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MANAJEMEN HUTAN TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Forest Management
ISSN : 20870469     EISSN : 20892063     DOI : -
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika is a periodic scientific articles and conceptual thinking of tropical forest management covering all aspects of forest planning, forest policy, utilization of forest resources, forest ergonomics, forest ecology, forest inventory, silviculture, and management of regional ecosystems.
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Articles 466 Documents
Reforestation Achievement Monitoring at Mining Area through Soil Index Model Nining Puspaningsih; Kukuh Murtilaksono; Naik Sinukaban; I Nengah Surati Jaya; Yadi Setiadi
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 16 No. 2 (2010)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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The achievement of the reforestation is expected to reach a climax forest ecosystem. The objectives of this studywas to develop soil index model on monitoring of reforestation achievement. The study used a statistical approach to obtain soil index model to determine the achievement level of reforestation in mining area. The achievement indices for each variable were derived from the best regression model developed, while the weights of eachvariable were computed based on magnitude of regression coefficient for each indicator. The level of reforestationachievement index was initially developed by the use of 4 indicators, i.e. physical soil, biological soil, chemical soil, and litter index. Of those indicators, the study revealed that the heights weight for reforestation monitoring was chemical soil, which is composed pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), macro-micro nutrient, and base saturation.
Quick Tecniques in Indentifying Open Area by the Use of Multi Spatial and Multidate Imageries Ahyar Gunawan; I Nengah Surati Jaya; Muhammad Buce Saleh
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 16 No. 2 (2010)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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This study describes the use of multitemporal principal component analysis (MPCA) and vegetation index differencing (VIDN) techniques in identifying open area on post-coal mining sites using multi spatial and multidate of Landsat TM and SPOT 4 XS imageries. The study revealed that the synthetic images derived from stable brightness, stable greenness,s and delta brightness of MPCA summarize information on post-coal-mining opened areas provided overall accuracy of 76.47% for the new ex mining area and 32.69% for old ex mining area. The VIDN method provided relatively lower accuracy than those from MPCA i.e. 58.87% for new ex mining and 13.25% for old ex-mining areas. The study also concluded that identifying open area on post-coal-mining sites using imageries was more efficient than using only ground survey, providing cost efficiency of 29%. Thisindicates that the cost required using satellite image is only 29% of the cost required for ground survey. The study concluded that MPCA is better than VIDN for identifying open area on post-coal-mining sites.
Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) Mechanism Application on Cost-Benefit Sharing Principles Endang Hernawan; Hariadi Kartodiharjo; Dudung Darusman; Sudarsono Soedomo
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 16 No. 2 (2010)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Although North Bandung Area was considered as protected area and watershed area uspstream, but it has characteristic as cultivation and downstream area. An effort to improve protection function is needed to prevent changes in land use. One of them through the purchase of development rights (PDR) mechanism. The appropriateness of the PDR application on the benefit of hydrology only effective when it was carried out in zone rural area and the rural fringe. This condition was caused by land prices which exceeded from landexpetation value, therefore the owner of the land experienced impermanence syndrome. The application of Cost-Benefit Sharing Principles would helped Government of the Bandung City in the aspect of the purchace of development right for the agricultural land in KBU that entered Kabupaten Bandung Barat and Kabupaten Bandung. Whereas, for the Cimahi City it helped the purchase of development right for agricultural land in KBU that entered Kabupaten Bandung Barat.
Conflict Resolution of Teluk Cenderawasih National Park Management in Teluk Wondama Regency Edward Sembiring; Sambas Basuni; Rinekso Soekmadi
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 16 No. 2 (2010)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Conflicts of interest have occurred in the management of the area and natural resources of Teluk Cenderawasih National Park (TNTC) in Teluk Wondama Regency, West Papua Province. The implications of the park zoning system resulted in pro-and-contra situations that might create conflicts. With this context, the research aimed to formulate-resolution concepts that were considered suitable to resolve the conflicts for managing the park. The research showed that most stakeholders can be mapped out as key players and subject of conflict, just one as crowd and ones as context setter. The research also revelaed that the zoning system has accomodated the needs and aspirations of all stakeholder. Based on the finding it can be said that the existing conflict models were categorized as no conflict among most stakeholders, latent conflict (between BBTNTC with WWF, BBTNTC with Dinpar, DKP with Waprak, and DKP with Yende), and emerging conflict (between DKP with BBTNTC). The research concluded that the conflict of the park management can be resolved through collaborative management approach that can be developed with shared control by other stakeholders. Collaborative management should be implemented as “step by step process”: (1) strengthening the capacity of BBTNTC, (2) consolidation of BBTNTC with NGO (WWF) and local government (DKP and Dinpar), and (3) establishment collaboration with local community and the other stakeholders.
Model Pengembangan Kelembagaan Pembentukan Wilayah Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan di Provinsi Papua K Karsudi; Rinekso Soekmadi; Hariadi Kartodihardjo
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 16 No. 2 (2010)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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The implementation of forestry policy in Papua Province has not been significantly optimal as indicated by the high poverty rate around and within the region and the increasing rate of forest degradation. To overcome the problems of the forestry sector, a policy is introduced in the form of Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan (KPH) or Forest Management Units. This policy is an enabling condition for the realization of sustainable forest resources and community welfare. The success of KPH is largely determined by the capacity of local stakeholders that includes understanding, coordination and cooperation, and readiness of the organizations that manage KPH.  Therefore, this research was conducted to design an institutional model of establishing the region of KPH and formulate organizational structure of KPH. The study was conducted in Jayapura of Papua Province and Regency of Yapen Islands by the use of purposive sampling method for data/information collecting and decision-making tool of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for data analyzing, which was then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the performance in establishing the KPH regions in Papua Province was at the medium level of achievement or approximately 29.50% of the criteria and indicators for the formation of KPH regions. This condition was considered low as result of the poor understanding and ineffective cooperative relationships and coordination among stakeholders. Thus, the formulation of the institutional model should be directed to increase the role, capacity, and effectiveness of stakeholder relations. Regarding to the findings, a state owned enterprise is viewed as highly feasible to manage KPH in Papua Province.
Forestry Utilization Policy: A Discourse Analysis Azis Khan; Hariadi Kartodiharjo; Sudarsono Soedomo; Dudung Darusman
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 16 No. 2 (2010)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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A series of discourse have constructed a social reality underlining the fact that Indonesian natural forestryexperienced a serious negative stigma. The stigma appeared due to its deforestation and forest degradation rate, likely un-ending multi-dimentional conflitcs, the increase of natural forest threat, the decrease of natural forest roles, and function in terms of social, economic and environment. This was addressed mainly to those of forestry utilization policies. This research has a look to analyse forestry utilization policies as an essential point, especially with regard to the discourse trend and to the frame of forestry stakeholder minds involving in the discourse which was focused on key policy miles stone and its implementation. It is considered to be essential since after much efforts of wiping the stigma off seemed to be unsuccesfully. The results indicated that there was a problem on stakeholders’ minds frame, which was considered to be a stagnant, especially on positioning and understanding forest utilization and sustainability. To cope with such a problem, it would need to improve at least four things, i.e: the link of science/knowledge-skills-policy, political interest, public participation, and actor networks. Improving the fourth could be an essential key for having another three.
Analyses of Socio-Economic and Product's Marketing of Social Forestry Participants in KPH Surakarta Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 6 No. 1 (2000)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Setiap kebijakan yang bertujuan sosial sebagaimana halnya Perhutanan Sosial (PS) merupakan salah satu bentuk terpenting dari aplikasi ekonomi kesejahteraan. Penduduk miskin adalah target utama program PS karena mereka seringkali diidentikkan sebagai agen perusak dan perambah hutan. Ada dua capaian utama yang hendak dituju program PS, yaitu: pertama, program PS harus melibatkan penduduk termiskin dari yang miskin sebagai peserta program. Kedua, program PS harus dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat peserta program. Besarnya kontribusi pendapatan program PS terhadap pendapatan total peserta sangat bervariasi. Program PS dapat kurang berhasil akibat kesalahan dalam memahami fenomena sosial di masyarakat dan kurangnya perhatian terhadap perencanaan produksi dan strategi pemasaran.
Pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia solani A Achmad; Soetrisno Hadi; Elis Nina Herliyana; Agus Setiawan
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 5 No. 1 (1999)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia solani was studied by evaluating the ability of the pathogen to attack several ages of Pinus merkusii and Acacia mangium seedlings. Results showed that R. solani attacked P. merkusii from seed stage up to seven week-old seedlings, while eight week-old ones were free from the pathogen’s attack. On A. mangium, 16 day-old seedlings were uninfected by R. solani, while 12 day-old ones were still attacked by the pathogen. Pathogenesis of R. solani was also studied by evaluating the activities of cellulolytic and pectolytic enzymes produced by the fungi and compared them with the activities of the same enzymes produced by Fusarium oxysporum. Result showed that R. solani’s cellulolytic enzymes activity, reflected by the activity of C1-cellulase, was lower compared with that of F. oxysporum. On the other hand, R. solani was more intensive degrading pectin medium than F. oxysporum, such phenomenon reflected higher activity of pectolytic enzymes activity of R. solani compared with that of F. oxysporum. 
The Effect of Variability in Soil Hydraulic Properties on Water Flow in A Forested Hill Slope H Hendrayanto; Kosugi Ken'ichirou; Mizumaya Takahisa
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 6 No. 1 (2000)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Pengaruh variabilitas sifat-sifat hidrolika tanah terhadap aliran air pada lereng berhutan dianalisis dengan menggunakan persamaan dua dimensi Richard secara numerik. Model fungsi-fungsi konduktivitas hidrolika dan retensi air digunakan model lognormal (Kosugi, 1996). Variabilitas sifat-sifat hidrolika tanah dievaluasi dengan menggunakan teori penyekalaan (scaling theory) (Hendrayanto, et al., 2000). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan nilai rata-rata sifat hidrolika tanah cenderung memberikan nilai dugaan aliran air yang lebih rendah (under estimate). Pola penyebaraan faktor penyekala (scaling factor) mempengaruhi debit maksimum dan kurva resesi hidrograf. Makin besar faktor penyekala ke arah hilir lereng, debit maksimum makin lebih besar dan kurva resesi hidrograf makin curam, dan sebaliknya.
Damping off A Achmad
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 5 No. 1 (1999)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Damping-off is one of diseases that decreases seedling quantity of most of forest trees. Up till now, control of damping-off by using fungicides is widely applied. However, excessive usage of fungicides is harmful for human being, animal, as well as environment. Integrated management is prospective to be applied in managing damping-off on forest-tree seedlings. This prospect is shown by several choices of techniques to handle the disease other than chemical handling by using fungicides, as mentioned in this paper. However, efforts to make the prospect to be achieved are still needed. Focused and well-planned research must be done to combine compatible techniques to support integrated management of damping-off on forest-tree seedlings.  

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