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Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication
ISSN : 27221431     EISSN : 27221431     DOI :
Academic Journal of Da wa and Communication is a scientific publication that efforts to facilitate academic articles and scholarly writings of a number studies in empirical research in the field of Da wa and Communication. Academic Journal of Da wa and Communication is open to academics, students, researchers, and practitioners who are interested in contributing their thoughts, especially in the field of Da wa and Communication. The main focus of Academic Journal of Da wa and Communication journal is on the exploration of dynamics propagation in Islamic proselytizing, studies of communication science, and the development of contemporary media in theoretical realm as well as practical one, especially the scope of local, national, and global.
Articles 36 Documents
Strategi Dakwah Bubohu sebagai Objek Wisata Dakwah di Bumi Gorontalo pada Masa Pandemi Dian Adi Perdana; Rois Lantuka; Zulfahmi Kusuma; Julaeha Mingolo; Indah C Wewengkang; Hamdani; Akbar Lakisa
Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ajdc.v3i1.5033


The Bubohu Kingdom is a symbol of Islam and Gorontalo culture, empowering the community, cultivating a micro-economy and a centre for the spread of Islam. This study examines the Islamic da'wah of the Bubohu Kingdom which developed into a da'wah tourism location in Gorontalo. This research is qualitative with a field research method. This study identifies the strategy and process of spreading da'wah that occurs in Bubohu Tourism so that it has an allure as a tourist attraction with a variable base of Islam, da'wah and history in Gorontalo. The results of this study were the strategy of preaching the Kingdom of Bubohu by conveying Islamic teachings to the people of Bubohu Gorontalo, cultivating customary principles based on syara, syara with scriptures. The missionary tourism of the Bubohu Kingdom began with the construction of a site and has since developed with several facilities, namely a natural boarding school, a museum of Indonesian wood fossils, a Bubohu Tourism Vocational School, and an organic agriculture laboratory.
Upaya Pemulihan Pariwisata Islam di Masa Pandemi (Studi pada Masjid Agung Demak) Faridhatun Nikmah
Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ajdc.v3i1.5036


The pandemi period resulted in a decrease in the number of tourists and pilgrims visiting the Great Mosque of Demak. The administrators of the Great Mosque of Demak are trying to conceptualize religious tourism services during the pandemi by implementing strict health protocols to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This research aims to find out the form of religious tourism services of the Great Mosque of Demak during the pandemi and to find out the concept of implementing religious tourism of the Great Mosque of Demak as an effort to recover during the pandemi. This research is a field research conducted at the Great Mosque of Demak because of the symptoms and events that occur in community groups. The method used in this research is to use descriptive qualitative research methods by describing the data in depth which is then reflected with the theory relevant to the research. The results of this study show that the services applied by religious tourism of the Great Mosque of Demak pay more attention to the 4K factor (cleanliness, health, security, and sustainability), while the concept in the development of religious tourism of the Great Mosque of Demak included the fulfillment of halal and friendly service facilities to the pilgrimage in the form of accommodation, restaurants, halal food, places of worship and adequate bathrooms,  health clinics, libraries, museums, and other halal facilities. Thus, the concept and services carried out were used as an effort to restore Islamic tourism during the pandemi.
Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Menara Kudus Berbasis Kearifan Lokal sebagai Upaya Pemulihan Ekonomi Masyarakat Nanang Dwi Praatmana; Muhammad Arsyad
Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ajdc.v3i1.5059


The existence of tourist objects as one of the pillars of the community's economy during the pandemic is decreasing. Along with the increasing number of Covid cases in Indonesia, several tourist attractions were closed due to the PPKM. The research aims to formulate alternative strategies that can be implemented in the development of the Menara Kudus tourist attraction during the pandemic. This is descriptive research with primary data sources consisting of observations and questionnaires. Technical sampling was chosen non probability sampling, because Menara Kudus is one of the popular tourist attractions in Kudus and offers a tourism concept that combines religion and culture. The analytical method used is SWOT. The results show that the position of the Menara Kudus tourist attraction is in quadrant I, meaning that the Menara Kudus tourist attraction is in strong internal and external conditions. An alternative strategy that can be applied is to highlight local wisdom in the form of cultural celebrations whose implementation is carried out by implementing health protocols as the main tourist attraction, with the hope that the community's economy can bounce back after going through the pandemic.
Pola Komunikasi Komunitas Virtual ICB dalam Meminimalisasi Hoaks Giyan Rahmat Rahmat
Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ajdc.v3i2.5302


The purpose of this study is to describe ICB's communication pattern as a virtual community in an effort to minimize hoaxes. This is caused by ICB's position as a massive virtual community that uses Facebook as its communication medium. However, Facebook as a social media is a place for networking information with a wide range, so that it also allows the emergence of hoaxes in circulating information. This research used a descriptive qualitative method with data collection through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. This research finds that there are two models of communication patterns used by ICB, namely: the wheel communication pattern and the all-channel communication pattern. The wheel communication pattern includes filtering of uploaded information within the group, in which each member waits for approval from the admin to join or share uploads to the group, especially with a centralized flow at one point, so that the flow of incoming information is orderly and minimizes hoaxes within the group. Meanwhile, the communication patterns of all channels allow for more flexible community meetings and activities, in which each member can interact with anyone without any restrictions.
Strategi Dakwah IPHI Kabupaten Karanganyar dalam Meningkatkan Ukhuwah Islamiyah Firda Rohana; Fathurrohman Husen; Puput Yanita Senja
Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ajdc.v3i2.5394


Jamaah IPHI Karanganyar Regency has a different islamic organizational background, but is able to realize a harmonious, tolerant Islamic society, and is able to establish Islamic ukhuwah between pilgrims. The question is how the da'wah strategy carried out by IPHI Karanganyar Regency in maintaining and maintaining ukhuwah Islamiyah among its worshippers. This research aims to 1) find out how the IPHI da'wah strategy of Karanganyar Regency in maintaining ukhuwah Islamiyah among its worshippers 2) Knowing the effectiveness of the da'wah strategy 3) Knowing what are the driving factors and obstacles in carrying out da'wah strategies. This type of research is field research with descriptive qualitative methods. The source of this research data is primary data, namely from the interview results of the chairman of IPHI Karanganyar Regency, both education, training and da'wah, and IPHI Karanganyar pilgrims. Secondary data obtained from photo documentation of activities and documents or archives of IPHI Karanganyar Regency. Through research it is known that the da'wah strategy of IPHI Karanganyar Regency in maintaining ukhuwah Islamiyah among its pilgrims is: 1) Through three stages namely the formulation of strategy, implementation and evaluation 2) da'wah program is carried out by two methods namely oral bil method and bil p 3) IPHI management services in controlling ukhuwah Islamiyah pilgrims by instilling mutual respect and through government policy with the establishment of IPHI and the role of the community in IPHI  Karanganyar Regency 4) The effectiveness of da'wah strategy carried out by IPHI Karanganyar is good, and 5) There are supporting factors and obstacles in carrying out da'wah strategies in maintaining Islamic ukhuwah among pilgrims.
Strategi Komunikasi Komunitas Pusat Kajian Perempuan Solo (PUKAPS) dalam Menyuarakan Isu Gender dan Kekerasan Seksual Ulfa Fauzia Argestya; Anisa Rohmah Afiati
Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ajdc.v3i2.5565


The Solo Women's Study Center (PUKAPS) community which actively discusses issues of gender equality and feminist discourse and accepts complaint space for survivors of sexual violence, especially in the city of Surakarta. This study aims to determine the communication strategies used in the Pukaps Community in voicing issues of gender and sexual violence so that people become more sensitive to the existing reality. This study uses a qualitative approach with the method of descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques were carried out through direct interviews with three division heads from the Pukaps Community. The results of this research show that there is a communicator selection strategy based on the credibility, background and attractiveness of the communicator. the strategy for compiling and presenting messages is formulated in an informative, educative and persuasive manner in Pukaps social media content. The media selection strategy uses Pukaps social media, both Instagram, Facebook and media zoom meetings for webinar activities. The strategy for selecting and identifying audiences is in the form of observing the general public in order to see if the education carried out by the Pukaps Community is on target or not. All efforts in the communication strategy carried out by the Pukaps community seek to provide significant and routine information to the general public, especially the people of the city of Solo regarding current gender issues and sexual violence.
Strategi Komunikasi Pemerintah Kabupaten Bener Meriah dalam Pemasaran Kopi Gayo dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Nurul Khansa Fauziyah; Aini Mahara
Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ajdc.v3i2.5600


Communication strategy of the Bener Meriah Regency Government in the marketing of Gayo coffee. The problems of this study are; how the communication strategy of the Bener Meriah Regency Government in marketing Gayo coffee, how the obstacles of the Bener Meriah Regency government in marketing Gayo coffee, how the credibility of communicators in marketing Gayo coffee, and local community empowerment in gayo coffee marketing. The research method in this study uses qualitative research approach, using observation, interview and point documentation techniques. In this study, the authors use the theory of communicator credibility. The results of this study are the communication strategy of the Bener Meriah Regency government in marketing Gayo coffee using the methods; marketing communication strategy through advertising in exhibitions and events, through foreign trade missions by ministries, and promotions through digital processes and social media. The credibility of the communicator in marketing Gayo coffee is good enough to increase sales, so that Gayo coffee can be well-known to foreign countries. The government’s effort to appreciate marketing communicators have also been quite good, so that communicators are more enthusiastic and creative. Barriers to the government of Bener Meriah Regency in marketing Gayo coffee are (1) Barriers to entering the industrial market, (2) Inadequate facilities and technology, (3) Barriers in regulations, especially employment, taxation and trade, (4) Lack of motivation and trade, (5) Low capital, (7) Processing and packaging technology that has not been fully mastered. The Bener Meriah Regency Government has carried out community empowerment by utilizing its natural resources, providing assistance in the form of directions, outreach, and training on Gayo coffee management.
Hiperialitas Konsep Cantik dan Perempuan dalam Film: Analisis Semiotik pada Film Imperfect Rhesa Zuhriya Briyan Pratiwi; Achmad Abdul Azis
Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ajdc.v3i2.5408


Imperfect is one of the interesting films because it tells about the reality of women in relation to the stereotype of being beautiful and perfect. The purpose of this research is to examine the description of women's beauty discourse represented through the film Imperfect, including in its substance related to career, love, and the size of beauty that is seen physically (body size and shape) in women. Through the analysis of Sara Mills, this research was analyzed qualitatively descriptively, with the main data collection through the documentation on the film Imperfect. The discussion focuses on the position of the subject-object and the position of the reader in the film, the image of women and the beauty represented in it indirectly shows the existence of hyperiality that is believed to be socially in society. The concept of beauty is described as emerging through the construction of body size, including its influence on the career journey and the romance experienced by the character. In addition, the representations that appear also lead to the struggle of Rara (the main character) who tries to meet the standards and assessments of society so that her existence can be accepted socially.
Akulturasi Musik Gembrung Sebagai Media Komunikasi Islam Muchlis Daroini; Kayyis Fithri Ajhuri
Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ajdc.v3i2.5601


Gembrung music is a traditional Islamic art that has developed a lot in Java. Its existence indicates a da'wah process in order to convey the messages of Islamic teachings in Java. The intersection of Muslim and Javanese groups creates a form of cultural acculturation, each of which represents two acculturated cultures. By using a qualitative methodology, the research focus is on literature and gembrung in Java, the aim of this study is to find the process of acculturation of the traditional Gembrung musical instrument. Where in Gembrung art it is found as a communication tool in preaching as well as a process of acculturation of music. Among them, several elements of gembrung music adopted Javanese music, including kenong and gong which were replaced with tambourines, which are musical instruments made of wood and goat skin. In addition to the form of abolition or omission, there is also musical pluralism, where one musical instrument can be accepted by another group but still places one musical instrument that represents each acculturation group. Among those that must still be included are drums as a representation of Java, and also tambourines as a representation of Islam-Arabism. What's interesting is that each musical instrument which is a cultural representation becomes the central determinant of other musical elements. The acculturation of this musical element has led to cultural acceptance by the Javanese people of the Gembrung art. Likewise, there is acceptance of Muslim groups as a representation of Islamic music.
Dakwah bil Lisan dan Religiousitas Generasi Milenial Ghalda Amatullah; Agus Wahyu Triatmo
Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ajdc.v4i1.6396


X-School is an association for Muslim K-popers in Indonesia. They are part of the millennial generation who study Islam with da'wah bil lisan approach. This study aims to determine influence the da'wah bil lisan method has on the religiosity of the participants of the X-School Season 4. This research is a quantitative study and uses ex post facto research design. The subjects of this study were participants in the X-Season 4 program. Data collection techniques used a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using normality test, linearity test and heteroscedasticity test. The hypothesis test used is simple linear regression. The result is known that the coefficient of determination is 40.1%. So it can be concluded that the contribution or contribution or influence given by variable X (da'wah bil lisan approach) on variable Y (religiosity) is 40.1% or in other words the use of the da'wah bil lisan approach can increase the religiosity of study participants X-School Season 4 .

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