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Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan
Published by Universitas Mulawarman
Core Subject : Health, Science,
The aim of JKPBK is to promote excellence in health siences and practice through the dissemination of the latest, evidence-based, peer-reviewed clinical information and original research. This journal covers a wide range and consider articles of health sciences on all aspects on nursing area, public health science and clinical medicine. Nursing area such as: • Fundamental of Nursing: professional care provided to meet the basic needs of sick and healthy individuals • Pediatric Nursing: nursing care needs of sick and healthy infants, children, and adolescents, addressing their biopsychosocial needs • Maternity Nursing: nursing care on all maternal periods, women’s reproductive health and women’s violence • Psychiatric Nursing: professional nursing care for people to meet the mental health needs of sick and healthy individuals • Family and Community Health Nursing: professional nursing care for prevention and promotion to improve quality of life and well-being in the community. • Critical and Intensive Care Nursing: professional nursing care of critically ill patients • Medical Surgical Nursing: professional nursing care for adult patients who are acutely ill with a wide variety of medical problems and diseases or are recovering from surgery. Public health sciences and clinical medicine that impact to nursing science
Articles 91 Documents
Overview of Depression Levels in Elderly People at Tresna Werdha Nirwarna Puri Samarinda Social Home Nada Octavia Rusman; Muhammad Aminuddin
Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan Vol 3, No 2 (2020): JKPBK Desember 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/j.kes.pasmi.kal.v3i2.5087


Background : Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a mood that experiences stress, loss of pleasure or interest, feelings of guilt or low self-esteem, impaired eating or sleeping, reduced energy and concentration (Narulita, 2009). One tool for measuring depression is using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) scale. Objective : To determine the incidence of depression in the elderly that occurred at the Tresna Werdha Nirwana Social Home Puri Samarinda. Method : The study design used a descriptive research type with a survey approach. Performed in May 2019 with 30 respondents at the Tresna Werdha Nirwana Social Home Puri Samarinda. Results : 23 elderly did not experience depression and 7 elderly experienced mild depression. Conclusion : Older people who are not depressed may be caused by coping and good social support. And the elderly who experience mild depression are caused by poor social support, a history of illness and age.Keywords : Depression, elderly
The Effectiveness of the Water Tepid Sponge to Decrease the Body Temperature in Children With Febrile Seizure Fera Faradilla; Rusli Abdullah
Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan Vol 3, No 2 (2020): JKPBK Desember 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/j.kes.pasmi.kal.v3i2.4935


Abstract Background: Fever belongs to one of the triggers that resulted in febrile seizures. One of the actions of the non-pharmacological can be given to lower the body temperature in children with febrile seizure is the act of water tepid sponge. Purpose: this literature Review aims to analyze the effect of the adoption of the act water tepid sponge to decrease the body temperature in children who experienced febrile seizures. Methods: this Study explores quantitative evidence, published in electronic database such as Pubmed, Google Scholar, and Science Direct. With the use of search strategies, the researcher identified 39 articles that are potentially relevant to the purpose of the research, and 1 article included in the final analysis. Results: We can see a significant effect of decrease in body temperature in the group given the intervention water tepid sponge than a group of warm compresses. Conclusion: this Study shows that the actions of the water tepid sponge effective in lowering body temperature in children with febrile seizure. Keyword : Body temperature; Febrile seizures; Water tepid sponge.
Analysis of Risk Factors for Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Napabalano District, Muna Regency Hasriani Hasriani; La rangki La rangki; Fitriani Fitriani
Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan Vol 3, No 2 (2020): JKPBK Desember 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/j.kes.pasmi.kal.v3i2.4631


Data rekam medik di Puskesmas Napabalano kejadian TB paru tahun 2016 periode Januari - Desember sebanyak 315 suspek kasus, sedangkan pada tahun 2017 periode Januari - Desember suspek kejadian TB paru sebanyak 261 kasus.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk analisis faktor risiko kejadian penyakit TB Paru di Kecamatan Napabalano Kabupaten Muna.                      Desain penelitian adalah Case Control Study. Populasi penelitian adalahsemua suspek TB paru yang berada di Kecamatan Napabalano Kabupaten Muna mulai Januari sampai Desember Tahun 2017 berjumlah 261 kasus dengan jumlah sampel kasus 57 dan kontrol 57diambil dengan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan hunian merupakan faktor risiko kejadian TB Paru, responden yang berada dirumah dengan padat huniannya yaitu > 1 orang per 10 m2 berisiko menderita TB paru sebesar 6 kali dibandingkan dengan responden yang berada dirumah tidak padat huniannya yaitu < 1 orang per 10 m2.Status gizi merupakan faktor risiko kejadian TB Paru, responden dengan status gizi kurang nilai IMT <18 berisiko menderita TB paru sebesar 33 kali dibandingkan dengan responden dengan status gizi normal nilai IMT 18-24.Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada faktor risiko kepadatan hunian, status gizi Saran perlu penyuluhan kepadatan hunian, status gizi dan perilaku pencegahan penyakit tuberkulosis. Kata Kunci:      Risiko TB Paru,  Kepadatan Hunian, Status Gizi
The Effect Of Classical Music Therapy On The Anxiety Of Cervical Cancer Patients With Brachytherapy In The Radiation Oncology Service Unit Of Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta Hospital Nurhalimah Nurhalimah
Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan Vol 3, No 2 (2020): JKPBK Desember 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/j.kes.pasmi.kal.v3i2.4721


Cervical cancer is ranked seventh in the world which causes death in women from all types of cancer, while the percentage in Indonesia is estimated at 12.7% of all types of cancer. One of the therapies performed on cervical cancer patients is ionizing radiation or Brachytherapy. This action often causes anxiety with varying degrees depending on the condition and the patient's ability to manage it. This study aims to determine the effect of classical music therapy on anxiety in cervical cancer patients undergoing Brachytherapy in the radiation oncology service unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. This research design is Quasi Experimental, with type one group pre test and post test design with out control group. The study population was all cervical cancer patients who underwent Brachytherapy with a total sample of 42 respondents. The results showed that classical music therapy was able to reduce anxiety levels by 11.62% with a p-value of 0.000 from moderate to mild anxiety, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of classical music therapy on reducing anxiety levels in cervical cancer patients undergoing Brachytherapy. Keywords:, classical music, anxiety, cervical cancer, brachytherapy
Fenomenology Study; Traditional Care Urolithiasis in Wakuru Distric Sulawesi Tenggara Fitriani Fitriani
Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan Vol 4, No 1 (2021): JKPBK Juni 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/j.kes.pasmi.kal.v4i1.6016


Urolithiaisis is one of the main diseases of the urinary tract. In the world this disease is included in the three most common diseases in the field of Urology. The incidence of urolithiasis in Wakuru village is high. The phenomenon in Wakuru Village is that most Urolithiasis patients prefer traditional medicine such as drinking herbal medicine from the cat's whiskers plant. This study aims to explore and understand in depth the phenomenon of traditional treatment of urolithiasis patients in Wakuru village. The design used qualitative descriptive phenomenology. Research participants were taken by purposive sampling, data interpretation using content analysis. the process of data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews. The results showed that there were two themes: the use of herbal keji beling for the treatment of urolithiais, the use of the kumis kucing plant for the treatment of urolithiasis. Increasing public knowledge and awareness in herbal treatments in utilizing herbal plants in the surrounding environment.Keywords : Traditional Care, Urolithiasis, Fenomenology Study     
Knowledge and Attitude about exclusive breastfeeding in the Puskesmas Trauma Center Samarinda Ruminem Ruminem; Mahbubah Mahbubah; Rita Puspa Sari
Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan Vol 4, No 1 (2021): JKPBK Juni 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/j.kes.pasmi.kal.v4i1.5801


Background : Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding without other additives in infants aged 0-6 months. Exclusive breastfeeding is very beneficial for the baby and his mother. Mother's knowledge and attitude is very influential in realizing exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. The purpose of this research is to identify mother's knowledge and attitude about exclusive breastfeeding in the Puskesmas Trauma Center Samarinda.Method : The method used in this research is descriptive with survey approach. The samples used were mothers who had children aged 0-6 months as many as 30 respondents. The sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The data analysis used is univariate analysis.Research Result : The results showed that the respondents were well knowledgeable about Exclusive breastfeeding as much as 25 respondents (83.3%), respondents are knowledgeable enough as much as 4 respondents (13,4%), and less knowledgeable respondents as much as 1 respondent (3.3%). Respondents with positive attitude about Exclusive Beastfeeding as much as 14 respondents (46,7%), and respondents with negative attitudes of 16 respondents (53.3%).Conclusions :Knowledge of respondents about Exclusive breastfeeding majority in good knowledge and  Attitudes of respondents about Exclusive breastfeeding more negative. With this research is expected to increase Exclusive breastfeeding to infants for 6 months by way of more often do counseling about Exclusive breastfeeding.Keywords:             Exclusive Breastfeeding, Knowledge, Attitude, Mother.
The Anxiety of School Children of 6-12 Years Old With Leukemia Through Chemotherapy In The Melati Room Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital Samarinda Rita Puspa Sari
Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan Vol 4, No 1 (2021): JKPBK Juni 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/j.kes.pasmi.kal.v4i1.5806


Latar Belakang:  Permasalahan khusus pada anak dengan leukemia adalah perbedaan frekuensi hospitalisasi yang disebabkan oleh serangkaian penatalaksanaan pengobatan  dan perawatan untuk kesembuhannya salah satunya ialah tindakan Kemoterapi. Namun melalui tindakan tersebut yang dilakukan berulang membuat anak mengalami kecemasan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini menggambarkan kecemasan anak usia sekolah 6-12 tahun yang dilakukan kemoterapi selama dirawat di ruang melati RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjachranie Samarinda.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini  deskriptif dengan pendekatan Studi kasus, sampel yang digunakan 2 orang pasien anak yang menjalani perawatan dengan Tindakan kemoterapi. Alat yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah  panduan wawancara dan formulir pengamatan. Hasil: Responden I berjenis kelamin laki-laki mengalami kecemasan ringan dengan niai tingkat kecemasan 20 dan respoden II berjenis kelamin perempuan mengalami kecemasan sedang dengan nilai tingkat kecemasan 60.
Analysis of the Implementation of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) on Nurses in Handling Follow-up of Emergency Patients through Fast Response Assessment Sholichin Sholichin; Anik Puji Rahayu; Ediyar Miharja; Mayusef Sukmana
Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan Vol 4, No 1 (2021): JKPBK Juni 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/j.kes.pasmi.kal.v4i1.5850


Patients who come to the emergency department (ER) show good condition at the beginning of admission, but the status of the patient's condition can change to worsen. Subtle changes in parameters affect acute physiological conditions in patients, such as pulse rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and level of consciousness. Poor clinical monitoring and inadequate interpretation of changes in physiological parameters, and failure to prescribe appropriate measures can result in serious adverse events such as cardiac arrest, intensive care unit admission, and even death (Alam, Hobbelink, Van Tienhoven). , Jansma & Nayakkara, 2014). This study aimed to see the effectiveness of the application of NEWS on the assessment of nurses' fast response. This study is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-post approach without group control, namely research that provides intervention to a group of subjects by measuring before after the intervention or without a comparison group. The population in this study were all emergency room nurses at Parikesit Hospital Tenggarong. In this study, the sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Sampling with population members is homogeneous and has the same opportunity to take as a sample. The inclusion criteria in this study were nurses who served in the ER at Abdul Moeis Hospital Samarinda. This study concludes that applying NEWS will be more effective in handling follow-up emergency patients through Fast Response assessment with a p-value < 0.05. The conclusion of this study is the quick response assessment at the Parikesit Tenggarong Hospital before the application of NEWS to patients treated in the Karang Asam and Enggang room. The result shows that 16 nurses (45.7%) were suitable to carry out treatment based on the patient's emergency. After the implementation of NEWS the nurse's response to patient care increased to 74.3%.
The Relationship Of The Role Of Drug Control By Families And Health Workers With Preventive Behavior And Tbc Client Compliance During The Covid-19 Pandemic At Puskesmas Juanda Samarinda Sholichin Sholichin; Muhammad Aminuddin; Mayusef Sukmana; Dwi Nopriyanto; Iwan Samsugito
Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan Vol 4, No 1 (2021): JKPBK Juni 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/j.kes.pasmi.kal.v4i1.5859


Tuberculosis is a disease that many Indonesians suffered, even arguably more terrible than the coronavirus that is now spreading in Indonesia. Therefore tuberculosis caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis should continue to be echoed. Tuberculosis sufferers of the victims continue to fall from year to year and always increase, as if this disease can not be treated, can not be cured, and can not be detected. The purpose of this study is to test the relationship between drug control by families and health workers with the preventive and compliance behavior of TUBERCULOSIS clients in the Puskesmas Juanda area. This study is a descriptive research correlation with the cross-sectional approach. A study was conducted to describe the relationship between independent variables (supervisors of taking drugs by families and health workers) with dependent variables (preventive behavior and compliance of tuberculosis clients) together in a certain period.Keywords: PMO of families and health workers, Preventive Behavior And Compliance of Tuberculosis Sufferers. 
Description of Mother's Knowledge about Measles Immunization for Infants aged 9-12 months in the Air Putih Community Health Center, Samarinda City Rita Puspa Sari; Ruminem Ruminem
Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan Vol 4, No 2 (2021): JKPBK Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/j.kes.pasmi.kal.v4i2.6965


Abstrak Latar Belakang : Angka kematian bayi (AKB) merupakan salah satu indikator penting dalam menilai salah satu tingkat derajat kesehatan masyarakat, sehingga pemerintah memerlukan upaya sinergis dan terpadu untuk menurunkan AKB di Indonesia yang diwujudkan melalui program Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) tahun 2015. Di dalam mencapai tujuan keempat MDGs, program vaksinasi menduduki peran yang sangat penting dan strategis. Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengetahui karateristik responden dan mengidentifikasi tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang imunisasi campak pada bayi usia 9-12 bulan. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan survey deskriptif kuantitatif, dilakukan di Puskesmas Air Putih Samarinda, sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 60 responden dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel Purposive Sampling. Alat yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Hasil : Tingkat pengetahuan baik sebanyak 36 responden dari 60 responden (60%), pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 20 responden (33,33%), pengetahuan kurang sebanyak 4 responden (6,67%). Dengan adanya hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan bagi petugas puskesmas untuk lebih meningkatkan kegiatan penyuluhan dan menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti tentang program imunisasi campak serta meningkatkan peran kader posyandu untuk ikut serta dalam meningkatkan cakupan program imunisasi di masyarakat. Kata kunci : Pengetahuan,Ibu, Imunisasi Campak, Bayi AbstractBackground: The infant mortality rate (IMR) is one of the important indicators in assessing one level of public health, so the government needs a synergistic and integrated effort to reduce the IMR in Indonesia that realizing through the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) program. To achieve the fourth goal of the MDGs, the vaccination program occupies a very important and strategic role. Research Objectives: To determine the characteristics of respondents and identify the level of knowledge of mothers about measles immunization in infants aged 9-12 months. Methods: This study used a quantitative descriptive survey conducted at the Air Putih Health Center in Samarinda. The sample used was 60 respondents who used purposeful sampling techniques. The tool used in data collection in this study was a questionnaire. Result: 36 respondents of good knowledge level of 60 respondents (60%), sufficient knowledge of 20 respondents (33.33%), less knowledge of 4 respondents (6.67%). With the results of this study, it is hoped that puskesmas officers will further increase outreach activities and use easy-to-understand language about the measles immunization program and increase the role of posyandu cadres to participate in increasing immunization program coverage in the community. Keywords : Knowledge, Mother, Measles Immunization, Infant

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