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CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika
ISSN : 27221407     EISSN : 27221393     DOI :
Tujuan dari penerbitan jurnal ini adalah untuk menyebarkan hasil kajian ilmiah dan penelitian dalam bidang ilmu : Teologi Biblikal (Perjanjian Lama dan Baru) Teologi dan Etika Teologi Pastoral dan Etika Pelayanan Gerejawi Misiologi Biblikal dan Praktikal Pendidikan Agama Kristen
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 56 Documents
Efektivitas Pendampingan Orang Tua Terhadap Tingkat Pemahaman Seksual Remaja Kalis Stevanus; Hardiyanti Setyorini; Yunianto Yunianto
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injil Bhakti Caraka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46348/car.v3i1.88


Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. During this period, adolescents experience various developments, and one of them is related to their sexuality. In the development of sexuality, adolescents have a great curiosity related to their reproductive organs. This is where the important role of parental assistance is so that teenagers have the correct information about sex. The purpose of this study was to prove the effectiveness of parental assistance on the formation of adolescent sexual behavior. This research is a type of quantitative research that is descriptive and associative. The results show the fact that there is a very significant influence of the role of parental assistance on the formation of adolescent sex behavior by 71.1%.
Pendidikan Penggunaan Media Sosial Bagi Remaja Kristen Roy Damanik; Agripa Selly
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injil Bhakti Caraka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46348/car.v3i1.79


This paper aims to find out the importance of education on the use of social media for the development of Christian youth. Education on the use of social media is a lesson that is poured and how to use social media with the aim of directing and providing a good lesson to the community, especially to teenagers. How to use social media well, so that social media is not used for something that is not good. Social media users, especially Christian teenagers, really need to be equipped with the right understanding through education on the use of social media, so that teenagers have wisdom in the use of social media. This research, uses a literature study research method. The results of this study indicate that there is a need for special teaching regarding education on the use of social media, especially for Christian youth in the current era of disruption. Therefore, both parents, teachers, and the church really need to actively participate in education about the use of social media for teenagers.
Makna Doa Menurut Perspektif Paulus Dalam Surat-Suratnya Dan Implementasinya Terhadap Kehidupan Orang Percaya Alferdi Alferdi; Eirene Imiawati Rindi
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injil Bhakti Caraka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46348/car.v3i1.80


The purpose of writing this article is to analyze Paul's understanding of prayer, so that prayer is well understood by believers, and not just a formality. Being a believer is certainly not enough just to believe. In living this belief, a person should have a good relationship between himself and the Creator. In Christianity, prayer is a link between people and God. However, some people sometimes misunderstand the meaning of prayer in their lives. Some people think that prayer has the purpose of being able to talk to God only when asking God, or only when in a struggle to come to God. When these things are kept by believers, it can be concluded that their understanding of prayer is still shallow. The writing of this article uses a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach. The author will explore information about Paul's understanding of prayer, by utilizing related journals and books. This research shows that Paul understands prayer as a suggestion to build a more intimate relationship with God. Besides that, prayer is also a suggestion to gain God's power and love. That is what believers must understand, so that in offering every prayer to God it is truly based on humility and sincerity.
YOSUA SANG PEPEMIMPIN: Implementasi Pola Kepemimpinan Yosua Dalam Kehidupan Bergereja Masa Kini Yupe Usiel; Solideo Bole; Suarman Lase; Sylvia Natalia; Fransiskus Irwan Widjaja; Talizaro Tafonao
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injil Bhakti Caraka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46348/car.v3i1.82


This research aims to understand Joshua’s leadership pattern that can be integrated into the churches today. In this writing, the author will discuss that a Christian leader is a person who has received a salvation from God through Jesus Christ, and he or she believes that God has called him or her with a responsibility, as a Christian leader which has the quality to integrate. The methodology in this research is qualitative. The author examined database using resources from articles, journals, books, and reliable literatures. The findings from this research that the model of Joshua’s leadership is kind, courage, integrated, innovative, and perseverance. Therefore, Joshua’s leadership is able to be implemented in every day’s aspect of life as a Christian as well as in development of education and technology.
Strategi Pendampingan Pastoral Bagi Jemaat Di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Marnaek Nainggolan
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injil Bhakti Caraka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46348/car.v3i1.85


One of the most difficult things for pastors during the coronavirus pandemic is the challenge of providing pastoral care to the church member in times of physical distancing by implementing health protocols. Ready or not ready for various adaptations have occurred, in pastoral care. The era of Covid-19 has led to all social structures globally, including the church ministry community. a pandemic on the congregation that causes unrest, social, emotional, psychological and economic impacts that change the physical face of the church and congregation. When church members struggle financially, the church, church members are greatly affected by the currency experience, the church also faces financial instability. Pandemic and increasing inequalities existing inequalities among church members. As pastors of the congregation, it is proper to accompany them in the midst of this prolonged crisis. However, nowadays many shepherds have difficulty in carrying out face-to-face mentoring services in connection with the pandemic period which has not ended until now. Even though the pandemic era has lasted for two years, many people are still worried about carrying out various activities as they usually did before the Covid-19 era. The purpose of this research is to get the right strategy so that it can be implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic. using qualitative research methodologies; The method used is descriptive qualitative through research on various relevant literature using a biblical perspective, conducting qualitative analysis by selecting and researching six strategies for pastoral care services for congregations in the Covid-19 Pandemic era and research results from journals in the last five years. From the results of the study, it can be said that it is necessary to implement relevant pastoral care strategies in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic by taking the important values of the six pastoral care strategies studied.
Persepsi GMAHK Jemaat Tincep Minahasa Terhadap Mati Adalah Tidur Berdasarkan Yohanes 11:11,13 jeki momuat; Bartholomeus Diaz Nainggolan; Stimson Hutagalung; Dwi Andrianta
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injil Bhakti Caraka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46348/car.v3i1.86


The events of death that God allows make very deep sorrow, even frustration and despair in life. This is triggered by ignorance about the real condition of the dead. From this background, the purpose of this study is to explore the knowledge of the congregation about the condition of the dead based on John 11:11 and 13, after which the data obtained will be analyzed and finally a final conclusion will be drawn. The research method used is a quantitative method with a survey approach. The data collection technique was using a questionnaire and distributing it to the members of the Minahasa Congregation of Minahasa GMAHK congregation. The number of samples used is 70% of the adult members totaling 119 people, then the sample taken is 83 people. The results of the questionnaire were used to analyze the understanding of church members about death as sleep. The result of this research is that the Tincep Minahasa congregation has an understanding that people who die are like sleeping people and will rise again when Jesus comes the second time, not an understanding that the dead have spiritual life in another world.
Descriptive Study of the Relationship between Complaining and Faith in Facing Suffering Based on Job Chapter 3 Pardomuan Marbun; Charisma Melniatri
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injil Bhakti Caraka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46348/car.v3i2.90


This article discusses a descriptive study of the relationship between complaints and faith and belief in dealing with suffering based on job. The research method used is library research to find data related to complaints and also faith, specifically data regarding the story of Job's complaints in the third chapter of the book of Job. From the research conducted, it is found that the complaints expressed by Job show Job's understanding of his humanity, which means that Job is an ordinary human being who is the same as humans in general. Therefore, as an ordinary human being, complaining about the regret of the day of birth, expecting death at birth and despairing to the point of wanting death are complaints that are closely related to the lack of faith. In this case, when a believer experiences suffering that is so severe that it suppresses his mind, emotions and even his physical health, it can erode his faith in God. Keywords: Job, Old Testament Theology, Faith, Complaint, Suffering
Membangun Kepemimpinan Kristen Tranfromnasional di masa pandemic Covid-19: Membangun Kepemimpinan Kristen Tranfromnasional di masa pandemic Covid-19 Purim Marbun; Efesus Suratman; Muryati Muryati Muryati; Yusak Setianto
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injil Bhakti Caraka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46348/car.v3i2.92


Abstract The pandemic period provides various kinds of impacts, one of which is the impact on the leadership aspect. Changes in the situation can affect the leadership process, with this problem the church needs to have a strategy in dealing with this. Appropriate responses and changes are needed to offset the impact of the pandemic. It is in this changing situation that Transnational Christian leadership is needed. The purpose of this research is so that Christian leaders can be built in times of this Pandemic. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. To obtain the necessary data through a literature review for transformative leadership. From this research, the results were found, namely by building leadership that is Transnational Christian Leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic, it has an influence on those who are led to remain confident and confident, always optimistic and have an attitude of helping each other during this pandemic. The people they lead are expected to be more confident and optimistic to optimize their potential, as well as develop other abilities to be able to survive through difficult situations.
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injil Bhakti Caraka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46348/car.v3i2.99


Christian leadership has not run as it should be called as a true Christian leader according to the Bible, this happens not only in Christian family life but also in churches and Christian religious organizations, even in society and government whose positions and responsibilities are played by people who claim to be Christian. Several facts are presented in this study as evidence. While the practice that has been carried out for a long time by the Bible characters appointed in this study shows good leadership practices and can be imitated by current and future Christian leaders because these figures also experience leadership challenges that are not small and even threaten their lives and integrity and faith in God. The research method was carried out by library research. The results of this study show examples of Bible characters whose leadership is good and pleasing to God, in other words a Christian leadership model that is finishing well and can be used as a reference guide in Christian leadership education.
Larangan Minum Minuman Keras bagi Imam Berdasarkan Imamat 10:8-11 dan Implementasinya bagi Gembala Jemaat Alferdi Alferdi; Yulita Arruan; Resvin Tapparan; Karisma Nari
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injil Bhakti Caraka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46348/car.v3i2.106


Abstract The purpose of writing this article is to provide an understanding to the church pastor about the prohibition of drinking alcohol as viewed from Leviticus 10: 8-11. Liquor (alcoholic drink) is often a matter of debate because on the other hand there are some who think that liquor is something that can increase the excitement of appearing, but if it is examined further, many negative things arise from consuming liquor. This is triggered because liquor contains alcohol which can be intoxicating. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method by analyzing the phenomena that occur, and utilizing various literatures such as books and journals. This research shows that there is a prohibition for the Imam to drink liquor because alcohol contains alcohol which can have a negative impact. In addition, as priests who are representatives of the people in offering sacrifices, they are required to be holy so they can enter the temple and can carry out their duties responsibly. To maintain this holiness in the book of Leviticus 10: 8-11 expressly prohibits priests from drinking alcoholic beverages. . Seeing this reality, if it is related to church leaders today, namely the Shepherd, it is fitting to maintain holiness, especially when leading worship. The pastor of the church is expected to be able to avoid alcoholic beverages such as those contained in the book of Leviticus.