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FOKUS Jurnal ini fokus untuk melakukan kajian mendalam pada keulmuan dan pemikiran Islam lokal, regional dan internasional melalui publikasi artikel ilmiah, laporan hasil penelitian, dan review buku. SKOP Berisi kajian-kajian keislaman dalam rumpun keimuan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam.
Articles 7 Documents
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Etika Komunikasi Bisnis dalam Perspektif Islam Nita Andriani
Jurnal Al-Hikmah Vol 19 No 1 (2021): Ilmu Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/alhikmah.v19i01.40


The business world in the future is faced with intense competition, companies that have mature management will be superior and can last a long time. Basically, for Muslims when doing business, it is not only to get abundant profit. But also get blessings for every transaction that exists. Therefore it is necessary to have ethics in communicating in business. Which ethics is a reflection of the integrity of business people in determining attitudes and behavior to interact with others. This research approach uses research methods to obtain data used by means of observation or looking for direct references and also secondary data related to Islamic business communication. The results of this study are: morality used as a guideline for communication ethics, namely (1) Fairness (honesty) (2) Accuracy (accuracy of information); (3) free and responsible; (4) constructive criticism; (5) Fair and impartial; (6) Does not like badmouthing (Ghibah); (7) Do not like prejudice (Su'uzh-zhann, When ethics and communication are implemented in business relationships, it can be concluded that Islamic communication ethics is a method of communicating in accordance with moral values ​​in judging right or wrong based on the behavior of business people. where every transaction that exists must contain divine elements (الهي), both in the form of a human relationship with Allah ﷻ and humans (حبل من الله) as well as Humans and Humans themselves (حبل من الناس), thus directing humans to the benefit of the world and the hereafter.
Halal Life Style sebagai Dakwah Determinasi Diri dan Sosial Masyarakat Indonesia Bahatma Baca
Jurnal Al-Hikmah Vol 19 No 1 (2021): Ilmu Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/alhikmah.v19i01.41


Many people are starting to show their interest in the concept and understanding of the Halal lifestyle in their lives. This is because people tend to believe that Halal things are good for one’s health and well-being. Halal things bring comfort and security to life. Therefore, the current study discusses how the Halal lifestyle can become self-determination and social Da’wah amongst Indonesian people as well as how the current form of Halal lifestyle is applied to their everyday life. The current study employed a descriptive method. The data obtained in this study are primary data from websites, books and journal articles. Literature study was mainly employed in the current study. Regarding the implementation of the Halal lifestyle, it affects people as consumers to be increasingly critical in making purchases on daily needs products, whether the consumables or services. Such gesture has made Halal industries proven to be able to compete with other industries of the same kind. Cosmetics with Halal label partially have positive and significant effects on consumers’ decisions to buy Halal cosmetics. Halal tourist attractions are also deemed safer and more comfortable for their availability of prayer rooms and Halal culinary. Sharia hotels are also considered safer and more comfortable as a place to stay by eliminating liquor, discotheques and prohibiting unmarried visitors of different gender from booking or staying in the same room.
Dakwah Transformatif Menciptakan Karakter Pemuda Islami (Studi Kasus Majelis Gaul Jember) Nur Kamilah
Jurnal Al-Hikmah Vol 19 No 1 (2021): Ilmu Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/alhikmah.v19i01.42


There has been a spreading phenomenon in which many of today's youth societies tend to go wild and out of control. Most of such functions tend to be surrounded by individuals who indulge themselves in sinful acts instead of doing a self-discovery process to gain the God's blessings. Having seen many youths tend to enjoy doing forbidden acts and restrain-free activities, therefore Majlis Gaul community proposed a new way of da'wah. The community employs a subtle and a heart warming way of conveying da'wah. It is no longer conventional preaching which is in the form of oral da'wah, but they employ transformative da'wah method. This transformative da'wah is implemented in social change activities, by using da'wah as a religious material and positioning the dai (preacher) as the conveyer of religious messages to the community. The current study is a qualitative research with descriptive qualitative approach. In this study, the data are presented in descriptive texts. The results of this study are: 1) In shaping the Islamic character, Majlis Gaul community held a "Brother Camp" as well as some "Kajian Inspirasi". 2) Majlis Gaul invited Muslim youths to join activities such as sports (archery and horse riding). 3) The transformative da'wah done by Majlis Gaul was carried out by means of dialogue, exchanging thoughts and feelings. 4) The effort of Majlis gaul to do transformative da'wah is carried out by preaching through social media. This is because preaching through social media has become an increasingly globalized and entrenched phenomenon.
Pengaruh Promo Harga Murah terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen dalam Perspektif Islam Wafi
Jurnal Al-Hikmah Vol 19 No 1 (2021): Ilmu Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/alhikmah.v19i01.43


Promotional activities are actually a manifestation of the informative function so that with the promotion it is hoped that there will be reactions from customers, both actual and potential that appear in various forms. These forms of customer are ranging from the ones who grow aware of knowing the existence of the product to the ones that actually use it. In this study, it will be discussed deeper about the effect of promotion on consumers' loyalty by knowing the definitions and indicators of promotion as well as indicators of loyalty as a benchmark. This study employed descriptive qualitative methods. The data obtained in this study are primary data, which are taken from books and journals, while the secondary data are obtained from websites. The data obtained by means of observation or looking for direct references can also be the research validity of the data. Promotion is defined as a way of communication from marketers who inform, persuade, and remind potential buyers to respond to a product in order to influence their opinion in buying the product. Prus and Brandt (1995) stated that customers' loyalty can be displayed through their attitudes and behavior. These attitudes include the intention to repurchase or purchase other products from the company, the intention to recommend and the immunity against competitors.
Komunikasi Dakwah pada Ayat-Ayat Pandemi Ahmad Hayyan Najikh
Jurnal Al-Hikmah Vol 19 No 1 (2021): Ilmu Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/alhikmah.v19i01.44


The world is still not free from the grasp of the Covid-19 Pandemic, a viral outbreak which becomes a currently main topic of discussion from various scientific backgrounds. Therefore, when covid-19 is associated with the realm of communication, it can result in various domains of communication, such as economic communication, educational communication, da'wah or religious communication, etc. In the current study, the researcher examined da'wah communication against the covid-19 outbreak. This is because a da'i (preacher) tends to be bound to religious teaching sources before conveying something. This study focuses on what kind of da'wah communication latches behind the Quranic verses regarding plague, outbreak or diseases. The researcher also employed a descriptive qualitative method in order to obtain the results of such phenomenon. The research result can be classified into three sections, namely: Aqidah, sharia and akhlaq. Looking from akhlaq's point of view, all diseases come from Allah. Physical effort through medication is important but non-physical effort by reverting back to Him also plays a great role. From sharia perspective, we ought not lose our taqwa from the disease but instead keep trusting Allah for everything. Meanwhile, from akhlaq's perspective, we might have been in the wrong situation so that Allah tested us by giving such distress or misfortune so that we can be corrected or purified from the sins.
Perempuan dan Tasawwuf (Menakar Bias Gender dalam Kajian Sufisme) Achmad Faesol
Jurnal Al-Hikmah Vol 19 No 1 (2021): Ilmu Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/alhikmah.v19i01.45


Gender discourse in sufism tends to attract attentions. Such charm emerges due to the fact that the Sufism is originally genderless. Sufism isn't bound nor chained by gender whether it is masculinity or feminity. However, the reality displays the other way around. Therefore, the current study attempts to capture women's position in the discourse of tasawwuf. Library research is employed as the research method of this study. Although gender domination is displayed in the early academic papers of Sufism, the existance of female Sufis have been proven throughout history. In the context of Sufism, masculinity would not emerge without feminity. Such statement only proves that there is no superiority between masculinity and femininity since both display a causal relationship. The research result showed that tasawwuf is free from feminine or masculine attributes. The gender construction in tasawwuf doesn't lay on the gender of the sufi but on the degree of feminity and masculinity of their psychiatric attributes which are reflected in their behaviour and acts. In the context of sufism, masculinity, which is socially considered as something dominant, substantially has "flaw". This is because masculinity would not emerge if there's no feminity. This is a mysterious great power of feminity in Sufism discourse. In short, there is no superiority between masculinity and feminity. Both are equal and as a result of love.
Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Ekologis dalam Perspektif Ali Jum'ah Muhajirul Fadhli; Qanita Fithriyah
Jurnal Al-Hikmah Vol 19 No 1 (2021): Ilmu Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/alhikmah.v19i01.46


The phenomenon of the environmental crisis that is increasingly happening has the potential to threaten human life. One of the main factors responsible to create this crisis a mistake in understanding religious context. Many Muslims tend to believe that Islam only focuses on the relationship between humans and humans and humans with God alone . As a result, Islamic values ​​related to natural phenomena have gone unnoticed. Whereas an ecological settlement approach based on Islamic values ​​can be a solution in facing the environmental crisis. With the work of Muslim scholars, it is hoped that it can contribute to building harmony between humans and nature. One of them is a concept initiated by Shaykh 'Ali Jum'ah. This study employed library research method. The data sources consisted of two, namely primary sources and secondary sources. Primary sources are taken from the Qur'an and hadith, while the secondary sources come from books related to monotheism, fiqh, tasawwuf, taskhir, and caliph. The research found that Syekh 'Ali Jum'ah had five concepts that regulated human interaction with the environment, namely the concepts of tauhid, fiqh, tasawuf, taskhīr and khalīfah. In reading the concept initiated by Ali Jum'ah, the researcher argues that the solution he offers to overcome the environmental crisis is very comprehensive as an effort to increase ecological awareness. Starting with his way of looking at the environment which is not only a mere natural phenomenon and what coexists with it, but humans are also included in the environmental ecosystem. This is because according to him, there is no logical reason why humans should not be part of the environment. Since humans are the most important part of the environmental creation, human behavior will determine the fate of their environment in the future.

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