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A case study of the impact of regional knowledge services and management on regional economic development
Na Ran
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 3, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo
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DOI: 10.21580/daluang.v3i1.2023.14694
Background. Knowledge can give an important contribution to local economic development, but the correlation between library activities and local economic development has not been clarified yet. The purpose of this investigation is to discuss the correlations between library output measures and regional economic measures.Methodology. The raw data obtained via the website of the National Bureau of Statistics of China have been analyzed by correlation coefficient calculations and multivariate regressions. Results and discussion. It was found that there are significant positive correlations between the data of the regional public libraries such as the collections of public libraries owned per person, the total number of circulation of public libraries, the Number of Seats of Reading Room in Public Libraries, the Floor Space of Buildings of Public Libraries Owned per 10000 Population, the Number of Lectures in Public Libraries and the data of their economic development. Linear relationships between library activities and the gross regional product of the five provinces in China and one of China’s direct-controlled municipalities were observed after multivariate regressions were performed on the data.Conclusions. It can be concluded that economic development can benefit the development of libraries, and better education or a more educated population has resulted in more library use. The correlation analysis and multivariate regression analysis can be developed as a new way to measure the societal value of public libraries orientated for economic development or other targets.
Content preservation analysis of Semarang City tourism website
Hascaryo Pramudibyanto
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 3, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo
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DOI: 10.21580/daluang.v3i1.2023.15323
Background. Semarang City tourism site is a means to market the tourism business industry has not been managed properly. The niche on the tourism website has not shown a complete description of the actual conditions of a digital collection preservation effort. This study aims to analyze content preservation on tourism websites in Semarang City. The purpose of this research is to describe the excellence of Semarang City tourism website when filled with complete and attractive content.Methodology. This study on preservation analysis of tourism websites uses descriptive qualitative methods by conducting media content analysis on the tourism website as tourism information navigation. The core of the problem studied is the lack of relevance of Semarang City's development plan as a smart city with the readiness of tourism information. Results and discussion. The results of the content analysis of the preservation of the site found that the content of the site has not fully conveyed actual and interesting ideas, ideas, or information.Conclusions. Preservation efforts have been done well, but the quality of this niche on the site needs to be improved. This site is still undergoing an application maintenance process so there is a delay in updating the site content. Suggestions for site improvement include providing opportunities for the community to send coverage products about tourism activities through an editing process to harmonize the content with other aspects of beauty. Visitors expect an honest statement from the site manager to apologize that this site is undergoing application maintenance or preservation so that visitors can figure out the actual situations
Perilaku pencarian informasi mahasiswa magister dan doktor fully online dalam menyelesaikan studi di Universitas Terbuka
Yasir Riady;
Hamdi Riady;
Melissa Arisanty;
Milde Wahyu
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 3, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo
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DOI: 10.21580/daluang.v3i1.2023.13296
Background. As one of the open and distance universities, Universitas Terbuka provides access to higher education for all Indonesian people without exception, this is also stated in the vision and mission of the Open University to be able to provide the widest possible service, which comes all students with normal or disabilities. This study aims to find and see information seeking behavior by students with special needs at the Open UniversityMethodology. The research method uses observation and interviews for analyses and looking at facts in the field to get detailed information in this research.Results and discussion. This study wants to observe the need and the behavior of information of students with special needs at Universitas Terbuka, it can be seen what model is used by students with special needs and can be used as one of the inputs and suggestions that need to be acknowledged by the Universitas Terbuka. Based on the analytical data that has been carried out as well as interviews with informant sources the information needed by students is closely related to the topic of their study needs or tasks, so students need a variety of references for their knowledge and needs in completing their studies at the Universitas Terbuka.Conclusions. Most information popular and often used by students are printed books and internet sources because they contain up-to-date, relevant information and easy use and provide detailed and basic information for both administrative and academic with special needs.
Hubungan layanan perpustakaan sekolah dengan minat baca peserta didik di SMAN 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan
Aditiya Rahman;
Lolytasari Lolytasari;
Zahrotul Munawwaroh
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 3, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo
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DOI: 10.21580/daluang.v3i1.2023.13517
Introduction. Providing school library services to increase students' interest in reading is still an important study for school libraries. Increasing reading interest in the SMAN 4 Tangerang Selatan Library is carried out by providing collaborative services to improve scientific communication. This research needs to be carried out so that the services provided by the library can accommodate all students in reading interest services and become basic research for school libraries in the South Tangerang area.Methodology. This study uses a quantitative approach, with a correlation coefficient test to answer the hypothesis. The population is 346 students, so a sample of 186 respondents is obtained using a simple random sampling technique. Questionnaires were distributed to 186 students with Likert scale scores with four alternative answers and documentation studies to complete data collection.Results and Discussion. This study found a relationship between library services and students' reading interest, as evidenced by the contribution of 24.6% between library services and students' reading interest. In comparison, the remaining 75.4% was explained by other variables not examined. The tendency of library services to increase reading interest is still in the moderate category.Conclusion. This study describes the school's efforts to increase student's interest in reading with the strength of the services provided by the library. Reading skills need to be trained so that the more the library can provide the facilities needed for reading, the more trained students will be.
Eksistensi layanan drive thru di perpustakaan perguruan tinggi pada era new normal
Nadia Rifka Rahmawati;
Anis Masruri
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 3, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo
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DOI: 10.21580/daluang.v3i1.2023.14207
Introduction. Library services during the Covid-19 pandemic have decreased even to the point that services are completely closed. This happens because the virus is easily spread through the air, causing limited community activities outside the home. To overcome this problem, the library provides service innovations that can be used during a pandemic, namely drive thru services. The purpose of this study is to describe the existence of libraries in the new normal era so that many libraries adopt drive thru services.Methodology. The method used in this research is a library research method with a qualitative approach. Library research technique is a technique that takes data sources in the form of books as the object of study.Results and discussion. This drive-thru service adopts fast food franchise services. This service became an innovation and alternative service when the COVID-19 pandemic entered Indonesia. To maintain the existence of the library finally, innovate to provide this service. This service is considered effective because of the lack of direct physical contact with other people in addition to reducing the crowding and spread of the covid-19 virus.Conclusion. Currently, the pandemic has begun to recede. But that doesn't detract from drive thru service. In this new normal era, drive thru services should increasingly exist and improve this drive thru service to provide better and better service.
Evaluasi Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat (IKM) Periset terhadap layanan Perpustakaan Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional Tahun 2022
Suci Wulandari;
Tupan Tupan;
Rahmadani Ningsih Maha
Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science Vol 3, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo
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DOI: 10.21580/daluang.v3i1.2023.14868
Introduction. As a reference in evaluating the performance of library service delivery, it is necessary to have Library Service Standards which must be implemented by all multi-unit and single-work area libraries within the National Research and Innovation Agency. To ensure that the library service standards are running well and giving satisfaction to the community, a community satisfaction survey (SKM) was conducted. The Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM) for library services was carried out as an effort to: 1) determine the level of service staff performance and service quality; 2) obtain an overview of public opinion/perception of the quality of public services; and 3) obtaining input materials for evaluation and establishment of policies in order to improve the quality of public services in the future.Methodology. This SKM activity is carried out at the end of each month and is evaluated quarterly in 2022 by distributing the SKM questionnaire online to users. The results of the questionnaires collected were then processed into community satisfaction index values (IKM).Results and Discussion. The evaluation results obtained the IKM value with very good criteria, namely achieving a value of 3.71 with a conversion value of 92.8. This value indicates that respondents are satisfied with the library services provided by the RMPI-BRIN Library.Conclusion. The IKM score category 92.8 (category A) indicates that library services have been carried out well and must be maintained.