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Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI
ISSN : 24430021     EISSN : 27164136     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
Mitra PGMI adalah jurnal tentang Pendidikan MI, yang memuat gagasan konseptual, review buku, hasil penelitian, dan studi naskah kependidikan. Adapun yang menjadi Focus dan Scope kajian Jurnal Mitra PGMI adalah: 1. Pembelajaran MI/SD 2. Penelitian Tidakan Kelas MI/SD 3. Media Pembelajaran berbasis Teknologi Digital MI/SD 4. Psikologi anak MI/SD 5. Pemeblajaran daring MI/SD 6. Peningkatan kualitas dan Kompetensi Guru MI/SD 7. Manajemen Pendidikan MI/SD 8. Pendidikan Anak dalam Islam 9. Desain kurikulum MI/SD 10. Pengembangan dan Desain Pembelajaran MI/SD 11. Strategi Pembelajaran MI/SD 12. Pendidikan Inklusif MI/SD
Articles 56 Documents
Pengelolaan Media Pembelajaran di tingkat MI/SD Yossi Fajriwasti; Suci Indah Lestari; Salman Alfarisi; Sunarti Sunarti
Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46963/mpgmi.v8i1.424


The management of learning media at the elementary school level is one of the supports for achieving the targeted learning outcomes. Media management is our way as educators/teachers to manage something that we will achieve in a program for providing learning media at the elementary school level. This research is a literature study that analyzes several sources, both books, journals, and other references to draw a conclusion as a result of the discussion. For this reason, it was found that there are four stages of learning media management, namely, media planning, media organization, media implementation, and media evaluation. Of the four, it is the management or management of media and learning resources at the MI and SD levels. With the management of learning media, the learning process will run smoothly and effectively.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Word Square terhadap Hasil Belajar Tema 1 Sub Tema 1 Kelas 5 Di MI Nurul Huda Ani Habibatul Azizah; Bella Riska Awaliyah; Siti Lilik Lestari
Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46963/mpgmi.v8i1.441


There are still many teachers who do not use interesting learning methods, as a result students become passive in learning. Teachers should use interesting methods and take advantage of existing facilities so that students are interested and enthusiastic about learning, The code square learning model affects students' learning. Analysis using word square as a test is proved this. The study was conducted at mi nurul huda sukaraja with the number of 60 students, classes a 30 and class b 30 respondents. The objectives of this study: 1. The learning outcomes of students who apply the word square learning model to the theme 1 sub-theme 1, 2. The learning outcomes of students who do not apply the word square learning model to the sub-theme 1 theme, 3. The effect of applying the word square learning model to friends 1 sub-theme 1. The research method used in this study is a quasi-experimental design with a true experimental design. This research can be concluded that the Word Square learning model has an effect on student learning outcomes
Implementasi Nilai Pendidikan Islami melalui Filosofi Gusjigang bagi Masyarakat Kudus Kulon Septy Nadia Salma
Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46963/mpgmi.v8i1.442


The purpose of this research is to find out how to implement Islamic educational values in Gusjigang philosophy in Kudus Kulon. Gusjigang's philosophy has noble values that have been taught and applied by the people of Kudus Kulon. So the cultivation of Gusjigang Islamic educational values can be continued by today's young generation to be used as guidelines for daily activities. This type of research is a phenomenological research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques through interviews. Then analyzed into meaningful information for the reader. The setting of this research was carried out in the Kudus Tower community area. The subjects of this research are the people of Kudus Kulon, the manager of the Gusjigang Kudus store, and the shops around the Kudus tower. The results of this study indicate the values of Islamic education contained in Gusjigang, namely there are 6 values philosophical, moral, scientific, spiritual, artistic, and economic. The implications of Gusjigang have a positive impact on society. The implications are Good: good manners, good morals in carrying out daily activities, Ngaji: knowledgeable, and able to practice it to others, Trade: diligent in trading, trade and worship run in a balanced way
Pengaruh Pola Asuh Orang Tua terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di MI At-Tablighiyah Ponjanan Timur Fitriyah Ika Astutik; Zainullah Zainullah; Fajriyah Fajriyah
Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46963/mpgmi.v8i1.445


This study aims to determine the effect of parenting on student learning outcomes at MI At-Tablighiyah Ponjanan Timur. The type of research used is quantitative research with a correlation research design. The variables involved in this study are parenting patterns and student learning outcomes. The subjects of this study were fourth grade students of MI At-Tablighiyah Ponjanan Timur, Batumarmar sub-district, Pamekasan Regency. This research was conducted in March 2021. The population in this study was 32 students. This research does not require a sample because the number of students does not reach 100 people. The data collection technique in this study used a test technique in the form of a questionnaire or a questionnaire sheet. The data analysis technique used in this study uses the Product Moment Correlation formula. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire data, it was obtained that rcount>rtable was 0.622 > 0.349 with a significance level of 5%, meaning that the hypothesis was accepted. So it can be concluded that there is an Influence of Parenting Patterns on Student Learning Outcomes at MI At-Tablighiyah Ponjanan Timur
Implementasi Media Infokus pada Pembelajaran Tematik di MIN 16 Aceh Barat Reti Fandayani; Hanifuddin Jamin; Abidah Abidah
Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46963/mpgmi.v8i2.477


Media is needed in teaching so that students more easily understand the subject matter being taught. Learning media also includes a part of learning that affects teaching and learning interactions in the classroom. This study aims to determine the implementation of infocus media theme 5 on students of MIN 16 West Aceh and to determine student learning outcomes of MIN 16 West Aceh theme 5 using infocus media. This research is a classroom action research (CAR). Data collection was carried out directly by practicing learning using infocus media in two research cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. This can be seen from the increase in student learning outcomes, namely in the initial conditions the percentage of student learning completeness is 39.10% increasing to 58.33% after the implementation of cycle 1 and increasing to 79.41% after the implementation of learning cycle 2.
Persepsi Guru terhadap Pembelajaran Daring pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di MI Se-Kecamatan Rajagaluh Majalengka Farhah Dzikrotun Nafisah; Yayan Carlian; Inne Marthyane Pratiwi
Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46963/mpgmi.v8i2.481


This research is motivated by the existence of obstacles that occur in the online learning process. Obstacles that occur can lead to not achieving the competencies that must be possessed by students. The purpose of this study is to describe the teacher's perception of online learning, the implementation of online learning, the obstacles to online learning, and the inhibiting factors of online learning. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions based on Miles and Huberman. The results show that teachers think online learning is the right strategy to use during the Covid-19 pandemic. The implementation is only in the form of assignments via whatsapp groups. The obstacles include decreased student enthusiasm for learning, students' difficulties in understanding learning material, and the lack of maximum learning provided. The inhibiting factor for online learning is in the learning device such as cellphone.
Pendidikan Karakter Siswa Kelas IV melalui Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SDN 19 Meulaboh Intan Permata Murni
Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46963/mpgmi.v8i2.507


The Value of Character Education in Indonesian Language Learning for Fourth Grade Students at SD N 19 Meulaboh. This study aims to determine the value of character education contained in the Indonesian language learning process for fourth grade students at SD N 19 Meulaboh. This research includes field research. The approach used is descriptive qualitative, data collection techniques using the method of observation and documentation. The focus of this research is the value of character education contained in learning Indonesian in fourth grade students at SD N 19 Meulaboh. The results showed that the planning made by the teacher consisted of initial activities, core activities, and closing activities. The implementation of character education at SD N 19 Meulaboh has not been maximized. The results of the study show that the 18 character values ​​found in learning Indonesian for class IV are religious, honest, tolerance, disciplined, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love for the homeland, respect for achievement, friendly/communicative, love peace, love to read., care for the environment, responsibility, and care about social.
Pengembangan E- Comic Education pada Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Materi Gaya dan Manfaatnya Hindun Hanifah; Maslikhah Maslikhah
Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46963/mpgmi.v8i2.525


The purpose of the study was to determine the need for developing e- comic education learning media to improve cognitive learning outcomes for fourth grade students of MI NU Tsamrotul Wathon. The type of this research is Research and Development  with ADDIE model. Data collection techniques used questionnaires, and tests. The limited scale test was carried out with 10 students and the broad scale test was carried out with 30 students. The results showed that: the results of the validation of the eligibility criteria were based on the validation media experts, material experts and practitioners. Eligibility criteria for displaying writing are 62.5% (fair enough), image eligibility 72.5% (fair enough), e-comic education media function is 91.6% (very feasible), e-comic education media benefits are 87.5%. The eligibility criteria for the content aspect are 83.92% (very feasible), the feasibility on the construction aspect is 68.75% (adequate) and the feasibility of the language aspect is 60% (fair enough). The results of the development of e-comic education media are very effective in influencing students cognitive learning outcomes as indicated by the increase in cognitive learning outcomes with α < 0,05 its mean 0.00 < 0.05. The gain test of 0.467 is in the medium category.
Penerapan Kurikulum 2013 di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Walisongo Kranji 01 Pekalongan Tri Mulyani; Adhisa Kartikawati; Maulida Nur Fadhilah; Aan Fadia Annur
Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46963/mpgmi.v8i2.556


The curriculum is the totality of activities designed by schools to provide various experiences for students, both inside and outside the classroom. The curriculum is not only synonymous with subject matter, but all activities designed by schools to develop students' self-capacity are also included in the curriculum. Education is a human process that must be developed according to human needs. Human needs always develop all the time along with the rapidly changing times. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) 01 Kranji is an Islamic educational institution that is sensitive to the special needs of the surrounding community. This institution responds to community needs by developing a leadership curriculum. The curriculum is an answer to the needs of people who are concerned about the condition of youth who do not have leadership characteristics such as responsibility, discipline, courage, honesty and cooperation. This study seeks to reveal the curriculum model that was applied and developed by MI Walisongo 01 Kranji. The research method that the author uses is descriptive qualitative using data collection techniques, interviews, documentation, and observation.
Keterampilan Guru Kelas dalam Pembelajaran Tematik pada Masa Pandemi di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Heni Marisa; Mardiah Mardiah
Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Mitra PGMI: Jurnal Kependidikan MI
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46963/mpgmi.v8i2.560


This study aims to describe the skills of classroom teachers in thematic learning during the pandemic and find out the barriers to the skills of classroom teachers in thematic learning during the pandemic. This research is qualitative research, the subject of this research is the fourth-grade teacher and two female students, and the object of the research is the skills of the classroom teacher in thematic learning during the pandemic. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, the data that has been collected is analyzed by reducing the data, presenting the data, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the results of the observations are classified as "good enough" because the answers are at 43%, which is in the 41%-60% interval. This can be seen from several indicators, namely teachers are able to understand the character of students, are able to utilize educational technology, are able to evaluate student learning outcomes. The obstacles in the skills of classroom teachers are the educational background of the teacher, the lack of guidance and training and educational infrastructure.