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Sumbula : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Published by Universitas Darul Ulum
ISSN : 25282867     EISSN : 25483900     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya – adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul ‘Ulum Jombang. Jurnal ini memiliki spesifikasi sebagai media untuk mengkomunikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan bidang keagamaan, sosial dan budaya. Jurnal ini terbit berkala enam bulan sekali pada bulan Juni dan Desember.
Articles 9 Documents
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Diskursus Model Kebijakan Pendidikan Islam Era Otonomi Ahmad Ali Riyadi
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

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Abstraction This study aims to examine the debate on concepts offered in the reform era marked by the collapse of the new order. At this time there has been a change in the system of authority of the political bureaucracy of Islamic education policy. This authority relates to changes in the authority to handle educational institutions submitted to the regions. Data collection in this study was carried out through literature studies. While the data analysis using content analysis method (Contents analysis) is a technique to draw conclusions by identifying the specific characteristics of a message in a subjective and systematic manner. The results of this study indicate that there are several models of education management that become policy discourses, including models of school-based education systems and competency systems. In the midst of the debate offered by Islamic education institutions it is still under the authority of the ministry of religion structurally but culturally Islamic education institutions follow a curriculum model that was developed in a decentralized manner. Keywords: Reform Order; political policy; Islamic education
Hubungan Kompetensi Pedadodik Guru dengan Motivasi Belajar Siswa di MTs. Mamba’ul Ma’arif Denanyar Jombang Adibah; Siti Iin Lutfiyah
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

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Abstract This study aims to determine the relationship between Teacher's Pedagogical Competence and Student's Learning Motivation in MTs. Mamba'ul Ma’arif Denanyar Jombang. This type of research is quantitative, the data collection is done by observation, interviews, questionnaire and documentary distribution. While analyzing data is done by using Product Moment to find out is there any relationship between Teacher's Pedagogic Competence and Student's Learning Motivation in MTs. Mamba'ul Ma’arif Denanyar Jombang. The results showed that the Pedagogic Competencies of the Teachers possessed on average had good Pedagogic Competencies, for there were various students with low, medium and high learning motivation and there was a significant correlation with the correlation coefficient of 0.444 between the Teacher's Pedagogic Competence and Student's Learning Motivation in MTs. Mamba'ul Ma’arif Denanyar Jombang. Keywords : Teacher's Pedagogic Competence, Student Learning Motivation.
Kompetensi Guru dalam Mengembangkan Kurikulum 2013 pada Pembelajaran Fiqih di Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Balongrejo Sumobito Jombang.doc Abdul Rouf; Ayu Sugiarti
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

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Abstraction This study aims to describe the competence of Fiqh teachers in developing K13 for class X students at Madrasah Aliyah Balongrejo Sumobito Jombang. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. Collecting data by observation, interviews, documentation. The data analysis is descriptive data analysis using triangulation technique, with the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data display, and verification. So that it can give meaning to the data that has been collected, and from that meaning conclusions can be drawn. The results showed that 1) The implementation of curriculum development at the education unit level in Fiqh learning for class X students at Madrasah Aliyah Balongrejo Sumobito Jombang was carried out in stages, in accordance with the principles of curriculum development. 2) The competence of Fiqh teachers here is very competent in their fields, in accordance with competency standards. 3) The driving factor for curriculum development in students' Fiqh learning is the competence possessed by Fiqh teachers, adequate facilities and extra-religious activities. The inhibiting factor is the lack of lesson hours on the overall application of K13. Keywords: Teacher Competence, 2013 Curriculum, Fiqh Learning
Problematika Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kurikulum 2013 di SMPN 2 Wonosalam Jombang Eko Hadi Wardoyo; Anis Novita Sari
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

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Abstraction This study aims to determine the Problem of Islamic Education K-13 Learning at SMPN 2 Wonosalam Jombang, as well as to find out the school strategy of SMPN 2 Wonosalam Jombang in overcoming the problems of K-13 PAI learning so that it can run effectively. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with methods of collecting observation data, interviews and documentaries, then data reduction, namely classification and concentration of data already obtained in the field; the presentation of data is collecting data in a structured manner by giving the possibility of a conclusion. While the data analysis uses deductive and inductive analysis. The results showed that: The problem of learning K-13 Islamic religious education at SMPN 2 Wonosalam Jombang was not too prominent due to the application of appropriate learning methods, and supported by competent human resources. The success of PAI learning can be effective if there is a synergy between all lines, both teachers, students and the local community. Keywords: Problems; PAI Learning; Curriculum of 2013
Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Sholat Berjamaah Muhtadi; Rizka Aminatul Maghfiroh
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

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Abstraction This study aims to describe the values ​​of Islamic education and the values ​​of Islamic education in congregational prayer. This research is a type of library research (library research). The approach used is a historical approach. The analysis technique that I use in this study is an analysis of the literature that is relevant to the subject matter. This means that in writing this research report focuses on library materials by searching and reviewing academic standards of literature, then looking for explicit and implicit meanings. The results of the study state that the value of Islamic education is an abstract that is used as a guideline and general principles in acting and acting. The value of Islamic education meant is tauhid (faith), worship and morals. While the values ​​of Islamic education in congregational prayers are divided into two reviews. First, it is reviewed from the terms of the congregational prayer and from the review of the congregational prayers. From this review, the value of Islamic education contained in congregational prayers includes: the value of sincerity, gratitude, discipline, cleanliness, togetherness and praise. Keywords: Value of Islamic Education, Congregational Prayers.
Pengaruh Reward terhadap Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Siswa di SDN Banjardowo 1 Jombang Eny Fatimatuszuhro Pahlawati; Iis Novita Ratna Sari
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

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Abstraction This study aims to determine whether there is a significant influence between Reward on improving student learning achievement at SDN 1 Banjardowo Jombang. The type of research used in this study is quantitative research with the study population were all students at SDN 1 Banjardowo Jombang. Because the population is considered a lot, the authors use a sample of class V students as many as 35 students studied. To collect data in this study, the authors used questionnaires, and documentation. The questionnaire distributed by the writer is a closed questionnaire, consisting of four alternative answers, namely SS, S, TS, STS. To analyze the data the author uses product moment correlation analysis. Based on the results of data analysis it turns out that Ha can be accepted at a correlation value of 5% because this is evidenced from the results of product moment correlation states table r0,3957> 0.3388 so that it can be concluded that there is a significant effect between reward and learning achievement of students at Banjardowo Jombang 1 State Elementary School. Keywords: Effect of Reward, Learning Achievement.
Pengaruh Strategi Guru dalam Memberi Perhatian Terhadap Motivasi Siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Miftahul Ulum Kepuhkembeng Peterongan Jombang Solichatun
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

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Abstraction This study aims to determine the relationship between the teacher's strategy of paying attention to the achievement motivation of class VIII MA Mifatahul Ulum Kepuhkembeng Peterongan Jombang students. The test for the normality of the X variable, namely the teacher's strategy of Chi squared with a significant level of 5%, resulted in Chi squared Count = 17.32, db = 16. Chi squared Table = 26.3 with TS 5%, db = 16. is categorized as normally distributed. In the Y variable, students' achievement motivation Chi squared Count = 24.16 Chi squared Table = 27.6 so that it includes a normal distribution. Hypothesis test F count = 4.098 consulted with F table TS 5%, db 1: 48 is 4.04 so F Count > F Table or 4.098 > 4.04 concluded that there is an influence between Teacher Strategy and Achievement Motivation. So the relationship between variables X and Y by testing r squared / r correlation, it is found that r correlation = 0.079 there is a positive relationship. The amount of the teacher's strategy on student achievement motivation is 100% - 7.9% = 921% while the rest are other external factors.
Konsep Pendidikan Dalam Pemikiran Ki Hajar Dewantara dan Relevansinya Terhadap Pendidikan Di Indonesia Ikhwan Aziz Q.; Subandi; Retno Firmawati Nafi’ah
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

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Abstract This study focuses on the concept of education by Ki Hajar Dewantara and its relevance to education in Indonesia. The purpose of this research theoretically, can contribute to developing the concept of education in Indonesia and benefit all Indonesian people, especially in developing insight into the knowledge and thinking patterns of educators. This research is a qualitative research with a type of library research that is exploring the ideas of Ki Hajar Dewantara about education. Data collection techniques by collecting books, journals and others related to discussion. Data that has been collected is analyzed using descriptive methods, namely research methods that attempt to reveal the facts of an event, object, activity, process, and human beings as they are at the present time or the time period that is still possible in the memory of the respondent. The results of this study indicate that the concept of Ki Hajar's education is still relevant today. Judging from his thoughts in accordance with the concepts that are still being implemented, namely education and teaching which is a deliberate effort to liberate the physical and inner aspects of the human being. Keywords: Educational Concept, Ki Hajar Dewantara, Education in Indonesia
Analisis Konsep Poligami dalam Al-Qur’an (Studi Tafsir AL-Misbah oleh M. Quraish Shihab) Siti Asiyah; Rakhmat; Habib Ismail; Ari Rohmawati
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32492/sumbula.v3i1.3471


Abstract The polemic about polygamy is increasingly prominent and attracts attention when the practice of polygamy is openly carried out by public figures ranging from entrepreneurs, politicians, scholars, to comedians. Even the conversation about polygamy never seems to stop. Recently, conversations have turned into interesting debates, especially since the post-New Order era. Polygamy was "regulated" by the Government through the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation number 9 of 1975 concerning the implementation of Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. Many Muslim nations currently consider unconstitutional polygamy to justify changes in legislation based on the Qur'anic perspective on marriage, as well as the perspective of modern Islamic marriage. In this regard, the writer tries to analyze the concept of polygamy in interpretation. Quraish Shihab offers the concept of polygamy in his interpretation of Al-Misbah Surat An-Nisa verses 3 and 129. This research is a qualitative research using content analysis method. Keywords: Polygamy, Al-Qur'an, M. Quraish Shihab

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