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Al-Manhaj: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
ISSN : 26861607     EISSN : 26864819     DOI : https//
Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo dan terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun (Januari dan Juli) dengan E-ISSN 2686-4819 dan P-ISSN 2686-1607. Hadirnya jurnal Al-Manhaj guna mewadahi karya tulis ilmiah dari civitas akademika, peneliti, mahasiswa, dan praktisi di bidang hukum dan hukum Islam yang memiliki nilai baik dan rasionalitas tinggi. Ruang lingkup pembahasannya meliputi ilmu hukum, hukum perdata, hukum pidana, hukum tata negara, hukum bisnis, hukum administrasi negara, hukum Islam, ahwal syakhsiyah, muqaaranah al-mazaahib, jinayah, siyasah, muamalah, dan pranata sosial Islam.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 296 Documents
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.025 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v1i1.106


Islamic law represents a whole of things. In the early times, Islamic law is a product of divine revelation, prophetic tradition, and custom. In this respect, Islamic law is not only as God's provision which deny human interest, but also human need to regulate society which undergo the on going process. Therefore, costums and traditions were the organic elements, which shape unity of law. Local knowledge and universal values fundamentally enriched Islamic law. This argument is debatable on account of how what some extent customs and traditions can influence or shape the Islamic law. Indonesia is not an exeption. Talking about Islamic law's position in the context of the Indonesian Legal Pluralism was not easy because it has something to do with the structure of Indonesian socio-cultural and socio political reality. This, in turn, needs the special policy through thought and political action.
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.209 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v1i1.107


The purpose of this study is to explore the role of pesantren in instilling anti-corruption attitudes. Pesantren is empirically known as a successful institution in developing quality education, especially in the field of religion. In the midst of a number of compliments received from pesantren, there is criticism that must reflect the pesantren, that pesantren are considered to have not succeeded in perfectly educating students who have strong personalities in anti-corruption. That criticism is not without foundation. The ministry of religion which incidentally is the headquarters of the students, is also known as one of the ministries which often ministers stumble over corruption cases. Even though they are not a few who in their daily lives work as preachers and obligatory worshipers, and can even be categorized as scholars. This study uses qualitative research library type. Data collection by identifying discourses from books, papers or articles, journals, newspapers, internet (websites), and other information that is still related to pesantren studies. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis and critical analysis. Descriptive analysis is collecting and compiling data then the data is analyzed. Meanwhile, critical analysis is the interpretation of the text and addressing the meaning behind events scientifically. The results showed the need for pesantren stakeholders to reaffirm the pesantren culture to instill anti-corruption in their students. especially through his students. Because students with their pesanten culture (a) have a simple tradition of life an absolute requirement to be a pioneer of anti-corruption; (b) has strong religious insight, and (c) deep-rooted tradition amar ma'ruf nahi munkar.
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.026 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v1i1.108


The purpose of this study is to find out how the construction of the DSN-MUI fatwa on murabaha financing and time in one transaction at PT Bank BTPN Syariah. This research is a qualitative research with a normative juridical approach that uses the Statue Approach method and the Case Approach method. The technique of analyzing legal materials in this study uses descriptive analysis techniques. Murabaha contract accompanied by wakalah contract at PT Bank BTPN Syariah based on DSN-MUI fatwa construction number: 04 / DSN-MUI / IV / 2000 dated April 1, 2000 concerning Murabahah in the first stipulation in paragraph 9 stated: "If the Bank wishes to represent customers to the customer for buying goods from third parties, the murabahah sale and purchase agreement must be made after the goods, in principle, become the property of the bank. The "sentence" in principle "in the DSN-MUI Fatwa is translated into practical terms by PT Bank BTPN Syariah with the following statement: "(in murabahah production equipment) if the Bank has confirmed the purchase of the purchase to the developer, then in principle the Bank has purchased the production equipment. Even though there is no cash flow to the developer in accounting, the Bank is committed to making payments for the purchase of production equipment to the developer represented by the customer. by using a wakalah agreement.
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.135 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v1i1.109


The purpose of this study is to describe the Mut'ah marriage criticism carried out by the Shiite group. This criticism was leveled by Mahmud Syaltut. The method used is descriptive-qualitative. The results of this study indicate that Mahmud Syaltut believes that Mut'ah's marriage is in contradiction with the purpose of marriage marriages, which is to form a family and offspring, whereas Mut'ah's marriage does not realize that goal. Mahmud Syaltut uses his ijtihad in solving this problem by combining Islamic sources, namely the Koran, Hadith and Istinbāṭ. According to Syaltut, the marriage prohibition of Mut'ah contains maslahah and avoids mafsadah.
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.079 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v1i1.110


This study aims to outline how it should go back to the era when the charity in terms of its historical context by tracing regulations since the pre-colonial, Kolonia, the old order, a new order and until the era of reform. This study suggests that the zakat law positifikasi believed by many good scholars, Muslim scholars, and charity watchdog, as the best solution for the realization of the optimization of the collection and management of zaka, as one obligation for Muslims. Then the Law no. 38 of 1999 on Zakah Management is aimed at optimizing the distribution of zakat economic equality and development, but it needs to be supported by a business entity Zakah is a modern and professional. Zakah funds should be directed to small businesses run by the majority of the ummah, in this case agriculture, and the livelihoods of the majority of Muslims and people of Indonesia. Thus the charity will be able to influence the economic development of society.
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (298.357 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v1i1.111


This study aims to describe the actualization of semantic field theory in the reinterpretation of the hadiths of Islamic economic ethics. This research uses descriptive interpretive method. Actualization of semantic field theory can be explained when want to know the meaning of a word then must know the meaning of the word associated with the previous word. If viewed from the nature of the semantic relationship, then the words are grouped into a semantic field divided into 1). sintagmatic 2). set field (paradigmatic). The results of this study explain 1). Hadiths about Islamic economic ethics narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawud with the word focus "syafā'at". contains the meaning of "mediator of goodness". The meaning of this "intermediary of goodness" is obtained through the formulation of the syntagmatic field, namely to comprehend a series of semantically interconnected words such as "double and rescue" meaning. Semantically terminology, the meaning of the word hadith is "Whosoever intercedes for a good to his brother, then he is rewarded and received, then he has come to a great door of the doors of usury. 2). Hadith about Islamic economic ethics narrated by Muslims. The word focus of the hadith is the word "gharar" which is semantically interpreted by "deception". The meaning of "deception" is obtained through the formulation of the syntagmatic field, namely by understanding the meaning of words that are still relevant to the word "deception", such as the word "unclear, and syubhat". In semantic terms, the meaning of the hadith is "Rasulullah Saw forbade buying by throwing stones and buying fraud. 3). Hadiths about Islamic economic ethics that Bukhori maintains. The focus word of the hadith is "Najsyi" which is semantically interpreted as "deceiving". The meaning of "deceiving" is derived from the paradigmatic field formulation, ie by understanding the relationship between elements at a certain level and other language elements such as "unclean, dirty, and disease" meaning. In semantic terms, the meaning of the hadith is "That the Messenger of Allah forbade buying by way of deceiving".
Penerapan ‘Urf Sebagai Metode dan Sumber Hukum Ekonomi Islam Fitra Rizal
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (676.087 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v1i2.167


The development of an increasingly advanced industry has an impact on the development of transactions in an increasingly complex economy so that many transaction activities that require ijtihad to find solutions to problems that may arise. The hope is that the transaction can run smoothly and in accordance with Islamic law. This study aims to discuss matters relating to how ‘urf becomes the methods and sources of Islamic law in economic activities using a qualitative research methodology with a library research approach. The results showed that 'urf' is a thing that is known and has become a habit of the community, both in the form of words or deeds. So ‘urf can be used as a method and legal basis for economic transaction activities. Some examples of the application of ‘urf in Islamic economic transactions are buying and selling transactions in modern shopping centers and some online-based economic transactions without saying shighat (I sell-I buy). Although the practice of buying and selling is not like the shighat described in classical literature, but because it contains a meaning that indicates the willingness of both parties it can be concluded that the transaction law may be based on ‘urf. Perkembangan industri yang semakin maju berdampak pada perkembangan transaksi dalam ekonomi yang semakin komplek sehingga banyak kegiatan transaksi yang membutuhkan ijtihad untuk mencari solusi dari permasalan yang mungkin muncul. Harapanya agar transaksi tersebut dapat berjalan lancar dan sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana ‘urf menjadi metode dan sumber hukum Islam dalam kegiatan perekonomian dengan menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan (library research). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ‘urf ’merupakan suatu hal yang dikenal dan sudah menjadi kebiasaan masyarkat, baik berupa ucapan ataupun perbuatan. Sehingga ‘urf dapat dijadikan metode dan landasan hukum dalam kegiatan transaksi ekonomi. Beberapa contoh penerapan ‘urf dalam transaksi ekonomi Islam dalah transaksi jual beli di pusat perbelanjaan modern dan beberapa transaksi ekonomi yang berbasis online tanpa mengucapkan shighat (saya jual-saya beli). Walaupun praktik jual beli yang dilakukan tidak seperti shighat yang dijelaskan di literature klasik, namun karena mengandung arti yang menunjukkan kerelaan dari kedua belah pihak maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa hukum transaksi tersebut boleh berdasarkan ‘urf.
Corruption in The Text and Context of The Qur’an: Maudhu'i's Interpretation Approach Suad Fikriawan; Abdul Kholiq; Kaukabilla Alya Parangu
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (638.477 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v1i2.168


This article aims to define the meaning of corruption through the text of the Qur’an and contextualize it in the example of the practice of violations committed by several groups of state and regional organizations. The author tries to use the maudhu'i interpretation approach because there are not many studies using this approach and specifically about corruption. Likewise in the Islamic perspective, the text of the Qur'an mentions several terms of corruption such as al-dalw (Al-Baqarah: 188), ghulul (Ali Imran: 161), saraqah (Al-Maidah: 38), and al -suht (Al-Maidah: 42), which in its context experienced an expansion of meaning along with the development of corruption cases that occurred in Indonesia. For example the word al-dalw (Al-Baqarah: 188) implies enriching oneself or others, abuse of authority, and bribery. Ghulul (Ali Imran: 161) implies enriching oneself or others, harming state finances, abuse of authority, embezzlement, gratuity. Then Saraqah (Al-Maidah: 38) implies enriching oneself or another person, harming state finances, abuse of authority, embezzlement. And lastly al-suht (Al-Maidah: 42) implies enriching oneself or others, abuse of authority, bribery Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendefinisikan arti korupsi melalui teks al-Qur'an dan mengontekstualisasikannya dalam contoh praktik pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh beberapa kelompok organisasi negara dan regional. Penulis mencoba menggunakan pendekatan interpretasi maudhu'i karena tidak banyak penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan ini dan khususnya tentang korupsi. Demikian juga dalam perspektif Islam, teks al-Qur'an menyebutkan beberapa istilah korupsi seperti al-dalw (Al-Baqarah: 188), ghulul (Ali Imran: 161), saraqah (Al-Maidah: 38), dan al -suht (Al-Maidah: 42), yang dalam konteksnya mengalami perluasan makna seiring dengan perkembangan kasus korupsi yang terjadi di Indonesia. Misalnya kata al-dalw (Al-Baqarah: 188) menyiratkan memperkaya diri sendiri atau orang lain, penyalahgunaan wewenang, dan penyuapan. Ghulul (Ali Imran: 161) menyiratkan memperkaya diri sendiri atau orang lain, merusak keuangan negara, penyalahgunaan wewenang, penggelapan, gratifikasi. Kemudian Saraqah (Al-Maidah: 38) menyiratkan memperkaya diri sendiri atau orang lain, merugikan keuangan negara, penyalahgunaan wewenang, penggelapan. Dan terakhir al-suht (Al-Maidah: 42) menyiratkan memperkaya diri sendiri atau orang lain, penyalahgunaan wewenang, penyuapan.
Pengelolaan Bank Sampah Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Perspektif Maqashid al-Syari’ah: Studi Kasus di Bank Sampah Srikandi Dolopo Madiun Dwi Runjani Juwita
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (542.129 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v1i2.169


Waste is a trivial thing, even considered dirty and disgusting. When the waste is held by people who do not know how to manage it, this will be a very big and complicated problem. But on the contrary, when the waste is held and managed properly and correctly by people who understand, then the waste will become something very valuable. The Srikandi Waste Bank, which was established in 2015, is a place where people can save waste, then it will be transformed into something very valuable can even make money. With the establishment of the Srikandi Waste Bank, it launched handicraft products from Dolopo which produced from waste materials that had been recycled. With the existence of a Waste Bank, it also helps in empowering the community of housewives who do not have permanent jobs. The results of this study are: that there are many benefits that can be obtained from the existence of a Waste Bank such as a savings system, profit sharing cooperation, reduce unemployment, and cleanliness of the environment. Sampah merupakan hal yang sepele,bahkan dianggap kotor dan menjijikkan. Ketika dipegang oleh orang-orang yang tidak mengetahui bagaimana mengelola sampah maka hal ini akan menjadi permasalahan yang sangat besar dan kompleks. Tapi sebaliknya, ketika sampah dipegang oleh orang-orang yang mengetahui dan dikelola dengan baik dan benar, maka sampah akan menjadi sesuatu yang sangat berharga bahkan menjadi barang yang bernilai ekonomis. Bank Sampah Srikandi yang berdiri sejak tahun 2015 adalah sebuah tempat dimana masyarakat bisa menabung sampah yang nantinya sampah tersebut akan disulap menjadi sesuatu yang sangat berharga bahkan bisa menghasilkan uang.Dengan berdirinya Bank Sampah Srikandi ini muncul berbagai produk kreatif dari warga Dolopo yang dihasilkan dari bahan dasar sampah yang telah didaur ulang. Dengan adanya Bank Sampah ini juga membantu dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat terutama para ibu-ibu rumah tangga yang tidak mempunyai pekerjaan tetap. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah, terdapat banyak manfaat yang bisa diperoleh dari adanya bank sampah seperti sistem tabungan, kerja sama bagi hasil, mengurangi pengangguran serta kebersihan lingkungan hidup.
Fiqih dalam Perspektif Filsafat Ilmu: Hakikat dan Objek Ilmu Fiqih Arif Shaifudin
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (446.171 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v1i2.170


Every Muslim is aware and at the same time believes that all the activities of his life in his capacity as a creature of Allah certainly will not be separated from the signs of shari'ah. There are norms that regulate and bind every activity carried out along with the legal consequences. This rule or norm is commonly referred to as jurisprudence. Fiqh with this meaning is the fiqh that we find in religious practices or Muslim activities every day. But there is one anxiety when jurisprudence is read with academic glasses that require scientific empiricism. This is important to answer in order to provide proof of "jurisprudence as a science" so that jurisprudence is not seen only as ijtihadiyyah products by the sciences developing in the West. This also reinforces that all Islamic education can be used as a reference in living life in the theocentric, anthropocentric and cosmocentric dimensions of every Muslim. Setiap muslim tentunya sadar dan sekaligus percaya bahwa seluruh aktifitas kehidupannya dalam kapasitasnya sebagai makhluk Allah tentunya tidak akan lepas dari rambu-rambu syari’at. Ada norma yang mengatur dan mengikat setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan berikut konsekuensi hukumnya. Aturan atau norma ini biasa disebut dengan fiqih. Fiqih dengan makna tersebut merupakan fiqih yang banyak kita temukan dalam praktik-praktik ibadah atau aktifitas muslim setiap harinya. Namun ada satu kegelisahan ketika fiqih dibaca dengan kaca mata akademik yang mensyaratkan empiris keilmuan. Hal ini penting untuk dijawab dalam rangka memberikan pembuktian “fiqih sebagai ilmu” agar fiqih tidak dipandang hanya sebagai produk-produk ijtihadiyyah oleh ilmu-ilmu yang berkembang di Barat. Hal ini juga semakin meneguhkan bahwa semua ilmu pendidikan Islam dapat dijadikan sebagai rujukan dalam menjalani kehidupan dalam dimensi teosentris, antroposentris dan kosmosentris setiap umat Islam.

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