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Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Kesatuan
ISSN : 27457524     EISSN : 27457524     DOI :
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Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Kesatuan adalah media ilmiah yang independen bagi para Dosen dan Peneliti di bidang ilmu Pariwisata dan Hospitality. Dikelola oleh Program Studi Pariwisata dan LPPM IBI Kesatuan. Terbit dua kali dalam setahun, pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian terapan bidang Pariwisata dan Hospitality dalam arti luas.
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Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): JIPKES Edisi Juli 2023" : 6 Documents clear
Pengaruh Citra Destinasi Dan Fasilitas Wisata Terhadap Minat Kunjung Wisatawan Pada Objek Wisata Dunia Fantasi (DUFAN) Salma, Fadia; Manurung, Tarida Marlin Surya
Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Kesatuan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): JIPKES Edisi Juli 2023
Publisher : Prodi Pariwisata dan LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jipkes.v4i2.1821


This research explanatory it means to study hypothesis variable. In this research use Destination Image and Touris Facilities variable. This research aims to analyze impact to determine the effect simultaneously and parcial Destination Image and Tourist Facilities at Dunia Fantasi. The method is classic assumption test, multiple linear analysis, test T and test F. Data testing is done by using software IBM SPSS Statitics 25. The results of this study indicate that: 1) Destination Image (X1) has a significant effect on Tourist Visit Interests. 2) Tourism Facilities (X2) have a significant effect on Tourist Visit Interests. 3) Destination Image and Tourism Facilities have a simultaneous effect on Tourist Visit Interests. Keyword : Tourism, Destination Image, Tourist Facilities, Tourist Interset.
The Influence of the Covid - 19 Pandemic and Government Policy on Hotel Room Occupancy Rates Yuwantiningrum, Sri Endah
Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Kesatuan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): JIPKES Edisi Juli 2023
Publisher : Prodi Pariwisata dan LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jipkes.v4i2.2060


The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to the tourism sector. Restrictions on travel and in-person meetings have caused the transportation and lodging accommodation sector to drop drastically. Several policies, regulations and requirements for traveling are also obstacles for the hotel industry to be able to receive guests. An increase in the number of Covid-19 sufferers in an area will be followed by restrictions on travel regulations and policies, which will not only impact the local community, but also other residents who want to come or cross the area. These conditions directly affect the occupancy rate of hotel rooms in an area. This study used a secondary research method based on existing data. Sources of data come from daily and weekly reports on the occupancy rate of hotel rooms in the city of Bogor, as well as data obtained from other sources. The purpose of this study is to serve as a dashboard for future policy makers, especially on the impact of a policy on the occupancy rate of hotel rooms. Keywords: Pandemic, Room Occupancy Rate, Government Policy
Tinjauan Atas Strategi E-Marketing Pada Kinasih Resort & Conference Bogor Noor, Tubagus Dicky Faldy Syahid; Nurvenda, Siti Suryani
Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Kesatuan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): JIPKES Edisi Juli 2023
Publisher : Prodi Pariwisata dan LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jipkes.v4i2.2069


E-Marketing is an effort to market products and services using online platforms via the internet. The use of E-Marketing can reach a wider audience than traditional media and is more cost effective in marketing. E-Marketing opens up new opportunities to improve marketing strategies to achieve better results. With the help of E-marketing, companies can implement more practical strategies because potential customers can easily get information about products and services and do business via the Internet. The purpose of this review is to find out: 1) To find out what forms of E-Marketing are implemented at the Kinasih Resort & Conference Bogor; 2) To find out what E-Marketing strategies are implemented at Kinasih Resort & Conference Bogor; 3) What are the obstacles and how to overcome obstacles in implementing the EMarketing strategy at Kinasih Resort & Conference.The results of this review are: 1) Kinasih Resort & Conference Bogor has implemented four types of E-marketing; 2) Kinasih Resort & Conference Bogor has implemented seven E-marketing strategies; 3) In its implementation, there are several obstacles experienced by Kinasih Resort & Conference Bogor, including a lack of human resources in the digital marketing division, a lack of interesting and aesthetic content, and less responsive sales. The efforts made by Kinasih Resort & Conference Bogor to overcome obstacles include making additions and improvements in the field of human resources (HR) for the Digital Marketing division, and increasing the number of variations of interesting and aesthetic content on social media. Keywords: E-Marketing, Kinasih Resort & Conference Bogor
Tinjauan Atas Prosedur Kas Masuk Dan Kas Keluar Pada Agria Hotel Bogor Maharani, Biyas Cahaya; Nurjanah, Yayuk
Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Kesatuan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): JIPKES Edisi Juli 2023
Publisher : Prodi Pariwisata dan LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jipkes.v4i2.2070


ABSTRACTA procedure is writing that contains steps or stages in doing something. These steps include a sequence of processes for making something from the beginning to the end with the aim of achieving or creating a goal. An organization has important procedures to ensure that there is no miscommunication at the organizational stage. Because in the end procedures will become guidelines for an organization to carry out activities within it, one of which is cash. Cash is an asset that requires special handling, especially in receiving and disbursing cash. Therefore, it is necessary to have a cash in and cash out procedure. The purpose of this research is to find out how the cash in and cash out procedures implemented at the Agria Hotel Bogor are in accordance with existing standard operational procedures or not. From the results of the review, it shows that the cash in and cash out procedures at the Agria Bogor Hotel are good. The existing procedures at the Agria Hotel are quite good, but there are still some procedures that are not in accordance with standard operational procedures. Because in the procedure there is a lack of adequate human resources. Therefore, existing procedures need to be improved in the future. Keywords: Procedures, Cash In, Cash Out
Tinjauan Atas Prosedur Pengelolaan Persediaan Pada Hotel Pesona Alam Resort & Spa Amanda, Dina; Sudradjat, Sudradjat; Suryanti, Cecilia Valentina Sri Hadi
Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Kesatuan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): JIPKES Edisi Juli 2023
Publisher : Prodi Pariwisata dan LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jipkes.v4i2.2071


ABSTRACT Inventory is a fairly large current asset and has an important role in every company. Inventory is used to support the company's operational activities. Inventory management activities need to be carried out with correct procedures so that inventory security can be maintained. Security needs to be maintained starting from the purchasing process, storage to the inventory dispensing process. The purpose of this review is to understand how inventory management procedures are implemented at the Pesona Alam Resort & Spa Hotel in order to meet the needs of the company's operational activities. Apart from that, to find out the documents used and related parts in inventory management procedures at the Pesona Alam Resort & Spa Hotel. The results of the review show that inventory management procedures comply with the SOP determined by the company and are also implemented well. There is a separation of duties between related sections and the completeness of the documents is quite good. Keywords: Inventory Management
Tinjauan Atas Pengadaan Pembelian Barang Di Bagian Purcashing Pada The Alana Hotel Sentul Putra, Fawwaz; Supriadi, Yoyon; Srihandoko, Wimpi
Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Kesatuan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): JIPKES Edisi Juli 2023
Publisher : Prodi Pariwisata dan LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jipkes.v4i2.2072


The Finance and Accounting Department consists of several parts that are interconnected in the goods procurement process, one of which is the Purchasing Department. The role of the Purchasing Department in a hotel is to be responsible for the process of sourcing and procuring goods or services to assist production functions in hotel operational activities with applicable Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Procurement activities are one of the basic functions of a company or hotel. This procurement function is said to be basic because a company will not be able to operate properly without this function. The next conclusion is that the department concerned with requesting goods has carried out a Purchase Request in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures that apply at The Alana Hotel Sentul and attached supporting documents, however it is still necessary to pay attention to specifications such as type of goods, brand and quantity for ordering. to suppliers. Keywords: Purchasing, Procurement, Procedure.

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