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Sri Rahmadhani Siregar
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English Education: English Journal for Teaching and Learning
Core Subject : Education,
English Education: English Journal for Teaching and Learning which is later called EEJ is a journal published by Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty IAIN Padangsidimpuan every June and December. EEJ focuses on teaching and learning of English as a foreign language. English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning related into some scopes on English Teaching Methodology, Structure and Grammar, Speaking Skill, Listening Skill, Reading Comprehension, Writing Skill, Morphology, Semantic Pragmatic, Discourse Analysis, Syntax, Translation, Phonology, Pronounciation, Language Acquisition, Vocabulary, Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics and Literature.
Articles 190 Documents
"Gulabi" Portrayal in Vaidehi's "Gulabi Talkies and Short Waves": A Feministic Perspective Mohammed Ahmed Saeed Al-Kaladi
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v10i2.6241


This study aims at analyzing the protagonist Gulabi in Vaidehi's short story  "Gulabi Talkies and  Short Waves" . " Gulabi Talkies and Short Waves" is one of the short stories in Vaidehi's short story collection Gulabi Talkies and Other Stories. The study tries to explore Vaidehi's style in portraying women characters showing her feminist attitude. So, the study analyses the main  character in the short story Gulabi pointing out the its characteristics as an implicit and explicit influencer  on the other women characters in the short story, on which this analysis sheds light on the work of Vaidehi as an Indian Feminist writer. The studies  begins by introducing the Indian  female novelist and short story writer Janaki Srinavasa Murthey. The study refers the historical background of  feminism emergence  as a movement and its emergence in literature globally and on the Indian level. The study refers to the main previous studies conducted on Vaidehi's short story collection. The study determine the methodology followed in conducting analysis of Gulabi character. The analysis of Gulabi is done in the discussion part where the character is analysed using the hints of the text of the short story. The study is concluded by a summary of the analysis result of the short story text. 
Teachers' Attitude toward ICT at Junior High Schools Novyko Dwi Aulliah; Syafryadin Syafryadin
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v10i2.5458


In 21 Century, ICT is the current issue in English language teaching. After Covid 19 spreads, online learning has been carried out by the government to be carried out. However, as in many developing countries, ICT tools are provided to teachers without considering their attitudes toward ICT.  The study was focus to reveal Junior High School English teachers’ attitudes toward ICT in education. The present study used adopted questionnaire to collect the data which consist of 15 items. Both descriptive statistical method was utilized for data analysis collected from the participants. The results show that Junior high school teachers have positive attitudes toward ICT and although teachers’ attitudes toward ICT do not differ regarding gender and computer experience. It is hoped that the outcomes of this study can be used in shaping innovational practices in the Rejang Lebong Educational System. Pada abad ke-21, TIK adalah isu terkini dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Setelah covid 19 merebak, pembelajaran secara daring telah dianjurakan oleh pemerintah untuk dilaksanakan. Namun, seperti di banyak negara berkembang, alat TIK disediakan tanpa mempertimbangkan sikap guru terhadap TIK. Kajian ini difokuskan untuk mengungkap sikap guru Bahasa Inggris SMP terhadap penggunaan TIK dalam pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan angket yang sudah diadopsi untuk mengumpulkan data yang terdiri dari 15 item. Metode statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk analisis data yang dikumpulkan dari para peserta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru sekolah menengah pertama memiliki sikap positif terhadap TIK dan sikap guru terhadap TIK tidak berbeda berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan pengalaman menggunakan komputer. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan dalam membentuk praktik inovasi dalam Sistem Pendidikan Rejang Lebong.
Students’ Perception toward Good Lecturer Pedagogical Competence Andi Asrifan; Ali Wira Rahman; Raveenthiran Vivekanantharasa; K.J Vargheese; Muhammad Shoaib Khan Pathan; Gül Erkol Bayram
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v10i2.6749


As the application of the four competencies for the lecturers in teaching and learning becomes a new business for them to fulfil those competencies (pedagogical, professional, personality, social). This impacts the provision of a new method for students in learning activities so that a teacher could develop a curriculum per the respective educational unit and the local needs of each student. The first pedagogical competence deals with a lecturer's ability to manage the classroom and facilitates the students’ diversity. Sometimes lecturers apply different pedagogic actions to students' perceptions so that what is supposed to be good by lecturers sometimes inversely with students’ intake. This study aimed to facilitate the students' perception regarding the pedagogical perception of a good lecturer. The result is supposed to be some consideration from the lecturer in applied pedagogical action in the classroom.
Using Scaffolding to Support Students’ English Speaking: What Does The Teacher Think? Ade Tika; Utami Dewi
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v10i2.5993


This study aims to explore the scaffolding instruction used in developing students’ speaking and describe the teacher's perspective after using scaffolding to support and help students develop their English speaking skills. A qualitative descriptive research method was used in this study that aims to describe the situation observed in the field more precisely, transparently, and in-depth. The focus of this study was one English teacher in a primary school. In collecting the data, the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews and observations to obtain the teacher’s perception and the instructional scaffolding used in teaching speaking. Then in analyzing data, the researcher adopts Miles and Huberman's (1994) method consisting of data reduction, data display, and conclusion or drawing. The results showed that the types of scaffolding used by the researcher in teaching English were two types: modelling and bridge, and then the positive and negative effects were provided. Significantly, this study can be used as a reference in supporting students to develop their speaking skills through instructional scaffolding.
Male and Female Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Fitri Rayani
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v10i2.6755


This study investigated the students’ vocabulary mastery by measuring students’ score result using mean score after getting data result test. The test was designed using multiple choice tests. The sample was room 2 students taken from 17 classes taking by random sampling way. They were 13 male and 13 female students. The results of study showed that the male students have the higher result score than the female students. It is evidenced by the data score was 81.53 76.53 or categorized in A B. This study recommends the educators, teachers or lecturers in order to enrich the students’ enthusiastic and interested in mastering vocabulary using many ways to teach them so that in the future the differences or the comparison of male and female students to master the vocabulary are fair. It means that both of male and female students do not have the differences in the result score.
English-Indonesian Translation Methods in the Story of “Malin Kundang” Algrin Hayadi; Ira Maisarah; Seth Soy
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v10i2.6037


Abstract           This research contains an analysis of the methods in translation used in the short story  "Malin Kundang” by Dian K. the writers of the book and the writers derived the method theory from Newmark's view, she listed 8 methods in translation that can be used by all translators how to translate from English (SL) to Indonesian (TL) well and take into consideration to Malin Kundang story. In addition, the writers analyzed the reading text as data in this research by using the Qualitative descriptive Method. The writers make a comparison between the source language text ( SL) and the target language text ( TL) based on the theory of translation method by Peter Newmark and Baker's approach as well from the analysis the writers can explain the translation methods and the equivalent meanings of the translation. In the conclusion, the researcher finds 7 methods used in Malin Kundang's short story by the author. Besides, the researcher finds the equivalent meaning of translation in Malin Kundang's story as well since he also analyzed the equivalent, Which is textual equivalence. It is essential in replacing the message from one language ( SL) with another language (TL) to make the reader understand the reading text well. Keywords: Translation, Translation Method, Translation Equivalence, Short Story
Students’ Perception of Using PjBL Method in Learning RELT Subject Arini Arini; Eka Sustri Harida; Sri Rahmadhani Siregar
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v10i2.6756


Project based learning is a method that focusing on students centered by using project as the way of practicing knowledge. RELT subject is a subject learnt about research in English framework. This research aim is to know students’ perception of using project based learning in learning RELT subject. The researched also gain the feedback after using this method. This research using qualitative method. Technique sampling was purposive sampling. The sample was sixth students from sixth semester. Instrument of the research was interview. The data analysis using Miles and Huberman model. Using Project based learning in different level of students also give the difference result. Using PjBL in learning RELT subject was effective. It is because the students were in adult age where they can use their critical thinking. So, even this method still had a weak, but students and lecturer still can gain maximum knowledge and experience. Students also active to give feedback, they didn’t hide the problems, this make lecturer easier to fix the problems.
Running Dictations Game to Students Writing Skills Seriani Hutasuhut; Hotdalila Daulay
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v10i2.6747


This research is intended to investigate the effect of Running Dictations Game to Students Writing Skills at the Second Grade of MTs Mardhotillah Boarding Tapanuli Selatan. This research was designed with quantitative research with experimental method. The sample were VIII B as experimental class that consisted of 11 students and VIII C  as control class that consisted of 10 students. The data were collected through pre-test and post-test in oral test type dictation directly that given by teacher and analyzed by using t-test formula. The finding showed that the mean score of experimental class was higher than the mean score of control class. After doing T-test, the researcher found that tcount ttable (6.49 2.093). Therefore, alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this research was accepted null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. It can be concluded that there was significant effect of using Running Dictations Game to Students Writing Skills at the Second Grade of MTs Mardhotillah Boarding Tapanuli Selatan.
Enhancing Students’ Speaking Mastery by Using Chain Drill Technique Rayendriani Fahmei Lubis; Melati Suri
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v10i2.6757


The purposes of this research were to know the effect of Chain Drill Technique on students’ speaking skill mastery. The sample of this research consisted of 12 students at grade X-A as experimental class and 10 students at grade X-B as control class MA Syekh Ahmad Basyir Batangtoru. This research is categorized into experimental research through pre-test and post-test design. Data collected by using oral test form and analyzed by using t-test formula. The result of research showed mean score in pre-test of experimental class was 43,5 and control class was 47.1. Meanwhile, the mean score of experimental class in post-test was 71.5 and control class was 53,5. In addition, after doing T-test, the researcher found that the posttest in experimental class was tcountttable (3.161.76). It can be concluded that there was significant effect of Chain Drill Technique on Students’ Speaking mastery.
Utilization of Digital Application as English Learning Media Maftukh Ghulam Mursyidin; Kinanti Puspita Wahyudi; Majidatun Ahmala
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v10i2.6748


The rapid development of 21st century technology forces students to accept various applications and social media platforms as a lifestyle that will become one of the media to show their existence and socialize with peers. The wider reach of the virtual world compared to the real world makes English have very varied functions, such as facilitating communication, capturing target markets/increasing the number of followers, increasing credibility and so on. This study aims to determine the new paradigm that has emerged from various applications and social media platforms that can be used by students to learn English. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with the aim of analyzing the phenomenon of the existence of various social media applications and platforms used by students in everyday life and making them adapt to the English language in it. This study uses purposive sampling as a method of selecting the object of research, young people aged between 17 and 20, totaling 35 students. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews with two expert sources and respondents, observation, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the applications and social media platforms that they often use as media to learn English are: mobile legend game, Spotify music application, Instagram, Netflix, duolingo, cake application, twitter, and tik tok.