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Business and Accounting Education Journal
ISSN : 27234487     EISSN : 27234495     DOI : -
BAEJ- Business and Accounting Education Journal adalah jurnal ilmiah dari hasil penelitian dan atau kajian pustaka dalam bidang ilmu Bisnis, kewirausahaan, administrasi perkantoran, Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran dan pendidikan akuntansi maupun bidang ilmu akuntansi dengan fokus dan ruang lingkup pembahasan tentang : Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Manajemen Perkantoran Otomatisasi Perkantoran Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran Akuntansi Pendidikan Akuntansi
Articles 146 Documents
Pengaruh Praktik Kerja Industri, Motivasi Kerja dan Kompetensi Siswa Terhadap Kesiapan Kerja Sari, Reny Eka; Wahyono, Wahyono
Business and Accounting Education Journal Vol 1 No 3 (2020): Vol 1 No 3 (2020): Business and Accounting Education Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/baej.v1i3.46523


The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of job training, job motivation and students competencies on the work readiness of office administration studenst XIth Grade of Vocational School in Pemalang. The population in this research was all of Office Administration Student XIth Grade of Vocational High School in Pemalang, there were 298 students. The sampling technique was proportional stratified random sampling which was calculated using Slovin formula with a total sample of 171 students. Data were collected using questionnaires and documentation and analyzed by descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results of the calculation data obtained by the multiple regression equation Y = 3,925 + 0,173x1 + 0,359x2 + 0,345x3 + e. The result of this study showed that job training, job motivation and students competenciesindirect affect to work readiness of office administration students XIth Grade of Vocational School in Pemalang.
Pengaruh Fasilitas Kantor, Disiplin Kerja, Dan Kompetensi Pegawai terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Kurniasari, Riyanti Ratna Ayu; Oktarina, Nina
Business and Accounting Education Journal Vol 1 No 3 (2020): Vol 1 No 3 (2020): Business and Accounting Education Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/baej.v1i3.46524


The purpose of this study is to determine wheter there is a positive and significant influence of office facilities, work discipline, and employee competence on service quality in east Semarang District Office Semarang City simultaneously or partially. The population of this research is users of office services in the east semarang district office semarang city. The research sample was 115 respondents. This study uses a quantitative approach and data collection using a questionnaire. The data analysis method used is descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression, and hypothesis testing. The method of data analysis is descriptive analysis, linear regression and hypothesis test. The results of multiple regression analysis in this study are Y= 6,782 + 0,567FK + 0,436DK + 0,323KP + e.
Pengaruh Praktik Kerja Industri, Informasi Dunia Kerja Dan Motivasi Memasuki Dunia Kerja Terhadap Kesiapan Kerja Siswa Susilo, Sri Muji; Ismiyati, Ismiyati
Business and Accounting Education Journal Vol 1 No 3 (2020): Vol 1 No 3 (2020): Business and Accounting Education Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/baej.v1i3.46701


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of industrial work practices, information on the world of work and motivation to enter the world of work on student work readiness at SMK Bhakti Persada Kendal. The population in this study were all students of class XII Office Administration expertise program. The research sample consisted of 59 respondents who were taken from all students of class XII of the Office Administration expertise program of SMK Bhakti Persada Kendal. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire and analyzed by using multiple linear regression. The results of this study are (1) there is a partially positive effect of industrial work practices on job readiness of 18.49%, (2) there is a partial positive effect of information on the world of work on work readiness by 17.30%, (3) there is an effect Partially positive motivation to enter the world of work on work readiness is 14.66%, (4) there is a positive and significant effect simultaneously between the variables of industrial work practices, information on the world of work, and entering the world of work on student work readiness by 76.4%.
Penerapan Aplikasi SIMPeL-12 plus Media Whatsapp dalam Pembelajaran Daring; Pengaruhnya terhadap Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Materi Penyesuaian Perusahaan Dagang Istighfaroh, Istighfaroh
Business and Accounting Education Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Business and Accounting Education Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/baej.v2i1.47081


Pembelajaran daring telah membawa dampak mendasar bagi sekolah dalam mengembangkan learning management system (LMS) untuk menunjang keberhasilan pembelajaran daring pada masa pandemi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penerapan aplikasi SIMPeL-12 plus media whatsapp dalam pembelajaran daring dan menguji pengaruhnya terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dipilih menjadi desain penelitian dan dilaksanakan dalam dua (2) siklus. PTK diterapkan pada mata pelajaran ekonomi di kelas XII MIPA 1 SMA 12 Semarang pada bulan Februari-Maret 2021. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah tes, kuesioner dan observasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif untuk menganalisis peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PTK telah berjalan dalam dua siklus. Materi pada siklus pertama adalah penyesuaian akun persediaan barang dagangan. Materi pada siklus kedua adalah penyesuaian akun perlengkapan, penyusutan peralatan, biaya dibayar dimuka, dan biaya yang masih harus dibayar. Hasil pelaksanaan siklus pertama menunjukkan siswa mengalami peningkatan motivasi belajar. Hasil belajar siswa juga lebih baik ditunjukkan nilai rata-rata meningkat dari 68 menjadi 76. Hasil pelaksanaan siklus kedua juga menunjukkan hasil yang sama, bahwa motivasi belajar siswa masih termasuk dalam kategori baik. Siswa antusias untuk mengikuti pelajaran dan menyelesaikan penugasan. Hasil belajar juga mengalami peningkatan ditunjukkan dengan naiknya nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh siswa, dari 78 menjadi 81,80. Sebanyak 62% siswa mampu memperoleh nilai lebih dari 80. Dan tidak ada siswa yang memperoleh nilai kurang dari 65.
Dampak Fasilitas Dan Niat Menggunakan Terhadap Perilaku Pengguna E-Learning Rahman, M Fathur; Murniawaty, Indri
Business and Accounting Education Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Business and Accounting Education Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/baej.v2i1.47390


The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of facility conditions, intention to use and user behavior. This study uses an explanatory quantitative approach with a sample of 280 respondents. Methods of data collection using the method of documentation and questionnaires. The data analysis method uses SEM with the WarpPLS approach which will test causality in the exploratory design, so that a causal path of new findings is obtained that is more suitable for use in interpreting the data correctly and accurately. The results of this study indicate that the condition of adequate facilities can increase the behavioral intentions and interests of e-learning users.
Pengaruh Kualitas Lingkungan Keluarga, Association of Peers Group, Hidden Curriculum, dan Internet Social Media Exposure Terhadap Karakter Siswa (Studi pada SMK Negeri 2 Temanggung) Azizah, Aullya Nurul; Bowo Santoso, Jarot Tri
Business and Accounting Education Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Business and Accounting Education Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/baej.v2i1.49039


The purpose of this research is to test the influence of family environment quality, association of peers group, hidden curriculum, and internet social media exposure to students’ character simultaneously or partially. The population of this study is all ten and twelve grade accounting students of Vocational High School 2 in Temanggung in the Academic Year of 2017/2018 in the number of 150 students. The sample used is 110 students that is taken using Slovin formula with proportionate random sampling technique. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collection methods using questionnaires. The method for analysing data used is descriptive statistic analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results of study indicated that family environment quality, association of peers group, hidden curriculum, and internet social media exposure simultaneously influenced on the students’ character 60.2%. While the partial variable family environment quality has a positive and significant effect by 27% to the students’ character, association of peers group has positive and significant effect by 26% to the students’ character, hidden curriculum has a positive and significant effect by 7% to the students’ character, while internet social media exposure has positive and significant affect by 4% to the students’ character.
Pengaruh Likuiditas, Perputaran Piutang, Pertumbuhan Volume Pinjaman, dan Modal Sendiri Terhadap Return on Assets Anggraini, Dewi Ayu; Kusmuriyanto, Kusmuriyanto
Business and Accounting Education Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Business and Accounting Education Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/baej.v2i1.49049


This study aims to determine the effect of liquidity, accounts receivable turnover, loan volume growth and own capital on return on assets in KPRI, Rembang Regency partially or simultaneously. The sample in this study were 15 KPRI using purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique is documentation, namely in the form of the annual financial statements of cooperatives in 2016-2017. Data analysis techniques used descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that partially there was a significant influence of receivables turnover on return on assets, there was a significant effect of own capital growth on return on assets. Meanwhile, liquidity and own capital have no significant effect on return on assets. However, simultaneously liquidity, receivables turnover, loan volume growth and own capital have an influence on return on assets.
Pengaruh Literasi Amil terhadap Kepercayaan Muzaki Melalui Akuntabilitas dan Transparansi Amil Avian, Ishlah; Asrori, Asrori
Business and Accounting Education Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Business and Accounting Education Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/baej.v2i1.49069


This study aims to analyze the effect of amil literacy on muzaki trust in zakat management institutions, either directly or indirectly through amil accountability and amil transparency. The population in this reaserch is manager corporate zakat on the entity in Semarang as many as 85 respondents in 20 companies that pay corporate zakat in LAZIS Jateng, LAZIS Baiturrahman and Rumah Zakat. Sampling method uses saturated sample that are 85 respondents. This reaserch uses a quantitative approach and using primary data. Data collection technique used questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and path analysis. These results indicate partially only two variables, amil’s literacy and amil’s transparency are positive and significant impact to muzaki’s trust in zakat management institutions, while amil’s accountability is positive impact not significant to muzaki’s trust in zakat management institutions. Then to sobel test amil’s accountability positive mediate not significant between amil literacy to muzaki’s trust zakat management institutions. Amil’s transparency positive mediate and significant between amils literacy to muzaki’s trust zakat management institutions. The conclusion in this reaserch is amil literacy and amil’s transparency has positive and significant impact to muzaki’s trust in the LPZ, amil’s accountability is positive impact not significant to muzaki’s trust in the LPZ, amil’s accountability is positive mediate not significant between amil literacy to muzaki’s trust in the LPZ and amil’s transparency is positive mediate and significant between amil literacy to muzaki’s trust in the LPZ.
Peran Pengelolaan Kearsipan dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Pelatihan Arsip, Kompetensi Arsip, dan Sarana Prasarana Arsip, terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Pegawai Tata Usaha Pertiwi, Anggita Gilang; Ismiyati, Ismiyati
Business and Accounting Education Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Business and Accounting Education Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/baej.v2i1.49316


The purpose of this study was to determine the role of archival management in mediating the effect of training, archives, archive officer competence, and archival infrastructure on the work effectiveness of administrative employees at SMK-se in Batang Regency. The results showed that (1) archiving training had a positive and significant effect on the management of SMK archives in Batang Regency, 2) Archival officer competence had an effect on the management of SMK archives in Batang Regency, 3) Archive facilities and infrastructure had a positive and significant impact on the management of SMK archives in Batang Regency. Batang, 4) Archive management has an effect on the work effectiveness of administrative employees of SMK in Batang Regency, 5) Archival training has a positive and significant effect on the work effectiveness of administrative employees in SMK in Batang Regency. 6) The competence of archive officers has a positive and significant effect on the work effectiveness of administrative employees in SMK in Batang Regency, 7) Archival facilities and infrastructure have a positive and significant effect on the work effectiveness of administrative employees in SMK in Batang Regency, 8) Training and employee work effectiveness administration in SMK in Batang Regency through archive management is proven in this study, 9) archive officers affect the work effectiveness of administrative employees in SMK in Batang Regency through archive management proven in this study, 10) Facilities and infrastructure affect the work effectiveness of administrative employees business in SMK in Batang Regency through archive management.
Pengaruh Fasilitas Belajar, Lingkungan Keluarga, dan Keterampilan Guru Mengajar terhadap Minat Belajar Rejeki, Atun Sri; Rozi, Fahrur
Business and Accounting Education Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Business and Accounting Education Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/baej.v2i1.49587


This study aims to determine the effect of learning facilities, family environment, and teacher skills in teaching on student interest in office administration at SMK PGRI 1 Mejobo Kudus. The population in this study were all students of class X, XI, and XII of the Office Administration Department of SMK PGRI 1 Mejobo Kudus, totaling 137 students with a sampling technique using saturated sampling, where all members of the population were used as research samples. The results of multiple linear regression analysis obtained the equation Y= 5.227 + 0.407 FB + 0.181 LK -0.065 KG + e. Test the significance of the regression equation with the F test, obtained F count = 43.691 with a significant value of 0.000 which means <0.05 which indicates that 1) Learning facilities, family environment, and teacher skills in teaching affect student learning interest by 36%, 2) Learning facilities have an effect on student learning interest by 19.45%, 3) Family environment affects student learning interest 12.04%, and 4) Teacher skills in teaching affect student learning interest by 4.16%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that learning facilities, family environment, and teacher skills in teaching affect learning interest both simultaneously and partially. Future research is expected to be able to develop other independent variables that may affect interest in learning

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