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Riza Faishol
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Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam
ISSN : 25974807     EISSN : 26221942     DOI :
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam. Terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu bulan Februari dan September. Jurnal Tarbiyatuna menerima artikel ilmiah yang ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia/Bahasa Inggris. Cakupan dari artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasi dalam jurnal ini adalah semua hasil kajian, penelitian, dan studi literatur. Semua naskah yang masuk ke meja redaksi akan direview oleh mitra bestari dan pemilihan naskah didasarkan pada pertimbangan kekuatan kualitas tulisan, orisinalitas, dan kontribusinya pada ilmu pengetahuan.
Articles 124 Documents
Pengembangan ICT (Information Communication Technology) sebagai Solusi Inovatif Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Era Tsunami Digital Erisy Syawiril Ammah
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 1 No 1 (2017): (Februari 2017)
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

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This article aims to describe the problems of integrating ICT in learning Indonesian in schools. This study uses observation and open interviews. The school, which became the object of this study is MTsN 3 Banyuwangi. After observation and interviews can be known that ICT can not be optimally integrated in the learning process. Many teachers who do not understand how to innovate ICT to support learning effective and engaging for students. Therefore in this article also presented innovative solutions are offered to be used in solving the problem of integration and the development of ICT, especially in learning Indonesian. Learning innovations included the power point Internet-based learning, facebook based learning, learning, berbagis youtube, email-based learning, learning-based pages, and blogs based learning.
Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Modified Inquiry pada Konsep Pengenalan Warna Anak Usia Dini Ifa Aristia Sandra Ekayati , Dwi Imam Efendi
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 3 No 1 (2019): (Februari 2019)
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

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Modified inquiry is a learning model by means of lecturers/teachers providing problems to then ask students to formulate and carry out investigations. Modified inquiry is an effort to prevent and identify students misconception, especially in the concept of color recognition. This research was conducted in the 2016 class in science development courses. Data collection techniques in this study use documentation and observation. The instrument used is the learning implementation sheet. Based on the results of instrument validation shows good qualifications from the validators while the results of the trials that have been carried out get very good qualifications. According to the results of the Kruskal-Wallis Test that compares the assessment scores of learning steps by three observes, p-value > (0.05) is 0.226. it can be concluded that there is no significant difference in the assessment of the three observers towards the implementation of the learning steps.
Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 2 (2020): (September 2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (804.745 KB) | DOI: 10.29062/tarbiyatuna.v4i2.471


Thematic learning can be strengthened by research based learning such as inquiry, so that collaboration can contribute to one another in building active and student-centered learning, and can have a positive influence on students' social attitudes. Based on the description, a study was conducted with the aim of: (1) knowing the implementation of thematic learning with the guided inquiry model; and (2) knowing students' social attitudes on thematic learning with the guided inquiry model. This study uses a qualitative approach, with field research designs. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and field notes. The results showed that: (1) teachers and students could carry out the thematic learning stages with guided inquiry models in learning 1 to 6 very effectively; and (2) students' attitudes towards thematic learning with guided inquiry models experience positive development. In learning 1, students' social attitudes are still dominant. While in learning 2, social attitude began to develop. Continued in learning 3 and 4, most of the social students begin to develop and culture, and in learning 5 and 6 the majority of students have a social attitude.
Paradigma Pendidikan Keluarga: Supervisi dan Motiv Keterlibatan Orang Tua dalam Pelaksanaan Ibadah Muhammad Fahmi Hidayatullah
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 2 No 1 (2018): (Februari 2018)
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

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Difficult situation of moral degradation whose numbers are increasing every year have sparked the desire of parents to always be involved in the educational process so that this research is important to do. Parental involvement appears in school, community and family life. Family education looks very dominant in involving parents with consideration of family position as basic education in child's life. The key to the success of family education lies in the family process in guiding children to perform worship. In the writing of scientific papers will describe how the obligations and responsibilities of parents to children, and how guidance, encouragement and supervision of parental involvement in the implementation of religious worship. The purpose of this study is to reveal the planning, implementation and supervision in family education. The methodology used is literature research.
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2020): (Februari 2020)
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (872.094 KB) | DOI: 10.29062/tarbiyatuna.v4i1.303


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya efektivitas metode Two Stay Two Stray terhadap hasil belajar siswa, dan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana efektivitas metode Two Stay Two Stray terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam (PAI). Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan quasi eksperimen dimana ada 2 kelas yang akan diteliti, 1 kelas sebagai kelas uji coba (eksperimen) dan 1 kelas akan menjadi kelas non uji coba (kontrol), dengan analisis siswa kelas VIII dan sample yang dilakukan penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII D sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIII B sebagai kelas kontrol. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari tes, wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi. Cara pengambilan data kelas dengan teknik cluster sampling. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dapat diolah dengan menggunakan analisis statistik. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan analisis uji t dua sampel paired t-test dengan bantuan program SPSS For Windows Release 16.0. Diperoleh data bahwa rata-rata hasil belajar kelas kontrol dan eksperimen pada saat pretest yakni 71,9 dan 71,62 dengan selisih angka 0,28 dan rata-rata hasil belajar kelas kontrol dan eksperimen pada saat posttest yakni 74,38 dan 78,38 dengan selisih angka 4. Maka dapat dikatakan adanya penerapan metode Two Stay Two Stray berjalan dengan efektif dan baik dibuktikan dengan nilai hasil belajar antara kelas kontrol dan eksperimen. Angka ttabel dengan df sebesar 33 adalah 2,03452, sehingga thitung lebih besar dari ttabel , maka dapat dikatakan Ho ditolak dan hipotesis penelitian diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan diterapkannya metode kooperatif tipe Two Stay Two Stray hasil belajar siswa dapat efektif, metode kooperatif Two Stay Two Stray selain dapat memberikan keefektifan hasil belajar, dapat pula membuat siswa semakin kompak disetiap kelompoknya, sehingga siswa kelas eksperimen (VIII D) di SMP Negeri 1 Genteng dapat memenuhi nilai KKM.
Kepemimpinan Pendidikan dalam Al-Qur’an Isna Nurul Inayati
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 1 No 2 (2017): (September 2017)
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

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Problems related to moral decadence, industrialization of education and the crisis of leadership is one of the problems that must be faced by the community in the current era of globalization. To face this challenge, the institution appears to be necessary to increase the quality towards better. Efforts to improve the quality of education will not be detached from the role of educational leaders who in this case is the head of school as top figures who "manage" all educational activities. As a manager in an educational institution is already a school principal should act in accordance with the rules and the norms in force and in accordance with the teachings of Qur'an corridor, that is for the sake of the benefits of good creatures in the world and in the hereafter . On the basis of this, then this study attempt formulated description of Islamic education, especially the education leadership as organisatoris in the world of education in terms of the verses of the Qur'an.
Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Kenakalan Remaja di Lebak Mulyo Kecamatan Kemuning Kota Palembang Andrianto Andrianto
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 3 No 1 (2019): (Februari 2019)
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (800.433 KB) | DOI: 10.29062/tarbiyatuna.v3i1.200


This research included in the research field (Field Resarch) is descriptive qualitative. As for informants here are 5 parents who have a child from a year 13-18 categorized 5 naughty teen teenager, 5 religious figures, public figures, 5 1 the head Lurah and 1 Chair RT. Whereas the collection of data in this study using the method observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The analysis in this study uses data reduction techniques, presentation of data and verification.The study found that factors what causes juvenile delinquency in Lebak Mulyo Subdistrict Kemuning Palembang of which is the lack of attention to the elderly, the social environment is not good friends, hanging out and economic factors and efforts are being made to overcome parents ' juvenile delinquency in Lebak Mulyo Subdistrict Kemuning Palembang was by way of educating his son well, send in the religious school, giving Religious lessons, put his son in boarding school. Efforts are being made to overcome Neighborhood Party juvenile delinquency in Lebak Mulyo Subdistrict Kemuning Palembang was a teenager was given a briefing on religion, enlightenment, an appeal from Mr. RT so that people do not commit crimes khususya teens, created karangtaruna, futsal, sports programs are given the training, given the students if a less capable, given the youth, given the direction of religion, given the job that generates its own income and old people continued to flee into a more well, there should be a study of religious education, further enhance karang taruna, recitation and Assembly.
Pendidikan dalam Proses Kebudayaan yang Multikultural di Indonesia Rima Trianingsih
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 1 No 1 (2017): (Februari 2017)
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

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The important role of education is how to shaping the human personality. Experts behaviorists and psychoanalyst see of education in culture. Some education experts explained that educational process is the process of cultural transmission. The educational process also normative, not blind value. Cultural differences and ethnic multicultural influence in the educational process. The psychological basis of multicultural education places emphasis on the development of a greater self understanding, positive self concept, and pride on his personal identity. Multicultural education raised the core values that are derived from the principle of human dignity, justice, equations, freedom, and democracy.
Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 2 (2020): (September 2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (872.259 KB) | DOI: 10.29062/tarbiyatuna.v4i2.396


The development of the world of information and communication technology we cannot avoid, this creates a wide open information space. However, the negative impacts of information and communication technology should also be wary of us, such as spreading false news, radical understanding and information that is driven by the interests of groups. Therefore, the need to create human resources who have digital literacy understanding. This research uses qualitative approach and is a field research, while data obtained through interviews and pbservations in the field. Nahdlatul ulama students who are members of the PC IPNU and PC IPPNU Bandar Lampung City aware of it so as to carry out digital literacy movements through activities such as pesantren journalism, social media management, design schools, and online studies which is carried out systematically on an annual basis in order to realize human beings who are responsible for utilizing digital media so as to create information that is accurate, trustworthy, soothing, does not cause anxiety, and disunity.
Pengembangan Paket Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) Kelas IV Menggunakan Model Dick, Carey & Carey di SD Negeri 2 Tamanagung Riza Faishol
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 2 No 2 (2018): (September 2018)
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.496 KB)


The purpose of this development is to produce a package of learning materials in the form of learning, teacher's Guide, guide students who are expected to guide the teacher in the learning process that is effective, efficient, and has a fascination for students. Also able to guide and facilitate students to study social science independently. Development model used in this study is a model of Dick, Carey, & Carey have been modified based on the purposes of development. This model leads to learning and problem solving efforts hard-wired through the procedures or steps systematic activities. These steps are 1) identified the need to determine the General purpose learning; 2) performs the analysis of learning; 3) identified the characteristics of the students; 4) formulate specific learning objectives; 5) develop assessment instruments; 6) developing learning strategies; 7) develop and select learning materials; 8) design and implement a formative evaluation; and 9) revise the learning product. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the existence of social science learning package class IV semester 1 with Dick, Carey, and Carey has been able to increase student learning results compared to the previous condition. It was apparent from the results of testing the effectiveness of learning using the t test of the pretest and posttest results given to students demonstrating the value of thitung = 64.510 > ttabel = 2.064 so that it can be said that the package of learning science social class IV in SD Negeri 2 Tamanagung subdistrict of Banyuwangi Regency Cluring the year 2012 effective.

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