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Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu
Published by Jayapangus Press
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Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu (E-ISSN 2579-9843) is a peer-reviewed journal published Jayapangus Press. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the research results that have been achieved in the area of Hindu Science and Religious Studies. Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu, particularly focuses on the Hindu Science and Religious Studies areas as follows: 1. Hindu Education 2. Hindu Religious Letters 3. Education For Hindu Pre-School Teacher 4. Education For Hindu Elementary Teacher 5. Hindu Theology 6. Hindu Philosophy 7. Yoga 8. Hindu Law 9. Communication and Hindu Religion Illumination 10. Hindu Cultural Tourism 11. Hindu Religion Science
Articles 201 Documents
Mengevaluasi Kewajiban Negara Pada Umat Hindu Di Kudus Jawa Tengah Moh. Rosyid
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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This article was written to evaluate the role of government and Kudus government to service for Hindus in Kudus. Data of this research was gathered through interview, forum group discussion, observation and descriptive qualitative approach. There are several things can be done by Kudus government: (1) facilitating the establishment of puraas a worship place for Hindus in Kudus, (2) recruiting teacher for Hinduism in schools, (3) enacting bylaws on informal religious education for all religions. These policies are actually continuing the spirit of tolerance, the legacy of Sunan Kudus. Respecting people despite their religion and ethnic is a manifestation of faith in God.
Nilai Pendidikan Tattwa Pada Tutur Parakriya I Wayan Arya Adnyana
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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This study aims to: increase a deeper understanding of the value of tattwa education in Tutur Parakriya. This data is obtained using a method, and this method must also be precise so that the data obtained can be accurate and support the research results. This type of research is qualitative because it is a text research or library research whose primary data source is Tutur Parakriya which has been transcribed into text / text form. Literature study and interviews are used as data collection methods and then descriptive qualitative data processing is performed. As far as researchers know, no one has researched about this papyrus, so it is only based on text / text transcripts. This research uses the concept foundation to describe the problems to be discussed, and as a scalpel uses the theory of meaning and hermeneutic theory. The results of Tutur Parakriya's research contain the value of tattwa education, that is advice or advice to teach Hindus to be able to get the perfection of birth and mind.
Implikasi Latihan Yoga Asana Bagi Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Di Ashram Gandhi Puri Sevagram Klungkung I Wayan Rudiarta
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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Character is a positive values and attitude of life, which is owned by a person so that it influences behavior, way of thinking, acting and ultimately becomes a culture. A person's character will be formed if given positive touches, both physically, mentally and spiritually. One method used is through the practice of yoga asanas as applied at the Ashram Gandhi Puri Sevagram Klungkung. The practice of yoga asanas with the principle of the ashram is able to have implications for changing the character of students towards noble characters. This study focuses on issues concerning the process of forming student’s character through yoga asana exercises and character values ​​formed in students through Yoga asana practice at Ashram Gandhi Puri Sevagram Klungkung. This type of research is qualitative. Data from informants in this research was collected using a purposive technique and to obtain data used several techniques, namely participant observation, in-depth structured interviews, literature studies and documentation studies that were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results found that the process of character formation of Ashram students through three stages called kriya yoga, namely Tapah, Svadhyaya, and Isvara Pranidhana. In the Tapah stage, a yoga class is conducted which is correlated with panca kramaning sembah. Character values ​​that are formed from the process of yoga asana practice at Ashram Gandhi Puri are the values ​​of discipline, the value of curiosity, the value of responsibility, the value of hard work, creative value, religious value, and honest values
Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Dalam Budaya Tarung Presean Di Lombok Barat (Perspektif Agama Hindu) I Made Ardika Yasa
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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Tarung Presean Culture in Batu Kumbung Village, Lingsar Subdistrict, West Lombok Regency, there are several components that can be examined in the presentation of results including: (a) Tarung Presean Culture is carried out by the Hindu Balinese who have long lived on the island of Lombok along with the Muslim Sasak tribe with a variety of social statuses but one goal is to ask for the gift of rain in order to obtain fertility and commemorate the services of the ancestors and as a form of thanks to the spirits of their ancestors who have fought to achieve independence and unite the archipelago. The culture of Tarung Presean in Batu Kumbung Village, Lingsar District, goes through several stages, namely; (1) preparations include making arenas, providing tools for Tarung Presean, and appointing referees (Pekembar), (2) Introduction marked by the beating of Sasak gamelan instruments accompanied by Sasak version of Pancasila songs, (3) the peak of the Ceremony designating an audience to be Pepadu and Tarung Presean begins after Pepadu is determined and ready to fight, (4) closing ceremony, a pair of Pepadu who have competed with each other / hugged each other and the committee gives gifts to fighters and gives closing words to the audience and fighters / Pepadu about the meaning contained in Tarung Presean. (b) In studying the values ​​of Hindu religious education contained in the culture of Tarung Presean in the Batu Kumbung village of Lingsar sub-district, West Lombok Regency, using the Hindu Religious Concept which refers to the holy books, namely: Vedic Scriptures, Bhagavad Gita, Manawa Dharmasastra, and Sarascamuccaya. (c) In Tarung Presean in Lingsar Temple, Lingsar Subdistrict, West Lombok Regency, there are aesthetic aspects, logic aspects, and ethical aspects as well as very deep meaning, including; (1) Tarung Presean as Actualization of Self-Control, (2) Tarung Presean as a form of Sportmanship and Patriotism, and (3) Tarung Presean Application from Tri Hita Karana.
Implementation of Tri Purusa Artha teachings in Coaching Hindu Young Generation Setyaningsih; Sudarsana, I Ketut
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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This study aims to describe the implications of teachings tri purusa artha in coaching Hindu Young generation. The results showed that: (1) the understanding of the Hindu young generation in Desa Adat Ulakan about Tri Purusa Artha is already good because all informants can explain the meaning of Tri Purusa Artha and also explain the elements of Tri Purusa Artha theoretically. However, in implementing the three elements of Tri Purusa Artha, the Hindu young generation in the Desa Adat Ulakan could not implement it optimally. (2) The benefits of Tri Purusa Artha for young Hindu generation in the Ulakan Traditonal Village were a means of self-control and a way to achieve life goals in the form of jagadhita. (3) The obstacles faced in fostering Hindu young generation in Desa Adat Ulakan were the lack of facilities. Many young generations of Hindu was being indifferent. The appointed coaches or instructors still did not understand the interest of the young generation, they lived outside the village. Efforts in fostering the young generation of Hindus in Desa Adat Ulakan was done by providing counseling to the sekeha teruna to each banjar, forming skills, cooperating with village officers and village administrators, implementing Pasraman Hindu youths, forming sekeha gong and dance groups, pesantian teenagers groups, and providing sports fields.
Building Hinduism Educational Values-Based School Culture I Made Girinata
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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The purpose of this study was to describe the effort to build Hinduism Educational Values-based school culture. A school is a place of learning activities that are not only meant as an activity of transfer of knowledge from teacher to student but also an activity to familiarize the entire school community for discipline and compliance with regulations, mutual respect, clean and healthy life. The habits formed in the long journey of the school are called school culture, which in its development has not been able to form a character school community. Therefore, it is time for school culture to be built with not only limited to scientific values but all values of life including Hinduism Educational Values.
Educational Psychology Aspect in Gaguritan I Jayaprana I Wayan Mandra
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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Gaguritan is a traditional literary work that has a fairly strict literary convention system. The work is formed by pupuh unit with a large number of syllables in each row, the number of row in each verse and the final sound in each row. Gaguritan as a form of traditional Balinese literature is a product of Indonesian literature, belongs to the poetry. Gaguritan is one type of traditional Balinese literature that still lives and develops in Balinese society. The literary work of the Gaguritan is still often read or sung in the pesantian activities. The results of this study concluded that the structure of Gaguritan I Jayaprana consists of: 1) The theme is woman faithfulness 2) The story line is conventional, occurring from several events caused by the cause and effect relationship 3) the characterization which consists of main character, I Jayaprana, secondary character Ni Layonsari, complementary characters namely, I Saunggaling, and Bendesa, The King 4) The moral value can be seen is the loyality of I Layonsari as a wife to her husband. The educational psychology aspect contained in the Gaguritan I Jayaprana can be seen in I Jayaprana. The character of I Jayaprana should be exemplary. In addition to learning diligently I Jayaprana also has high intelligence. Capable in reading and translating Kakawin.
The Role of Pasraman Kilat in Raising Sradha and Bhakti of Teenagers Nerawati, Ni Gusti Ayu Agung; Sudarsana, I Ketut
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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Pasraman kilat is a social institution in the community to provide non-formal Hindu religious learning. Pasraman kilat aims to improve the knowledge of Hindu religion from a formal school. This study used a qualitative method and data collection used observation, interviews, and literature studies. Based on the results, the role of pasraman kilat was very useful. It can be seen not only from the series of activities but also from the results. Teenagers who followed the pasraman kilat, apply and practice the learning outcomes in everyday life, both in religious activities and in daily activities. This suggests that learning is effective and acceptable to teenagers.
Implementasi Pembelajaran Catur Guru Dalam Membentuk Karakter Siswa Ida Ayu Dwi Lestari; Ni Komang Sutriyanti
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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This study aims to describe the implementation of Chess Teacher learning in shaping the character of students in Sekolah Dasar Negeri 2 Kaba-Kaba, where it is applied by school teachers in class learning, with Catur Guru material, namely Guru Swadyaya, Guru Rupaka, Guru Pengajian, Guru Wisesa. The formation of character through schools is a noble effort that is urgent to do. In fact, when talking about the future, schools are responsible not only for producing students who excel in science and technology, but also in identity, character and personality. In character building, the family environment and the school environment have a very important role, because the family as the first and foremost educator functions to carry religious, cultural, ethical, moral, and spiritual values to their children. While the school as a formal educational institution is tasked to transform knowledge and socio-cultural values that can produce quality human resources and have high competitiveness. Thus it can be said that the formed behavior that is characterized is strongly influenced by the family environment and the school environment as well as the wider school environment (community), in addition to the potential and beliefs or the attitude of confidence possessed by individuals.
Gejala Metalingual Dalam Geguritan Bhima Swarga Sebagai Refresentasi Tradisi Ngaben Di Bali Utara Komang Wahyu Rustiani; I Gst Md Swastya Dharma Pradnyan
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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Geguritan Bhima Swarga become important to analyze since contains culture codes which represent supreme traditions as the culture reinforcement in the North Bali. This qualitative research used semiotic theory of Michael Riffaterre which focused on the Matrix, Model, and Variant. The data was collected by observation, interview, and documentation. The data was reduced and presented using formal method and inductive-deductive technique. The result of the research reveals that metalingual aspects in geguritan are a sign which represents ngaben tradition in the North Bali. One of the examples is the word mangkata, which means lexically ‘raised’ or ‘awaked’. According to the variant in Balinese language, especially the North Balinese language, the word mangata has synonym to nangiang, nangun, ngangkasang which means ‘awake further’. The matrix, furthermore, can be discoursed as the effort of dedication sincerely to pull parent’s soul miseries out by doing the ritual ceremony. In short, it can be interpreted that the relation between Matrix, Model, and Variant shows that the word mangkata get symptom of metalanguage function or social cultural contextually is dedication ritual toward parent who already dead, which is known in Bali as the term ngaben.

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