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Articles 82 Documents
The Implementation of Online Sport Learning at Junior High Schools in Patebon district, Kendal Regency Henni Novita Lestari; Agus Margono; Abdul Aziz Purnomo Shidiq
PHEDHERAL Vol 16, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v16i2.51206


This study aimed to determine the implementation of online sports learning at Junior High Schools in Patebon District, Kendal Regency. This study used a qualitative method through a survey approach. The subjects in this study were eight sports Junior High School teachers in Patebon District, Kendal Regency. Technical data collection techniques used observation, questionnaires, and documentation. The data results were analyzed and tested for validity using SPSS program version 23 for windows. The results of the research could be explained that the implementation of online sports learning in Junior High Schools in Patebon District, Kendal Regency, that implied there are three of sports teachers (37,5%) has implemented the learning very well, three sports teacher (37,5%) has implemented the learning were good, and two of sports teachers (25%) has implemented the learning were good enough. This study concluded is 75% of sports teachers in Patebon District, Kendal Regency, had been said to be well done, and 25% of sports teachers were affirmed are good enough at implementing online learning. Just on of Junior High School was affirmed good enough at implementing online learning.
PHEDHERAL Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v16i1.51461


Ajang prestasi olahraga lebih familiar bagi para atlet sejati yang berlaga di arena pertandingan olahraga pada umumnya dan jarang menyebutnya sebagai sarana unjuk kebolehan bagi penyandang cacat. Saat ini bila kita meneliti lebih jauh ke dalam dunia penyandang cacat, maka akan kita temukan nuansa yang sama di dalam kompetisi olahraga. Ajang prestasi olahraga tidak lagi menjadi milik orang normal tetapi juga milik para penyandang cacat. Dari mulai tingkat Internasional hingga ke tingkat Daerah telah melaksanakan pertandingan olahraga penyandang cacat.
PHEDHERAL Vol 14, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v14i2.50553


This research aims to increase the result of under the basketball shoot on X.7th Grade in Magetan 2 Senior High School 2015 / 2016 using learning media.This research is Classroom Action Research, this research was conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consists of planning, action, observing, reflecting. The research subject are X.7th Grade in Magetan 2 Senior High School 2015 / 2016 that consist 31 students, 15 males and 16 females. The data source for this research is obtained from teachers and students. Data collection techniques are observation and assessment on volleyball service learning outcome. Technique for analyzing data is descriptive technique that is based qualitative analysis using percentage.The result of data analysis can be presented as follows, ranging from pre-action to the 1st cycle then to the 2nd cycle. On the pre-action, the students hadn’t shown good learning outcome. Very good is category on 12,9% or 4 out of 31 students, good category is on 9,67% or 3 out of 31 students, Average is category on 9,67% or 3 out of 31 students, bad category is on 51,63% or 16 out of 31 students, and very bad category is on 16,13% or 5 out of 31 students. From these data can be concluded that there are 10 students or 32,26% who pass the criteria while 21 students or 67,74% do not. On the 1st cycle, there are improvement result of under the basketball learning, very good category is 12,9% or 4 out of 31 students, good category is on 25,81% or 8 out of 31 students, average category is on 29,03% or 9 out of 31 students, Bad category is on 25,81 % or 8 out of 31 students, very bad category is on 6,45 % or 2 out of 31 students . From these data can be concluded that there are 21 students or 67,74% who pass the criteria while 10 students or 32,26% do not. On 2nd cycle, Very good category is on 16,13% % or54 out of 31 students, good category is on 35,48 % or 11 out of 31 students, average category is on 32,26% or 10 out of 31 students, bad category is on 16,13% or 5 out of 31 students, and very bad is on 0%. From these data, can be concluded that out of 31 students, 26 students or 83,87% fulfill the criteria while 5 students or 16,13% do not. From data analyz above, showing improvement the result of under the basketball shoot.Based on the result of the research can be concluded that: the use of learning media can increase the learning outcome of under the basketball shoot on X.7th Grade in Magetan 2 Senior High School 2015 / 2016.
PHEDHERAL Vol 15, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v15i2.50990


The purpose of this study is To Improve Results Long Jump learning styles bouncy Students Grade XI IPA 3 SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura Academic Year 2017/2018.This research is a classroom action research are conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of 2 meetings. The research subjects were the students grade XI 3 totaling 37 learners, Source of data derived from learners, teachers, and researchers. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, documentation or archives are photographs. The validity of the data using data triangulation technique. Data were collected at each observation of the implementation cycle by qualitative descriptive analysis, using techniques percentage to view trends in learning activities.Based on the analysis in chapter IV obtained pre-cycle improvement occurring in the first cycle to and from the first cycle to the second cycle, In the long jump pre-cycle learning outcomes bouncy style on the criteria enough 27.02%, approximately 35.14%, and 37.84% less once the number of learners who pass are 10 learners. In the first cycle of learning outcomes long jump bouncy style in the good category of 13.51%, just 43.24%, 27.03% less, and less once 16.22%, the number of learners who completed 21 learners with a percentage of 56.76%. While on the second cycle of learning outcomes long jump bouncy style in the very good category for 5.41%, good 32.43%, 45.95% enough, lacking 13.51%, and less so 2.70%, The number of learners who complete and pass are 31 learners, of a total of 37 pesra students with a percentage of 83.78%. The increase occurred in the first cycle and the second cycle. Learning outcomes long jump bouncy style has reached the target to be achieved in the second cycle even exceeding the target.From the analysis of the above data it can be concluded thatusing a modification of inclusion style of teaching learning media can improve learning outcomes long jump on the bouncy style of learners in class XI IPA 3 SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura year 2017/2018 Teachings.
The readiness of PJOK Teachers in the virtual learning in Covid-19 era in the Public Junior High Schools of Pegandon, Kendal in the academic year of 2020 Risma Ayu Tryana; Sunardi Sunardi; Abdul Aziz Purnomo Shidiq
PHEDHERAL Vol 17, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v17i2.51456


This study aims to discover the readiness of PJOK or sport teachers in the virtual learning in the era of covid-19 in public junior high schools of Pegandon, Kendal. This study uses qualitative method with descriptive approach. This approach is chosen by the writer because it describes the situation of particular events based on the facts that appear as it should be. The subjects of this study are 8 PJOK teachers in the public junior high school of Pegandon. This study uses two types of data, namely primary data and secondary data. The data collecting techniques used in this study are observation, questionnaire, and documentation techniques. The data obtained from the result of questionnaire is analyzed and examined its data validity using SPSS 22 program. The result of this study can be concluded that the level of teachers’ readiness in the virtual learning in covid-19 era in the public junior high school of Pegandon can be considered as ready in delivering the learning material virtually. It has average percentage of 75%. For teachers who are considered as not ready in delivering the learning material virtually have the percentage of 25% because there are only 2 teachers who are considered as not ready to deliver the learning material virtually. It is caused by the condition of the schools that are isolated, lack of signal, and other causes It can be concluded that the result of of this study is used as knowledge and application for PJOK teachers in the public junior high school in Pegandon regarding on how to provide the PJOK teaching material or learning material which still run properly and correctly in this era of covid-19 even it cannot be conducted in face-to-face method and must be conducted online. The readiness of PJOK teachers is important for the learning development of students in the application of virtual PJOK learning.
PHEDHERAL Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v14i1.50548


 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar teknik dasar pencak silat Siswa Kelas VIII A SMP Darul Ihsan Muhammadiyah Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017.Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, dengan tiap siklus terdiri atas perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII A SMP Darul Ihsan Muhammadiyah Sragen yang berjumlah 25 siswa yang terdiri dari 25 siswa putra. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berasal dari guru, siswa dan peneliti. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi atau arsip berupa foto. Validitas data menggunakan teknik triangulasi data. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan teknik persentase.Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar teknik dasar pencak silat dari Pra Tindakan ke Siklus I dan dari Siklus I ke Siklus II. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari pencapaian hasil belajar Pra Tindakan hasil belajar teknik dasar pencak silat siswa yang tuntas sebesar 40% dan tidak tuntas sebesar 60% dengan rincian jumlah siswa yang tuntas adalah 10 siswa dan tidak tuntas adalah 15 siswa. Pada siklus I siswa yang tuntas mencapai 68% dengan jumlah siswa yang tuntas adalah 17 siswa. Sedangkan pada siklus II siswa yang tuntas mencapai 88% dengan jumlah siswa yang tuntas adalah 22 siswa. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa penggunaan media Audio Visual dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar teknik dasar pencak silat siswa kelas VIII A SMP Darul Ihsan Muhammadiyah Sragen tahun ajaran 2016/2017.
PHEDHERAL Vol 15, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v15i1.50579


This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of students of junior high school in the academic year 2017/2018 through the use of learning aids.This research is a classroom action research. This research was conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects were students of of junior high school amount 32 students. Sources of data in this study come from teachers and students. Data collection techniques are by observation and evaluation of learning outcomes. Data analysis used descriptive techniques based on qualitative analysis with percentages.The results of the analysis of research data can be presented as follows starting from pre-action to cycle I and from cycle I to cycle II. In pre-action, students have not shown good learning outcomes, excellent categories with a percentage of 0%, good categories with a percentage of 3.125% or 1 student from 32 students, enough categories with a percentage of 53.125% or 17 students from 32 students, less categories with percentages 37.5% or 12 students from 32 students, then the category is very low with a percentage of 6.25% or 2 students from 32 students. In the first cycle the category is very good with a percentage of 0%, a good category with a percentage of 3.125% or 1 student from 32 students, enough categories with a percentage of 68.75% or 22 students from 32 students, a category with a percentage of 28.125% or 9 students from 32 students, and very few categories with a percentage of 0%, from the data there can be a number of 23 students have reached the criteria of completion while 9 students have not yet completed. In cycle II it reached a very good percentage of 0%, a good category of 18.75% or 6 students of 32 students, quite a category of 65.625% or 21 students of 32 students, a category of 15.625% or 5 students of 32 students, and less than 0% . So that from the data it can be seen that 27 students reach the criteria of completion while 5 students have not finished with the number of students 32 students.The conclusion of this study is that the use of learning aids can improve the learning outcomes of floor gymnastics of junior high school.
Identification of injuries and its prevention in physical education at elementary schools in Sukadana, Ciamis, West Java, 2020 Fenima Brillianti Maudi; Hanik Liskustyawati; Djoko Nugroho
PHEDHERAL Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v17i1.51441


The main problem in identifying the injuries and its prevention in the Physical Education at elementary schools in Sukadana is the nescience of the level of the risk for injury and the injury management steps during the Physical Education subject. Some factors contributing on the nesciences are condition of facilities and infrastructure, school environmental conditions, student behavior and teacher’s conversance. Therefore, this research is purposed to determine the injuries that have occurred and the knowledge of teachers about injury management during Physical Education subject at elementary schools in Sukadana district. This research analyzes the injury management done by the Physical Education teachers at elementary schools in Sukadana district and the injuries that have occurred using some theories related to types and factors of injuries, as well as the proper steps of injury management. This research is a combination research model concurrent embedded (unbalanced mixture), namely a research method that combines qualitative methods and quantitative methods by mixing the two methods unequally. This research uses two kinds of data, primary and secondary data. The technique of collecting data in this research is saturation-sampling technique with the Physical Education teachers in Sukadana district as the informant. The validation of the data, collected from the result of questionnaire and passive participant observation, are then analyzed and tested using member check technique. The result of this research shows that teachers have significant role on diminishing the risk of injury and treating injured students during the Physical Education at the elementary schools in Sukadana district. Generally, the teachers have already had adequate conversance in treating wounded students. Moreover, the injuries occurred are dominated by minor injury. This is due to the learning materials that are still on the basic level. Furthermore, some moderate injuries are caused by student’s health condition, such as medical history and the fitness of the student, that is different one to another.
PHEDHERAL Vol 18, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v18i1.51318


This study aims to determine the results of the analysis of chess playing skills on mathematics learning outcomes for junior athletes of the Raja Kombi Trenggalek chess club. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method with a quantitative approach. Participants in this study were 8 junior athletes of Raja Kombi Trenggalek chess club. Data collection techniques using interviews, skills results and documentation. The data analysis in this study used the mean and percentage formula.           After analyzing the data, the results of this study concluded that in this study, the average score of playing chess skills was 85.00, then the average score of mathematics learning outcomes was 86.25. This is of course the higher the level of achievement of skills or intellectual intelligence, the higher the level of problem solving such as in learning mathematics. This is also influenced by motor and psychological aspects as a support for intelligence skills that affect the thinking of athletes. Then from the data analysis it can be said that the higher the level of achievement of chess playing skills, the higher the level of problem solving as in learning mathematics
PHEDHERAL Vol 15, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v15i1.50573


The purpose of this research is to improve learning outcomes of basic locomotor movements of walking and running through the medium of learning in class V SDLB Erha Pabelan Semarang 2017/2018.This research is a classroom action research. This study was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of two meetings. Subjects in this Class Action Research is a fifth grade students SDLB Erha Pabelan Semarang totaling 7 students consisted of five boys and two student daughters. Sources of data in this study come from students, researchers and teachers who act as collaborators.Data collection technique used tests and observation. The validity of the data using the technique of triangulation data. Analysis of data using qualitative descriptive technique that is based on a qualitative analysis of the percentage.  Results of research on pre-cycle only two students who completed (28.57%) and 5 students are not completed (71.42%). In the first cycle of learning basic movements locomotor result students who have completed as many as four students (56.67%) and 3 students are not completed (42.85%). With the acquisition of affective (57.14%), psychomotor (57.14%) and cognitive (71.42%). In the second cycle was obtained in student learning outcomes that have been completed by 6 students (85.71%) and 1 student is not completed (14.28%). With the acquisition of affective (85.71%), psychomotor (80%) and cognitive (76.67%) Based on the analysis of the first cycle and the second cycle showed an increase in the targeted achievement.  Based on the results obtained the conclusion that: The use of the application of instructional media can improve learning outcomes basic motion forehand push in table tennis in Class V SDLB Erha Pabelan Semarang academic year 2017/2018.