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JOINT merupakan jurnal peer-reviewed yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian, Pengabdian Masyarakat, dan Modal Intelektual STMIK "AMIKBANDUNG". JOINT memiliki tujuan untuk menyebarkan hasil karya ilmiah yang dihasilkan oleh dosen, peneliti, atau mahasiswa dari seluruh Indonesia agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. JOINT secara umum menerbitkan makalah yang berisi materi mengenai implementasi atau teori mengenai teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Secara khusus, ruang lingkup JOINT adalah sebagai berikut (namun tidak terbatas pada): kecerdasan buatan teknologi finansial kriptografi Internet of Things keamanan data dan informasi keamanan jaringan komputer penerapan teknologi informasi sistem pendukung pengambilan keputusan geospatial information system tata kelola teknologi informasi penerapan teknologi informasi di dunia bisnis
Articles 65 Documents
Algoritma K-Means Untuk Pengelompokkan Penyakit Pasien Pada Puskesmas Cigugur Tengah Castaka Agus Sugianto; Ayu Hendrati Rahayu; Aditia Gusman
Journal of Information Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2020): JOINT (Journal of Information Technology)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47292/joint.v2i2.30


Puskesmas Cigugur Tengah dalam setiap harinya melayani pasien sekitar 150 orang dari berbagai wilayah didaerah Cigugur Tengah. Dengan bertambahnya jumlah pasien tersebut, maka bertambah pula data pasien setiap harinya, sehingga sejumlah data tidak dapat dipelajari lebih lanjut dan data tersebut hanya digunakan sebagai arsip saja. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka penulis ingin mengolah data tersebut untuk mengelompokan penyakit pasien berdasarkan penyakit akut dan penyakit tidak akut menggunakan teknik data mining dengan metode clustering dengan algoritma k-means dan algoritma k-medoids sebagai pembanding. Sehingga nantinya dapat membantu pihak Puskesmas Cigugur Tengah untuk mengetahui penyakit apa yang paling banyak diderita pasien, kemudian dapat membantu pihak pemerintah khususnya Dinas Kesehatan dalam pemberian penyuluhan kesehatan kepada masyarakat sekitar. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dari algoritma k-means dan algoritma k-medoids, didapat cluster model untuk algoritma k-means sebanyak 241 items pada cluster_0 atau penyakit akut sebesar 96% dan 9 items pada cluster­_1 atau penyakit tidak akut sebesar 4% dari 250 data, sedangkan untuk algoritma k-medoids sebanyak 224 items pada cluster_0 atau penyakit akut sebesar 90% dan 26 items pada cluster­_1 atau penyakit tidak akut sebesar 10% dari 250 data, maka penyakit yang paling banyak diderita pasien pada Puskesmas Cigugur Tengah adalah penyakit akut sebesar 93%, dengan nilai Davies Bouldin untuk algoritma k-means sebesar -0.453 dan algoritma k-medoids sebesar -1.276. Dari hasil tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa algoritma yang menghasilkan nilai Davies Bouldin terkecil dianggap sebagai algoritma yang lebih baik, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa algoritma k-means lebih baik dari algoritma k-medoids yang menghasilkan nilai rata – rata Davies Bouldin sebesar -1.276.
Jurnal Jaringan Analisis dan pengembangan Virtual Local Area Network: Analisis dan pengembangan Virtual Local Area Network di Asy-Syarifiy Pandanwangi - Lumajang Yulia Dwi Noviani
Journal of Information Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2020): JOINT (Journal of Information Technology)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47292/joint.v2i2.31


Along with the development of technology, especially computers and the internet, we can get information more easily. This also encourages the number of computer and internet users to grow. Especially in the SMK ASY-SYARIFIY IBS PANDANWANGI, the number of students and employees who use the internet is increasing from time to time. The increase in users using the network will cause the existing network infrastructure to be further improved so as not to disappoint users due to decreased network performance. VLAN is a technology that allows a LAN to be divided into several different domains. VLANs also allow the joining of networks that are separate locations, but seem to be located in the same domain. Research on the use of VLANs in the laboratory environment of SMK ASY-SYARIFY IBS PANDANWANGI provides results that VLAN is can improve network performance, share networks based on certain conditions, simplify management, minimize costs, and apply security methods.
Perancangan Aplikasi Data Mining Market Basket Analysis pada Apotek Permata dengan Metode Hybrid-Dimension Association Rules Rizal Dzulkarnaen
Journal of Information Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2020): JOINT (Journal of Information Technology)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47292/joint.v2i2.35


Dengan perkembangan yang sangat pesat terhadap teknologi pengoleksian dan penyimpanan data memungkinkan pengumpulan data dengan lebih cepat, kapasitas yang lebih besar, dan harga yang lebih murah sehingga menimbulkan penumpukan koleksi data. Tetapi kecepatan bertambah banyaknya data tersebut tidak diimbangi dengan banyaknya penarikan informasi dari data tersebut, akibatnya akan memberikan nilai yang kecil terhadap pemanfaatan teknologi.Apotek Permata telah menggunakan sistem komputerisasi dalam setiap transaksi penjualannya, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu aplikasi yang dapat memberikan informasi bagi pengambilan keputusan dengan menggunakan data transaksi minimarket. Salah satu aplikasi yang dapat membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan adalah data mining.Penulis menerapkan data mining dengan metode market basket analysis dimana metode tersebut akan menganalisa kebiasaan pembeli dengan menemukan hubungan antara barang yang berbeda pada keranjang belanja (market basket) dengan waktu pembelian. Software yang dibuat akan menggunakan algoritma apriori. Data-data yang sudah dipersiapkan akan diolah sesuai algoritma untuk menghasilkan frequent itemsets yang pada akhirnya akan menghasilkan Hybritd-dimension association rules dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik dan tabel. Penulis menggunakan software Borland Delphi 7 dan Microsoft SQL Server 2005.Dengan menggunakan output dari software ini, yang berupa association rules dan grafik, pengambilan keputusan dapat megetahui barang-barang apa saja yang sering dibeli bersamaan oleh konsumen di Apotek Permata.
Sistem Informasi Pengklasifikasian Hasil Produksi Teh Menggunakan Metode K-Means Umi Hayati; Arsya Mutia Karuniani
Journal of Information Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2020): JOINT (Journal of Information Technology)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47292/joint.v2i2.36


Sistem informasi untuk pengklasifikasian dibutuhkan oleh sebuah perusahaan yang memproduksi suatu barang. Tujuan penggunaan sistem informasi pengklasifikasian adalah untuk memudahkan didapatkanya hasil produksi secara tepat. Permasalahan yang dihadapi secara spesifik yaitu ketika bahan baku datang, kemudian ditimbang, bahan baku tersebut tidak dapat dihitung secara tepat berapa jumlah bubuk teh yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan standar kualitas PTPN VIII, sehingga hanya dapat dikira-kira saja. Untuk itu dirancang sebuah sistem informasi, di mana sistem ini dapat menentukan jumlah bubuk teh yang dihasilkan oleh PTPN VIII. Sistem infomasi yang dimaksud adalah sistem informasi yang menggunakan metode K-Means. Cara kerja K-Means adalah memperhitungkan sejumlah data yang didapat dari penelitian. Data tersebut diolah dengan cara mengklasterkan data awal menjadi 2 klaster. Percobaan dilakukan dengan mengolah 90 data. Hasil pengolahan dihasilkan 2 klaster, yaitu klaster 1 dengan kriteria berat daun teh basah rata-rata dikisaran 307.867 ton s.d. 658.761 ton, setelah diolah menggunakan metode K-Means menghasilkan bubuk teh seberat rata-rata 277.080 ton s.d. 592.885 ton dengan menggunakan suhu 100oC s.d. 250oC menghasilkan kepekatan warna yang rendah. Klaster 2 dengan kriteria berat daun teh basah rata-rata 180.876 ton s.d. 246.246 ton, setelah diolah menggunakan metode K-Means menghasilkan bubuk teh seberat rata-rata 162.788 ton s.d. 221.621 ton dengan suhu 250oC s.d. 350oC dan menghasilkan teh yang lebih pekat. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan sistem informasi untuk pengklasifikasian hasil produksi teh dengan menggunakan metode K-Means sangat baik.
Pengujian Kualitas Website menggunakan Metode McCALL Software Quality (studi kasus Andrew Suhari Camara M; Khoirida Aelani; Fresa Dwi Juniar S
Journal of Information Technology Vol 3 No 1 (2021): JOINT (Journal of Information Technology)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47292/joint.v3i1.43


Internet networking are continues to grow, peoples are familiar with the website. Website can be used for information retrieval and becomes a necessity for the community as information technology develops rapidly, so that the quality of a website becomes important to consider. SMK Negeri 4 Bandung uses the website as a medium in providing information services for the community. The quality of the website of SMK Negeri 4 Bandung has never been done quality testing and it is the background of writing this research. Quality testing in this study using the McCall method. The McCall method aims to improve the quality of software products and websites that are part of the software. McCall has three main perspectives namely Operation products, Revision products and Transition products. The design of quality testing applications in this study uses Java and MySQL databases. The results of this study are recommendations that are expected to become guidelines for developing website quality. Based on research that has been done several recommendations for improvement is the need for improvements to the features that do not work and there should be a monitoring system for the website so that it has a high level of security. After knowing the quality of the overall SMK Negeri 4 Bandung website. Website quality is not good either in the parameters of efficiency, integrity, maintainability, testability, and interoperability. However, website quality is good enough for the parameters of correctness, reliability, usability, flexibility and portability.
Journal of Information Technology Vol 3 No 1 (2021): JOINT (Journal of Information Technology)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47292/joint.v3i1.44


E-performance web-based software is used to manage and assess the performance of employees in local government agencies. In the process, some of the local governments racing to create and develop E-performance applications. But there are still many E-performance applications that fail because they don't get a good response from their users in this case the State Civil Apparatus. Then it should be carried out supporting studies in the implementation process of making E-performance applications. One method to determine what is needed by the application of information systems in accordance with what is desired by users emotionally is the Kansei Engineering method. Because through Kansei Engineering can be investigated from various points of view that encourage users to use the information system application. In this research, an application program was created using the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) algorithm to select and determine several words from a few sentences in an article that will be used as a kansei word. After the screening and selection finally obtained as many as 20 words used as kansei words. A total of 30 participants were involved in this study, namely the State Civil Apparatus in the Government of Bandung City. Furthermore, the results of the questionnaire were processed using multivariate statistical analysis which includes Correlation Coefficient Analysis (CCA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA) and Partial Least Square (PLS). After passing through multivariate statistical analysis, the main factor of emotion concept in the design of the E-performance interface is obtained, the Optimal factor. So as to obtain recommendations for designing the E-performance interface produced through the Kansei Engineering method approach in the form of a proposed matrix in which there are several design elements based on the "Optimal" emotional concept.
Implementasi Algoritma Haar Cascade Pada Aplikasi Pengenalan Wajah Personel Febiannisa Utami; Suhendri Suhendri; Muhammad Abdul Mujib
Journal of Information Technology Vol 3 No 1 (2021): JOINT (Journal of Information Technology)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47292/joint.v3i1.45


The large number of citizens in an organization makes the development of an attendance system or citizen detection in a place important in the running of work activities in the organization. Utilization of an IP Camera which is only used for regular monitoring without further detection of the needs of citizens in the organization made the development of personnel detection developed for monitoring the presence of personnel.This study uses the Viola Jones method, which is a fast and accurate face detection method developed by Paul Viola and Michael Jones. In this study, the Viola Jones method uses the Haar Cascade algorithm which functions as a detection feature in the system and is combined with the internal image process and the AdaBoost Learning and Cascade Classifier so that the detected face object will easily classify whether the object is a face or not. The detection is done by taking pictures with the process taken using a webcam. The system will take several pictures and then the image data will be stored in a folder called dataSet. After that, all data is trained so that it can be recognized by the system. With retrieval, detection and recognition limitations that can only be taken from a distance of less than three meters, face detection on the IP Camera can still read objects other than faces. With recognition and accuracy on the webcam camera, about 80,5% this system can be developed with the Haar Cascade algorithm and the Haar Cascade algorithm precisely to be applied to the development of faced detection and face recognition. By developing the Haar Cascade algorithm for face detection, problems and utilization of an organization's data can be more easily detected and used by IP cameras that can support the performance process of face detection and recognition.
Optimization Of Image Processing Techniques In Developing Of Smart Parking System Bagus Alit Prasetyo; ARI Purno Wahyu Wibowo; Suhendri Suhendri
Journal of Information Technology Vol 3 No 1 (2021): JOINT (Journal of Information Technology)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47292/joint.v3i1.47


A parking system is currently a necessity and a common facility found in the campus area of ​​buildings and shops, the management and supervision of this parking lot generally uses third party assistance both in terms of technology and facilities used. At first the parking lot system was still conventional based by using guards in front of the gate and manually recording the entry and exit of the vehicle, a more sophisticated technology was using a camera that was combined with ticketing assistance, officers would check with photos when the car entered and left and strengthened with the use parking tickets, the two technologies have been implemented in many places, the weakness of the system is that there is a need for more than one operator to record and criminal acts will be difficult to detect if a type of vehicle of the same color is stolen because the data from the photos are indistinguishable, To solve this problem, a parking system was created with the help of image processing techniques by recording different types of vehicles even though they were of the same type and color, this system worked using computer vision algorithm rocks with a combination of OCR a Algorithm and surf algorithm, these two algorithms will help record vehicle number-plates while the surf algorithm will record the unique characteristics of the vehicle object in detail so that it will not be change.
Penerapan Advance Encryption Standart Dalam Pengamanan Elektronik Voting uung ungkawa; Dewi Rosmala; Helmy Fauzi
Journal of Information Technology Vol 3 No 1 (2021): JOINT (Journal of Information Technology)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47292/joint.v3i1.51


E-Voting is an election that uses information technology facilities as well as electronic devices where part or all of the process is done digitally. The electoral process by means of E-voting can help the counting process faster and costs less than the conventional electoral process. However, this electronic-based election is prone to manipulation, therefore it requires protection of the system. In this study, AES and CSRF algorithms were implemented to increase security in the E-Voting application. The election is limited to the election of the executive mayor / regent. This study uses Acunetix software to test the level of security. In testing, four versions of the website were made, namely: the website without AES and CSRF, the website only with AES, the website only CSRF and the website using AES and CSRF. The test results on the website with AES and CSRF show a satisfactory increase in security, only one medium level application vulnerability warning and two low level application vulnerability warnings. Test results with Acunetix on websites without AES and CSRF received seven medium warnings and eleven low warnings. The CSRF test results only get two low warnings but the number of data scans is only a few. The AES test results only get four medium warnings and one warning. Thus, the application of the AES algorithm can increase the level of security of the E-Voting system
Journal of Information Technology Vol 3 No 1 (2021): JOINT (Journal of Information Technology)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47292/joint.v3i1.55


Cirebon Regency Library is one of the libraries that stands on Jl. Sunan Drajat No.9 Source. Where the library has improved its services through the provision of facilities and rooms that are very adequate. With the increase in book collections in the library, it would be great if you use a data mining system that functions to determine the data set as a process that can help in finding the books desired by library customers. The association rule technique using a priori algorithm can be used as a reference in finding out simultaneous borrowing in one transaction that occurs on one item. After determining that one item, testing is carried out whether it can meet the support standard which can be used as a minimum requirement then a rule is made in accordance with the confidance drinking standard, since 2020 the Library System in Cirebon Regency has used localhost which is an integrated library system in providing services to customers. One of the services provided is information that is needed centrally so that it can support decision makers what books are available for borrowing, what are the conditions for becoming a member, who is already a member. By using this system, we can see a pattern of borrowed books based on recommendations from librarians and can make arrangements in book storage in accordance with the patterns of information in book storage.