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SPEKTRAL : Journal of Communications, Antennas and Propagation
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Komunikasi dan Teknologi Jaringan : Sistem Komunikasi Nirkabel dan Bergerak, Pengolahan Sinyal Digital dan Multimedia, Pengolahan Sinyal Biomedik, Teori Informasi , Modulasi, Pengkodean Sumber dan Kanal, Algoritma dan Protokol Komunikasi, Komunikasi Radio dan Satelit, Penerapan IoT, Jaringan Telekomunikasi, Komunikasi Optik, Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Mobile and Cloud Computing, Pervasive Computing, Big Data, Keamanan Jaringan, Cognitive Radio, Embedded System. Antena dan Propagasi: Desain dan Analisa Antena, Microstrip Antena, Penerapan Teori Medan Elektromagnetik, Radar and Remote Sensing, Gelombang mikro dan gelombang millimeter, Pemodelan Kanal dan Propagasi.
Articles 29 Documents
Penyelesaian Perhitungan pada Matching Saluran Transmisi λ/4 Menggunakan Pemrograman Berbasis Website Viving Frendiana; Muhammad Teddy Rahmansyah
Spektral Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/spektral.v2i2.4125


The matching circuit with a λ/4 transmission line, often called an impedance transformer λ/4, is a transmission line or waveguide with a 1/4 wavelength (φ) terminated by the load impedance. In many applications a condition of no reflection is desired at the transmission line connection. Therefore, to eliminate reflections due to differences in load impedance and wave impedance, impedance matching techniques are used. Impedance matching is carried out with the aim of matching the load impedance with the characteristic impedance on the transmission line so that the transmission line can be matched, so that the transmission process for a certain amount of power does not occur reflections which result in all transmitted power being absorbed. In this study, the completion of the λ/4 transmission line matching circuit was designed using website-based programming. The results of the simulation calculations using the website application obtained the impedance value on the transmission line with the λ/4 transformer according to the calculation of the mathematical equation. The matching process in this calculation requires a real load impedance.
Spektral Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/spektral.v2i2.4127


Particulate Matter is an air pollutant substance that surrounds humans both indoors and outdoors. Humans cannot see or know the levels of pollution particles in the air and air quality without tools. Therefore, a prototype "Raspberry Pi-Based Air Quality Monitoring System" was made. This system consists of a tool, which can determine the level of pollution in the air, especially PM 2.5 and PM 10 and to detect the surrounding environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and air pressure, several sensors are needed. For the detection of PM 2.5 and PM 10 the PMS5003 sensor is used and for the detection of environmental conditions using the SHTC3 (air temperature and humidity) and LPS22HB (air pressure) sensors which are available in the Sense Hat B module. For the reading process using a Raspberry Pi programmed using Python and data will be processed into an Air Quality Index based on the “Polutant Standards Index”. In this study, the input specifications were tested. In the input specification test, there is a match between the Air Quality Index trend based on the location and time of data collection
Spektral Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/spektral.v2i2.4172


Hidroponik adalah metode budidaya tanaman tanpa menggunakan media tanah, tetapi memanfaatkan air/larutan mineral bernutrisi yang diperlukan oleh tanaman. Salah satu jenis tanaman hidroponik adalah bayam yang dapat tumbuh berkembang pada suhu >25⁰C dan memerlukan nutrisi antara 410 – 900 ppm. Adakalanya pemilik tanaman tidak berada di area penanaman sehingga tidak sempat melakukan pemberian nutrisi tersebut. Sistem ini dibuat untuk monitoring kondisi air, suhu, nutrisi, mengaktifkan pompa air dan nutrisi, menyalakan lampu, dari jarak jauh melalui aplikasi bot telegram. Sistem terdiri dari Arduino Mega 2560, modul NodeMCU ESP8266 untuk pengiriman data ke aplikasi telegram melalui jaringan internet, sensor suhu DHT22 untuk mengetahui suhu lingkungan, sensor TDS untuk memantau konsenterasi nutrisi, sensor ultrasonic untuk ketinggian campuran air dan nutrisi, modul relay 4 channel untuk mengaktifkan tiga buah pompa, dan satu lampu. Pompa digunakan untuk menyiram nutrisi dan mengisi air. Lampu untuk menaikkan suhu, jika suhu <25⁰C. Hasil pengujian bot telegram, notifikasi diterima pengguna saat suhu disekitar tanaman < 25℃, pemilik tanaman berhasil memberikan perintah menyalakan lampu melalui telegram. Saat ketinggian air nutrisi berkurang dibawah 8 cm, dan konsentrasi nutrisi < 410 ppm, pemilik berhasil mengaktifkan pompa air dan pompa nutrisi. Saat konsenterasi nutrisi diatas 900 ppm, pemilik berhasil memberikan perintah pengurasan melalui telegram.
Smart Dispenser Desain Autofill Smart Dispenser dengan Sistem Kendali Volume Air Otomatis dan Pengendali berbasis Android: Desain Autofill Smart Dispenser dengan Sistem Kendali Volume Air Otomatis dan Pengendali berbasis Android Asriyadi
Spektral Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/spektral.v2i2.4227


Air memiliki manfaat yang sangat besar bagi kehidupan manusia terutama untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Kebutuhan air minimal setiap orang perharinya adalah 121 liter baik itu untuk minum dan masak, cuci, mandi serta keperluan ibadah. Namun pemenuhan kebutuhan air ini sering mengalami kendala di kota-kota besar khususnya kantor dan pabrik. Agar persediaan air minum ini mudah dijangkau maka digunakan dispenser sebagai media untuk menampung air galon. Untuk tujuan tersebut diatas, maka pada penelitian ini dibahas tentang rancang bangun autofill smart dispenser dengan sistem otomatisasi dan berbasis android untuk memudahkan pengisian air pada gelas dan mencegah air minum tumpah dan cepat habis. Waktu pengisian dispenser berbasis android dimana rata-rata pengisian dispenser berbasis android adalah 17,96 detik dan dispenser otomatis sebesar 18,28 detik.
APRS Data Receiver Using Raspberry Pi in LAPAN-A2 Satellite Sofian Rizal; Sonny Dwi Harsono; Suraduita Mupasanta; Rifki Ardinal
Spektral Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/spektral.v2i2.4250


Lapan-A2 Satellite, also known as LAPAN-ORARI, is the second satellite developed by the Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) especially by Satellite Technology Center. This satellite was launched in 2015 which one of the payloads is for amateur radio communication such as VR (Voice Repeater) and APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System). The APRS is a method of transmitting messages, status and positions using certain range of frequency and often used by Search and Rescue (SAR) team. Due to its function, APRS are not only used for disaster mitigation but also transmit various kind of data such as text message and weather information. In order to receive such information, APRS must be equipped with supporting devices. Formerly, APRS utilize terminal node controller and special hardware to decode its information but those technology is quite expensive. To address that challenge, this paper proposed an alternative way to decode the information send both from satellite APRS and terrestrial APRS by using raspberry Pi to replace those high-cost system.
Utilization of Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) for Weather Station Monitoring Sonny Dwi Harsono; Nur Salma Y.H; Zhauhar *; Rifki Ardinal
Spektral Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/spektral.v3i1.4353


Nowadays, weather monitoring is indispensable. The data obtained in the present or past can be a reference to predict future weather, can be used to determine the condition of the antenna on ground stations in the face of extreme weather. It is necessary to have a tool that can read the parameters of the weather, because the importance of weather monitoring. Automatic Weather Station (AWS) This type of ADS-WS1 is a tool that can read several parameters of weather quantities such as rainfall, wind direction, wind speed, temperature, humidity, and pressure. It has equipped with sensors to read the number of weather parameters. ADS-WS1 not using internet networks, but use radio frequencies for sending a sensor data that has connect to the transceiver. With that frequency the signal will be transmitted and received via satellite or terrestrials with Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) through radio frequency and Internet gateway or known as (iGate). The result from the sensor that have been installed at the PUSTEKSAT ground station can be monitored both on Radio Frequency (RF) and Internet, the purpose of this research is to send weather data station with APRS format via Radio frequency,  this  a proof of concept for sending weather information via APRS format system. Keywords- AWS, APRS, Radio, ADS-WS1, Frequency
Rancang Bangun Alat Penghitung dan Pemilah Ikan Berdasarkan Berat Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik dan Load Cell Berbasis Arduino Uno Marissa Andini; Maria Ulfah
Spektral Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/spektral.v3i1.4521


Nowadays, weather monitoring is indispensable. The data obtained in the present or past can be a reference to predict future weather, can be used to determine the condition of the antenna on ground stations in the face of extreme weather. It is necessary to have a tool that can read the parameters of the weather, because the importance of weather monitoring. Automatic Weather Station (AWS) This type of ADS-WS1 is a tool that can read several parameters of weather quantities such as rainfall, wind direction, wind speed, temperature, humidity, and pressure. It has equipped with sensors to read the number of weather parameters. ADS-WS1 not using internet networks, but use radio frequencies for sending a sensor data that has connect to the transceiver. With that frequency the signal will be transmitted and received via satellite or terrestrials with Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) through radio frequency and Internet gateway or known as (iGate). The result from the sensor that have been installed at the PUSTEKSAT ground station can be monitored both on Radio Frequency (RF) and Internet, the purpose of this research is to send weather data station with APRS format via Radio frequency,  this  a proof of concept for sending weather information via APRS format system. Keywords- AWS, APRS, Radio, ADS-WS1, Frequency  
Rancang Bangun Sistem Penyiraman dan Perawatan Tanaman Geranium Terintegrasi Telegram Rizki Azka Fihi Aghnia; Annisa Shafira Darmawan; Shita Fitria Nurjihan; Ardina Askum
Spektral Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/spektral.v3i1.4528


As a tropical country, Indonesia has a rainy season where there can be mosquito breeding which is quite dangerous for humans. There are several ways to deal with it, one of which is by growing your own geranium plants at home. To make it easier to water these plants, we need a system that can do it even if the planter is not at home. Thus, a system was designed using the Internet of Things (IoT) concept, so that watering plants can be done remotely and water savings can be realized. The system consists of a NodeMCU microcontroller which is connected to the Telegram application as an interface to the user. The three sensors used as input components of the system are the DHT22 sensor to measure the ambient temperature, the soil moisture sensor to measure soil moisture, and the magnetic float sensor to measure the water supply. The output components used are water pumps and servos. The system is powered by a DC power supply with an output voltage of 12 V to power the water pump and 5 V to power the NodeMCU. The results of testing the tool show that the tool works well. The system works when the humidity level is below 80% will automatically carry out the watering process, at temperatures above 32oC  the paranet can be lowered, and when the water is full or empty, the water supply can be detected accurately. NodeMCU can connect to the Telegram application with the help of a Telegram Bot library called CTBot that allows users to receive information and give orders. Keywords : soil moisture, plant watering, paranet, temperature
Perancangan Sistem Monitoring Pada Water Purifier Berbasis Website Tito Chandra Dinata Arifin; Dean Corio; Afit Miranto
Spektral Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/spektral.v3i1.4536


The need for drinking water is one of the basic needs that must be met by humans, drinking water has various kinds of compounds and bacteria in it. Drinking water is generally the result of processing with various methods, one of which is the use of nonthermal plasma technology. With the presence of non-thermal plasma technology to kill bacteria such as e-coli and other microorganisms with a working system that eliminates bacteria in the air. This looks effective when we use plasma because with high voltage the bacteria will die. In well water which is usually used for cooking and drinking in households, the bacteria or microorganisms in it are not completely killed. This water purification system is very useful if it is developed especially in areas that have not been reached by clean water or PDAM, in rural areas it is estimated to be very effective. This tool works well. Generally, in rural areas, the use of the latest technology is not too much. With the addition of a part of a microcontroller system and a monitoring system in the form of a website, it is very easy to operate this tool, we can combine the PH and TDS of the water we are going to purify. Equipped with a microcontroller system that makes it easy to control something and run tool commands. Keywords: Non-Thermal Plasma, PH, TDS, Microcontroller System, Monitoring System
Aplikasi Android Loker Penyimpanan Keyless Berbayar pada Stasiun MRT Haykhal Bhatara Dimas Arief; Viving Frendiana
Spektral Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/spektral.v3i1.4574


MRT or Mass Rapid Transportation is one of the transportation services built to overcome congestion in Jakarta. The main purpose of the construction of the MRT is to provide convenience for the community in an effort to increase mobility that is reliable, comfortable and affordable. The increasing number of people who use this transportation, of course, must go hand in hand with supporting facilities in daily activities, one of which is safe storage of goods. As a solution to these problems, it is necessary to design a system that can provide storage in the form of an efficient and safe locker, namely a Paid Keyless Storage Locker at the Jakarta City MRT Station. This system consists of lockers and applications that are connected to each other. This app is integrated with the Firebase Realtime Database as a connection between the app and the locker. The function of the application is where the user places an order for a locker based on the desired station location and to open the locker. as a processing tool according to the choice of time and determine the locker used with the QR code payment that appears on the application to the ESP 32-CAM which functions as a function. The tests carried out for this application are tests that refer to the ISO 25010 standard with aspects of functional suitability, compatibility, portability, performance efficiency, and usability. The results of testing aspects of functional suitability, compatibility, and portability get 100% feasibility presentation results. Then for the performance efficiency aspect, it was carried out on two devices with CPU (Central Processing Unit) performance results of 9.973% and 1.58% and memory performance results of 128,521 MB and 61,199 MB. The last test, namely the usability aspect, showed that from the ten-point questionnaire distributed to the respondents to get the results, eight points were very feasible and two questionnaire points were feasible. Keywords: MRT, Application, Database, QR code, ISO 205010

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