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Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering (EJChE) publishes communication articles, original research articles and review articles in :. Material Development Biochemical Process Exploration and Optimization Chemical Education Chemical Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Designing, Modeling, and Process Optimization Energy and Conversion Technology Thermodynamics Process System Engineering and products Membrane Technology Food Technology Bioprocess Technology Chemurgy Technology Waste Treatment Technology Separation and Purification Technology Natural Dyes Technology
Articles 99 Documents
Stripping Bioethanol from Fermented Molasses in A Packed Tower Andina Indah Sekararum; Andhika Sulistyani Putri; Margono Margono
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Volume 2 No 1 January 2018
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v2i1.40431


The high price of bioethanol is the barrier of its implementation as renewable energy sources. Therefore, efforts to reduce its price is an important factor to drive the implementation. Stripping is a way to separate bioethanol from the broth which will be cheaper than distillation process. This research was aimed to separate bioethanol from its fermented molasses. The effect of feed flow rate, air flow rate and feed temperature were investigated. A column with inside diameter of 0.1 m was used and packed with 0.02 x 0.016 m PVC rashig ring at 1 m of bed. The broth was fed from the top side and the air stripper was flown down from the bottom side. Six millimeters of the top product was collected at steady state condition for analysis of bioethanol concentration. The best experiment was the one which had feed flow rate 1,5 L/min and stripping air flow rate of 5,85 L/min. It resulted bioethanol content of 19.39% or equivalent to 38.5% stripped out of the broth.
Komposit ZnO-CuO Hasil Sintesis Dengan Metode Elektrokimia Sebagai Katalis Fotodegradasi Methyl Orange Adrian Nur; Anis Yuliana Kusumaningrum; Danang Bayu Prananda; Tutut Ayu Kinasih
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Volume 3 No 2 December 2019
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v3i2.42624


Abstrak. Semikonduktor oksida logam adalah salah satu jenis nanokomposit yang digunakan untuk rangkaian mikroelektronik, perangkat piezoelektrik, sel bahan bakar, sensor, katalis, pelapis permukaan untuk mencegah korosi, dan sel surya. ZnOCuO adalah jenis komposit semikonduktor oksida logam. Kombinasi kedua logam tersebut dapat menghasilkan komposit yang dapat digunakan sebagai katalisator dan zat antibakteri. Metode fotodegradasi adalah pengolahan zat warna tekstil yang memecah zat warna organik menjadi senyawa yang lebih sederhana. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan komposit ZnO-CuO yang digunakan sebagai katalisator dalam proses fotodegradasi jingga metil. Metode yang digunakan dalam sintesis komposit ZnO-CuO adalah metode elektrokimia dengan menggunakan larutan elektrolit asam asetat. Pada penelitian ini digunakan asam asetat dengan konsentrasi 0,15 dan 0,3 M. Komposit yang dihasilkan dianalisis menggunakan analisis XRF, XRD dan FTIR. Komposit digunakan sebagai katalis fotodegradasi jingga metil dengan variasi waktu yang berbeda 0 sampai 150 menit. Absorbansi larutan degradasi diukur dengan Spektrofotometer UV VIS. Efektivitas yang dihasilkan dari komposit dengan konsentrasi asam asetat 0,3 M sebesar 21,69%, sedangkan efektivitas yang dihasilkan dari komposit dengan konsentrasi 0,15 M sebesar 16,58%. Katalis yang dihasilkan pada konsentrasi asam asetat 0,3 M lebih efektif daripada katalis yang diproduksi pada konsentrasi asam asetat 0,15 M. Abstract. Metal oxide semiconductors are one type of nanocomposites used for microelectronic circuits, piezoelectric devices, fuel cells, sensors, catalysts, surface coatings to prevent corrosion, and solar cells. ZnOCuO is a type of metal oxide semiconductor composite. The combination of these two metals can produce a composite that can be used for catalysts and antibacterial substances. Photodegradation method is a textile dyestuff treatment which breaks down organic dyes into simpler compounds. The purpose of this paper is to determine the effectiveness of ZnO-CuO composites used as catalysts in the methyl orange photodegradation process. The method used in the synthesis of ZnO-CuO composites is an electrochemical method using an acetic acid electrolyte solution. In this study, acetic acid was used with the concentration of 0.15 and 0.3 M. The resulting composites were analyzed using XRF, XRD and FTIR analysis. The composites are used as methyl orange photodegradation catalysts with different time variations 0 to 150 minutes. The absorbance of the degradation solution was measured by UV VIS Spectrophotometer. The effectiveness produced from the composites with concentrations of 0.3 M acetic acid was 21.69%, while the effectiveness produced from the composites with concentrations of 0.15 M was 16.58%. Catalysts produced at concentrations of 0.3 M acetic acid are more effective than catalysts produced at concentrations of 0.15 M acetic acid. Keywords: electrosynthesis, ZnO-CuO composite, photodegradation, methyl orange, textile dyes
Penentuan Pelarut untuk Adsorpsi Oryzanol dari Minyak Bekatul dengan Investigasi Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (Thin Layer Chromatography) Ari Diana Susanti; Wahyudi Budi Sediawan; Sang Kompiang Wirawan; Budhijanto Budhijanto
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 1, No 2 (2017): Volume 1 No 2 July 2017
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v1i2.40424


Oryzanol yang terkandung dalam minyak bekatul mempunyai kekuatan antioksidan lebih  tinggi  daripada vitamin E  dan  terbukti  mempunyai efek hipokolesteromik sehingga berguna untuk kesehatan jantung dan pembuluh darah. Metode adsorpsi menggunakan adsorben silika merupakan salah satu metode isolasi oryzanol yang menjanjikan. Keberhasilan proses pemungutan oryzanol sangat ditentukan oleh pemilihan pelarut yang digunakan karena oryzanol merupakan senyawa ester sehingga sifatnya mirip dengan sifat trigliserida minyak bekatul yang ingin dipisahkan darinya. Oleh karena itu perlu ditentukan pemodifikasi pelarut sehingga diperoleh campuran pelarut yang cocok untuk proses tersebut. Modifikasi dilakukan terhadap pelarut utama n-heksana dan pemodifikasi potensial yang digunakan adalah etil asetat, diklorometana, kloroform, dan aseton. Performa campuran pelarut diuji menggunakan metode kromatografi lapis tipis (thin layer chromatography - TLC) menggunakan plat TLC silika gel grade 60. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  kombinasi  n-heksana/aseton  =  85/15  memberikan  hasil  pemisahan oryzanol terbaik, sedangkan kombinasi    n-heksana/etil asetat = 90/10 patut dipertimbangkan apabila elusi secara gradien dipilih dalam proses pemisahan.
Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Sirih Sebagai Bahan Aktif Antibakteri Dalam Gel Hand Sanitizer Non-Alkohol Dhika Satriawan Fathoni; Ilham Fadhillah; Mujtahid Kaavessina
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Volume 3 No 1 July 2019
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v3i1.43215


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari efektivitas ekstrak daun sirih sebagai pengganti bahan aktif antibakteri pada hand sanitizer. Ekstrak daun sirih diperoleh dengan cara maserasi daun sirih selama 3x24 jam dalam larutan alkohol 70%. Kadar alkohol pada ekstrak daun sirih hasil maserasi diuapkan dalam vacuum evaporator (T = 60oC) hingga volume ekstrak yang tersisa sekitar 15%. Ekstrak ini digunakan sebagai bahan antibakteri aktif dalam pembuatan gel pembersih tangan. Bahan kimia dasar pembuatan gel seperti karbomer (zat pembentuk gel), propilen glikol (penstabil), gliserin, nipagin dan trietanolamina / TEA (zat alkali) dicampur dan diaduk dalam air suling (sekitar 85 ml) dengan komposisi 0,3 g, 4 ml, 3 ml, 0,02 g dan 0,2 ml, masing-masing. Volume ekstrak yang ditambahkan ke dalam gel divariasikan 8, 10, dan 12 ml. Terakhir, volume hand sanitizer ditambahkan aquades untuk mengatur volumenya 100 ml. Efektivitas dan kualitas hand sanitizer ini dianalisis senyawa aktifnya, keasaman gel (pH), organoleptik, daya hambat pertumbuhan bakteri, dan dispersi gel. Staphylococcus aureus dipilih sebagai bakteri yang diuji karena ditemukan di tangan. Kehadiran saponin, tanin, dan flavonoid terdeteksi secara kualitatif di dalam produk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak daun sirih 12 ml (sampel III) memiliki kinerja terbaik pada kisaran konsentrasi ekstrak yang diteliti (8-12 ml). Sampel III memiliki keasaman (pH) dan zona hambat masing-masing sekitar 5 dan 9,78 mm2. Area hambat ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hand sanitizer komersial yang memiliki luas 2,98 mm2. Namun, daya sebar hand sanitizer ini sedikit lebih rendah dibandingkan hand sanitizer komersial (sekitar 167% dan 180%). Uji organoleptik menggambarkan bahwa produk ini dapat diterima di masyarakat karena tidak mengiritasi dalam pemakaian. Produk ini lebih aman sebagai hand sanitizer dibandingkan produk sejenis yang menggunakan alkohol sebagai bahan aktifnya. Abstract. This research aims to study the effectiveness of betel leaf extract as a substitute for antibacterial active ingredients in hand sanitizer. Betel leaf extract is obtained by maceration of betel leaves for 3x24 hours in 70% alcohol solution. The alcohol content in the betel leaf extract from maceration was evaporated in the vacuum evaporator (T = 60oC) until the remaining extract volume was around 15%. This extract is used as an active antibacterial ingredient in making hand sanitizer gel. The basic chemicals of making gels such as carbomer (gelling agent), propylene glycol (stabilizer), glycerin, nipagin and triethanolamine / TEA (alkalizing agent) are mixed and stirred in distilled water (about 85 ml) with compositions of 0.3 g, 4 ml, 3 ml, 0.02 g and 0,2 ml, respectively. The volume of extract added in the gel was varied 8, 10, and 12 ml. Finally, the volume of hand sanitizer was added distilled water to adjust its volume 100 ml. The effectiveness and quality of this hand sanitizer were analyzed its active compounds, gel acidity (pH), organoleptic, the inhibitory ability of bacterial growth, and gel dispersion. Staphylococcus aureus was chosen as the bacteria tested because it found in the hands.  The presence of saponin, tannins, and flavonoids is detected qualitatively in the product. The results showed that adding 12 ml extract of betel leaf (sample III) has the best performance in the studied range of extract concentration (8-12 ml).  Sample III has the acidity (pH) and the inhibitory zone about 5 and 9.78 mm2, respectively. This inhibitory area is higher than that of the commercial hand sanitizer, which has an area of 2.98 mm2. However, the spreadability of this hand sanitizer is slightly lower than that of the commercial one (about 167% and 180%). Organoleptic tests depict that this product is acceptable in the community because it does not irritate in use. This product is safer as hand sanitizer than the similar products that use alcohol as an active ingredient.Keywords : betel leaf, antibacterial, hand sanitizer, Staphylococcus aureus
Edukasi Teknologi Produksi dan Aplikasi Baterai Lithium Ion pada Kendaraan Listrik di SMK Muhammadiyah 6 Karanganyar Endah Retno Dyartanti; Tika Paramitha; Hendri Widiyandari; Arif Jumari; Adrian Nur; Anatta Wahyu Budiman; Agus Purwanto
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Volume 4 No 2 December 2020
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v4i2.45154


Abstrak. Kendaraan listrik merupakan kendaraan yang digerakkan dengan motor listrik dan mendapat sumber daya listrik yang tersimpan dalam baterai. Keuntungan penggunaan kendaraan listrik dibandingkan dengan kendaraan konvesional antara lain, efisiensi konversi energi yang tinggi, mengurangi pemakaian bahan bakar minyak sehingga secara langsung dan mengurangi emisi gas buang ke atmosfir. Riset grup matertial maju dan energy storage fokus mengembangkan penelitian tentang produksi baterai dan aplikasinya. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan hasil riset tentang baterai dan aplikasi kendaraan listrik sebagai salah satu cara transfer pengetahuan teknologi untuk pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Siswa SMK harus dibekali dengan pemahaman mengenai baterai lithium ion dan kendaraan listrik sehingga bisa meningkatkan kompetensi lulusan dan memiliki daya saing di pasar kerja. SMK Muhammadiyah 6 Karanganyar memiliki jurusan Teknik Audio Video, Teknik Komputer Jaringan, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro dan Mekanik Otomotif sehingga kegiatan dan kerjasama ini akan sangat mendukung kegiatan pembelajarn. Kegiatan pengabdian ini merupakan tindak lanjut kerja sama magang siswa yang dilakukan di unit produksi baterai dibawah Pusat Unggulan Iptek (PUI) PT Teknologi Penyimpanan Energi Listrik (University Center of Excellence for Electrical Energy Storage Technology). Dengan terselenggaranya kegiatan pengabdian diharapkan mampu memberikan pengetahuan mengenai hasil riset kampus kepada siswa, sehingga dapat memberikan pemahaman mengenai konsep dasar kendaraan listrik dan menumbuhkan inovasi pada siswa untuk mengembangkan kendaraan listrik. Abstract. Electric vehicles are vehicles that are driven by electric motors from the battery as energy sources. The advantages of electric vehicles related to their high energy conversion include reducing fuel oil consumption and reducing exhaust emissions. The advanced materials and energy storage research group is currently developing researches on battery production and its applications. This educational activity is a part of the Research Group Service Grant (HGR-UNS) which aims to disseminate the results of research on batteries and their application to electric vehicles as a form of advanced technology transfer for Vocational High School (SMK) students. SMK students must be provided with knowledge about lithium-ion batteries (LIB) and electric vehicles so that they can improve their competence and increase their competitiveness in the job market. SMK Muhammadiyah 6 Karanganyar offers several programs so that this educational activity will greatly support students' learning activities. This education activity is also the continuation of interns' activities at the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Science and Technology for Electrical Energy Storage Technology. With this educational activity's implementation, we wish to increase students' knowledge about battery technology and its applications. Keywords: education; Lithium-Ion Battery; Electric Vehicle
Pembuatan Katoda Baterai Lithium Ion Iron Phospate (LiFePO4) dengan Metode Solid State Reaction Elizabeth Putri Permatasari; Mega Permata Rindi; Agus Purwanto
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Volume 1 No 1 January 2017
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v1i1.40373


One of the most finest materials for lithium ion battery nowadays is lithium iron phosphate or LiFePO4. Lithium iron phosphate was synthesized with solid state reaction method  by  optimizing  the  variable  of  material  and  temperature.  The  variable  for calcination temperatures were 700oC, 800oC, and 900oC while the basic materials as Fe sources were Fe2O3 and FeSO4. Particles morphologies and quantity of crystal were investigated in details by X-ray diffraction analysis XRD. XRD imaging showed diffraction of nanoparticles LiFePO4 with crystal quantity 40,4% (800oC) and 59,1% (900oC) of materials Fe2O3,which the most quantity from other samples. Thus, chatode materials were made from LiFePO4 that synthesized at calcination temperatures 800oC and 900oC. In conclusion the material chatode from LiFePO4 that had been synthesized had so many impurities because it was hard to get single phase of nanoparticles LiFePO4 and need more improvement in optimizing the process condition for ideal chatode material.
RAT (Rattus rattus diardii L.) Repellent Made of Soursop (Annona muricata L.) Leaves Extract Meida Dewanti; Fatona Wahyu Pandi Hastuti; Titis Dhian Novita; Rizqi Triananda; Arif Jumari
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Volume 2 No 2 July 2018
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v2i2.40432


House rat (Rattus rattus) is a rodent that can damage any objects at home and leave manure there by resulting in bad odor and rat also becomes a host of some disease vectors. The use of plant repellent is one alternative control utilizing rat’s olfactory sense. The Soursop (Annona muricata L) is a plant with very stinking aroma and very disliked by rat, thereby can be used as plant repellent.  The aim of the research was to extract the soursop leaves and to use its extract as the active material of rat repellent. The methods employed in preparing of rat repellent from soursop leaves were grinding and maceration extraction using two different solvent, water and ethanol 96 wt%. The extract was then examined as an active material of rat repellent. The examination was conducted by adding the soursop extract to the rat food. The resultsshowed that the loss of rat food with repellent made of grinded soursop leaves was 1%, while with repellent made of combined grinded soursop leaves and ethanol was 2.48%. The loss of  rat food with repellent made of  water solvent soursop exstract leaves  was 64.5%, and that using  repellent made of ethanolsolvent soursop  was 16.67%. So, the utilization of soursop leaves as rat repellent was expected to reduce rat population in the people’s houses.
Karakteristik Kesetimbangan Adsorpsi Uap Air Film terbuat dari Karboksi Metil Glukomanan-Karagenan dengan Penambahan Gliserol Fadilah Fadilah; Ari Diana Susanti; Sperisa Distantina
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Volume 4 No 1 July 2020
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v4i1.42918


Abstrak. Plastik sebagai bahan pengemas mempunyai berbagai kelebihan namun tidak dipungkiri telah menyebabkan pencemaran terhadap lingkungan. Berbagai upaya untuk mengatasi pencemaran tersebut dan salah satunya adalah usaha menggantikan plastic dengan bahan yang ramah lingkungan. Edible film banyak diformulasikan dari berbagai bahan yang biodegradable. Polimer alam berbasis karbohidrat banyak dilirik sebagai sumber pembuatan film karena jumlahnya yang melimpah. Glukomanan merupakan polisakarida yang terdapat dalam umbi porang. Untuk pembuatan edible film, glukomanan dimodifikasi memjadi karboksi metIl glukomanan sebelum dicampur dengan karagenan. Sejumlah gliserol ditambahkan sebagai plastisizer. Pengamatan terhadap kesetimbangan adsorpsi uap air dilakukan dengan metode gravimetri pada kisaran kelembaban relatif 6,1 – 97%. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa film dengan konsentrasi gliserol yang lebih tinggi menunjukkan nilai kesetimbangan kandungan uap air yang lebih tinggi. Model kesetimbangan adsorpsi uap air yaitu persamaan Oswin digunakan untuk menggambarkan perilaku penyerapan air. Abstract. Various efforts have done to overcome the enviromental pollution and one of them is to replace plastic with environmentally friendly materials. Glucomannan is a polysaccharide found in porang tubers that can be a source for biodegradable edible film.. For the production of edible film, glucomannan was modified into carboxy methyl glucomannan before it was mixed with carrageenan. Glycerol was added as a plasticizer. The film was made by casting method. Gliserol was added to a mixed solution of carboxy methyl and carrageenan and then poured onto a mold before drying in an electrical oven. Observation of the equilibrium adsorption equilibrium was carried out by gravimetric method for different level of water activity (0.06 – 0.97) and temperature (30, 40 and 50 oC). The results showed that film with higher glycerol concentrations showed higher equilibrium moisture content. The equilibrium adsorption model, the Oswin equation, is used to describe the water absorption behavior with average error at 20,947 – 75,271%. Keywords: Carboxymethyl glucomannan-carrageenan film, water vapor equilibrium, Oswin equation.
Spons dari Tepung Glukomanan dengan Penambahan Charcoal Novita Novita; Nur Rahtiwi Anjarni; Fadilah Fadilah
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Volume 3 No 2 December 2019
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v3i2.43106


Abstrak. Telah dilakukan pembuatan spons dengan bahan dasar tepung glukomanan dengan penambahan charcoal. Pada percobaan ini dipelajari pengaruh dua jenis larutan alkali yaitu larutan Na2CO3 dan larutan NaOH terhadap karakteristik spons yang dihasilkan. Spons dibuat dengan cara melarutkan tepung glukomanan dalam air yang dilanjutkan dengan membusakan larutan dengan penambahan Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) bersama-sama dengan penambahan charcoal. Larutan basa ditambahkan untuk membentuk gel basah. Spon kering diperoleh setelah proses thawing dan pengeringan dengan sinar matahari.Karakterisasi spons dilakukan dengan melihat rongga menggunakan mikroskop kamera serta menganalisis daya serap air, daya ekspansi spon basah serta nilai iod teradsorpsi. Spons yang dihasilkan mempunyai rongga dengan ukuran antara 0,1 mm sampai 0,25 mm. Spons dengan daya serap air dan daya ekspansi tinggi diperoleh pada penambahan larutan NaOH, massa charcoal yang ditambahkan sebesar 1gram serta ukuran charcoal +50-60 mesh. Sedangkan spons yang dihasilkan apabila menggunakan alkali berupa Na2CO3 dengan massa charcoal yang ditambahkan sebesar 0,5gram serta ukuran charcoal +60-70 mesh diperoleh diameter rata-rata rongga spons dan nilai iod teradsorpsi yang tinggi. Abstract. A sponge was made with a basic ingredient of glucomannan with the addition of charcoal. In this experiment, the effect of two types of alkaline solution i.e., Na2CO3 and NaOH, either the size and the amount of charcoal, were studied on the sponge's characteristics. The sponge was made by dissolving glucomannan flour in water. This step was followed by mixing the solution with Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) and charcoal. The alkaline solution was added to form a wet gel. The dry sponge was obtained after thawing and sun drying. The sponge's characterization was done by observing the foam cavity using a camera microscope and analyzing water absorption, sponge expansion, and iodine adsorption. The sponge has cavities with a size between 0.1 mm to 0.25 mm. Sponges with water absorption and high expansion were obtained by adding NaOH solution, one gram of charcoal and the size of charcoal -50+60 mesh. Sponge produced using Na2CO3 with 0.5 gram charcoal with size - 60+70 mesh has a high diameter cavity and a high adsorbed iodine value. Keywords: glucomannan sponge, alkaline solution, charcoal
Carboxymethylation of Cassava Peel: Effect Sodium Monochloroacetate and Temperature Sperisa Distantina; Inayati Inayati; Fahmi Achmad Saputra; Muhammad Fitra Arifianto
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Volume 2 No 1 January 2018
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v2i1.40425


Cassava peel contains cellulose that can be chemically modified to be more useful product. In this work, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) from cassava peel powder was prepared by alkalization using sodium hydroxyde and then followed by carboxymethylation using sodium monochloroacetate. The aims of this work were to investigate the effect of sodium monochloroacetate-powder ratio (0.59, 1.47, 2.95, 4.42) and carboxymethylation temperature (45OC and 70OC) on the degree of substitution (DS) and reaction efficiency (RE).  The  result  of  FTIR  spectra indicated that  carboxylmethyl groups successfully attached on the cellulose backbone to  form CMC structure. The higher of sodium monochloroacetate-powder ratio and higher carboxymethylation temperature enhanced its DS but reduced the RE.

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