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Natural Science: Jurnal Penelitian Bidang IPA dan Pendidikan IPA
ISSN : 24776181     EISSN : 2715470X     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science, Education,
Jurnal Natural Science ini memuat artikel yang membahas aspek pendidikan Fisika, metode, model pembelajaran IPA Fisika, inovasi-inovasi pembelajaran, perangkat pembelajaran, dan aspek fisika murni. Tim redaksi menerima artikel ilmiah dari hasil penelitian, laporan studikasus, kajian dan tinjauan pustaka. Terbitnya jurnal pendidikan ini menjadikan suatu indikator bahwa prodi Tadris IPA Fisika sangat peduli terhadap perkembangan dan inovasi-inovasi pada bidang sains terutama pendidikan Fisika. Selain itu adanya Jurnal Natural Science menunjukkan bahwa para dosen Tadris IPA Fisika sudah membudayakan meneliti dan mempublikasikan hasil penelitian. Jurnal studi pendidikan fisika juga mengajak pihak lain berpartisipasi dalam penerbitan jurnal baik universitas local maupun tingkat nasional dan bahkan internasional. Penerbit : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang
Articles 128 Documents
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Menggunakan Media Kartu dan Ular Tangga pada Hasil Belajar IPA Fisika Siswa Roza, Media; Rahman, Roza
Natural Science: Jurnal Penelitian Bidang IPA dan Pendidikan IPA Vol 3, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/nsc.v3i1.404


The objective of this study is to determine students’ learning outcomes physic between Instruction Based Learning model using TGT type of media snake ladder compared to conventional learning in class VIII MTsN 1 Lubuk Basung. The hypothesis formulated in this research is "The application of cooperative learning model TGT with media cards and snakes and ladders results higher Physical Science learning with conventional learning in science teaching Physics.". The kind of this research is quasy experimental and the design of this study is a Randomized Control Only Design. The population of this study is all of students at class VII MTsN 1 Lubuk Basung academic year 2015/2016. The sample of this research take by used a random cluster sampling technique. The class VIII.5 obtained as an experimental class and control class as a class is VIII.4. This test is given at the end of the study sample class 25 objective questions. The technique used to test the hypothesis is to use an equation that estimated the average one-way through the t-test, for normally distributed data and data group has a homogeneous variance. The average score on the cognitive aspects of learning outcomes is an experimental class and control class 85.52, 73.17. Based on the analysis of data obtained, t = 4.25 and t table = 1.67. Because t obtained in the rejection of H0, ie 4.25> 1.67, the decision was rejected H0 and H1 accepted. This means that there is an increase in student learning outcomes by using model Problem Based Instruction with conventional learning in science teaching Physics class VIII MTsN 1Lubuk Basung
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Multimedia Presentasi (Prezi) Pada Materi Gerak Untuk Peserta Didik Kelas VIII MTsN Koto Baru Solok Hurriyah, Hurriyah
Natural Science: Jurnal Penelitian Bidang IPA dan Pendidikan IPA Vol 3, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/nsc.v3i2.438


Physics is one branch of Natural Sciences (IPA) that underlies the development of science and technology. The main purpose of studying physics is to understand the natural phenomena of seeking natural knowledge (law) (Trustho, 2008: 5). Natural Science (IPA) and technology are two things that are related to each other. This study aims to: 1) Produce a multimedia-based physics learning media presentation (prezi) valid, practical, and effective. This research is a development research using research and development (R&D) method developed by Borg and Gall. The result of data analysis obtained the validation value of multimedia prezi 86.5 category is very valid. The value of prehearsal multimedia practice by IPA educators 86.6 categories is very practical. The value of practicality by learners for small-scale test 81.1 and large-scale test 88.2 categories is very practical. The effectiveness test obtained results 88.4 categories are very effective. This shows that multimedia-based physics-based teaching media (prezi) can be used as a medium of learning in SMP / MTs.
Natural Science: Jurnal Penelitian Bidang IPA dan Pendidikan IPA Vol 4, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/nsc.v4i2.454


Penelitian mengenai analisis sifat fisis tanah pada lahan perkebunan serta pengaruhnya terhadap kesuburan tanah sampai saat ini belum banyak dilakukan. Tanah merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam kehidupan manusia, terutama di bidang pertanian dan perkebunan. Pengetahuan tentang sifat-sifat dasar dari tanah, seperti sifat fisika, kimia dan biologi tanah  merupakan suatu hal penting dan mendasar sebelum melangkah lebih jauh untuk membuka lahan. Oleh sebab itu, pengetahuan yang baik tentang sifat dasar tanah akan menunjang kualitas produksi perkebunan (tebriani, 2016).Di bumi terdapat banyak sekali jenis mineral. Lebih dari 95% dari jumlahnya tersebar pada kerak bumi dan lautan. Pada dasarnya mineral merupakan komponen penyusun batuan, yang merupakan bahan induk dari tanah (Porter:1987). Maka dari itu, secara tidak langsung mineral merupakan komponen dari tanah. Dalam pertanian dan perkebunan, tanah merupakan bahan vital sebagai tempat berkembangbiak tanaman atau tumbuhan. Pengetahuan secara rinci mengenai sifat-sifat fisik tanah dan tanaman merupakan hal yang mendasar di dalam pertanian, khususnya pada bidang ilmu tanah.Pengelompokan mineral penyusun batuan dan tanah berdasarkan golongannya terdiri dari golongan mineral Silikat, golongan mineral Oksida dan Hidroksida, golongan mineral Sulfida, golongan mineral Karbonat, golongan mineral Sulfat, dan golongan mineral Posfat.Berdasarkan jenis-jenis mineral di atas, yang termasuk dalam mineral magnetik adalah golongan mineral Oksida dan Hidroksida, sedangkan yang lainnya tergolong mineral non magnetik. Jenis mineral magnetik pada tanah dapat diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan metoda magnetik. Pemakaian metoda magnetik nantinya akan menghasilkan informasi mengenai nilai suseptibiltas, ukuran bulir dan jenis domain dari mineral magnetikyang terdapat pada tanah yang nantinya akan dihubungkan dengan faktor pedogenesis pada tanah (Lu, dkk., 2008; Safiuddin, dkk., 2011; Haris, 2013).Sebelumnya telah dilakukan penelitian tentang ukuran bulir dan jenis domain magnetic tanah perkebunan karet (tebriani,2016). Hasil penelitian pada tanah karet, didapatkan jenis domain yang berbeda antara tanah perkebunan karet subur dan kurang subur. Bertolak, timbul suatu pertanyaan apakah pada tanah perkebunan sawit subur dan kurang subur juga terdiri dari ukuran bulir dan jenis domain yang berbeda. Untuk menyelidiki hal ini maka dilakukan analisis tentang pengaruh ukuran bulir serta jenis domain magnetic terhadap kesuburan tanah perkebunan sawit.
Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Fisika Menggunakan Swish Max 4.0 pada Materi Cahaya Kelas VIII Madrasah Tsanawiyah sari, ayu permata; aswirna, prima; nurhasnah, nurhasnah
Natural Science: Jurnal Penelitian Bidang IPA dan Pendidikan IPA Vol 5, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/nsc.v5i2.1076


Physics has an abstract concept and is not easily attributed to everyday events in human life, making it difficult to imagine. If the physical phenomenon being discussed has ever been experienced by learners may learners will be able to reconstruct it back into a better understanding and vice versa. Efforts to overcome every  problem  in  physics  learning  along   with  changes  in  educational communication technology in the form of utilization of learning media using a computer one of them using software swish max 4.0. The purpose of this research is to develop physics learning multimedia using swish max 4.0 on class VIII Madrasah Tsanawiyah materi cahaya  that is valid, practical and effective. The benefits of physics learning multimedia developed is as a medium of learning for educators in delivering related material, and can help in creating a fun learning atmosphere and increase learning interests of learners. Research and development using 4-D model, starting from define, design, development and disseminate. Test the  validity  of  multimedia  physics  learning  using  validity  questionnaires, practicality  test  using  questionnaire  of  practice  and  effectiveness  test  using effectiveness questionnaire. The results showed that physics learning using swish max 4.0 in materi cahaya class  VIII MTsN Durian Tarung Padang very valid, very practical and effective.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Aplikasi Adobe Flash Pada Materi Kalor, Perpindahan Kalor Serta Teori Kinetik Gas untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Siswa Wahyudi, Wahyudi; Aswirna, Prima; Hurriyah, Hurriyah; Amalina, Amalina
Natural Science: Jurnal Penelitian Bidang IPA dan Pendidikan IPA Vol 6, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/nsc.v6i1.1557


The purpose of this study is to produce learning media based on Adobe Flash applications that are valid, practical and effective. This type of research is development research using the ADDIE model. The results of this study are adobe flash based learning media which are very valid with an average of 84.05%, very practical with an average of 76.5%, very effective with an average of 74% and an understanding of concepts with a value of 74.2. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the learning media based on Adobe Flash application to improve students' understanding of concepts is very valid, very practical, and very effective in supporting the understanding of concepts in heat material, heat transfer and kinetic gas theory.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Umpan Balik (Feedback) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Mata Pelajaran Biologi Santosa, Tomi Apra; Lufri, Lufri; Razak, Abdul; sastria, Emayulia; Zulyusri, Zulyusri
Natural Science: Jurnal Penelitian Bidang IPA dan Pendidikan IPA Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to determine the effect of user feedback on student learning outcomes in fiqh subjects. This research is a quasi experiment. Data obtained through tests. The data analysis is the t test. Before applying the hypothesis, a prerequisite test is carried out. The results showed that students without using the feedback technique the average student was 72.86 with a standard deviation of 6.712 and a variance of 45.055 and the scores of students who used the feedback technique were obtained from the postest score with an average score of 82.50 with a standard deviation of 7.532 and variant of 56,751. The hypothesis obtained is T count = 3.838> T table = 2.145, the effect of the use of feedback on student learning outcomes in biology learning in class XI IPA MAN 3 Kerinci. Learning with feedback techniques is suitable for use in public schools..
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Talking Stick Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Fisika Siswa di MTsN Piladang Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Aswirna, Prima
Natural Science: Jurnal Penelitian Bidang IPA dan Pendidikan IPA Vol 4, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/nsc.v4i1.444


This study aims to determine whether the understanding of physics concepts of students taught by using cooperative learning model type of talking stick is better than the understanding of physics concepts taught conventionally in class VII MTsN Piladang District Lima Puluh Kota. The type of this research is quasy experimental research, with the research design of posstest only control group design. The population in this study is class VII MTsN Piladang Year Teaching 2017/2018 consisting of 5 classes. Sampling was done by cluster random sampling technique. Obtained class  as experiment class and class  as control class. The concept comprehension instrument used in this study is an essay test. Data analysis in this study used t test through SPSS program version 16, because the data is normally distributed and the data group has homogeneous variance. From the research, it is found that the average of experimental class is 80.67 and for the control class is 71.21. Based on data analysis obtained,  = 4.027 and  = 1.672 at the real level of 0.05. The calculation results show that > , so  rejected and  accepted. The conclusion obtained that the implementation of Cooperative Type Talking Stick learning model provides a better understanding of the concept of conventional  learning model in class VII MTsN Piladang District Lima Puluh Kota
Natural Science: Jurnal Penelitian Bidang IPA dan Pendidikan IPA Vol 4, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/nsc.v4i2.458


This study aims to determine the diversity of plants in the school yard, knowing the use of garden plants as teaching materials on biodiversity material, and knowing the constraints and solutions in the use of garden plants as teaching material on biodiversity material in 34 KerinciState Junior High School. This is qualitative research by observing directly in the field. The object of research is the diversity of school yard plants as a material for biodiversity teaching materials in class VII. Research data comes from the principal, teacher and students as the object of research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is carried out in three stages. The first stage of data analysis during data collection took place, the second stage was carried out after data collection and the third stage was advanced data analysis in the form of data presentation.The results showed the diversity of school yard plants in Kerinci 34 State Junior High School there were 33 species with 18 families. Most families are Araceae and Euphorbiaceae. School yard plants in Kerinci 34 State Junior High School are used as teaching materials by taking photos of plants directly, the plants are classified so that they can be known of species or families, photos and results of the classification are made in the form of visual teaching materials in the form of pictures and applied to students. The obstacle experienced is that it takes a long time, the lack of interest of students to know the scientific name of each type of plant in the schoolyard, and the lack of clear communication between teachers and students. In applying teaching materials for school yard plants in 34 Kerinci State Junior High School, biology teachers collaborate with school personnel and students to overcome the obstacles faced by giving scientific names in each type of plant in Kerinci 34 State Junior High School, reminding students to really pay attention when the teacher applies the teaching materials of the school yard, and evaluate the results of the application of school yard teaching materials in the biodiversity lesson material, especially plant diversity.
Pengembangan LKPD Berbasis Problem Based Learning Pada Materi Gelombang Elektromagnetik Untuk Peserta Didik Kelas X SMA/MA warti, yuli; hurriyah, hurriyah
Natural Science: Jurnal Penelitian Bidang IPA dan Pendidikan IPA Vol 5, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/nsc.v5i1.898


The purpose of this development is to produce teaching material products in the form of LKPD based on Problem Based Learning on Electromagnetic Wave material for high school class X students who are valid, practical, and effective. The development model of this study is the 4-D development model, define, design, develop, and disseminate. Research is limited to reaching the development stage due to time constraints.From the results of the assessment obtained the value of validity for the eligibility of the content is 87.33. Judging from the suitability of the learning method, the results of validity were obtained 82.28. Viewed in terms of conformity with didactic conditions, the results of 72 validity are obtained with valid categories. Viewed in terms of conformity with the terms of construction (language) obtained the results of validity 88.8 with a very valid category. While in terms of conformity with technical requirements (graphics) the value is 82.66 with a very valid category. From the results of the practicality test results obtained with the practical value of 86.37 by students in a very practical category and by the teacher obtained the results of 88.23 with a very practical category.
Pengembangan Modul Berbasis Learning Cycle 7E Berbantuan Video pada Materi Teori Kinetik Gas dan Termodinamika Yuliana, Tia; Sari, Milya; Meria, Aziza
Natural Science: Jurnal Penelitian Bidang IPA dan Pendidikan IPA Vol 6, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/nsc.v6i1.1552


This research is motivated by the lack of availability of teaching materials using a scientific approach, the teaching materials used have not been able to visualize physical concepts that are abstract and the teaching materials used do not encourage students to read and train students' learning independence. The purpose of this study was to produce a 7E Video Cycle Learning Based Module on the valid, practical and effective Material of Kinetic Gas and Thermodynamics Theory. This research is a development research with Research & Development (R & D) approach. The development model used in this development is the Plomp development model which consists of three stages: Preliminary research, Prototype development and Development phase. Video-assisted Cycle 7E learning module on the material of gas and thermodynamic kinetic theory is very valid with an average score of 90.31% with a percentage of content feasibility test of 87.5%, language feasibility of 95% and media feasibility of 70.23%, where practicality by educators 89.2% and 89.4% of students. While effectiveness is categorized as very effective with an average score of 80.92%. From this development study it can be concluded that the 7E video-assisted learning cycle based module on the material of gas and thermodynamic kinetic theory has fulfilled the valid, practical and effective module qualifications to be used as an independent learning material for eleventh grade students of SMA / MA..

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