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Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik
Published by Universitas Medan Area
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27217507     DOI : 10.31289
Core Subject : Social,
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik, is a journal which contains about article result of research and thinking result of Public Administration which keep growing. This development of course provides wider opportunities for teachers or researchers to continue to explore the development of public administration that is expected to be useful for the community. We accept manuscript in critical literature review as well as original research article. Published twice a year, they are March and September editions.
Articles 91 Documents
Analisis Kinerja Aparatur Sipil Negara dalam hal Disiplin Kerja di Kantor Kecamatan Tanjungbalai Utara Kota Tanjungbalai Sirait, Novianti Diva Nilakrisna; Warjio, Warjio; Harahap, Dumasari; Kadir, Abdul
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik, September
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (812.974 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/strukturasi.v1i2.34


The research objective is to describe the performance of the State Civil Apparatus in terms of work discipline, to describe the obstacles in improving the performance of the State Civil Apparatus in terms of discipline and to describe the efforts made in improving the performance of the State Civil Apparatus in terms of work discipline in the Tanjungbalai District Office of North Tanjungbalai City. With descriptive qualitative research methods, this type of research is descriptive qualitative by making direct observations or observations, interviews and documentation. The results of the research show that the application of disciplinary regulations within the scope of the North Tanjungbalai Sub-district office in Tanjungbalai City still implies that the regulations apply but in reality there are some things that have not been carried out optimally, there are still employees who cannot be invited to collaborate in routine Kecamatan activities and often leave offices during office hours such employee attitudes hamper service performance for the community. As for the obstacles faced in disciplinary regulations, namely the Lack of awareness of employees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, the lack of professionalism and responsibility of Civil Servants in carrying out their duties, the lack of strict Sanctions given by the Authorized Officials and the Fading of Discipline of Regional Civil Servants.
Efektivitas Peran Mukim Dalam Sistem Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Aceh Singkil Azmi, Azmi; Isnaini, Isnaini; Kusmanto, Heri
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik, Maret
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (37.958 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/strukturasi.v1i1.2


Secara Yuridis-normatif eksistensi Mukim dengan simbol-simbol politik kedaulatan melekat pada Mukim diakui secara de jure, dengan kata lain keberadaan Imeum Mukim mendapat pengakuan dan pengukuhannya dalam hukum positif, akan tetapi pengakuan ini ternyata tidak sejalan dan selaras secara de facto. Pada dasarnya, keterlibatan Mukim dalam perencanaan strategi pemerintahan gampong dan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan gampong di Aceh berperan lebih besar dari pada hanya di akui sebagai unit pemerintahan yang berfungsi menjadi pemangku adat-istiadat semata. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana efektivitas peran mukim dalam sistem pemerintahan di Kabupaten Aceh Singkil Provinsi Aceh, bagaimana strategi penguatan terhadap keberadaan Mukim dalam sistem Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Aceh Singkil. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas peran dari Mukim terhadap sistem pemerintahan di Kabupaten Aceh Singkil Provinsi Aceh, Untuk mengkaji strategi penguatan keberadaan Mukim dalam sistem Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Aceh Singkil.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yaitu untuk menggambarkan mengenai efektivitas peran mukim di sistem pemerintahan Kabupaten Aceh Singkil. Ada dua yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk melihat efektivitas peranan dari mukim di sistem Pemerintahan Kabupaten Aceh Singkil dan Strategi Penguatan Keberadaan Mukim dalam sistem Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Aceh Singkil. Responden untuk melihat efektivitas peranan Mukim terhadap sistem Pemerintah Aceh di Kabupaten Aceh Singkil sebanyak 33 Orang, terdiri dari 11 orang Camat, 20 Mukim, 1 Orang tokoh adat dan 1 orang Ulama. Dari hasil  penelitian dapat dijelaskan bahwa untuk efektivitas peran Mukim dalam sistem Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Aceh Singkil adalah kurang efektif. Strategi yang dapat dilakukan dalam penguatan keberadaan mukim dalam sistem pemerintahan di Kabupaten Aceh Singkil salah satunya memberdayakan lembaga Mukim melalui kemitraan dengan SKPK teknis terkait. Adapun Saran dari peneliti adalah kepada Tim Anggaran Pemerintah Kabupaten (TAPK) Kabupaten Aceh Singkil untuk memberikan anggaran yang cukup dalam operasional Mukim dan memperkuat struktur dari Mukim serta melaksanakan bimtek untuk memperkuat pengetahuan aparatur pemerintah Mukim dan lembaga Mukim
Implementasi Kebijakan Penerbitan Izin Usaha Mikro Kecil di Kecamatan Teluk Nibung Kota Tanjungbalai Ali, Muhammad; Nasution, Arif; Mardiana, Siti
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik, September
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (810.565 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/strukturasi.v1i2.29


The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of the policy for issuing permits for micro and small businesses in the Teluk Nibung District Office. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, according to Nawawi (2010: 57) Qualitative descriptive research is research that seeks a causal relationship between two or more variables of several populations or samples with random sampling techniques and uses research instruments in data collection to test hypotheses / allegations that have been set with several questions. The results of the study found that publishing was still very slow and used a long time and inadequate supporting facilities. The next problem is that communication between the implementor and the community of micro and small business actors is still lacking, where the socialization carried out by sub-district officials to the community has not been maximized so that most micro and small business actors do not know what benefits can be enjoyed from the business permit, and even some the community of micro and small businesses do not yet know about the policy that the making of micro and small business permits can already be done at the District / Kelurahan office.
Persepsi Pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Publik di Dinas Koperasi Kota Medan Harahap, Adelia Rahmi; Siregar, Nina Siti Salmaniah; Kadir, Abdul
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik, Maret
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.877 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/strukturasi.v2i1.45


This research was conducted in the field of UKM Empowerment of the Medan City Cooperative UKM Office, with the aim to determine the perceptions of Micro Business Actors on the quality of service in the field of UKM Empowerment of the Medan City Cooperative Office, to find out the factors that influence the quality of public services in the Field of UKM Empowerment of the Cooperative Office Medan City UKM. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative research method, with data collection techniques of observation, interviews and documentation. From the results of research by interviewing a number of SMEs, it is known that the perception of Micro Business Actors about the services of the Field of UKM Empowerment of the City of Medan SME Cooperative Office as a whole is satisfying. The theory used is a theory according to Zeithhaml, Pasuraman and Berry about the dimensions of service quality. The factors that affect service quality using indicators include: requirements, service time, costs / tariffs, implementing competencies and implementing behavior contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform No. 16 of 2014 and adjusted based on the theories of Zeithhaml, Pasuraman and Berry. Regarding facilities and infrastructure, the Medan City Cooperative Office has not yet created an information board that contains information on technical or administrative requirements, so Business Actors can find out.
Evaluasi Kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Timur Tahun 2017 Tanjung, Mahmuddin Nur; Kusmanto, Heri; Warjio, Warjio; kadir, Abdul
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik, Maret
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (790.923 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/strukturasi.v1i1.24


Pada penelitian ini penulis mengevaluasi kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Timur tahun 2017 khususnya pada Bagian Administrasi Pembangunan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh pada Bagian Administrasi Pembangunan dan apakah hambatan yang dihadapi. Sedangkan tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Timur dan menganalisis hambatan yang dihadapi. Pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari wawancara disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan individu dan motivasi sudah baik sedangkan lingkungan organisasi pada Sekretariat Daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Timur masih kurang baik. Hambatan yang dihadapi antara lain pegawai sulit beradaptasi, beban kerja besar dan jarak domisili pegawai jauh dari kantor. Beberapa hal yang disarankan penulis adalah membuat pelatihan bagi pegawai, memberikan cuti, reward dan menyediakan fasilitas mess.
Implementasi Peraturan Bupati Aceh Tamiang Nomor 14 Tahun 2016 Tentang Pelimpahan Sebagian Kewenangan Bupati Kepada Camat Hidayat, Renir; Badaruddin, Badaruddin; Warjio, Warjio; Isnaini, Isnaini
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik, Maret
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.312 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/strukturasi.v2i1.38


This research is to find out the efforts of the sub-district government itself in improving its services within the framework of meeting the needs of its citizens. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that is a study by using data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study found that the obstacles in implementing Aceh Tamiang District Regulations Number 14 Year 2016, namely in carrying out the transfer of some of the Regent's authority to the District Head through the District Integrated Administration Services that have not been maximally provided to the community, can be seen from the PATEN assessment conducted by the Regency Government towards the District Government. This has several inhibiting factors, namely the lack of qualified human resources, the availability of inadequate budgets and is described from Hamdi's theory, namely from the productivity dimension, the Linearity Dimension, and the Efficiency Dimension. As well as having factors that influence, among others, Policy Sustansi, Implementing Task Behavior, Work Network Interaction, Target Group Participation, and Resources.
Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Rawat Inap Pada Badan Layanan Umum Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Subulussalam Khainuddin, Khainuddin; Kusmanto, Heri; Isnaini, Isnaini
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik, Maret
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (799.509 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/strukturasi.v1i1.3


Kualitas pelayanan publik rawat inap pada RSUD Kota Subulussalam masih kurang baik dalam memperoleh pelayanan rumah sakit, yaitu masih kurangnya fasilitas, kurangnya informasi yang dapat diperoleh mengenai layanan rumah sakit dan proses pelayanan yang cenderung lambat.Berdasarkan hal tersebut rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini: 1) Bagaimana kualitas pelayanan pada pasien rawat inap pada Badan Layanan Umum Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Subulussalam, 2) Bagaimana cara meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan pada pasien rawat inap pada Badan Layanan Umum Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Subulussalam, dengan tujuan penelitian: 1) untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kualitas pelayanan pada pasien rawat inap pada Badan Layanan Umum Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Subulussalam, 2) untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis cara meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan pada pasien rawat inap pada Badan Layanan Umum Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Subulussalam.Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pelayanan publik  pada Rawat Inap RSUD Kota Subulussalam  tergolong pada kategori baik.  Bukti fisik kebersihan ruangan cukup baik, kepercayaan terhadap pelayanan cukup baik,  ketanggapan cukup baik, kompetensi tenaga kesehatan cukup baik, kesopanan cukup baik, kredibilitas cukup baik, keamanan cukup dan upaya tenaga kesehatan untuk memahami penyakit pasien juga cukup baik.  Tetapi masih ada unsur pelayanan yang kurang baik, yaitu ketersediaan fasilitas yang kurang baik,  kurang Imformasi dalam perhitungan biaya, serta komunikasi yang tidak bagus.Untuk meningkatkan pelayanan maka perlu dilakukan perbaikan terhadap fasilitas, memperbaiki prosedur perhitungan biaya pengobatan, menyediakan sumber informasi yang dapat memudahkan pasien untuk mengetahui jenis layanan yang terdapat pada rumah sakit.  Disamping itu tenaga kesehatan perlu melakukan komunikasi dengan mengungkapkan bahasa yang tidak dimengerti oleh pasien atau keluarganya, serta menjalin komunikasi yang harmonis dengan pasien dan keluarganya. Disarankan rumah sakit perlu memperbaiki pelayanannya kepada pasien dengan menyediakan berbagai fasilitas fisik bagi pasien, serta secara jelas memberitahukan kepada pasien atau keluarganya mengenai segala jenis biaya secara rinci, dan sedapat mungkin memberitahukan lebih awal untuk jenis biaya yang sudah pasti. Tenaga kesehatan pada rumah sakit perlu mengupayakan agar semua istilah-istilah kesehatan dapat diungkapkan dengan bahasa Indonesia, sehingga tidak membingungkan pasien atau keluarganya.Tenaga kesehatan pada rumah sakit perlu lebih membuka diri untuk lebih dekat dengan pasien dan keluarganya, sehingga pelayanan pada rumah sakit menjadi lebih berkualitas.
Analisis Kinerja Pemerintah Kelurahan dalam Program Pemberdayaan Kebersihan Kelurahan Nurmiah, Nurmiah; Kusmanto, Heri; Lubis, Yusniar
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik, September
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (792.774 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/strukturasi.v1i2.35


The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance and constraints of the Kelurahan in the implementation of the Kelurahan cleanliness empowerment program in Kelurahan Tanjungbalai Kota IV. This research was conducted qualitatively by taking informants from the Kelurahan, TP-PKK officials and the community. The results showed that the performance of Tanjungbalai City IV Urban District of North Tanjungbalai District in implementing the cleanliness empowerment program of the Kelurahan was said to be good, because the Kelurahan had formed TP-PKK to create a Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS) program with 10 activities and in accordance with the duties and responsibilities in the framework of empowerment Kelurahan. If seen from the accountability dimension of the apparatus that is already quite good with the commitment and seriousness of the Village officials in carrying out their duties and functions in terms of implementing the Tanjungbalai City IV Urban Empowerment program. Judging from the good enough responsibility this can be seen from the ability of the Village in minimizing complaints submitted by the community. And the responsiveness of the Tanjungbalai City IV Kelurahan apparatus is quite good, as seen from the commitment and actions of the Kelurahan officials that are very intense in conducting socialization to the community so that environmental sustainability activities can bring a clean and safe environment,
Implementasi Kebijakan Peraturan Kepala Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan Republik Indonesia Nomor 6 Tahun 2015 Hakim, Muhammad; Kusmanto, Heri; Isnaini, Isnaini
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik, September
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (791.935 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/strukturasi.v1i2.30


The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the Implementation of the factors that become obstacles in the implementation of Perka BPKP RI No. 6 of 2015 in the Inspectorate of Aceh Tamiang Regency. The form of this research is descriptive qualitative, the data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data that are generally used in qualitative research include: Interviews, Observation and Documentation. While secondary data is data obtained from literature and documents. Based on the description of the results of research and discussion, conclusions are drawn regarding the Implementation of Perka BPKP RI No. 6 of 2015 Concerning the Grand Design of APIP Capability Improvement in the Inspectorate of Aceh Tamiang Regency based on Edward III's theory, it has been going well but not yet maximally implemented.
Peranan Motivasi Kerja dalam Kinerja Pegawai pada Kantor Kecamatan Tanjungbalai Utara Kota Tanjung Balai Sinaga, Asmah Syam; Kadir, Abdul; Mardiana, Siti
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik, Maret
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (269.426 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/strukturasi.v2i1.48


Aim of scope this research is analysis the role of work motivation in employee performance in Tanjung Balai North Tanjungbalai District office Research method is a method used by researchers in collecting research data. In this study the method used is a qualitative research method which is a research method whose case study leads to a detailed and in-depth description of the portrait of what actually happens according to what is in the field of study. The results showed that the role of work motivation in employee performance in Tanjung Balai North Tanjungbalai District office that motivation is very influential is the work itself which it has if appropriate, but in reality there are still employees who find it difficult to carry out motivation due to the employee wanting to retire, this ditujukkan of employees in completing the work given is always not maximally done well, and the work given to employees in accordance with the expertise and ability of employees so that in the completion of the work will cause a feeling of dislike of the work with results that are not good too. So that it can be said that the work of the employee itself motivates them to work.

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