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Juvenil: Jurnal Ilmiah Kelautan dan Perikanan
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Juvenil: Journal of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, is a scientific journal in the field of marine and fisheries science published electronically and periodically four times a year by the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University, Madura. This journal aim to become a medium of dissemination of high quality research and scientific note in the fiend of marine and fisheries. This journal can be accessed and downloaded freely for everyone. The article published in this journal have been pass the rigorious peer review by the expert reviewer. This journal accept every article that contain the following, but not limited to, scope: Juvenil: Journal of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, is a scientific journal in the field of marine and fisheries science published electronically and periodically four times a year by the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University, Madura. This journal is expected to function as a medium for the dissemination of quality scientific research results as well as scientific rebuttal (notes) in the marine and fisheries sector which can be accessed online and free of charge by the Indonesian community and the international community. The articles (articles) published in this journal are articles that have passed peer-review (partner bebestari). This journal accepts every article which contains, but is not limited to, the scope: 1. Ecology and biology of marine and fisheries 2. Marine and Aquaculture 3. Marine and Aquatic Conservation 4. Marine Water Pollution 5. Management of marine and aquatic resources 6. Marine and fishery processing technology
Articles 178 Documents
Juvenil Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v1i1.6869


Juvenil Vol 1, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v1i3.8562


ABSTRAKKabupaten Sampang merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang terletak di Pulau Madura.Kabupaten Sampang memiliki potensi sumberdaya alam yang sangat menunjang kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan kepariwisataan, salah satunya obyek wisata Pantai Camplong. Kondisi di Pantai Camplong saat ini dalam keadaan kurang baikkarenabanyaknya sampah atau limbah disekitar perairan.Penelitian tentang kualitas perairan dan beban pencemar ini sangat penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi perairan di Pantai Camplong bagi keberlanjutan ekowisata. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi perairan yaitu menggunakan metode Storet dan analisa beban pencemar untuk mengetahui jumlah beban pencemar yang ada di pantai camplong. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pantai camplong dikategorikan tercemar sedang dengan skor sebesar -25 dan beban pencemar yang tertinggi adalah parameter COD sebesar 2.143,87 Kg/hari dan BOD sebesar 607,7 Kg/hari. Tingginya nilai COD dan BOD terdapat pada stasiun 1 tepatnya di wisata pantai camplong, hal itu dikarenakan adanya bahan organik dan anorganik disekitar pantai. Upaya dalam mengatasi kondisi tersebut dengan cara mengurangi pemasukan bahan organik dan anorganik dengan membuat suatu tempat untuk pembuangan akhir (TPA), sehingga masyarakat atau pengunjung tidak membuang sampah ke perairan.Kata Kunci : Beban Pencemar, Ekowisata, dan Pantai Camplong.ABSTRACTSampang Regency is a regency located on Madura Island. Sampang Regency has the potential of natural resources which greatly supports the survival and growth of tourism, one of which is Camplong beach tourism. The condition at Camplong beach is currently in poor condition due to the large amount of garbage of waste around the waters. Research on water quality and pollutant load is very important to be done to determine the condition of the waters on the Camplong beach for ecotourism sustainability. The method used to determine the condition of the waters is to use the storet method and pollutant load analysis to determine the amount of pollutant load on the Camplong bech. The results showed that Camplong beach was categorized as moderately polluted with a score of -25 and the highest pollutant load was a COD parameter of 2.143,87 Kg/day and a BOD of 607,7 Kg/day. The high value of COD and BOD is at station 1 precisely in Camplong beach tourism, it is due to the presence of organic and inorganic materials around the beach. Efforts to overcome these conditions by reducing the entry of organic and inorganic materials by making a place for final disposal (TPA), so that people or visitors do not throw garbage into the water.Keywords : Pollutant Load, Ecotourism, and Camplong Beach. 
Juvenil Vol 1, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v1i4.8950


ABSTRAKAlat tangkap ikan cantrang berbentuk seperti kerucut yang bagian utamanya terdiri dari sayap, badan serta kantong. Permasalahan pengoperasian cantrang sudah lama terjadi dengan berbagai alasan. Untuk mengetahui kondisi aktual, maka penelitian ini dilakukan di Lamongan, Jawa Timur dengan melakukan analisa terhadap konstruksi alat tangkap dengan metode deskripsi pengukuran langsung berpedoman kepada SNI 01-7236-2006 tentang alat tangkap cantrang; hasil tangkapan yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan analisa Indeks Keanekaragaman dan Dominansi; serta berbagai permasalahan yang muncul di lapangan dengan metode wawancara dari sigi social, ekonomi, teknis dan biologis.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa 1) telah terjadi modifikasi terhadap konstruksi; 2) Indeks Keanenekaragaman termasuk dalam kategori sedang H’ = 2,145802709 (1H’≤3) dan Indeks Dominansi rendah, yaitu C = 0.500506889 (0C≤0.5); 3) terjadinya peraingan daerah penangkapan dengan nelayan tradisionil, cantrang sangat efektif untuk menangkap sema jenis organisme perairan dengan berbagai ukuran.Kata Kunci: Cantrang, Indeks Keanekaragamaan dan  Dominansi, permasalahan alat tangkap cantrangABSTRACTCantrang’s shaped like a cone whose main part consists of wings, body and pockets. Problems with cantrang operations have long occurred for a variety of reasons. To find out the actual condition, this research was conducted in Lamongan, East Java by analyzing the construction with the direct measurement description method guided by SNI 01-7236-2006 about cantrang fishing gear; catches obtained using the Diversity and Dominance Index analysis; as well as various problems that have arisen in the field using interviews from social, economic, technical and biological methods. The results show that 1) modifications have been made to the construction; 2) Diversity Index is medium category by H '= 2.145802709 (1 H'≤3) and low Dominance Index, which is C = 0.500506889 (0 C≤0.5); 3) the occurrence of competition in fishing areas with traditional fishermen, cantrang very effective for capturing all types of aquatic organisms of various sizes.Keywords: Cantrang, Diversity and Dominance Index, cantrang fishing gear problems
Juvenil Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v1i1.6722


Juvenil Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v2i1.10035


Wilayah pesisir mengalami pertumbuhan ekonomi cukup cepat dikarenakan faktor strategis terutama aspek transportasinya. Namun wilayah ini juga mengalami gangguan yang bervariasi baik yang disebabkan faktor manusia ataupun alam yang menyebabkan wilayah pesisir mengalami kerentanan. Kerentanan wilayah pesisir merupakan tingkat kemampuan wilayah pesisir dalam mengantisipasi berbagai konsekuensi dari dampak meningkatnya tinggi muka air laut dan perubahan iklim yang terjadi secara global. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu melakukan studi kenaikan muka air laut di perairan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep selama 20 tahun sejak tahun 2000 hingga 2020. Adapun batasan dari penelitian ini yaitu tidak dilakukan pemodelan spasial di lokasi penelitian. Dari perhitungan data pasang surut di perairan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep menunjukkan bahwa tipe pasang surut Campuran, cenderung ke harian ganda (0.25 F £ 1.5). Tipe ini menjelaskan bahwa terjadi dua kali pasang dan dua kali surut dengan tinggi yang hampir sama dan pasang surut yang terjdi secara teratur. Kenaikan muka air laut berdasarkan perhitungan yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata setiap tahunnya perairan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep mengalami kenaikan sebesar 0.724 mm/ tahun. Sehingga akumulasi kenaikan muka air laut selama 20 tahun di perairan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep sebesar 14,488 mm. Diharapkan melalui penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi mengenai laju kenaikan muka air laut khususnya di perairan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep.
Juvenil Vol 1, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v1i4.8933


ABSTRAKPulau Gili Ketapang merupakan pulau karang yang memiliki kondisi daerah khas pesisir dan mayoritas penduduknya adalah Suku Madura terletak di sebelah utara wilayah Kabupaten Probolinggo. Pulau Gili Ketapang menjadi daerah destinasi para wisatawan untuk melakukan snorkeling karena keindahan bawah lautnya yang menawan. Ekosistem terumbu karang merupakan salah satu ekosistem yang mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting bagi perairan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perubahan luasan terumbu karang dan faktor penyebab bertambahnya atau berkurangnya perubahan luasan terumbu karang di Pulau Gili Ketapang Probolinggo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan luasan terumbu karang pada tahun 2002 hingga 2013 mengalami penurunan sebesar 9,53 Ha dengan laju perubahan luasan 46,67% sedangkan pada tahun 2013 hingga 2019 luasan terumbu karang mengalami penurunan sebesar 6,74 Ha dengan laju perubahan luasan 49,27%. Faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan luasan terumbu karang adalah kecepatan arus diperairan Gili Ketapang relatif rendah berkisar antara 0,02-0,09 m/s dan ketinggian gelombang berkisar antara 0,03-0,55 meter menyebabkan tingkat persebaran juvenil karang semakin rendah sehingga ekosistem terumbu karang semakin berkurang. Gili Ketapang memiliki pasang surut tipe campuran condong harian ganda yang menunjukkan dalam satu hari terjadi dua kali air pasang dan dua kali air surut, tetapi tinggi dan periodenya berbeda. Persentase penutupan terumbu karang tertinggi yaitu pada stasiun 2 sebesar 62,1% dan nilai persentase karang hidup terendah yaitu pada stasiun 3 sebesar 35,5%. Kata Kunci: Terumbu Karang, Citra Landsat 7 dan Landsat 8, Pulau Gili Ketapang. ABSTRACTGili Ketapang Island is a coral island that has the condition of a typical coastal area and the majority of the population is the Madura tribe located in the northern region of Probolinggo Regency. Gili Ketapang Island is a tourist destination for snorkeling because of its charming underwater beauty. Coral reef ecosystem is one ecosystem that has a very important role for the waters. The purpose of this study is to determine changes in the extent of coral reefs and factors that cause an increase or decrease in changes in the area of coral reefs on the island of Gili Ketapang Probolinggo. The results showed the area of coral reefs in 2002 to 2013 decreased by 9.53 Ha with a rate of change of 46.67% while in 2013 to 2019 the area of coral reefs decreased by 6.74 Ha with a rate of change of 49.27% . The factors causing the decline in the area of coral reefs are the relatively low current velocity in Gili Ketapang ranging from 0.02-0.09 m / s and wave heights ranging from 0.03-0.55 meters causing the level of distribution of juvenile coral to be lower so that the ecosystem coral reefs are diminishing. Gili Ketapang has a double tilt daily mixed type tide which shows that in one day there are two tides and two tides, but the height and period are different. The highest percentage of coral cover at station 2 was 62.1% and the lowest percentage of live coral at station 3 was 35.5%. Keyword: Coral Reef, Landsat 7 and Landsat 8, Gili Ketapang Island.
Juvenil Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v1i2.7575


ABSTRACTCommunity structure is a description of the condition of a community in a place cover, species composition, density type of dominant species, species diversity, and uniformity of type. Cengkrong mangrove forest is a conservation area which is used as a place of ecotourism. This study aims to determine the types of gastropods are found in ecosystems mangove Cengkrong, Knowing gastropods contained community structure in ecosystems mangove Pancer Cengkrong and mangrove density relationship with the density of gastropods in Cengkrong mangove ecosystem. This research is located in the Gulf of Prigi using three stations are Station 1 (density mangrove lower category), Station 2 (density mangrove medium category), and Station 3 (density mangrove high category), held for 3 days from 22 November to 25 November 2018. Data collection Gastropod using transect method squares 1 × 1 m2. Each different type of gastropods be sampled for the sake of identification types. Data retrieval is done in-situ water quality at each point of the test site and sediment sampling for further analysis of sediment types. Based on the analysis that has been carried out at three research stations in the mangrove ecosystem overall Cengkrong found 7 species of gastropods and 7 species of mangroves. Polynomial regression analysis has a moderate relationship between the density of mangrove gastropods density. Each different type of gastropods be sampled for the sake of identification types. Data retrieval is done in-situ water quality at each point of the test site and sediment sampling for further analysis of sediment types. Based on the analysis that has been carried out at three research stations in the mangrove ecosystem overall Cengkrong found 7 species of gastropods and 7 species of mangroves. Polynomial regression analysis has a moderate relationship between the density of mangrove gastropods density. Each different type of gastropods be sampled for the sake of identification types. Data retrieval is done in-situ water quality at each point of the test site and sediment sampling for further analysis of sediment types. Based on the analysis that has been carried out at three research stations in the mangrove ecosystem overall Cengkrong found 7 species of gastropods and 7 species of mangroves. Polynomial regression analysis has a moderate relationship between the density of mangrove gastropods density. Based on the analysis that has been carried out at three research stations in the mangrove ecosystem overall Cengkrong found 7 species of gastropods and 7 species of mangroves. Polynomial regression analysis has a moderate relationship between the density of mangrove gastropods density. Based on the analysis that has been carried out at three research stations in the mangrove ecosystem overall Cengkrong found 7 species of gastropods and 7 species of mangroves. Polynomial regression analysis has a moderate relationship between the density of mangrove gastropods density.Keywords : Community Structure, gastropods, mangrove ecosystem CengkrongABSTRAKStruktur komunitas merupakan gambaran mengenai kondisi suatu komunitas pada suatu tempat mencakup, komposisi jenis, kepadatan jenis dominasi jenis, keanekaragaman jenis, dan keseragaman jenis. Ekosistem mangrove Cengkrong merupakan kawasan konservasi yang dijadikan sebagai tempat ekowisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis Gastropoda yang terdapat di ekosistem mangove Cengkrong, Mengetahui struktur komunitas Gastropoda yang terdapat di ekosistem mangove Pancer Cengkrong dan Hubungan kerapatan mangrove dengan kepadatan Gastropoda di ekosistem mangove Cengkrong. Penelitian ini berlokasi di Teluk Prigi dengan menggunakan tiga stasiun yaitu Stasiun 1 (kerapatan mangrove kategori rendah), Stasiun 2 (kerapatan mangrove kategori sedang), dan Stasiun 3 (kerapatan mangrove kategori  tinggi),  dilaksanakan  selama  3  hari  mulai  22  November  –  25  November  2018.Pengambilan  data  Gastropoda menggunakan  metode  transek  kuadrat  1×1m2.  Setiap jenis Gastropoda yang berbeda diambil sampel untuk kepentingan identifikasi jenis. Pengambilan data kualitas perairan dilakukan secara insitu disetiap titik lokasi penelitian dan pengambilan sampel sedimen untuk selanjutnya dilakukan analisa tipe sedimen. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan pada tiga stasiun penelitian di ekosistem mangrove Cengkrong secara keseluruhan ditemukan 7 spesies Gastropoda dan 7 spesies mangrove. Hasil analisis regresi polinomial memiliki hubungan sedang antara kerapatan mangrove dengan kepadatan Gastropoda.Kata Kunci: Struktur Komunitas, Gastropoda, Ekosistem Mangrove Cengkrong
Juvenil Vol 1, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v1i3.8592


ABSTRAK Kawasan wisata Pantai Kutang Kabupaten Lamongan Jawa Timur merupakan alternatif wisata alam yang sering dikunjungi wisatawan untuk menikmati keunikan dan keindahan alam di kawasan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesesuaian lahan dan daya dukung kawasan dan pemanfaatan wisata tersebut. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2020. Metode penitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan membagi 3 stasiun lokasi penelitian dengan 3 titik pengambilan data per stasiun. Analisis yang dilakukan yaitu  analisis kesesuaian lahan, daya dukung kawasan dan pemanfaatan. Hasil menunjukan bahwa kerika pasang Pantai Kutang masuk dalam kategori tidak sesuai dan katika surut masuk dalam kategori sesuai-sangat sesuai. Kawasan Pantai Kutang Lamongan dapat menampung 3271orang/hari dan dapat dimanfaatkan pengunjung maksimal 327 orang/hari. Apabila pengunjung melebihi batas maksimal maka dapat berdampak negatif terhadap ekosistem, oleh karena itu pengoprasian kawasan wisata ini harus memperhatikan jumlah pengunjung agar pemanfaatannya dapat berlanjut.Kata Kunci : DDK, DDP, Ekowisata,  Kesesuaian Lahan, Pantai KutangABSTRACT                Kutang Beach tourism area, Lamongan Regency, East Java is a natural tourist attraction that is often visited by tourists to enjoy the uniqueness and natural beauty in the region. The purpose of this study is to study the suitability of land and the carrying capacity of the area and the utilization of the tourism. This research was conducted in January 2020. Research methods used in this study were descriptive and quantitative. Data is collected by dividing 3 research stations with 3 data collection points per station. The analysis conducted is the analysis of land suitability, carrying capacity of the area and utilization. The results show that the Kutang Beach pebbles fall into the inappropriate category and when it recedes into the fit-very appropriate category. The area of Kutang Lamongan Beach can be ordered 3271 people / day and can be utilized by a maximum of 327 people / day. If visitors exceed the maximum limit then it can consider negatively on the ecosystem, therefore the operation of this tourist area must consider the number of visitors in order to be able to use it. Keywords: DDK, DDP, Ecotourism, Land Suitability, Kutang Beach
Juvenil Vol 1, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v1i4.9038


ABSTRAKFitoplankton memiliki peranan penting dalam suatu perairan yaitu sebagai dasar rantai makanan dan bioindikator kesuburan perairan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis fitoplankton dan kelimpahan fitoplankton diperairan kawasan teluk dan pelabuhan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2018 - Januari 2019 di Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep. Proses pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 2 stasiun 6 titik dengan menggunakan alat planktonet berukuran 10 mikron dan melakukan pengamatan mikroskop. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 20 genus dari 3 kelas fitoplankton yaitu Dinophyceae (3), Bacillariaphyceae (16) dan Cyanophyceae (1). Nilai kelimpahan fitoplankton pada stasiun 1 berkisar 875 ind/l sampai 9.125ilai kelimpahan fitoplankton pada stasiun 1 berkisar 875 ind/l sampai 9.125 ind/l. Pada stasiun 2 berkisar 2.875 ind/l sampai 45875 ind/l sampai 4.500 ind/l. Ditinjau dari indeks keanekaragaman, keseragaman dan dominansi pada fitoplankton dapat menunjukkan bahwa fitoplankton diperairan Kalianget relatif stabil dan tidak ada yang mendominansi.Kata Kunci: Kelimpahan, Fitoplankton, KaliangetABSTRACTPhytoplankton has an important role in waters, namely as the basis of the food chain and bioindicator of water fertility. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of phytoplankton and the abundance of phytoplankton in the waters of the bay and harbor area. This research was conducted in December 2018 - January 2019 in Kalianget, Sumenep Regency. The sampling process was carried out at 2 stations 6 points using a 10 micron planktonet instrument and conducting microscopic observations. The results obtained 20 genera from 3 phytoplankton classes, namely Dinophyceae (3), Bacillariaphyceae (16) and Cyanophyceae (1). The abundance value of phytoplankton at station 1 ranged from 875 ind / l to 9,125 ind / l. The abundance value of phytoplankton at station 1 ranged from 875 ind / l to 9,125 ind / l. At station 2 the range is 2,875 ind / l to 45875 ind / l to 4,500 ind / l. Judging from the diversity index, uniformity and dominance of phytoplankton, it can show that the phytoplankton in Kalianget waters is relatively stable and nothing dominates.Keywords: Abundance, Phytoplankton, Kalianget
Juvenil Vol 1, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v1i3.8554


ABSTRAKPerairan Kamal memiliki kondisi pantai cukup landai, apabila ketika air surut cukup panjang sehingga pasang surut air laut menggenangi wilayah pantai. Pasang surut air laut merupakan fluktuasi muka air yang dipengaruhi oleh benda astronomi terutama oleh bulan. Pemetaan pasang surut dapat dilakukan dengan memperhatikan rerata muka air laut. Perkembangan teknologi bidang geospasial dan penginderaan jauh memudahkan pekerjaan geospasial seperti pemetaan pasang surut menggunakan Metode Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Proses Pemetaan menggunakan Metode UAV dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan akurat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kedalaman tergenang pasang surut, area pasang surut, dan uji planimetrik berdasarkan PERMEN Agraria/BPN No. 3 Tahun 1997. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tahapan pengolahan data menghasilkan batimetri perairan Pantai Kamal pada kedalaman 0 sampai -8 meter. Area pasang surut air laut sebesar 9,0874 ha, lebar pantai ketika pasang 1,0465 ha, dan lebar pantai ketika surut 10,0896 ha. Uji ketelitian planimetrik jarak dengan 15 pengukuran objek memperoleh nilai sebesar 0,0803 cm dinyatakan memenuhi toleran dan uji ketelitian planimetrik luas dengan 10 pengukuran objek dinyatakan memenuhi toleran.Kata Kunci : Pemetaan, Pasang Surut, UAV, Pantai KamalABSTRACTKamal waters have a fairly gentle beach condition, if when the tide is long enough so that the tides of the sea inundate the coastal area. Tides are sea level fluctuations that are influenced by astronomical objects, especially by the moon. Tidal mapping can be done by taking into account the mean sea level. The development of geospatial technology and remote sensing facilitates geospatial work such as tidal mapping using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Method. The mapping process using the UAV Method can be done quickly and accurately. This research was conducted to determine the depth of tidal inundation, tidal area, and planimetric test based on PERMEN Agraria / BPN No. 3 of 1997. The results of this study indicate the data processing stages produce bathymetry in the Kamal Coast waters at a depth of 0 to -8 meters. Tidal area of sea water is 9,0874 ha, beach width is at 1,0465 ha, and beach width is at 10,0896 ha. Distance planimetric accuracy test with 15 measurements of objects obtained a value of 0.0803 cm declared to meet the tolerant and extensive planimetric accuracy test with 10 measurements of objects declared to meet the tolerant.Keywords: Mapping, Tides, UAV, Kamal Beach

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