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A. Syafi' AS.
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Sumbula : Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Published by Universitas Darul Ulum
ISSN : 25282867     EISSN : 25483900     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya – adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul ‘Ulum Jombang. Jurnal ini memiliki spesifikasi sebagai media untuk mengkomunikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan bidang keagamaan, sosial dan budaya. Jurnal ini terbit berkala enam bulan sekali pada bulan Juni dan Desember.
Articles 9 Documents
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Hubungan Antara Pola Asuh Orang Tua Yang Otoriter Dengan Kenakalan Remaja Pada Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Miftahul Ulum Kepuhkembeng Peterongan Jombang Solichatun Solichatun
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32492/sumbula.v5i2.4263


Abstract This study aims to determine the relationship between authoritarian parenting and juvenile delinquency in students of Madrasah Aliyah Miftahul Ulum Kepuhkembeng Peterongan Jombang. This type of research is quantitative with a correlative approach. The population was all students of Madrasah Aliyah Miftahul Ulum Kepuhkembeng Peterongan Jombang, with a random sampling technique of 12.5% ​​of the population, namely 38 students. To obtain data about authoritarian parenting styles and juvenile delinquency data using a questionnaire. As for testing the hypothesis, the author uses statistical methods with the Product Moment correlation formula and the T test. Based on the calculation of the Product Moment correlation, the results obtained r XY (r count) = 0.879, which is greater than the value of the table criticism, a significant level of 5% (0.320), which means that there is a relationship between authoritarian parenting and juvenile delinquency in Madrasah Aliyah Miftahul Ulum Kepuhkembeng students. Peterongan Jombang. So that the proposed hypothesis can be accepted. Thus it can be said that the more parents apply authoritarian parenting, the greater the "reaction" shown by adolescents or in other words that authoritarian parenting will greatly support juvenile delinquency. Keywords: Parenting Style; Authoritarian; Juvenile delinquency
Aksi Teror Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an: (Kajian Tematik Ibn Katsir Dalam Tafsirnya Al Qur’an Al Adzm) Abdul Rouf
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32492/sumbula.v5i2.4273


Abstraction This research is to describe and analyze Ibn Katsir's thoughts on terror in his tafsir book Al-Qur'an Al-'Adzim. The results of this study are expected to be used to add and deepen insights regarding terror in the perspective of the Al-Qur'an. This research is a library research with a qualitative approach. The material collected includes several theories, especially Ibn Katsir's commentary book "Al-Qur'an Al-'Adzim", other books and the opinions of experts that are related to the discussion of this research report. Then the data that was successfully collected and tested, then analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. The results showed: (1) The perpetrators of acts of terror during the time of the Prophet Muhammad were, among others, believers, because they defended their faith and honor when they were terrorized, Kafir Quraisy, Musyrik, Ahl Al-Kitab, Munafiq, Abu Lahab and his wife, Abu Jahal. (2) The law of terror can be divided into two, namely prohibited terror, because the law prohibits it and terror which is governed, the sharia governs it. Keywords: Terror; Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al-Adzim; Ibn Kathir
Konsep Pendidikan Integral Dalam Surat Al-Alaq Ayat 1-5: (Kajian Filosofis Terhadap Tafsir Al-Azhar Karya HAMKA) A. Syafi' AS.
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32492/sumbula.v5i2.4275


Abstract This study aims to describe and analyze the concept of integral education in Hamka's Tafsir Al-Azhar, a tafsir book written by Hamka when he was in prison. This research is a literature research (library research) using a philosophical approach, which is to carry out focused, deep and fundamental thoughts and reflections on Hamka's interpretation of the verses of the Koran relating to the object of research by paying attention to the laws of thought. Meanwhile, the data analysis method uses content analysis method, which is a method of analysis based on the content (meaning) of a text. The results of this study indicate that Hamka's interpretation of surah al-‘Alaq verses 1-5 contains the concept of integral education, that in education there is a unity of the science system as a process of dialectical relations between the body and the spirit and the human environment in understanding the verses of Allah, as well as in demanding. science must always rely on Allah SWT. In addition, according to Hamka, integral education is education that is aimed at realizing true human beings (students). Keywords: Integral Education, Surah al-‘Alaq verses 1-5, Tafsir Hamka
Penerapan Metode Menghafal dan Problematikanya dalam Pembelajaran Al-Qur’an Eko Hadi Wardoyo
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32492/sumbula.v5i2.4276


Abstract This study aims to describe the application of the method of memorization and its problems in learning Al-Qur'an. This type of research is library research using a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection technique uses the documentation method. The data analysis technique step in this research is to use content analysis. The results of the research in stage (1) the memorization strategy were the teaching stages, the teaching approach and the use of teaching principles. In stage (2) the technique of applying the memorization method is by understanding the verses to be memorized, repeating before memorizing, listening before memorizing, writing before memorizing. In stage (3) the implementation of Al-Qur'an learning, classical form learning, in private, post test and evaluation. Key words: Memorization Method; Problematics; Learning Al-Qur'an
Jihad Perang dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam: (Kajian Pemikiran Muhammad Abu Zahrah) Moh. Irfan
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32492/sumbula.v5i2.4280


Abstract This study aims to describe and analyze Abu Zahrah's thoughts on war jihad in the perspective of Islamic law. This type of research is library research (library research) with a qualitative approach. The data collection technique used documentation techniques then analyzed with content analysis techniques (content analysis). The research results show: (1) Jihad war in Islam is permissible with conditions in order to defend oneself from enemy attacks, or to be expelled from their territory or country, or if their agreement is betrayed. Jihad war can become mandatory if the Muslims are really in a state of emergency, and that too is the level of their obligation as fardhu kifayah. (2) The foundations of the war jihad of the Prophet Muhammad SAW were built on the basis of mercy (compassion), karamatul insan (human honor), and al-'adalah (justice). (3) The procedures for war jihad must be pursued in correct and good ways, namely by knowing and fulfilling its requirements, understanding its objectives, straightening one's motivation, obeying its boundaries, and implementing ethics. Keywords: Jihad, War, Islamic Law, Muhammad Abu Zahrah
Pendidikan Islam Prespektif Imam Al-Ghazali dalam Meningkatkan Nilai Moral Anak Eny Fatimatuszuhro Pahlawati
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32492/sumbula.v5i2.4281


Abstraksi Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pendidikan Islam prespektif Imam Al-Ghazali dalam meningkatkan nilai moral anak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kajian pustaka (library research) dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik dokumentasi, yang berupa buku-buku, literatur, jurnal, dan dokumen-dokumen tertulis baik dalam bentuk media cetak maupun media elektronik. Sedangkan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan teknik analisis isi (content analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Konsep Pendidikan Islam Menurut Al-Ghazali secara actual telah dilandasi oleh pemikirannya terhadap manusia yang fitrahnya tidak akan berubah, sehingga konsepnya selalu actual dan tidak pernah usang, dan mampu menjawab tantangan-tantangan yang sedang dihadapi dunia pendidikan dewasa ini. Dalam mengaktualisasikan pendidikan Islam dalam meningkatkan nilai-nilai moral anak, Al-Ghazali mencetuskan sebuah metode khusus tentang pendidikan Akhlak, metode keteladanan adalah metode yang paling diutamakan oleh Al-Ghazali untuk meningkatkan nilai- nilai moral anak. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Islam; Moral Anak; Imam Al-Ghazali
Urgensi Pendidikan Tauhid dalam Keluarga Muhtadi Muhtadi
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32492/sumbula.v5i2.4282


Abstract This study aims to describe the concept of tawheed education which is still urgent to be applied in families at this time, as a knowledge discourse to foster children's faith. This research is a library research, on previous works, with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection technique is documentation technique, while the data analysis uses content analysis technique. The results of the study indicate that the concept of tawheed education is a conceptual framework that contains ideas, descriptions, understandings, and thoughts about tawheed education materials and methods that can foster faith in the oneness of Allah SWT. The concept of tawheed education remains urgent to be applied in the family, so that families, especially children, truly believe in the oneness of Allah SWT, in order to achieve the happiness of life in this world and the hereafter. Keywords: Tawheed Education; Family.
Pengaruh Kecerdasan Spiritual dan Keharmonisan Keluarga terhadap Kecenderungan Kenakalan Remaja Di MTs Negeri 1 Jombang Siswati dan Adibah
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32492/sumbula.v5i2.4284


Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of spiritual intelligence and family harmony on the tendency of juvenile delinquency in MTs Negeri 1 Jombang. Sampling using random cluster sampling technique, namely class VIII-B with 32 students. Collecting data using a spiritual scale, harmony scale and juvenile delinquency scale which refers to a Likert scale. The data analysis technique used non-parametric analysis of Spearman's rho level correlation. The results of the influence of the spearman's rho level between spiritual and delinquency were obtained rho = 0.195 and sig 0.285 (P> 0.05), meaning that there was no significant negative relationship between spirituality and delinquency in class VIII-B students of MTs Negeri 1 Jombang. The results of the influence of the spearman's rho level between harmony and delinquency were rho = 0.460 and sig 0.03 (P <0.05), which means that there is a significant positive relationship between harmony and delinquency in class VIII-B students of MTs Negeri 1 Jombang. The higher the krluarga harmony, the lower the juvenile delinquency tendency and conversely the lower the family harmony, the higher the juvenile delinquency tendency. Key word: Spiritual Intelligence, Family Harmony, Delinquency
Konsep Pendidikan Integral Dalam Surat Al-Alaq Ayat 1-5 Miftahillah Miftahillah
Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Sumbula: Jurnal Studi Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Darul 'Ulum Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32492/sumbula.v5i2.4311


Abstraksi Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melejitkan bahasa anak usia dini dalam Islam. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kajian pustaka (library research) dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik dokumentasi, sedangkan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan teknik analisis isi (content analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melejitkan bahasa anak usia dini melalui tiga komponen yaitu: keluarga, sekolah dan lingkungan masyarakat. Keluarga mempunyai peran yang pertama dan utama dalam pemerolehan bahasa pertama anak, guru di sekolah juga membantu dalam melejitkan anak dengan kegiatan bermain, sedangkan lingkungan masyarakat berperan melalui teman sepermainan yang turut menambah kebahasaan anak dan juga lingkungan kondusif membentuk perkembangan bahasa anak. Implementasi melejitkan bahasa anak usia dini dalam Islam agar orang tua dan guru sebelum melakukan pembelajaran dengan anak, berdo’a bersama anak sesuai dengan anjuran Allah SWT dalam Al Qur’an surah Al Kahfi ayat 25-28, surah Thaha ayat 109 dan diperkenalkan azan sejak bayi serta kalimat tauhid sejak usia dini. Kata Kunci: Islam; Bahasa, Anak Usia Dini

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