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Back-Matter JMT Vol 13 No 2 2014 Haryanto, Supri
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 13, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Back-Matter JMT Vol 13 No 2 2014
Analisis Portofolio Untuk Optimalisasi Proyek Studi Kasus : Proyek Pemboran Eksplorasi Migas PT Pertamina ( Persero ) DOH JBB Wiryono, Sudarso Kaderi; Arifin, Asep Samsul
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 5, No 1 2006
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Pemilihan dan evaluasi prospek-prospek eksplorasi minyak dan gas bumi (migas) di suatu daerah, pada umumnya dilakukan dengan mengkaji dua aspek utam, aspek teknikal dan aspek keekonomian. Evaluasi aspek teknikal difokuskan pada kajian mengenai seberapa besar kemungkinan keberadaan migas (probability of oil and gas occurrence) di suatu tempat. Sementara itu, disisi lain, kajian keekonomian dilakukan berdasarkan besarnya sumberdaya yang diperkirakan akan diperoleh dari prospek tersebut. Besarnya sumberdaya yang diperkirakan juga mengandung nilai Resiko yaitu Risiko ukuran (risk size). Berdasarkan ukuran sumberdaya ini, indicator-indikator keekonomian, sebagaimana penilaian investasi proyek pada umumnya, dapat ditentukan. Mekanisme penilaian kedua aspek tersebut pada umumnya, masih dilakukan secara individual terhadap masing-masing prospek. Untuk mengoptimalkan pemilihan dan perencanaan proyek eksplorasi tersebut, suatu aspek diversifikasikan dari portofolio dapat diterapkan. Dengan aspek ini, proyek-proyek pemboran eksplorasi yang terpilih dalam satu tahunnya, diharapkan akan memberikan suatu nilai nilai pengembalian harapan yang maksimum (maximum expected return) dengan tingkat Risiko minimum ( minimum risk). Kajian dilakukan pada rencana sepuluh proyek pemboran eksplorasi terpilih di PT Pertamina DOH JBB ( proyek A sampai dengan proyek J). Dari kesepuluh proyek yang ada, dibentuk suatu portofolio yang terdiri dari masing-masing tiga proyek. Dari bentukan portofolio tersebut, setidaknya dapat dibedakan tiga kelompok portofolio utama. Kelompok pertama dan kelompok kedua merupakan kelompok dengan tingkat pengembalian minimum dan Risiko minimum (low risk-low return) dengan tingkat deviasi antara US$ 2 juta sampai US$ 6 juta dan nilai harapan antara US$ 3 juta sampai US$ 8 juta. Sementara ini kelompok ketiga dapat dikategorikan sebagai kelompok portfolio high risk-high return, yaitu suatu kelompok portfolio dengan tingkat pengembalian maksimum tetapi dengan tingkat risiko yang tinggi pula. Standard deviasi dari kelompok ini adalah berkisar antara US$ 21 juta sampai US$ 31 juta dengan tingkat pengembalian antara US$ 10 juta sampai US$ 16 juta. Dari hasil analisis terlihat bahwa gabungan proyek C-D-H merupakan gabungan yang terbaik untuk dipilih pada rencana proyek pemboran eksplorasi pada tahun pertama. Katakunci: portfolio analysis, risk analysis, risk measurement, project evaluation, probability of success
Identifikasi Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja UKM Catering di Kota Bandung Samir, Alfin; Larso, Dwi
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 10, No 2 2011
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Catering business is general terms for the business that serve various foods and drinks orders include equipment for the needs of party or institution at a certain time and place.The growing demand for catering services causing a large number of new small medium catering enterprises are entering into this area so that makes the high competition among small medium catering enterprises. This condition makes small medium catering enterprises have more challenge in order to maintain their survival. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the factors that influence the performance of small medium catering enterprises in Bandung.This research examines factors that influence small medium catering enterprises performance. These factors include psychological capital of entrepreneurs, human resource management, innovation, entrepreneurial character, and character of small medium catering enterprises.A survey method was used in this study of 97 catering entrepreneurs in Bandung. According to the results, factors influencing small medium catering enterprises performance in Bandung are psychological capital of entrepreneurs and human resource management.The results showed increasing of psychological capital and human resource management will improve small medium catering enterprises performance in Bandung. The results also showed that the most influencing variable toward small medium catering enterprises performance was psychological capital of entrepreneurs that consists of self efficacy, optimism, hope and resiliency.Kata kunci: UKM, catering, kinerja, entrepreneur, modal psikologis, manajemen sumber daya manusi
Faktor - Faktor yang Memengaruhi Perkembangan Investasi pada Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil (TPT) Indonesia Asmara, Alla; Purnamadewi, Yeti Lis; Mulatsih, Sri; Novianti, Tanti
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 12, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Industri tekstil dan produk tekstil (TPT) Indonesia masih menghadapi masalah utama yang terkait dengan produksi dan produktivitas. Struktur industri TPT masih didominasi oleh penggunaan mesin yang relatif tua. Tingkat pertumbuhan investasi yang relatif rendah adalah salah satu faktor utama yang diperkirakan mempengaruhi struktur industri TPT. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi investasi di industri TPT. Model Panel digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan jumlah perusahaan dalam industri TPT di Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Begitu halnya dalam penyerapan tenaga kerja juga semakin meningkat. Namun demikian, perkembangan volume produksi, ekspor, dan impor industri TPT cenderung berfluktuasi. Hasil analisis model panel menunjukkan bahwa biaya bahan baku di dalam negeri, biaya bunga dan produktivitas memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap investasi di industri tekstil dan pakaian. Sementara itu, biaya bahan baku impor, biaya bahan bakar, dan biaya tenaga kerja (upah) berpengaruh negatif terhadap investasi di industri TPT.Kata Kunci: industri tekstil dan produk tekstil, struktur, investasi, model panel, produktivitas
Analisis Transformasi Kapabilitas Penyedia Layanan Broadband Perusahaan Telekomunikasi Indonesia Setiawan, Sri Damar
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 17, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : SBM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (22077.713 KB) | DOI: 10.12695/jmt.2018.17.2.1


Abstrak. Lingkungan bisnis layanan broadband di era bisnis digital sedang mengalami situasi turbulensi, ditandai dengan meningkatnya persaingan bisnis. Persaingan bisnis tidak hanya berasal dari sesama penyedia layanan broadband namun juga dengan Over The Top (OTT). Respon yang dapat dilakukan oleh penyedia layanan broadband adalah mengubah kemampuan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dan membangun model transformasi kapabilitas penyedia layanan broadband perusahaan telekomunikasi Indonesia. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa turbulensi lingkungan mempengaruhi profil kapabilitas manajemen dan sensing data analytics. Profil kapabilitas manajemen mempengaruhi sensing data analytics, seizing, transforming, dan kinerja perusahaan. Selanjutnya, sensing data analytics mempengaruhi seizing dan seizing mempengaruhi transforming. Kemudian, transforming mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan. Untuk implikasi manajerial, penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa pada turbulensi lingkungan yang tinggi, perusahaan perlu melakukan matching kapabilitas terhadap turbulensi lingkungan dan perlu meningkatkan profil kapabilitas manajemen yang mempunyai keunikan. Kinerja perusahaan akan optimal apabila peningkatan profil kapabilitas manajemen melalui 3 aktifitas kapabilitas dinamik yaitu sensing data analytics, seizing, dan transforming.Kata kunci: Kapabilitas dinamik, SEM, sensing data analytics, seizing, transformingAbstract. The business environment of broadband services in the era of digital business is experiencing turbulence situation, marked by increasing business competition. Business competition comes not only from fellow but also Over The Top (OTT) service providers. The response that a broadband service provider can make is transforming capabilities. The objective of this study is to analyze the influential factors and to build the capability transformation model of broadband service providers of the Indonesian telecommunication companies. The analytical technique used in this study was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that environmental turbulence affects the profile of management capability and sensing data analytics. The profile of management capability influences sensing data analytics, seizing, transforming and company performance. Further, the sensing data analytics affects the seizing and then seizing affects the transforming. Later, the transforming affects the company performance. For managerial implications, this study suggests that on high environmental turbulence, firms need to match the capabilities of environmental turbulence and need to enhance the profile of management capabilities that are unique. Company performance will be optimal if the improvement of management capability profile through 3 dynamic capability activities that are sensing data analytics, seizing, and transforming.Keywords: Dynamic capability, SEM, sensing data analytics, seizing, transforming
Production Plan for Wafer Stick Department Using Linear Programming Yudoko, Gatot; Mirzanti, Isti R
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 8, No 3 2009
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Wafer Stick Department of a company located in Bekasi, Indonesia, produces 18 kinds of cookies daily to serve both domestic and foreign markets. All these products had the same production processes, namely warehousing of raw materials, mixing, drying, and packing. This department had its own production plan and would like to know whether the existing plan was a good plan or not. The purpose of this paper is to propose linear programming as a technique that can be used to formulate daily production plan for the Wafer Stick Department. In this paper, we compare the maximum profit obtained by the linear programming to that of the existing plan. The comparison was based on a five week schedule.Observations to the plant, especially at the Wafer Stick Department, interviews with the production planner of the Wafer Stick Department as well as the Marketing Department, and the collection of the required data were used to characterize parameters of the linear programming, namely profit contribution of each product, machine capacity, technological coefficients representing resource usage for producing each type of product in each machine, and other necessary requirements. We used WinQSB to solve our linear programming model which resulted in a feasible and optimal solution with a total profit for the five weeks 2.47 billion rupiahs and this is 0.73 billion rupiahs higher than the use of the existing production schedule.Keywords: production planning, linear programming, wafer stic
Critical Role of Intermediaries on Technology Transfer: Case Study of BIOTROP and Center for Mariculture Development of Lampung Sari, Karlina; Alamsyah, Purnama; Asmara, Anugerah Yuka; Kusnandar, Kusnandar; Mulatsih, Sri
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 16, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Abstract. Relationship among technology generator and technology user is one of factors determining successful technology transfer, but the existence of intermediaries is proven to enhance the absorptive capacity of technology user, especially in rural areas. Government can enact as intermediary by supporting the relationship generator-user, which is commonly found in agriculture and fishery sectors. The aim of this study is to demonstrate how government can support technology transfer from academic institution to rural industry. Using case study method, this study focused on the critical role of Center for Mariculture Development of Lampung (CMDL) which acts as an intermediary of technology transfer process from Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization- Southeast Asian Regional Center for Tropical Biology (SEAMEO-BIOTROP) to seaweed farmers. This study shows that intermediary agent plays an important role in articulating demand from technology user to technology generator, creating network between adopter-generator, and providing resources (fund, technician, industrial-scale laboratory) for technology commercialization. Intermediary with strong commitment to deliver technology to society is highly needed in successful technology transfer.Keywords: technology transfer, technology adoption, tissue culture, seaweed, intermediaryAbstrak. Hubungan antara penghasil dan pengguna teknologi merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan transfer teknologi, tetapi keberadaan lembaga perantara telah dibuktikan mampu meningkatkan kapasitas absorbsi pengguna teknologi, terutama di daerah pedesaan. Pemerintah dapat berperan sebagai perantara antara penghasil dan pengguna teknologi, seperti yang umum ditemukan di sektor pertanian dan perikanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan bagaimana pemerintah dapat mendukung transfer teknologi dari lembaga akademis ke industri pedesaan. Menggunakan metode studi kasus, penelitian ini fokus pada peranan vital Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Laut (BBPBL) Lampung sebagai perantara proses transfer teknologi dari Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization- Southeast Asian Regional Center for Tropical Biology (SEAMEO-BIOTROP) ke pembudidaya rumput laut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa agen perantara memainkan peranan penting dalam menerjemahkan permintaan dari pengguna teknologi ke penghasil teknologi, membangun jaringan antara pengguna-penghasil teknologi, dan menyediakan sumberdaya (dana, teknisi, laboratorium skala industri) untuk komersialisasi teknologi. Perantara dengan komitmen kuat untuk mengantarkan teknologi ke masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan untuk keberhasilan transfer teknologi.Katakunci: transfer teknologi, adopsi teknologi, kultur jaringan, rumput laut, perantara 
Rethinking Management of Technology Simatupang, Togar Mangihut
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 7, No 1 2008
Publisher : SBM ITB

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This paper discusess how management of technology can be made more critical and a new method of reasoning is incorporated into this dicsipline to stimulate more widely application. Management of technology is found as a discipline that practitioners or academics need to have in order to be able to manage and improve technology. It relies on two streams of reasoning called deduction and induction. These two reasoning methods tends to neglect the human need to make sense and therefore fails to stimulate critical thinking of how to extract meaning from complex reality surrounding technology. It is suggested that abduction is the missing link in managemet of technology which is capable to combine the predominant strands of induction and deduction. Based on abductive thinking, TechnoValue is developed as a methodology to gain understanding the general statements when and how new technology creates value to all related stakeholders. Future research is also presented in this paper. Keywords: management of technology, induction, deduction, abduction, information technology
Front-Matter JMT Vol 15 No 1 2016 Haryanto, Supri
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Front-Matter JMT Vol 15 No 1 2016
Integrated municipal solid waste planning and management ( IMSWPM ) in developing countries : The Feasibility analysis of a Case Study in the Municipality of Bandung Yudoko, Gatot
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 4, No 1 2005
Publisher : SBM ITB

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This paper is the second of two parts. In this part, the results of the analysis and evaluation of the proposed framework on integrated municipal solid wastem planning and management (IMSWPM) in developing countries in the Municipality of Bandung are presented. Feasibility analysis for IMSWPM in was hindered by difficulties in quantifying benefits and requirements. In general, our analysis indicated that waste reduction initiatives will be feasible if strong political commitment from the government and funds for conducting public education are available. Source separation initiatives will be feasible if PDK-Bandung is willing to adapt its collection and transportation operation system in particular the collection vehicles. The scheme for employing both local community organizations and the municipal cleansing enterprise in service provision is feasible because it has been implemented and enforced by a municipal law. The feasibility of the proposed arrangement for sorting and recycling centres will be determined by the willingness of the municipal government of Kotamadya Bandung and PDK-Bandung to provide land and to acknowledge waste pickers’ involvement. The feasibility of composting initiatives at household, community and municipal levels will depend upon the availability of funds to create and develop markets for compost. Sanitary landfill as a safe disposal option is feasible if additional revenue can be provided for PDK-Bandung. The use of incineration, meanwhile, seems currently infeasible. The sustainability of IMSWPM in the City of Bandung will be determined by several critical factors, such as stakeholders’ agreement on the common interest(s) such as vision and mission, availability of sufficient resources ( experts, money, support) capability of stakeholders in overcoming barriers to the implementation of IMSWPM, availability of enforcement mechanisms, and existing opportunies for the adoption and implementation of IMSWPM.

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