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SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies
Published by STAI Al-Washliyah
ISSN : 27156400     EISSN : 27233286     DOI : -
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies is an interdisciplinary, open access and scholarly journal published by STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh incorporation with KOPERTAIS Wilayah 5 Aceh. Its establishment is aimed at communicating current issues on multidisiplinary study of Muslim societies. As a credible place for researchers, Shibghah warmly welcomes manuscripts on education, law, islamic economic, and finance, from scholars of related discipline to serve a wide range of interests of thoughtful readers.. This journal is published biannually in June and December. The journal is currently indexed and/or included by Google Scholar, etc. Office at Rukoh Kotamadya Banda Aceh, Provinsi Aceh. Email:
Articles 64 Documents
Constraints And Challenges Of Halal Product Guarantee In The Syariate Area Fithri Mawaddah
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 1 (2020): SHIBGHAH: Journal Of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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Halal food plays a very big role in improving the image of Aceh Province as the only region that applies Islamic law in Indonesia. If viewed from the context of uncertainty, the implementation of halal food products in Aceh has not gone along with the implementation of the Sharia. Ironically, the guarantee of halal products as a legal umbrella for halal food products has only been legalized after 15 years of the Islamic Sharia in Aceh, precisely on December 19, 2016, Aceh has an important regulation governing halal products. This qualitative descriptive writing aims to explore and answer whether the obstacles and challenges in the implementation of guarantees for halal products, especially halal food in Banda Aceh City as the Capital City of the Shari'a. Data collection uses interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. Interviews were conducted with Banda Aceh City stakeholders and the LPPOM MPU Aceh. The results of the study show that there are several obstacles in halal certification as a form of halal product guarantee, namely: budget constraints, the absence of sanctions for entrepreneurs who do not have halal certificates and halal certificates have not had a significant impact on business actors, limited resources or auditors in the industry. LPPOM MPU, as well as a relatively long time required by business actors in completing administrative requirements. The challenge is the existence of halal stigma formed in the community and the commitment of the auditors. Therefore, stakeholders' seriousness is needed starting from regulation to oversee the implementation of halal food products that will have implications for the tasks, principal, and functions together and be able to open the mindset of halal product guarantees that exist in the community of Banda Aceh City.
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 1, No 2 (2019): SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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This research has objectives to investigate The Influence of Audit Committee independence to Earnings Management as well as to study the Islamic framework. Using library Analysis as the research method, this paper focuses on the characteristics of the audit committee independence. The analysis shows that Independence are very important to monitoring earning management. four characters that the audit committee must possess to achieve independence, namely: Siddiq, Amanah, Tabligh, and Fathanah.
MUNAWIR SJADZALI AND THOUGHT Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 1 (2020): SHIBGHAH: Journal Of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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Munawir Sjadzali is known in Indonesia as Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia for two periods (1983-1988 and 1988-1993). Munawir Sjadzali is not only famous for his breakthroughs in government, but also consistent with his thoughts. This is what attracts reviewers of his thought to continue to explore who is Munawir Sjadzali? What are the characteristics of his thoughts, so that the results of his thoughts shake the scientific treasures in Indonesia? At a glance, from the educational aspect, he has made good changes by increasing human resources. Meanwhile, from the aspects of Islam and State Administration, he tends to follow the third stream, a school that on the one hand rejects the notion that Islam contains everything. Likewise, with the issue of bank interest and inheritance, he referred to the spirit of the experience of the caliph Umar bin Khattab. Regarding Munawir's thoughts on the issue of inheritance 2: 2, according to him, this can be accepted because women and men are equal before Allah. What is different is piety and faith.
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 1, No 2 (2019): SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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The issue of gender relations is an important agenda of all parties, because the reality of gender differences that implicates the differences in status, roles and responsibilities between men  women often cause what is called gender injustice or discrimination and oppression. This injustice can occur in various fields of life, both within domestic and public areas, in the fields of education, health, security, economy, politics, and broader development. This problem of gender injustice in many cases becomes an issue that is quite sensitive and not easily solved, especially when related to the religious doctrine, or even as if getting theological legitimacy. The main purpose of this study is to search the understanding and origin of gender and answer why gender construction is at issue. The next discussion will analyze at a glance the root causes of understanding gender-biased in religion. This research focuses on how to form good relations between men and women to complement each other in order to create cooperation in the family and community; therefore, it ends injustice between the two in accordance with principles the Qur'an and Hadith, also it is the importance to demand equality in order to obtain the same rights where women and men could collaborate to solve problems.
Mu'awiyah Bin Abu Sufyan's Tactics In Beating Ali Bin Abi Thalib Arfah Ibrahim
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 1 (2020): SHIBGHAH: Journal Of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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This study aims to determine the strategy of Mua'wiyah bin Abu Sufyan in the formation of the majlis tahkim so that he gets a victory and to know the course of the trial of tahkim between Ali and Mua'wiyah. This type of research is qualitative research with a historical approach. These sources the author obtained by using data collection techniques, namely through the research library. The results of this study indicate that during the war Siffin had appeared to be won by the Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib, Mu'awiyah carried out war tactics by raising the Koran to ask for peace according to Al-Quran instructions so that the war was stopped so that the war was forced to stop. Many factors caused Mu'awiyah to win. Among them, he attracted people who influenced his side to strengthen the ranks, and he spent a lot of state money to give to his followers so they could unite in usurping power from the hands of the caliph Ali bin Abi Talib.
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 1, No 2 (2019): SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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The development of Islamic finance globally is increasingly widespread and attracts attention not only in Muslim countries but also in various non-Muslim countries. Indonesia as one of the largest Muslim countries has a great opportunity to become a major player by preparing facilities and infrastructure that are able to answer the needs of the industry. This study examines the factors that accelerate Islamic economic development by scrutinizing the advantages that have been carried out by other countries. Research is conducted based on the study of literature as well as various reports from varying entities. Research results show there are a number of important factors, namely business transformation, IT infrastructure, talent, and standardization and harmonization. The implication of this study is that any party which wants to prepare for the development of the Islamic financial industry should concentrate on these area in order to accelerate the economic growth.
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 1 (2020): SHIBGHAH: Journal Of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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The moral decline of the younger generation needs more intensive handling and need to instill moral values as early as possible, including in Aliyah madrassas. The problems faced by students today are more complex than before, the phenomenon of association and student clothing today is very unsettling to the world of education, therefore the role of teachers as educators in madrasas is very central and strategic in changing phenomena that occur today, not just limited to energy educators in madrasas even teachers become parents of students when parents have entrusted their children to be educated and always advise in truth and advise in patience, so that in madrasas still maintain an academic culture based on Islamic values. Educational institutions are not only obliged to improve academic quality, but also responsible for shaping the character of students. Academic quality and good character building are two integral missions that should receive the attention of educational institutions. However, the economic and political guidance of education led to an emphasis on academic achievement overcoming the ideal role of educational institutions in character formation. Habit in moral cultivation is an important stage that should accompany the development of each subject. Teaching morals without habituation does so, it only sows seeds into the middle of the ocean, because morals are not just knowledge, but moral habituation. Facilitation trains students to overcome these problems. Activities undertaken by students in implementing facilitation methods have a positive impact on the personality development of students.
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 1, No 2 (2019): SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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Nazir has main role to success development of waqf, therefore nazir needs the authority to fullfil his task and obligation as well which is the extended authority help nazir to fulfill his task as well to avoid unlawfull action and lead to disputes. This study aims to answer the question as follow: first, to determine the authority and supervision of nazir in development of waqf according to jurisprudence provision anda Indonesion law number 41 of 2004. This research uses descriptive and comparison analysis with type of library research to solve the problem by collecting, compiling, and clarified thought the study of literature then compares two variables that will be studied to aims the advantages and disadvantages of each variable. The result of this study is the discussion of nazir authority always mergering by his task. The authority of development waqf is given though nazir to make discussion, order, and delegating the task to the other parties, which is all this thing to develop dan proctec the waqf. Kind of this development authority such as to rent, plan land of waqf and partnership with the other parties Then kind of protecting authority such as record endowment, to claim, and prohibits the parties to the destruction dan another effort. Then about supervision of nazir under government authority, which is this is unstructured in jurisprudences provisions. In this case government assisted by judge in settlement of disputes dan also supervision of nazir. Unlike the supervison of nazir according the Indonesian law number 41 of 2004 structured and decided well under the authority ministry of religion dan waqf entity of Indonesia(BWI)
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 1 (2020): SHIBGHAH: Journal Of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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This paper discusses that learning is not just, writing and memorizing, but students can exchange ideas in learning so that students will establish relationships with others, by teaching material to classmates, learning from friends, to create student motivation The problem in this paper is, whether student interaction can increase learning motivation using the Peer Lessons strategy (Learning from Friends)? The purpose of this study is to find out to determine student interactions in increasing motivation to use the Peer Lesson learning strategy (Learning from Friends). To answer this problem, this study uses a qualitative approach with the number of 2 lecturers, 5 students of Ar-Raniry UIN Banda Aceh. Data collection is done using observation techniques, and interviews. The results of this study indicate that the use of the Peer Lessons strategy (Learning from friends) students can easily exchange ideas with friends about learning that is difficult to understand, both groupmates or not to increase motivation in learning, therefore, with friends, Students can form study groups, so they can exchange ideas to solve problems, such as college assignments or discuss learning difficulties, study together to face exams or motivate one another in terms of learning
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 1, No 2 (2019): SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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The formation of behavior in accordance with the national culture is certainly not solely carried out in the family and at school, but also through a series of study activities such as habituation in life though religious behavior, honesty, discipline, tolerance, hard work, peace, and reponsibility. The problem in this paper is, how is the role of recite culture in forming santri behavior in the TPA Subulussalam Banda Aceh? and what are the obstacles encountered in recite culture in the formation the behavior of santri in the TPA Subulussalam Banda Aceh? To answer this problem, this study uses a qualitative approach with a total of 5 people consistinf of the director, 2 ustaz/ah, and 2 santri, data collection was carried out using observation, interviews and documentation  techniques. The results of this study indicate that the culture of recite plays an important role forming the behavior of santri, this is because the culture of teaching is assosiated with attitude and norms that are in accordance with religious guidance. The recite culture is applied in TPA Subulussalam Banda Aceh in the form of the asar prayer in congregation, shaking hands with teacher, smiling, speaking politely, closing genitals, reading prayers before learning, tahfīdh, apologize to the teacher at the end of the teaching and learning process. The culture of recite is applied in order to shape the behavior to be better. The obstacles experienced in the application of the recite culture in forming the behavior of santri are influenced by the environment, social media, lack of time for students to recite, and lack of awareness of the santri themselves.