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Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
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Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society was published by the Institute of Research and Community Service of University of Islam Malang since January 2021 as the initial release on Volume 1, Number 1, 2021. Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society publishes articles bianually in a year and has been indexed in the database of Google Scholar, Indonesia One Search (IOS), Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Garba Rujukan Digital (Garuda), Ministry of Religious Affairs Reference (Moraref), Crossref, Dimensions, WorldCat and registered in ICI (Index Copernicus International). The Editorial Team accepts articles in English. The submitted articles will be checked by the editorial team. Articles that are not in accordance with the journal criteria will be rejected without external review. Articles that meet with the journal criteria will be sent to peer reviewers. After finishing the review process, the articles will be returned to the author for revision. The editorial team makes decisions based on reviewer recommendations. Editorial Address: Department of Postgraduate Universitas Islam Malang MT. Hariyono, 193, Malang, East Java, Indonesia 65144 Tel. +62 82198932510 email:
Articles 53 Documents
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v1i2.10981


Tasamuh is part of a commendable attitude in association, mutual respect and tolerance between one another starting from opinions, views, beliefs, and habits, with tasamuh being able to respect the differences in society or the nation better especially in countries that have a complex culture such as Indonesia. Tasamuh is an attitude that is highly emphasized in Islam. If this tasamuh of multicultural Islamic education in bahtsul masail, it can become a conference scientific treasure. In this study, the researcher intends to describe, analyze, provide interpretations about; tasamuh of multicultural Islamic education attitudes in bahtsul masail,  tasamuh of multicultural Islamic education in bahtsul masail, and multicultural Islamic education values can reinforce the tasamuh bahtsul masail attitude at the Bahtsul Masail Nahdlatul Ulama Institute in East Java. The method that used in this research is qualitative ethnographic type, data collection techniques with participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The analysis by Miles and Huberman what is called data reduction. After the data was obtained, it was analyzed using descriptive-qualitative method. Next, the conclusions are formulated using deductive methods. To checking the validity of the data used triangulation techniques, member checks, and discussions with colleagues. The result of research in the field show that the values of tasamuh in bahtsul masail can be proven in the form of: tolerance, ta’awwun (help each other), patient and forgiving, friendly (friendly and gentle), easy to accept and respect others, and keep hanging out in a good way even if it’s different. The form of tasamuh behavior that the researchers found in the bahtsul masail were; be generous in all differences, foster a sense of compassion for others, avoid acts of violence and chaos, increase human dignity, maintain social norms and customs, and foster an attitude of responsibility. Multicultural Islamic education values that found in affirming the tasamuh bahtsul masail behavior are in the form of; habituation with al-hiwar (debate dialogue) al-amtsal (parables and images), al-ta’awwud (self-habituation), al-uswah (exemplary), al-ibrah wal-mau’idhah (likeness and reasoning), al-targhib wat-tarhib (pleasing and frightening), as well as with solawat and dhikr.Keywords:  Tasamuh, Behavior, Multicultural, Education
Protection the rights of minority communities in the era of religious freedom Farhan Ghifari
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v1i1.10099


Islamic religious education, including subjects that must be given to students who are Muslim, even though these students study at non-Islamic schools. Likewise, on the other hand, Islamic schools must also facilitate religious education in accordance with the religions of their students. Santo Paulus Catholic High School Jember, including a school that facilitates Islamic religious education for Muslim students. Uniquely, there is a religiosity subject, which includes all universal values in the official religion in Indonesia. The focus of this research is, how is the portrait and dynamics of Islamic religious education in non-Muslim schools (Catholic schools)? In this context, the authors chose a qualitative approach in data mining and processing. Interviews, document studies, observation, data research are the techniques chosen in research data collection. The research findings: 1) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember has 6 Islamic religious education teachers, but they are not in accordance with the qualifications of the subjects they are teaching, 2) apart from PAI subjects, SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember strengthens students with religiosity lessons, namely lessons which includes universal values of all religions, 3) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember is in demand by students from the six official religions in Indonesia.
Human Rights Education Potential "Preparing Students In Cultural Diversity Context" Muhammad Khairil Mustofa
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v1i1.10094


Human rights education is indispensable in preparing students who live in the context of a multicultural society. Human rights education has great potential to make a fundamental contribution in imparting the principles of democracy and human rights for students. However, the school environment where human rights education is implemented has its own problems and challenges that have the potential to hinder the implementation of human rights education. So it requires a strong commitment from schools to maximize the potential of human rights education by creating a school environment that is conducive to the implementation of democratic principles on the basis of human rights.Keywords: human rights, democracy, participation.
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v1i2.10982


The research objective is to describe, analyze, and interpret the type of Islamic education leadership in building religious tolerance, the role of Islamic education in building tolerance in religious life, Islamic education leadership models in building tolerance of religious life. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of phenomenology. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation study. Determination of informants was carried out using purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. The data analysis technique uses the interactive model analysis technique of Miles and Huberman. While the data validity test technique used triangulation technique. The results of the study answered the focus that the type of Islamic education leadership in building religious tolerance is collaborative-paternalistic-democratic. The paternalistic type referred to is the type of leadership that is fatherly, protective, and educational. Meanwhile, the democratic type is meant to treat everyone equally and to provide opportunities for diverse and diverse communities to actively participate in realizing a harmonious and peaceful religious life. This type of leadership is characterized by the following characters of religious leaders: a) Promoting tolerance and togetherness; b)  Protecting; c) Prioritizing human dignity. The role of the leadership of Islamic education in building tolerance in religious life is as: a) religious experts; b) role models in behavior; c) As well as Mediators. Religious leaders carry out a leadership mechanism in maintaining the socio-cultural system that has survived for decades. Some changes are evolutive. However, for decades, the values of togetherness, harmony and tolerance have been substantively maintained by society. This is inseparable from the leadership role of religious leaders who are united in being committed to maintaining harmony and peace between religious communities. The leadership model of Islamic education is transformational-internal-collective. The transformational leadership model is characterized by several patterns of behavior as follows: a) Implanting trust; b) Civilizing art; c) Maintaining tradition; d) Educating and guiding; and e) Maintaining effective communication. Religious leaders carry out their leadership duties collectively. This means that religious leaders collaborate collegial on it collectively to become joint leaders between religious communities who carry out a common vision of realizing harmonious and harmonious daily lives of citizens. Religious leaders provide charisma, inspiration, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration that are oriented towards inter-religious harmony by harmonizing religious values while applying the principles of leadership Rasulullah’s style, so that they can manifest themselves as caliphs on earth, who are always committed to carrying out benefit.Keywords:  Leadership, Islamic Education, Religious Life Tolerance
Constitutional education related to the development of human rights as an effort to prevent radicalism Barrayev Dand
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v1i1.10100


Islamic religious education, including subjects that must be given to students who are Muslim, even though these students study at non-Islamic schools. Likewise, on the other hand, Islamic schools must also facilitate religious education in accordance with the religions of their students. Santo Paulus Catholic High School Jember, including a school that facilitates Islamic religious education for Muslim students. Uniquely, there is a religiosity subject, which includes all universal values in the official religion in Indonesia. The focus of this research is, how is the portrait and dynamics of Islamic religious education in non-Muslim schools (Catholic schools)? In this context, the authors chose a qualitative approach in data mining and processing. Interviews, document studies, observation, data research are the techniques chosen in research data collection. The research findings: 1) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember has 6 Islamic religious education teachers, but they are not in accordance with the qualifications of the subjects they are teaching, 2) apart from PAI subjects, SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember strengthens students with religiosity lessons, namely lessons which includes universal values of all religions, 3) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember is in demand by students from the six official religions in Indonesia.
Portrait Of Pai In A Catholic School (Case Study of St. Paulus Catholic High School Jember) Zainal Anshari
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v1i1.10095


Islamic religious education, including subjects that must be given to students who are Muslim, even though these students study at non-Islamic schools. Likewise, on the other hand, Islamic schools must also facilitate religious education in accordance with the religions of their students. Santo Paulus Catholic High School Jember, including a school that facilitates Islamic religious education for Muslim students. Uniquely, there is a religiosity subject, which includes all universal values in the official religion in Indonesia. The focus of this research is, how is the portrait and dynamics of Islamic religious education in non-Muslim schools (Catholic schools)? In this context, the authors chose a qualitative approach in data mining and processing. Interviews, document studies, observation, data research are the techniques chosen in research data collection. The research findings: 1) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember has 6 Islamic religious education teachers, but they are not in accordance with the qualifications of the subjects they are teaching, 2) apart from PAI subjects, SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember strengthens students with religiosity lessons, namely lessons which includes universal values of all religions, 3) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember is in demand by students from the six official religions in Indonesia.Keywords: Islamic Religious Education, Catholic High School, and religiosity
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v1i2.10983


Islamic values are the main basis for shaping the development of society. Islamic values that are emphasized are universal values that are accepted and in accordance with the people of Kandangsari Hamlet, Mororejo Village, Pasuruan Regency. Islamic values aim to form a society that is proud, has a strong identity and is respected by other societies; fostering a happy society; eliminating negative attitudes; and produce quality services. As for the Islamic values that exist in the local culture of the Tengger Tribe, Kandangsari Hamlet, Mororejo Village, Pasuruan Regency, they are harmony, an attitude of shame in a positive sense, sacrifice, mutual cooperation, discipline, tolerance, hope, please help, always grateful, togetherness.Keywords:  Islamic Values, Local Culture, Tengger TribeIslamic values are the main basis for shaping the development of society. Islamic values that are emphasized are universal values that are accepted and in accordance with the people of Kandangsari Hamlet, Mororejo Village, Pasuruan Regency. Islamic values aim to form a society that is proud, has a strong identity and is respected by other societies; fostering a happy society; eliminating negative attitudes; and produce quality services. As for the Islamic values that exist in the local culture of the Tengger Tribe, Kandangsari Hamlet, Mororejo Village, Pasuruan Regency, they are harmony, an attitude of shame in a positive sense, sacrifice, mutual cooperation, discipline, tolerance, hope, please help, always grateful, togetherness.
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v1i2.10690


 Pesantren has long historical source in Indonesia as an educational institution. The adaptive nature of Pesantren and accepting students from various realities leading up to be one of education icon. Pesantren Al Hasani Al Latifi, which is more familiarly known as Pesantren Kauman Bondowoso, is an Islamic boarding school with a multicultural character. The multicultural reality at the Kauman Islamic Boarding School are carried out internally for Pesantren residents, as well as for the people of Kauman Village in general. This article intends to discuss the problem of building a multicultural character based on the values of the Pesantren in Kauman Islamic boarding school Bondowoso.This research is qualitative and the type of case study because of the characteristics and paradigm of Kauman Islamic Boarding School. Researcher as instruments as well as data collectors will carry out observations, interviews, and document retrieval. Data obtained in three ways, namely interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis in this study, data analysis was carried out since data collection as a whole and was checked over.The results of the study state a multicultural character with four indicators, that is tolerance, democracy, equality, and justice, reinforced by the values of the Pesantren, Pancabakti. It contains devotion to Allah and His Messenger, Devotion to Religion, Devotion to Teachers, Devotion to Parents, Devotion to Society, Nation, and State. The multicultural character is in synergy with the Pesantren Pancabakti is the main asset in building a space for students' awareness of multicultural characters. Second, understanding the multicultural character means strengthening the emotional sensitivity of Santri regarding indicators of multicultural character and also Islamic boarding school service. Indicators of multicultural character in Kauman Islamic Boarding School, which are synergized with the Islamic Boarding School Pancabakti, make the spectrum of multicultural characters broader and have a religious dimension. Third, multicultural character-based actions carried out by caregivers and Ustadz, are efforts to combine the areas of awareness and understanding of the Santri to accustom students to acting according to multicultural characters. Building multicultural character-based attitude action is given by exemplary in the form of mutual respect, mutual respect, and giving the same treatment regardless of the background of the students. Keywords: Character, Multicultural, Islamic Boarding School Values.
Instructing a model of inclusive Islamic education Nasser salim
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v1i1.10096


Islamic religious education, including subjects that must be given to students who are Muslim, even though these students study at non-Islamic schools. Likewise, on the other hand, Islamic schools must also facilitate religious education in accordance with the religions of their students. Santo Paulus Catholic High School Jember, including a school that facilitates Islamic religious education for Muslim students. Uniquely, there is a religiosity subject, which includes all universal values in the official religion in Indonesia. The focus of this research is, how is the portrait and dynamics of Islamic religious education in non-Muslim schools (Catholic schools)? In this context, the authors chose a qualitative approach in data mining and processing. Interviews, document studies, observation, data research are the techniques chosen in research data collection. The research findings: 1) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember has 6 Islamic religious education teachers, but they are not in accordance with the qualifications of the subjects they are teaching, 2) apart from PAI subjects, SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember strengthens students with religiosity lessons, namely lessons which includes universal values of all religions, 3) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember is in demand by students from the six official religions in Indonesia.
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v1i2.10661


Windu Village is one of the villages in the Karangbinangun District, Lamongan which has itsuniqueness, ownnamely the existence of two adherents of different religions, namely Islam and Christianity who live in harmony with one another. The creation of this harmony cannot be separated from the values of Islamic education taught in the village of Windu, whether organized by schools or the community.The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze, and interpret the phenomena of socio-cultural life based on empirical data obtained in the field (ideographical) regarding: 1) the values of Islamic education which are used as a foothold in building religious harmony in Windu Village, Karangbinangun District. Lamongan; 2) reasons for the practice of Islamic education as a spirit to build religious harmony in Windu Village, Karangbinangun Lamongan District; and 3) the process of implementing Islamic education to build religious harmony in Windu Village, Karangbinangun Lamongan District.This research is a qualitative research with a type of phenomenology. Data collection techniques using participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentaries. The technique of determining informants using purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. The data analysis technique uses the interactive model analysis technique of Miles and Huberman. While the data validity test technique used triangulation technique.The results of this study indicate that: first, the values of Islamic education which are used as a foundation in building religious harmony in Windu Village are the values of knowing each other (ta'aruf), moderate (tawasuth), tolerant (tasamuh), mutual help (ta'aruf), moderate (tawasuth), tolerant (tasamuh), mutual help (ta'aruf). 'awun), and balance or harmony (tawazun). Keywords: Islamic Education Value, Spirit, Religious Harmony