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Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science
ISSN : 27973131     EISSN : 27973182     DOI : 10.21580/daluang
Focus: library and information science Scope: > Digital Library and Repositories. > Documentation System. > Information and Media Preservation. > Information Policy. > Information Services. > Library and information technology. > Library Management. > Media and Information Literacy. > Organization of Information. > Scholarly Communication. > Scientometrics.
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 2 (2022)" : 8 Documents clear
Analisis bibliometrik perkembangan potensi energi baru dan terbarukan di Indonesia menggunakan R Biblioshiny dan VosViewer Tupan Tupan
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/daluang.v2i2.2022.12516


Introduction. Indonesia is one of the countries that has the highest potential for clean and renewable energy in the world. Indonesia's renewable energy potential includes geothermal, hydro and micro-mini hydro, bioenergy, solar, wind and ocean waves. To find out this potential, a bibliometric analysis was carried out on the development of new and renewable energy potential in Indonesia.Methodology. Data on the development of new and renewable energy potential is taken from the Scopus database. Data retrieval was carried out through a search with the keyword criteria used were renewable energy OR potential of new renewable energy OR implementation of new renewable energy OR geothermal OR biofuel OR biogas OR biomass OR solar panels AND Indonesia earth radiation OR. The analysis of this study uses R bibliophagy and Vos Viewer.Results and discussion. The results show that the highest annual publication trend will occur in 2021. The largest number of citations for new and renewable energy publications in Indonesia is Biodiversity with a total of 74 publications and 250 citations. The Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan is a widely used publication source for publish research results on new and renewable energy. Pambudi, N.A. is a researcher who conducts the most research on geothermal energy (geothermal). Keywords that are often used are biomass, geothermal, biogas, biodiesel and biofuel.Conclusion. It was concluded that biomass, geothermal systems, renewable energy, alternative energy and energy policy were the most studied topics.
Preservasi konten fisik dan digital pada perpustakaan perguruan tinggi Marleni Marleni; Rhoni Rodin; Anna Martina
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/daluang.v2i2.2022.13080


Background. The development of information technology encourages university libraries to apply it in library activities. The purpose of this study is to analyze how physical and digital content is preserved in university libraries.Methodology. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques are carried out by literature review / literature study related to the preservation of physical and digital content in college libraries. Data analysis was performed by criticizing, comparing, summarizing, and gathering (synthesizing) some literatures. Thus, the method used in this paper is literature study with an emphasis on peeling, summarizing and collecting literature, then analyzing the data that has been collected.Results and discussion. In university libraries, efforts to preserve the value of information so that information can be used for a relatively longer period of time and avoid damage to digital or electronic collections requires strategies to be carried out in carrying out physical and digital content preservation activities. Strategies that can be carried out by higher education libraries in preserving physical and digital content are 1) Technology Preservation; 2) Refreshing or Updating (Refreshing); 3) Migration and Reformating (Migration and Reformating); 4) Emulation (Emulation); 5) Digital Archeology; and 6) Digital to analogConclusions. College libraries have carried out physical and digital content preservation activities in the current era. Although there are still some things that need to be improved and improved in the future. 
Analisis sitasi pada jurnal berkala arkeologi menggunakan aplikasi “Publish or Perish” Bayu Indra Saputro
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/daluang.v2i2.2022.13114


Purpose. This article explains how to determine the quality of a scientific journal by analyzing the level of citation in Berkala Arkeologi journal articles.Methodology. The method used is bibliometric analysis which aims to determine the distribution of citations in an article document in a journal. The data source of this research is Berkala Arkeologi articles for the period of 42 years between 1980 and 2022 which were downloaded using the Publish or Perish 7 application.Results and discussion. The most prolific authors in publishing articles in the journal Berkala Arkeologi are Indah Asikin and T.M Hari Lelono with 24 articles. While the article written by Ph. Subroto has the highest citation among other articles, namely 25 citations. The Journal of Archaeology also publishes articles in a timely manner.Conclusion. Journal Berkala Arkeologi has implemented the periodicity of articles published on time and applies open access. The most prolific authors in publishing articles in the journal Berkala Arkeologi are Indah Asikin and T.M Hari Lelono with 24 articles. While the article written by Ph. Subroto with the title Zonal Patterns of Archaeological Sites published in 1995 turned out to have the highest number of citations among other articles. Thus, the number of articles published by the author is inversely proportional to the number of citations. But this proves that the article still has an influence in the development of archaeology.
Strategi pelestarian naskah kuno di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Jawa Timur Wahyu Dian Pramana
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/daluang.v2i2.2022.10293


Background. The implementation of preservation at The Library and Archives of East Java Province is less than optimal. This study aims to determine the strategies and efforts to develop the preservation of library materials at the Office of the Library and Archives of East Java Province, especially in the preservation of ancient manuscripts that are threatened with damage or loss due to physical damage.Methodology. This research is a descriptive research method with a quantitative and qualitative approach. The selection of informants in this study used the entire population of librarians in the field of preservation.Results and discussion. The results of this study show that the IFAS matrix shows that the strength and weakness factors have a total score of 2.28. Because the total score is above 0.73 it means that it identifies a strong internal position, where this strength has good strengths in terms of product. Furthermore, the EFAS matrix shows that the opportunity factor with a value of 0.68 and the threat has a value of 1.17. The total score between opportunities and threats is 1.85, with this identifying that responded that it was known after using strengths with SO opportunities and strategies.Conclusions. The right development strategy is SO and WO. SO strategies include improving the quality of deposit services, ancient manuscript services, and adding information repackaging services. And the WO strategy includes conducting conservation training for librarians, recruiting expert librarians with preservation qualifications, recruiting philologists, procuring preservation equipment, constructing standard preservation rooms or buildings.
Problematika pemanfaatan perpustakaan digital Pustabiblia bagi dosen IAIN Salatiga Ifonilla Yenianti
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/daluang.v2i2.2022.13357


Introduction. The digital ebook library Pustabiblia is an ebook collection service application belonging to the IAIN Salatiga library that can be accessed by lecturers to support their information needs. This study aims to understand about the existence of Pustabiblia ebook services and the factor of the lack of access for lecturers to library ebooks owned by IAIN Salatiga.Methodology. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach from the results of interview, observations and documentation. The informants of this research are FEBI lecturers who are members and are active members of the ebook Pustabiblia.Results and discussion. The results of this study indicate that FEBI lecturers are aware of the existence of ebook library services through librarians, WhatsApp group, website, and library social media. The factors for the lack of access to Pustabiblia services by FEBI lecturers are technical and non-technical factors. Technical factors are including alignment of collections with teaching/syllabic materials, system integration, internet network stability, internet quota limitations, storage capacity, application compatibility, and account footprint, while non-technical factors are the lack of socialization and promotion of the Pustabiblia ebook service, busy work, and not being the main source of reference.Conclusion. FEBI Lecturers have already known ebooks from various sources, but in accessing them there are still technical and non-technical obstacles, the lack of socialization and promotion which is the most dominant factor in all interview data. The recommendations are aligning ebooks with the needs of teaching materials, socializing, developing and integrating ebook applications, and intensively communicating with lecturers
Strategi promosi dalam meningkatan layanan di UPT Perpustakaan Proklamator Bung Karno Blitar pada masa pandemi Dwi Ambarwati; Nurul Setyawati Handayani
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/daluang.v2i2.2022.12195


Background. Promotion is the most important part of an organization to inform a product that is produced. The challenge is that special libraries need to promote services and collections so that users can also take advantage of during the Pandemic. The purpose of this research is to find out the promotion, strategy, and innovation used by UPT Bung Karno Library during the pandemic in improving its services.Methodology. This study uses qualitative methods. This study obtained data through interviews, observation, and documentation from informants who were taken by purposive sampling, then analysed them using descriptive analysis techniques.Results and discussion. The study can be seen that the UPT Bung Karno Proclaimer Library conducts promotions using social media, brochures, exhibitions, and socialization. In addition, the strategy used by Bung Karno's proclaimer UPT Library in promoting the library to the public focused more on Bung Karno's ideas and thoughts. How to improve services at the UPT Bung Karno Proclaimer Library by creating the "SILAKAN" program and creating the "ISU Karno" application which is used to access collections at the UPT Bung Karno Proclaimer Library.Conclusions. The Bung Karno Proclamator Library UPT has been working on promotions, strategies and innovations to improve its services during the pandemic, and carried out agitation so that it is hoped that more people will visit the library.
Backmetter (Author Guidelines, Publication Ethic, Back Cover) Daluang Journal UIN Walisongo
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Frontmetter (Front Cover, Editorial Team, Table of Content, and Preface) Daluang Journal UIN Walisongo
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


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