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Alexsander Yandra
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Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Lancang Kuning Jl. Yos Sudarso KM.8, Umban Sari, Rumbai, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28266 Office: (0761) 53581 | Phone: 081363063686 Email:
Kota pekanbaru,
JOELS: Journal of Election and Leadership
Core Subject : Social,
The main focus is leadership topics, with interests in political participation, organizational behavior, human resource management, strategy, international management, and entrepreneurship.
Articles 52 Documents
The Effectiveness of Online Services at The Population and Civil Registration Services of Pekanbaru City Abid Arrijal; Dadang Mashur
JOELS: Journal of Election and Leadership Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): JOELS : Journal of Election and Leadership
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/joels.v2i2.7602


The online service carried out at the Dukcapil Office of Pekanbaru City has the aim of creating an effective public service process so that it can make the service process fast, easy, cheap, and uncomplicated. There are two kinds of online services, namely Sipenresiden in the form of a website and Waiting Service (LAGU) which is an application. In this online service process, there are several factors that become obstacles in the effort to realize effective services, namely the lack of awareness of the Dukcapil service to the people of Pekanbaru City who take care of population administration, the lack of readiness of facilities and infrastructure and human resources owned by the Department, as well as socialization about online services to the public. less active society. This study has a purpose, namely to determine the effectiveness of online services carried out by the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Pekanbaru City. The theoretical concept used is the theory of effectiveness by Mahmudi 2019. By using qualitative research methods and data collection based on interviews, observations and documentation. The results of the research that the author can get are that the implementation of online services still has several factors that become obstacles experienced by the Pekanbaru City Population and Civil Registration Office, so that the online services implemented have not been effective.
National Dialogue or Election Matters in Ethiopia: Critical Analysis Of The Current Political Situation And The 6th National Election Yitagesu Bekele
JOELS: Journal of Election and Leadership Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): JOELS : Journal of Election and Leadership
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/joels.v3i1.7838


In Ethiopia, elections had been conducted at different times. The general election was held for the first time in 1992. Since then, the country has made four consecutive elections; however, almost all elections were accompanied by complains of opposition parties, pre, and post-election conflicts. Nowadays, Ethiopia is a country where divided interests are underway due to ethnic conflict and political uncertainties that happened as the result of the absence of elites’ consensus on varieties of unanswered national concerns, identity, and political questions. Surrounded by all the aforementioned problems, the government has held the sixth national election. Even if the election was said orderly, peaceful, and credible by some observers accredited by the National Election Board of Ethiopia, the election was not conducted in many parts of the country due to ethnic conflict. In line with this, the USA and EU said that the election was not democratic and credible because the current political atmosphere of the country wouldn’t conducive to conduct election; due to major opposition parties boycotted themselves from the election, influential politicians are imprisoned and ethnic clashes in many parts of the country. Therefore, to sustain the country as a unified state and reach into consensus on national issues the government had better initiate the national dialogue process and make a viable peace agreement with all conflicting parties rather than holding an election
Model Pelanggaran dalam Pelaksanaan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Pelalawan Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Tahun 2020 Adrian Faridhi; Alexsander Yandra; Sudi Fahmi
JOELS: Journal of Election and Leadership Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): JOELS : Journal of Election and Leadership
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/joels.v3i1.8396


Election violations in the Pelalawan Regency Head Election will be used as evaluation material in the implementation of the next general election, the findings of violations provide a model/form for improvement. This study uses a normative legal research method that uses a statutory approach. The findings of this study are a model of election violations in the form of election criminal violations, election administrative violations, ethical violations and other legal violations, this is based on findings and reports examined by Bawaslu and by Gakumdu.
The Strategy of the Environment and Hygiene Office in Overcoming the Existence of Illegal Temporary Shelter (TPS) in Pekanbaru Nini Astuti; Irawaty Irawaty; Fara Merian Sari
JOELS: Journal of Election and Leadership Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): JOELS : Journal of Election and Leadership
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/joels.v3i1.8600


This paper discusses the strategies by Environment and Hygiene Office (DLHK) in overcoming the existence of illegal temporary shelter (TPS) in Pekanbaru. The theory used is the Hatten and Hatten which suggests what the principles in the success of a strategy are. While this is qualitative research with a descriptive design, the results show that Environment and Hygiene Office's strategy for combating the presence of illegal temporary shelter is adequate. However, due to the lack of public awareness to comply with the regulations set by the office, it was difficult for them to solve the problem of illegal temporary shelter in Pekanbaru.
#PapuanLivesMatter in the Wake of #BlackLivesMatter: Relations of Collective Identity in Twitter Activism Yasmine Anabel Panjaitan; Lulu Nurul Janah
JOELS: Journal of Election and Leadership Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): JOELS : Journal of Election and Leadership
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/joels.v3i1.8840


Collective identity, or a sense of ‘we-ness’ in relation or contrast with one another, is a crucial feature of social activism. Especially considering the rise of intersectional movements in today’s era, it is important to look into the role of collective identity in shaping online movements. This article intends to unravel the relations of collective identity in the Twitter activism #PapuanLivesMatter that emerged in the wake of #BlackLivesMatter. Thirteen tweets that carry the hashtags #PapuanLivesMatter and #BlackLivesMatter, either separately or together, were analyzed. The theory of appraisal from Martin and White was applied to identify how the tweets enact relations of collective identity by looking into the implicit and explicit evaluation of the text that relies on positive and negative classifications. The results show that the relations of collective identity in #PapuanLivesMatter during the rise of #BlackLivesMatter are congruent at the broad level and divergent at the group level. At the broad level, #PapuanLivesMatter and #BlackLivesMatter address the same issues and collectively work toward raising awareness for discrimination against black lives. Although #PapuanLivesMatter still maintains its representation of discrimination at the group level, it propagates ideologies and objectives that are exclusively directed for West Papuan causes, namely ethnic discrimination and political self-determination.
Community Political Participation in Kuantan Singingi Regency Head General Election During the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic Era Sudaryanto Sudaryanto; Ruslyhardy Ruslyhardy; Iwan Arasit
JOELS: Journal of Election and Leadership Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): JOELS : Journal of Election and Leadership
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/joels.v3i1.8918


In Indonesia, one of the regencies/cities that have carried out the Regional Head Election is Kuantan Singingi Regency, which was on September 9, 2020, but the number of voters has decreased. This problem is related to health, economy and human resources. Public political participation in general can be categorized in several forms, namely; election activities, trying to influence, organizational activities, seeking connections and acts of violence. This research is qualitative using descriptive analysis approach. Research informants are the Chair of the General Election Commission, the Chair of the Election Oversight Body, academics, election activists and community leaders. As a result, voter participation has decreased due to the lack of optimal election education activities and concerns about the spread of the corona virus.
Sudro Hakimi's Political Strategy in Winning the 2019 Interim Mayoral Election in Nagari Talu Riko Riyanda
JOELS: Journal of Election and Leadership Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): JOELS : Journal of Election and Leadership
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/joels.v3i1.8990


This research aims to describe and identify Sudro Hakimi's political strategy in winning the Inter-Time Wali Nagari electionin Talu. In this study it was found that Sudro Hakimi's political strategy was effective in winning him over as wali nagari over time. The strategy used is offensive by strengthening the electoral base and expanding the network of voters (musyna participants) by visiting ninik mamak in villages with priority areas where there are no candidates. Then by using a defensive strategy, namely by keeping voters who are already committed to expressing their support and choice to Sudro Hakimi. The next strategy is a campaign carried out by means of direct friendship to voters by Sudro Hakimi in areas where there are no candidates and friendship by the winning team in areas where the opposing team is based.
Partisipasi dan Perilaku Politik Generasi Milenial pada Pemilihan Bupati Tanah Datar Tahun 2020 di Nagari Saruaso Kecamatan Tanjung Emas Ulya Fitri Zen; Novi Budiman; Rio Febrian
JOELS: Journal of Election and Leadership Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): JOELS : Journal of Election and Leadership
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/joels.v2i2.9350


Artikel ini menjelaskan mengenai partisipasi dan perilaku politik generasi milenial pada pemilihan Bupati Tanah Datar tahun 2020 di Nagari Saruaso Kecamatan Tanjung Emas. Adapun yang menjadi latar belakang disini adalah adanya kecendrungan kelompok milenial untuk mengikuti atau sekedar ikut-ikutan pilihan politik teman sepermainan, memiliki karakteristik yang biasanya masih labil dan apatis, serta memiliki pengetahuan politik yang kurang, sehingga mengindikasikan masih kurangnya kesadaran dalam berpolitik. Sedangkan tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui partisipasi politik generasi milenial dan perilaku politik mereka dalam menentukan pilihan politiknya pada pemilihan Bupati Tanah Datar Tahun 2020. Teori yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah teori Gaffar tentang tiga model dalam melihat prilaku politik masyarakat di antaranya model sosiologis, model psikologis dan model pilihan rasional. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif di mana studi kasus dilakukan di Nagari Saruaso Kecamatan Tanjung Emas. Penelitian ini menggunakan penyebaran kuesioner dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 50 orang usia pemilih milenial. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi generasi milenial adalah masih tergolong rendah, sedangkan perilaku politik generasi milenial lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh pilihan rasional. Pemilih generasi milenial di Nagari Saruaso Kecamatan Tanjung Emas sudah mandiri secara social dalam menentukan pilihan tanpa perlu dipengaruhi teman maupun orang tua, namun cukup tinggi dalam mempertimbangkan aspek agama kandidat Bupati Tanah Datar tahun 2020. Secara psikologis mereka tidak lagi melihat unsur materi dan aspek lahiriah lainya, namun sudah lebih dalam melihat visi misi kandidat, peningkatan ekonomi, penegakan hukum dan rekam jejak kandidat. Pemilih milenial di Saruaso Tanah Datar sudah mapan dalam aspek pilihan rasional.
Evaluation of Education and Training Program during The COVID-19 Pandemic Wasiah Sufi; Afrizal Afrizal
JOELS: Journal of Election and Leadership Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): JOELS : Journal of Election and Leadership (In Press)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/joels.v2i1.8724


The goal of this study is to assess the Pekanbaru City Environmental and Forestry Center's education and training program. The approach employed in this study was descriptive qualitative data obtained from secondary and primary sources, as well as data analysis utilizing an interactive model, which is an interactive cycle in the sense that qualitative analysis is a continuous, recurring, and ongoing activity. The findings revealed that the evaluation of the implementation of education and training at the Pekanbaru Environmental and Forestry Center during the COVID-19 pandemic was still ongoing and had a fairly good impact on increasing the knowledge and abilities of the training participants, though it was not yet significant because it was conducted online and there were still issues with networking during the training process. Based on the competency assessment's evaluation results.
Membangun Citra Positif Masyarakat terhadap Penyelesaian Sengketa Pilkada dalam Upaya Memperkuat Legitimasi Rosy Febriani Daud; Slamet Haryadi
JOELS: Journal of Election and Leadership Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): JOELS : Journal of Election and Leadership
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/joels.v3i2.9013


Pelanggaran pilkadabisa terjadi dari awal perencanaan, persiapan, serta tahapan hingga perhitungan suara hasil pilkada. Pelanggaran pilkada adalah berupa pelanggaran administrasi dan pelanggaran pidana. Permasalahan tersebut berimplikasi pada daftar pemilih, hak memilih, dan perhitungan suara. Tidak terdaftarnya seseorang dalam daftar pemilih dapat berimplikasi terhadap hilangnya hak pilih sebagai masyarakat atau warganegara. Lalu daftar pemilih yang tidak terdaftar dapat dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan kecurangan yaitu penggelembungan suara untuk memenangkan paslon yang sudah terikat kerjasama. Melihat permasalahan diatas, dirumuskan suatu masalah yaitu bagaimana membangun citra masyarakat terhadap penyelesaian sengketa pilkada dalam upaya memperkuat legitimasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, digunakan dua pendekatan yaitu pendekatan perundang-undangan (Statute Approach) dan pendekatan kasus(CaseApproach). Sengketa Pemilu terbagi dua: sengketa dalam proses Pemilu dan sengketa pada tahapan akhir yaitu perselisihan hasil Pemilu.