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JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA)
ISSN : 25408658     EISSN : 25408658     DOI :
Core Subject : Engineering,
Aim: to facilitate scholar, researchers, and teachers for publishing the original articles of review articles. Scope: Electrical, Electronica, Telecomunication, Medical Electronica, Digital system, Control system.
Articles 98 Documents
Centroid Based Classifier With TF – IDF – ICF for Classfication of Student’s Complaint at Appliation E-Complaint in Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo Mochamad Alfan Rosid; Gunawan Gunawan; Edwin Pramana
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2015): April
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v1i1.23


Text mining mengacu pada proses mengambil informasi berkualitas tinggi dari teks. Informasi berkualitas tinggi biasanya diperoleh melalui peramalan pola dan kecenderungan melalui sarana seperti pembelajaran pola statistik. Salah satu kegiatan penting dalam text mining adalah klasifikasi atau kategorisasi teks. Kategorisasi teks sendiri saat ini memiliki berbagai metode antara lain metode K-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes, dan Centroid Base Classifier, atau decision tree classification.Pada penelitian ini, klasifikasi keluhan mahasiswa dilakukan dengan metode centroid based classifier dan dengan fitur TF-IDF-ICF, Ada lima tahap yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil klasifikasi. Tahap pengambilan data keluhan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan tahap preprosesing yaitu mempersiapkan data yang tidak terstruktur sehingga siap digunakan untuk proses selanjutnya, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses pembagian data, data dibagi menjadi dua macam yaitu data latih dan data uji, tahap selanjutnya yaitu tahap pelatihan untuk menghasilkan model klasifikasi dan tahap terakhir adalah tahap pengujian yaitu menguji model klasifikasi yang telah dibuat pada tahap pelatihan terhadap data uji. Keluhan untuk pengujian akan diambilkan dari database aplikasi e-complaint Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. Adapun hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa klasifikasi keluhan dengan algoritma centroid based classifier dan dengan fitur TF-IDF-ICF memiliki rata-rata akurasi yang cukup tinggi yaitu 79.5%. Nilai akurasi akan meningkat dengan meningkatnya data latih dan efesiensi sistem semakin menurun dengan meningkatnya data latih.
Selection the colour of Object With Conveyor Used Robotic Arm Sy. Syahrorini Mulyadi; Hardi Kurniawan
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2015): April
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v1i1.24


Conveyor konvensional pada saat ini hanya memindahkan barang saja, tidak bisa mendeteksi warna benda dan perlu tenaga manusia untuk menyortir benda, oleh karena alasan itu, maka dirancang suatu conveyor otomatis. Disebut conveyor otomatis karena conveyor tersebut diletakkan sebuah pendeteksi warna untuk mendeteksi jenis warna benda. Conveyor ini dirancang untuk mendistribusikan benda kayu berukuran 6cm x 6cm x 6cm dengan penggerak motor DC 24 VDC dan pendeteksi warna TCS230 dipasang untuk membedakan warna benda. Conveyor dengan sensor warna juga dilengkapi dengan lengan robot yang diprogram sebagai alat penyortir benda, agar tidak bercampurnya jenis warna berbeda.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa conveyor dengan sensor warna ini mampu mendeteksi warna dengan sensor warna TCS230 dengan teliti sesuai dengan program yang dimasukan pada mikrokontroler dan robot lengan mampu menyortir dan menempatkan benda sesuai dengan urutan warnanya.
Characteristics Experimental Study of Wet Cells HHO Generator with Perforated Plate Electrodes A’rasy Fahruddin
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2015): April
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v1i1.25


HHO merupakan gas hasil elektrolisa air yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar tambahan pada motor bakar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik generator HHO menggunakan elektroda pelat berlubang. Elektroda yang dipakai berupa pelat aluminium dengan ukuran 60 x 60 x 0.5 mm3 dengan variasi tanpa lubang, 4 lubang, 6 lubang, dan 9 lubang. Masing-masing lubang berdiameter 4 mm. Variasi tegangan input 3,5; 6; 7,5; 9 Volt. Karakteristik yang diuji meliputi daya input, debit, dan efisiensi generator HHO. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa debit gas HHO yang terbesar dihasilkan dengan elektroda 9 lubang yaitu sebesar 5,77 cc/min dengan daya input 4,59 Watt. Sedangkan efisiensi generator tertinggi juga dihasilkan dengan elektroda 9 lubang yang mampu mencapai efisiensi 63,16 % dengan daya input 0,52 Watt.
Depth Determination of Electrode at Sand and Gravel Dry for Get The Good Of Earth Resistance Jamaaluddin Uddin; Izza Anshory; Eko Agus Suprayitno
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2015): April
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v1i1.26


Penanaman elektroda pentanahan diperlukan untuk melakukan perbaikan nilai tahanan pentanahan. Untuk elektroda pentanahan mempergunakan tembaga pejal (Copper rod) akan memperbaiki tahanan pentanahan pada area disekitar titik ditanamnya elektroda sehingga didapatkan nilai tahanan pentanahan yang memenuhi syarat. Tanah pasir dan kerikil kering mempunyai karakteristik yang unik, karena dijumpainya kesulitan dalam pemasangan elektroda pentanahan karena halangan kerikil, ini akan berakibat tidak dapat kedalaman elektroda yang cukup untuk mendapatkan nilai tahanan pentanahan yang diharapkan.Nilai tahanan pentanahan yang bagus adalah sebesar < 1 Ω sesuai dengan standard PUIL, 2000. Untuk mendapatkan nilai tahanan pentanahan yang baik, maka dilakukan penanaman elektroda pentanahan dengan mempergunakan Rod tembaga pejal (Copper Rod) dengan diameter dan kedalaman tertentu yang paling sesuai dengan jenis tanah pasir dan kerikil kering.Pada penelitian ini disimulasikan beberapa posisi kedalaman elektroda pentanahan. Pada 3 (tiga) titik yang berbeda. Dari penelitian ini, maka didapatkan hasil, pada kondisi tanah pasir dan kerikil kering dengan mempergunakan elektroda pentanahan Tembaga pejal dengan diameter 5/8 inchi didapatkan nilai pentanahan < 1 Ω pada kedalaman 3.5 m.
An Approach Transient Stability Analysis Using Equivalent Impedance Modified in 150 kV South of Sulawesi System Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal; Herman Nawir; Herlambang Setiadi; Andi Imran
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v1i1.758


One of methods that can be used to determine the stability of a power system if the fault occured is the equal area criterion method. The equal area criterion method (Equal Area Criterion, EAC) is an example of a direct method for predicting the stability and also the critical clearing time (Critical clearing time). However, to calculate the complex calculations required to determine the equivalent impedance of each condition system. In this study used several approaches to facilitate the calculation of the equivalent impedance. This method uses the equation of power losses. This method is equivalent impedance using modified with Ploss and Qloss for Determining Pmax. From the analysis, it can be concluded the use of this method is quite accurate in analyzing or calculating the transient stability of the generator system in South Sulawesi, with each loading condition, before, during and after short circuit. Generator being looked at is Bakaru, Pare, Suppa, Barru and Sengkang.
Telemetri Flowmeter Menggunakan RF Modul 433MHz Frima Setyawan Nur Rohman; Ahmadan Ainul Fikri; Ahmad Nur Fuad; Rahmat Rohim; Rifki Firmansyah
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v1i1.9


In the 20th century this distance is still a constraint in efforts to measure and retrieve data. In an efficiency effort, a long distance measuring device is required. One method to measure from a distance is to use the Telemetry method. Telemetry is a method for measuring a variable in which monitoring is done remotely. The use of telemetry can be used to transmit data from the flowmeter sensor to be received by the receiver. This study discusses the effect of obstacles on transmitter work to send data to the receiver and test the accuracy of the flowmeter sensor. From this study it can be concluded that the effective distance of data transmission depends on the obstacle, the farthest distance is the moment without obstacles, then decreases when there is a hitch, and will decrease again when one receiver or transmitter is placed in a closed room. And for the accuracy of the sensor, the percentage of accuracy is low at the time of the slow water current, and vice versa high accuracy is obtained when the water current is fast. Based on the research we poured in this journal, water flow measurements using RF Arduino-based 433MHz Modules can measure the flow of water at a distance of up to 35meter with an average error of only 4.1%.
Perancangan Sistem Telemetri Untuk Mengukur Intensitas Cahaya Berbasis Sensor Light Dependent Resistor Dan Arduino Uno Arief Rahmadiansyah; Ele Orlanda; Merti Wijaya; Hanif Wigung Nugroho; Rifki Firmansyah
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v1i1.760


Light is a propagation of electromagnetic waves that spread all directions that play an important role in everyday life because it is an absolute part of life and without the light of life on earth can not develop. The amount of light illuminance is necessary to know because basically humans require adequate lighting. The instrument for measuring light illuminance is a luxmeter or light meter. However, this gauge is difficult to obtain and the price of the tool is expensive so that it can only be found in certain school laboratories or colleges. While telemetry is the process of measuring the parameters of an object (objects, space, natural conditions) that the measurement results are transmitted to other places via data transmission without or using a cable (wireless). The purpose of this study is to measure, to know the conditions of light intensity. This research uses experimental model of light intensity measurement using independent measuring instrument with combination of LDR and Arduino uno consisting of transmitter and receiver. In the transmitter there are LDR, Arduino Uno, and RF Module Board 433 MHz components, while the receiver consists of Arduino Uno, laptop, and RF Module Board 433 MHz. In this design is also done a variety of testing tools using distance variables. Overall this tool is working well. The system has successfully delivered telemetry measurement results with a range of conditions without a wall barrier with a maximum distance of <28 m. And conditions there are obstacles diding with a maximum distance <13.2.
Performance Analysis Stability Of Speed Control Of BLDC Motor Using PID-BAT Algorithm In Electric Vehicle Izza Anshory
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v1i1.757


The research on the development of electric vehicles includes such as power electronics, energy storage capability that the higher the battery, reducing fuel emissions, and the motor efficiency. The electric motor efficiency requires the automatic control on the main parameters such as speed, position, and acceleration. The performance setting of speed Brushless DC (BLDC) Motor can be improved by using the controller Proportional Integral Derivative (PID), a combination of PID using nature inspired optimization algorithms such as Bat Algorithm (BA). BA is one of the optimization algorithm that mimics the behavior of bats on the move using a vibration or sound pulses emitted a very loud (echolocation) and listen to the echoes that bounce back from the object to determine the circumstances surrounding vicinity In this paper, simulate of Bat Algorithm to find the best value PID controller parameter to speed control BLDC motor and analyze performance such as the value of overshoot, steady state. The result simulation shows that values for the PID parameters without using algorithm bat is Kp = 208.1177, Ki = 1767, and Kd = -8.6025. While using the algorithm bat got value Kp = 5.4303e+04, Ki = -1.3059e+06, and Kd = 3.0193e+04. The performance of the motor obtained through value rise time of 0. 282, settling time of 1.5, overshoot value of 20.5% and the peak value of 1.21.
Perencanaan Sistem Pentanahan Tenaga Listrik Terintegrasi Pada Bangunan Jamaaluddin Jamaaluddin; Sumarno Sumarno
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v1i1.375


Terms of reliability and security is an absolute thing required in conducting the design of installation of Power System. To obtain the reliability and safety of the use of Power on the Building there must be a good interconnection between Lightning System (Lightning System), Grounding of existing electronic devices in buildings and Grounding System Grounding (Grounding System) it. The interconnection of the three systems is carried out on a Bar Plate located in the Control Room, with a good security indication value and a reliable system if at the point of Bar Plate located in the Control Room has a value below 1 Ω. Using the Dwight formula in obtaining the earthing resistance value of the Electrical Power System on clay as an example shows the depth of Copper Rod 1 m has a value of 0.72 Ω. So by doing a good interconnection between Lightning Trap System (Lightnig System), Grounding Electronic Devices and Grounding System Power (Grounding System) in a building will get a reliable and safe Power System Power.
Perancangan Sensor Suhu Menggunakan Metode Interpolasi Lagrange Berbasis Serat Optik Berstruktur Sms (Singlemode-Multimode-Singlemode) Aslam Chitami Priawan Siregar; Danang Haryo Sulaksono
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 1 No 2 (2017): October
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v1i2.976


In this research, a temperature measurement technique was developed using fiber optic structured SMS and OTDR. Where in optical fibers singlemode-multimode-singlemode (SMS) and Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) has been widely used for various sensors in detecting damage to the building earlier. Thereafter, calculations are performed using Borland Delphi's Lagrange Interpolation method 7. Characteristics of each of the fiber-optic fiber sensor structures that have been fabricated using multimode optical fibers with lengths of 5.5 cm, 6 cm, 6.5 cm and 7 cm and with use its operating wavelength is 1310 nm. Testing rangesuhusebesar 37oC - 67oC with every temperature rise of 10oC.Berdasarkan research results, multimode length 5.5 cm there is a graph increase with R2 of 93.7%. The increase in temperature, the loss of power generated greater. While the multimode length 6 cm, 6.5 cm, and 7 cm indicate that there is a decrease graph, for multimode length 6 cm with R2 equal to 97,7%, for multimode length 6,5 cm with R2 equal to 99,7%, for long multimode 7 cm with R2 99.2%. While based on result of calculation by Lagrange Interpolation method for suhuberstruktur SMS sensor based on result of calculation using Lagrange Interpolation method with different multimode length have same data regularity compared to temperature sensor structured SMS based on measurement result. For example, as long as 7 cm long multimode yield R2 of 99.2% for the measurement result and yield R2 of 99.3% for the calculation result.

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