially productive for agriculture  when the level of soil fertility is improved by applying balanced fertilization that based on the soil characteristics. Non-irrigated rice field area is 3.30 million ha, including the rainfed rice fields. The development of rainfed rice fields is very relevant to the increasing national food needs. The goal of this paper is to examine the management of rainfed lowland rice fields to increase the national rice production. Some of the limiting factors are the unpredictable rainwater availability and low soil fertility due to low C-organic and N-total content. Harvesting failures could be caused by water stress at the beginning of the planting stage in the rainy season or just before harvesting in the second season. This could be prevented by planting upland scaffolding in the first planting season, and the kidnap system in the second growing season. The application of soil enhancers is intended to increase soil fertility before fertilizer application, such as straw compost, manure, biochar and agricultural lime or dolomite especially for acidic soils. Balanced fertilization technology that can be applied to rainfed lowland rice fields are Urea 250-300 kg ha-1, SP-36 50-75 kg ha-1, and KCl 50 kg ha-1, providing organic material at least 2 t ha-1, and the return of the remaining crop straw to the ground. Balanced fertilization can increase rice yield from 1.8-3.5 t ha-1 to 5.0-5.8 t ha-1.

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