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Journal of Technomaterial Physics
ISSN : 26560747     EISSN : 26560755     DOI :
Journal of Technomaterial Physics (JoTP) is a peer-review national journal that is published twice a year, in February and August. JoTP provides an open access policy for the writer and free publication charge. Due to its open access policy, JoTP serves online publication and a fast review process. The scope of this journal are: 1. Theoretical Physics 2. Applied Physics 3. Material Physics 4. Computational Physics and Machine Learning 5. Experimental Physics 6. Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics 7. Biophysics and Medical Physics 8. Geophysics 9. Energy and Energy Conversion 10. Advanced Materials (photonics, nanomaterial and nanotechnology) 11. Electronics and Electrical Engineering 12. Metrology JoTP receives an original article with the maximal length of 10 pages and provides an open access policy for the writers and free publication charge.
Articles 10 Documents
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Development of Camera-Based Rainfall Intensity Measurement Tool with Fourier Transform Analysis Sirenden, Bernadus Herdi; Manao, Arisman; MN, Nasruddin
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Technomaterial Physics
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jotp.v3i2.5407


In this research, the development of a camera-based rainfall intensity measuring instrument with the Fourier Transform Analysis has been carried out. The ESP32 CAM Microcontroller was used to capture images and record rainfall videos. The research objective was to design a development model for measuring rainfall intensity, understanding the working principle of the tool, and knowing the histogram of the rainfall intensity video recording produced by the rainfall intensity detection tool. The research consisted of several stages, namely literature study, design of research tools and components, system design, assembly of tools, testing of all components, programs and screen record testing and image capture. The design model for the development of a measuring instrument for rainfall intensity that has been made is that when water flows through the shower there will be rainfall. The process of rainfall will be captured and recorded by the ESP32 CAM Microcontroller which is accessed via a computer device. Experiments were carried out ten times, with a time span of 60 seconds per experiment and an increase in rainfall every minute, then the data was processed using python software in the form of a histogram (grayscale), which would be analyzed using the Fourier Transform Analysis method. The results showed that the development of a camera-based rainfall intensity gauge has worked well.
Soil Moisture Monitoring System in Arugula Plants (Eruca Sativa) Using Microcontroller Esp8266 NodeMCU Perangin-angin , Bisman; Simanjuntak, Hartono
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Technomaterial Physics
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jotp.v3i2.5488


The Internet of Things (IoT) is getting great attention from researchers nowadays, as it becomes an important technology that promises intelligent human life, with between objects, machines and everything together with people. IoT represents a system consisting of real-world things, and sensors attached to or combined with these things, connected to the internet through cable and wireless network structures. With IoT, the world will be smart in every aspect because IoT will provide smart city facilities, smart health care, smart homes and buildings, in addition to many important applications such as smart energy, grid, transportation, waste management and monitoring. One microcontroller device that supports the use of IoT is the Esp8266 NodeMCU integrated with the Blynk application. So that with the design of a system to control/monitor the condition or moisture of the soil in arugula plants, the cultivation or production can be more maximal and efficient.
Optimization of Band Pass Filter for Variance Reduction in Determining The Solution of Moment Tensor and Focusing Mechanism with ISOLA-GUI Sequence of The Minahasa Peninsula Earthquake Date 28 September 2018 to 1 October 2018 Anggono, Titi; Tarigan, Rio Rinaldo; Barus, Diana Alemin
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Technomaterial Physics
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jotp.v3i2.5558


Sulawesi is one of the islands in Indonesia with a high level of seismicity because there are many active faults, especially in the Minahasa Peninsula area. This study discusses the moment tensor solution and the focus mechanism in the Minahasa Peninsula region from 28 September 2018 to 1 October 2018 using the ISOLA-GUI program. This program is used to process seismic data from the three components recorded by the seismogram. The data used in this study were five earthquake events consisting of earthquake foreshock, earthquake mainshock, and earthquake aftershock. With the ISOLA program, data processing is carried out which includes: crustal models, event info, selecting earthquake recording stations, preparing raw data for defining seismic sources, calculating green functions with computations, performing inversions and plotting results. In the inversion, the frequency of the band pass filter is selected to obtain the optimal reduction variance. After processing, calculating and interpreting the plot results, a fault model is obtained for each earthquake event, namely strike-slip. 
Utilization of Produced Heat in Motorcycle Exhaust as a Mobile Battery Charger Using Thermoelectric Seebeck Generator Naibaho, Eko; Tamba, Takdir
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Technomaterial Physics
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jotp.v3i2.5570


Produced heat from motorcycle exhaust has been used to recharge cellphone batteries using a thermoelectric seebeck generator and program settings from the Arduino microcontroller. This tool consists of an LM 35 sensor that functions as a temperature reader, TEG as a heat converter to voltage, DC to DC Booster as a voltage controller, Arduino Uno as a data processor, LCD as a display. The software in this tool uses the Arduino IDE program. This tool is used to convert heat into voltage. The working principle of this system in general is that when the exhaust heat is removed, the controller will read the data from the LM 35 temperature sensor. After that the data will be processed by the microcontroller. After obtaining the processed data, the result data is then displayed on the LCD and the relay circuit will activate the system when the required voltage is appropriate
Solar Power-Based Thermo Electric Cooler (TEC) System Situmorang, Marhaposan; Panjaitan, Monika
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Technomaterial Physics
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jotp.v3i2.5624


Solar energy has been considered as a promising renewable energy source for electric power generation. Solar panel systems have become a popular object to be developed by researchers, but the low efficiency of solar panels in energy conversion is one of the weaknesses of this system. Factors that affect the output produced by solar panels are the intensity of sunlight and the working temperature of the solar panels. The solar panel module has a single operating point where the voltage and current outputs produce the maximum power output. There are three main methods in Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), namely conventional methods, artificial intelligence methods, and hybrid methods. In most solar panel systems, this study uses Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) with perturb and observe algorithms to maximize the use of solar energy. The maximum power point extracted by MPPT will be supplied to the battery and controlled by the Charge Controller. The energy stored in the battery will be used by the Thermo Electric Cooler cooling system to reach the desired temperature point using the keypad as temperature input.
Battery on Carburization ST 37 Steel Sebayang, Melya Dyanasari
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Technomaterial Physics
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jotp.v3i2.5810


A surface hardening process by adding carbon to its surface without changing the core properties of the material is called the carburization process. This process is carried out at the austenite temperature so that the carbon can diffuse into the phase. This process can only be done on low carbon steels with a content of below 0.25%. This research uses ST 37 steel which is a low content steel with a carbon content of 0.18%. This type of steel is surface hardened with a carburizing temperature of 850°C for a long lasting time of 1 hour, then it is carried out under moderate cooling with outside air media. This research produces a carburizing method with carbon battery media that easily breaks down into steel, which occurs in carbon batteries at temperatures below 723°C. And change its mechanical properties from the comparison of the initial mechanical properties of the specimen. Carburizing with battery rock media is more efficient at temperatures below 723°C. Because of at temperatures below austenite or below the carburizing temperature of carbon from the batteries, it can absorb the surface of the steel even though the amount is still very small. Because the temperature is below the austenite temperature, the absorbed carbons cannot diffuse as happened in the carburization process, but the absorbed carbons can bind the grain boundaries so that they change their hardness by 4%. The microstructure in the research that occurs in this process has nothing to change its phase because the temperature does not reach the austenite temperature.
Automatic Aquarium Cleaner and Fish Feeder Based on Microcontroller Atmega8535 Perangin-angin , Bisman; Ginting, Teopilus Andri Putra
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Technomaterial Physics
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jotp.v3i2.6157


The design of an aquarium cleaner and automatic fish feeder based on the Atmega8535 microcontroller has been successfully carried out. Testing is carried out after all components are integrated into one including the overall program that has been made. Testing is done by running the system according to the procedure and observing the system's performance, starting with measuring turbidity and checking the water replacement schedule. The work processes running on the system are analyzed after testing. When the water turbidity level is high, the drain pump will activate and pump water out of the aquarium. After the remaining water level is about 25%, the drain pump will stop, and the filling pump will be active. The fill pump runs until the water level reaches 100% and then shuts down. After 10 minutes of filling the water, the servo motor will move and drop the fish feed into the aquarium.
Mechanical Properties Analysis of Medium Carbon Steel Heated at 850°C by Quenching in NaOH Solution Sitorus, Stefen; Sinuhaji, Perdinan
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Technomaterial Physics
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jotp.v3i2.6533


The aim of this study is to analyze the mechanical properties of carbon steel medium by quenching in NaOH solution. Heating medium of the carbon steel in a heating furnace is 850°C. The cooling process in NaOH solution was varied in concentration of NaOH (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%), and the sample was allowed to reach room temperature (27°C). The original medium carbon steel hardness value is 9.4 HRC and the tensile strength value is 656.85 MPa, while for materials with heat treatment processes and cooling processes with different concentrations of NaOH (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%) resulted in hardness values of 57 HRC, 58.3 HRC, 58.5 HRC, 60 HRC, 57.5 HRC and tensile strength values of 728.50 MPa, 835.99 MPa, 987.26 MPa, 1035 MPa, and 855 MPa for different concentrations of NaOH (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% , 25 %). Analysis of XRD crystalline structure on medium carbon steel with intermediate carbon steel from the three highest peaks of each test sample was found that its orthorhombic crystal structure in which lattice parameters a, b, and c.
Machine Optimization of SNK HF Fabrication Plant in PT. Komatsu Indonesia with FMEA Method and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Argarino, Titus; Melya Dyanasari Sebayang; Bantu Hotsan Manullang
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Technomaterial Physics
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jotp.v3i2.6635


The effectiveness of a machine is an important thing in the production process; the losses that arise can cause time losses and hamper the process, especially in vital production facilities. The SNK HF machine is a machine with category A or critical with the highest damage occurring throughout 2019–2020. Analysis of the condition of the machine’s effectiveness in this study was done by using the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) method, namely by knowing the conditions of availability, performance and quality. The results of the OEE analysis are followed by a failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) to overcome the problems that occur. The condition of machine damage and the availability of machine parts are the factors that most affect the decrease in the effectiveness of the SNK HF machine.
Analysis of the Effect of Heating Temperature on Tension Strength, Elongation and Function Clusters on Composite Tube Aerial Fiber Optic Cable G.652D-STEL-K-036-2012 Herman, Herman Perez Purba; Budiarto, Budiarto; Sebayang, Melya Dyanasari
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Technomaterial Physics
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jotp.v3i2.6831


The composite material of the fiber optic cable tube (G.652D-Stel-K-036-2012) or Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)-Master Batch MB) has been tested for tensile strength, elongation, and functional groups for fiber optic tube cladding materials. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of heating temperatures of 2500C, 2550C, and 2600C on tensile strength, elongation, and functional groups in PBT-MB composite tube for fiber optic tube cladding material. The PBT-MB composite material was made by mixing PBT (80% by weight) with MB (20% by weight) in a ball mill. Then put together and processed into a tube on the extruder. Tensile and elongation strength was tested bytensile test, functional group test with FTIR, and humidity test. The results of the tensile test and elongation test increased with increasing heating temperature and still met the specified standard. The results of the functional group test showed that there was a CH bond from the PBT Tube at the highest wave peak, namely 2923.54 cm-11,725.10 cm-1,there was also a CH Aldehydes bond at a wavelength of 2852.19 cm-1,935.30 cm-1,916.02cm-1,873.59 cm -1,811.88 cm-1, the carbonyl bond C=C at a wavelength of 1708.61 cm-1,and the last is an Aromatic bond at a wavelength of 1504.20 cm-1. The chemical bonds in the test compounds were PBT-MB tube composites. From all the tests carried out, it was concluded that the variation of temperature on the manufacture of PBT-MB tube composites was very influential on the quality and still met the established standards.

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