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Nur Fadila Amin
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Al-Maraji': Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
ISSN : 25798863     EISSN : 26566958     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Jurnal Al-Marãji’ p-ISSN: 2579-8863 e-ISSN: 2656-6958 adalah jurnal berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Jurnal ini dikhususkan pada kajian Pendidikan bahasa Arab baik teori maupun praktek. Jurnal Al-Marãji’ terbit dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Naskah yang dimuat dalam jurnal ini berasal dari hasil penelitian dan kajian ilmiah yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, akademisi, maupun pemerhati dalam bidang sastra dan pendidikan Bahasa Arab.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 6 Documents
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Penerapan Media Gambar Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Terhadap Penguasaan Kosakata Siswa Kelas VII MTs Negeri 3 Enrekang Nurhidayah Masdi Siduppa; A. Fajriwati Tadjuddin; Sulaeman Masnan
Al-Maraji' : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Al-Maraji': Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

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The purpose of this study is to find out the apllication of Image Media in Arabic Language Learning on vocabulary mastery of Grade VII Mts Negeri 3 Enrekang students. This study uses Class Action Research. Data collection techniques are observation techniques, tests, and documentation.The results showed an increase from cycle I to cycle II. From the test data, it can be known that the average grade score of 24 students in cycle I is 64,84, and in cycle II is 85,55. It is known that the increase was 11,20% from meeting I to the second meeting. And there was an increase of 62,70% from the second meeting to the third meeting followed by an increase of 34,70% from meeting III to meeting IV. Based on the research conducted, the results of the improvement of mastery of Arabic vocabulary through image media in grade VII students of Mts Negeri 3 Enrekang is 36,21% this indicates that the use of image media is effectively used in the mastery of Arabic vocabulary.
Analisis Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Dasar Nonformal Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Penyintas Bencana Banjir Bandang di Kelurahan Kappuna Kecamatan Masamba Kabupaten Luwu Utara Nur Fadillah; Mahlani Sabae; Muhammad Ibrahim
Al-Maraji' : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Al-Maraji': Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

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The objectives of this study are 1. To determine the analysis of non-formal basic Arabic learning strategies to increase learning interest in flash flood survivors in Kappuna village, Masamba sub-district, North Luwu district. 2. To find out the supporting and inhibiting factors in increasing the interest in learning of flash flood survivors in Kappuna Village, Masamba District, North Luwu Regency. 3. To find out the efforts to increase the interest in learning of flash flood survivors in Kappuna Village, Masamba District, North Luwu RegencyThe results showed that the non-formal basic Arabic learning strategy that was applied to increase the interest in learning of banjir bandang survivors was a mufrodat learning strategy which was then combined with the direct learning method (الطريقة المباشرة). Interest is influenced by several supporting factors including volunteers, availability of writing instruments, family and environment and interesting materials. The inhibiting factors are the sense of trauma, inadequate facilities and infrastructure and the distance to the place of learning which is quite difficult to reach for the survivors. Then behind these factors, there are efforts made by several parties including involving volunteers from several regions to take a psychosocial approach to child survivors.
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Mardianah Haris
Al-Maraji' : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Al-Maraji': Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

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This paper discusses how technology can be used in the Arabic learning process. Various problems of learning Arabic in accordance with the contexts faced in various educational institutions, the teaching staff allows modification of methods in teaching and learning. This can be done with the development of technology that contains a lot of information that can be used to improve learning outcomes. The discussion on the application of technology in Arabic learning contains questions, namely what forms of technology can be used, whether technology can play a role in the alignment and sustainability of Arabic learning from elementary to upper secondary level, whether technology can make students more interested in learning the language. Arabic, whether technology can create realization and relevance to what students feel, whether technology can create more varied Arabic learning media which is still lacking, whether technology can improve the ability or competence of educators in teaching Arabic, whether technology is able to take advantage of the time allocation for learning Arabic, is technology able to create an Arabic-speaking environment.
Analisis Upaya Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Arab Siswa Kelas VII di Masa Pandemi Covid- 19 Di MTs Negeri Nagekeo Nusa Tenggara Timur Nur Sarfian; M. Ilham Muchtar; Nasruni Nasruni
Al-Maraji' : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Al-Maraji': Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

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The aims of this study were: 1) To find out the process of learning Arabic for grade VII student at MTs Negeri Ngekeo during the Covid-19 Pandemic, 2) To find out the teacher’s efforts in improving Arabic learning outcomes for grade VII student at MTs Negeri Nagekeo during the Covid-19 Pandemic.The results of this study indicate that; In the process of learning Arabic, the role of Arabic teachers in learning Arabic at MTs Negeri Nagekeo has made efforts to improve students’ Arabic learning outcomes. in this case, there are several process of lesarning Arabic, namely: making syllabus, making lesson plans,and learning approaches. then there are several efforts made by teachers in improving Arabic learning outcomes, namely; Arabic teachers provide materials, Arabic theachers provide five vocabularies to memorize the objects in the park, then provide motivation, do learning strategies and get.
Implementasi Peranan Quantum Teaching Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah Limbung Gowa Sulawesi Selatan Rahmawati Rahmawati; Abd. Rahim Razaq; Muhammad Ibrahim
Al-Maraji' : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Al-Maraji': Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

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This study used a Quantum Teaching learning model, using classroom action research. the aim of this research is 1) To find out whether Arabic learning runs effectively when the Quantum Teaching learning model is applied and can be absorbed well. 2) To see whether students are increasingly interested in learning Arabic when the Quantum Teaching learning model is applied. 3) To find out what are the inhibiting and supporting factors for learning Arabic for the students of SMP Muhammadiyah Limbung. Regency. Gowa, South Sulawesi.The results of this study prove that the changes are quite good, and the students are more enthusiastic about learning after getting Arabic learning with the Quantum Teaching model, the students' interest in learning is getting better and the enthusiasm for learning is increasing so that learning can be considered quite effective. Some of the influences that arise are caused by the influence of technological advances, taking emotional approaches and actively establishing communication and then motivating students in need.
Implementasi Pembelajaran Tarjamah Melalui Whatsappgroup Bagi Siswa Kelas VII MTs Muhammadiyah Cambajawaya Gowa Sulawesi Selatan Munawir Munawir; Nur Fadilah Amin
Al-Maraji' : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Al-Maraji': Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

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The purpose of this study is 1. To find out how the implementation of learning through Whats App Group (WAG) for students VII MTs Muhammadiyah Cambajawaya Gowa, South Sulawesi.  2. To find out the supporting and inhibiting factors for the Implementation of Learning Tarjamah through Whats App Group for Class VII students of MTs Muhammadiyah Cambajawaya Gowa, South Sulawesi.  3. To find out the efforts made in the implementation of Tarjamah learning through Whats App Group (WAG) for Class VII students of MTs Muhammadiyah Cambajawaya Gowa, South Sulawesi. The type of research used is qualitative research. The subject of this research is the seventh grade teacher of MTs Muhammadiyah Camabajawaya Gowa South Sulawesi. The data collection technique used is the observation technique.  interviews, documentation. The results showed that the 1. Application of tarjamah learning through Whats App Group was ineffective and less flexible because there were several obstacles. 2. There ara factors that influence namely signal interference, cellphone memory full of lack of interaction, difficulty in knowing seriousness in learning, lack of student learning motivation, lack of online learning support facilities, and  difficult to understand the material provided, 3. Efforts made to overcome the obstacles that occur from the use of Whats App Group as a medium in online learning it is suggested that teachers are able to make variations in learning, especially by using features in the Whats App Group.

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