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Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies
ISSN : 26226138     EISSN : 26226146     DOI : 10.21580
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies, ISSN 2477-8117 (e) 2477-8109 (p) is published by the Arabic Language Learning Department, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Kependidikan, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang. This journal focuses on theories and thoughts on Arabic studies in general. This journal specializes in Arabic language learning, and theories. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 73 Documents
Implementasi Media Audio-Visual dalam Pembelajaran Istima‘ Sari, Rizka; Muassomah, M
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.2.2.4961


Listening is a basic human ability which is possessed from the beginning of his birth until throughout his life. However, at the level of language learning there is a low level of student interest in learning specifically. For this reason, this study aims to describe the process of implementing the Audio-visual method in special learning for third-semester students of Arabic education at the Bani Fatah Islamic Institute in Jombang. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study using observation and documentation instruments. The subject and object of this research are the third semester students of Arabic education at the Bani Fatah Islamic Institute in Jombang. The results of this study indicate, istima 'learning process with audio-visual methods that have been arranged very well, namely: a) lecturer planning by preparing appropriate material b) students listening to the video being watched c) students write mufrodat known based on video d) students conclude the story in the video using Arabic e) students take wisdom from the video watched f) evaluation in this study is divided into two: first, written evaluation (students collect mufrodat notes of listening results), second , oral evaluation (students directly speak Arabic in giving conclusions and lessons from the video). In implementing learning specifically using this audio-visual method, it has changed the atmosphere of learning more interesting and increased the activeness of students in learning.
Idārat Jūdat al-Ishrāf al-Lughawiy fi Tarqiyat Ta'līm al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah bi Ma'had Jāmi‘ah Maulāna Mālik Ibrāhīm al-Islāmiyyah al-Ḥukūmiyyah Malang Budiyah, Bahroin
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.1.2.4503


There is quality management with education subject who teach and guide college students in Arabic learning. Mushrifs is the santri’s companion in the first and second semester in Mahad Al-Jami’ah. In particular program, they teach Arabic in Mahad and conduct Arabic learning. The quality of Mushrifs of Language in improving Arabic learning is one of the objectives in order to generate good and success mushrifs in Mahad Al-Jami’ah.        The research problems were: 1) How is the planning quality of language guidance in improving Arabic learning in mahad al-jami’ah, 2) how is the organization quality of language guidance in improving Arabic learning in mahad al-jami’ah, 3) how is the implementation of quality Supervision of language in improving the Arabic learning in mahad al-jami’ah, 4) how is the supervision quality of language guidance in improving Arabic learning in mahad al-jami’ah. This study aimed to describe the planning, organization, implementation, and supervision of quality management of mushrifs in improving the Arabic learning in Mahad Al-jam’ah. This study used descriptive analysis design, and the data collections were through observation, interview and documentation, and through all those things to research in data’s about the quality management of language guidance. The results of quality management of language guidance study in improving the Arabic learning were: 1) in the planning stage, the first process was opening the registration for mushrifs’ candidates with a very strict selection, 2) in the organization aspect was the cooperation relationship between the mahad director, murabbi, and mushrifs of language with their tasks, 3) in the implementation aspect was through PSDM, language enrichmen, shabah al-lugah, gebyar bahasa competition and bilingual seminar; 4)  and in the supervision aspect was the supervision was conducted once in two weeks by murabbi of language.
Penggunaan Metode Ganjaran dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Bahasa Arab Gani, Yusnindar Abdul; Wahidah, Yeni Lailatul
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.1.1.1459


This study aims to reveal descriptively about the use of learning methods in improving students' learning motivation in Mas Bahrul Hikmah Konawe North Sultra to find out what methods are applied during the learning process at Mas Bahrul Hikmah Konawe Utara and to find out how the motivation of student learning Mas Bahrul Hikmah Konawe North. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method in order to give explanation about the use of learning method in improving students' learning motivation Arabic in Mas Bahrul Hikmah Konawe Utara Sultra. The data obtained through interviews with informants research related to the achievement of the purposes of research. Subjects in this study were teachers and students at Mas Bahrul Hikmah Konawe Utara Sultra. The result of the research are: (1) The method applied when the learning process of Arabic language in Mas Bahrul Hikmah is, conversation method or muhadatsah, the method of reading that is qira'ah (muthala'ah), grammatical method or qowa'id (al-kitabah) and Listening method (al-istima'i) this method is commonly used when imla learning process, besides using special method of learning Arabic language also using general methods, such as lecture method, discussion method, group work method, question and answer method and method Assignment. There is also a new method addition, reward method. The reward method applied is the method of punishment and reward method. (2) The use of reward method in Mas Bahrul Hikmah is very effective besides can grow student's motivation in learning also help student get high test value, because after use method of reward value of student exam much increase.
Istikhdām Lu‘bah Thu‘bān wa Sullam li Tarqiyyati Raghbati Ta‘allumi al-Qiraati wa Injāzihi fi al-Madrasati al-Mutawāsiṭati Habibah, Umi; Mawanti, Dwi; Zuhruddin, Achmad
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.2.2.4215


This research aims to calculate the pupils’ desire and achievement in learning to read among those who use the snake and ladder game and those who do not use it in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kudus for the academic year 2019-2020. Based on the number of students in the school, we preferred two classes, the eighth - a experimental group, and the eighth - b as a control group for the purpose of experimental research. The methods used to collect data are observation, interview, documentation, questionnaire, and testing. The results of this research indicated that teaching reading skill using this game is better than without it, so that the average grade for the experimental semester is 85.69 and the average grade for the control class is 79.72. To test the hypothesis, I got t calculation = 5,209 compared to -table t = 1,9944. The mean is higher in the experimental group than in the control group. This means that there is a big difference in learning to read after and without using this game. As for the result of the questionnaire, it indicated that the desire to read using this game is 55% to 92.75%, an increase of 37.75%, and the researcher is sure that the result is high between the pre and post test. It can be concluded that using the game Ular Tangga is suitable for promoting students' desire and achievement in learning to read.
Istikhdām Qāmūs al-ʿArabiyyah Baina Yadaik fī Taʿlīm al-Lughah al-ʿArabiyyah bi Maʿhad Al-Khair Cirebon Antin Lihayati; Ahmad Maghfurin
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.3.1.4216


This research aims to learn how to use the Al-ʿArabiyyah Baina Yadaik dictionary in teaching Arabic at the Al-Khair Islamic Boarding School - Cirebon, in addition to identifying problems and how to overcome them when using it in education. This is a qualitative descriptive field research that produces data from teachers and students and is collected through observation, interview and documentation. The results indicate: 1) Using the the Al-ʿArabiyyah Baina Yadaik dictionary in education is easier than using any other dictionary. 2) The use of the Al-ʿArabiyyah Baina Yadaik dictionary makes learning Arabic more effective. 3) The lack of existing dictionaries poses problems. Students therefore use the dictionary collectively so that each member of the group can use the Al-ʿArabiyyah Baina Yadaik.* * *Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari penggunakan kamus Al-ʿArabiyyah Baina Yadaik dalam mengajar bahasa Arab di Pondok Pesantren Al-Khair-Cirebon, serta mengidentifikasi masalah dan cara mengatasinya dalam pembelaaran. Ini adalah penelitian lapangan deskriptif kualitatif yang datanya bersumber dari guru dan siswa yang dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Penggunakan kamus Al-ʿArabiyyah Baina Yadaik dalam pembelajaran lebih mudah daripada menggunakan kamus lain. 2) Penggunakan kamus Al-ʿArabiyyah Baina Yadaik membuat pembelajaran bahasa Arab lebih efektif. 3) Kurangnya kamus yang ada menimbulkan masalah. Oleh karena itu siswa menggunakan kamus secara kolektif sehingga setiap anggota kelompok dapat menggunakan kamus Al-ʿArabiyyah Baina Yadaik. 
Analisis Kesesuaian Kompetensi Dasar dengan Bahan Ajar Bahasa Arab MTs Kelas IX Karya Yushi M. Mahmudah Ali Mufti; Mudrofin Mudrofin
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.3.1.10432


The Indonesian Ministry of Religion has published Arabic textbooks for ninth grade to assist the implementation of the revision of the Core and Basic Competencies. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the compatibility of Arabic teaching materials with the Basic Competencies outlined in KMA No. 183 of 2019. The study employs a library research design with the data collected using documentation. The sample was selected using purposive sampling techniques, namely the content examination and assessment. Content analysis was performed to analyze the data. The results showed that some contents of the textbook did not comply with the requirements of the basic competence. Several readings and conversational texts did not instance of grammatical structures in use. The textbook did not contain practice questions for mahrah istima'. Also, only 13 (out of 34) questions in the mahārah istimā' segment pertain to higher-order thinking skills (HOTS), while the majority of the questions in mahārah kalām and kitābah pertains to the basic competence of 2013 Curriculum.
Athar Istīʿāb al-Mufradāt wa-al-Qawāʿid ʿalá Kafā’at al-Kitābah al-Imlā’īyah li-al-Talāmīdh fī al-Faṣl al-Thāmin bi-Madrasat Al-Waṭanīyah al-Thānawīyah al-Islāmīyah Kebumen Fiki Khoerun Niswah; Ibnu Hadjar; Mahfudz Shiddiq
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.3.2.4214


Many students at Wathoniyah Islamiyah Junior High School (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) Kebumen graduated from public elementary schools, so many had not have adequate knowledge of the Arabic language. This study is essential because students' diverse vocabulary and grammatical comprehension influenced their writing and spelling ability. The current study investigates the influence of vocabulary and grammatical comprehension on eighth grade students' spelling writing abilities at Wathoniyah Islamiyah Kebumen. All eighth-grade students at Wathoniyah Islamiyah Junior High School were recruited in this research. The study employed a quantitative design and purposive sampling technique to test the sample. The researchers obtained the data using documentation and analyzed the data using multiple regression tests. The results indicated that the F value is 11.250, and the F table with the value from the table at a 5% significance level = 3.385. Therefore, the F count exceeds the F table. The findings also indicated that the students' vocabulary and grammatical knowledge and comprehension have a substantial influence on their spelling and writing skill. Therefore, the research hypothesis is acceptable.
Pembelajaran Keterampilan Berbicara dan Langkah-langkah Penyajian Dialog di Universitas Zainul Hasan Probolinggo Ahmad Musthofa; Mamluatun Ni’mah
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.3.1.10881


It is critical to developing speaking abilities while learning Arabic. The purpose of this article is to discuss several activities used to help students improve their speaking abilities at Zainul Hasan University, Probolinggo, Indonesia. The data were gathered via observation and interviews. The findings indicated that Zainul Hasan University students developed their speaking skills using a variety of activities, including memorization and dialogue practice, encouragement to speak, developing speaking Arabic habits, dialogue methods, and feedback on speaking errors. The dialogue method was proposed to develop Zainul Hasan University Probolinggo students' speaking abilities. It was arranged in the following steps: preliminary questions and answers, introduction of new vocabulary, comprehending new vocabulary, listening to the conversation while looking at the text, listening to dialogue without looking at the text, repetition of the dialogue's pronunciation, and in pair dialogue practice.
Analisis Karakteristik Aplikasi Kamus Arab-Indonesia Karya Tim Ristek Muslim Maulida Almas Fadhilah
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.3.2.5938


This study is driven by the fact that Arabic is often seen as a complex language to master in many Indonesian schools and madrasas. This educational issue has resulted in various efforts to facilitate learning using meaningful innovations. The researchers created online and offline programs, including an Arabic-Indonesian dictionary built for Android. The current research tries to ascertain the applicability of the Arabic-Indonesian dictionary. This study is a literature review study using a descriptive qualitative approach. The developers (Surabaya Muslim Research and Technology Team) created the application in 2012 and used a variety of secondary sources, including articles, journals, and pertinent documents. The Arabic-Indonesian Dictionary is an Android-based Arabic-Indonesian dictionary application capable of translating Indonesian to Arabic and vice versa. This application database has 154,644 Arabic vocabularies. The dictionaries contained in this application include the Arabic-Indonesian Dictionary, Munawwir Dictionary, Muʿjam al-ʿArab, Muʿjam al-Muʿāṣirāh, Lisān al-ʿArabic, Muʿjam al-Ghanī, and the Al-Qur'an Dictionary. This dictionary can be used as an Arabic learning media.
Metode Komunikatif dengan Role Play Berbasis Gender dalam Pembelajaran Kalām Furaida Ayu Musyrifa; Khabibi Muhammad Luthfi
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.3.1.6300


The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between communicative methods and role play in a philosophical-methodological manner, and to apply role play in gender-based kalām learning. This is motivated by the uncertainty of the position and the theoretical foundation of the communicative method and role play in the structure of the Arabic learning methodology. In addition, so far the study of methodology has been limited to structural-procedural, has not touched the meaning-contextual aspect so that it cannot include certain values, such as gender justice, even though behind Arabic there is a patriarchal culture of the Arab nation which should be minimized. With a philosophical-methodological approach based on library data and discourse analysis, it is found that role playing is a technique of the communicative method. When role play is applied in gender-based kalām learning, the concept of elements at the philosophical-theoretical and implementative-technical levels of the communicative method must be reconstructed with an anthropolinguistic approach using critical discourse analysis from poststructural equipped with additional components, such as text, themes, role functions, how to form groups, convey educators, and linguistics, which are based on the discourse of gender justice.