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Aquamarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN)
ISSN : 23559519     EISSN : 27753204     DOI : -
Jurnal ini sebagai media publikasi ilmiah yang memuat artikel asli, hasil-hasil penelitian para peneliti, dosen dan mahasiswa tentang Perikanan, Akuakultur, Kelautan, Akuaskap, Genetika dan Pemuliaan Ikan, Kesehatan Ikan, Iktiologi, Ekologi Perairan, Konservasi Sumber Daya Perairan dan Perundang-undangan (sehubungan dengan masalah perairan).
Articles 35 Documents
Pemanfaatan Tepung Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoema batatas) dan Tepung Wortel (Daucus carota L) Untuk Meningkatkan Kecerahan Warna dan Pertumbuhan Ikan Mas Koki (Carassius auratus) Tamar Mustari; Wardha Jalil; Aprilia Rahman
AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN ) Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55340/aqmj.v11i2.1081


Goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a type of ornamental fish with attractive color variations ranging from red, yellow, white, orange, black and silver. The color in fish is caused by the presence of pigment cells or chromatophores which are found in the dermis on the scales, outside and under the scales. This study aims to determine the effect of sweet potato flour (Ipomoema batatas) and carrot flour (Daucus carota L) on the color brightness and growth of goldfish. The research was conducted for 50 days, at the Fish Seed Production Laboratory of FPIK Unidayan. The rearing medium uses clear plastic jars with a volume of 5 liters, totaling 12 pieces which are equipped with aeration and filter installations. The test animals were 60 goldfish seeds measuring 5-7 cm. The test feed is in the form of pellets with the main raw materials of sweet potato flour and carrot flour. The research design used a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment were A (45% carrot flour), B (15% purple sweet potato flour and 30% carrot flour), C (30% purple sweet potato flour and 15% carrot flour) and D (45% purple sweet potato flour). The results showed that the addition of sweet potato flour and carrot flour to commercial feed had no significant effect on color change and growth. The water quality values obtained during the study were at a proper level for the growth of goldfish.
Pengaruh Penambahan Asam Amino Metionin dengan Dosis yang Berbeda dalam Pakan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila Merah Sumitro; Supasman Emu; La Ode Harsin
AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN ) Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55340/aqmj.v11i2.1083


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the dose of the amino acid methionine in the feed on the growth of red tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Tilapia measuring 5-7 cm were stocked in plastic drum containers with a diameter of 180 cm and a height of 60 cm with a density of 20 fish per container. The test feed is PIU (General Fish Feed) with 20-22% protein. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The research treatments were: 1) Methionine 0%, 2) Methionine 0.25%, 3) Methionine 0.50%, and 4) Methionine 0.75%. The results showed that the addition of methionine to a commercial feed of 0.75% showed the highest growth rate and good feed conversion compared to other treatments (P<0.05). The water quality measurement values obtained in this study are still within the range that supports the growth of tilapia.
Studi Reproduksi Induk Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) Pada Kolam Pemeliharaan Unit Induk III PT. Esaputlii Prakarsa Utama Wardha Jalil; Supasman Emu; Fatimah
AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN ) Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55340/aqmj.v11i2.1085


The study aims to find out and increase knowledge about the reproduction broodstock of vaname shrimp in PT. Esaputlii Prakarsa Utama. The data analysis methods used are descriptive and quantitative analysis. Vaname shrimp broodstock management techniques activities start from water procurement, tub/pond preparation, broodstock procurement, acclimatization, eye abalation, maturation and maintenance including feed management and water quality, spawning, hatching eggs to harvesting. The results showed that the amount of feeding ranged from 500 grams/tub for squid feed, 1 kg/tub for sea worm feed. Broodstock who are able to spawn have an average of 41-42 /day from an average number of 333 shrimp. The percentage of female vanames that spawn ranges from 84%/day. The number of eggs produced by vaname shrimp reached 100,250–261,923 eggs in one month, the average egg that was fertilized was 9,668,333 and produced naupli as many as 8,955,000. The water quality parameters obtained during the research were still in a good range for vannamei shrimp.
Evaluasi Tingkat Kesuburan Perairan Terkait Kandungan Karaginan Rumput Laut (Kappaphycus alvarezii) Di Pesisir Bontang dan Panajam Paser Utara Sumoharjo; Asfie Maidie
AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN ) Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55340/aqmj.v11i2.1087


Seaweed K. alvarezii has been cultured massivelly along eastern kalimantan coastal zone. Meanwhile, every region potentially has diverse trophical status that affects its carraginan content. This study aimed to compare the thropical status of cultured seaweed location that situated in two region (Bontang and Panajam Paser Utara, PPU) and of its carragenan content. Seaweed in two different age (30 and 40 days) are sampled as well as water quality. Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphrous (TP) in particular are measured. The result showed that Bontang coastal area has Trophical Index (TRIX) 5,9 (meant high trophic level). the value was contrast with PPU that had 3,8 of TRIX meant low trophic level. However, carragenan content of seaweed from Bontang has lower than PPU, were 45 % and 64 %, respectivelly. Rumput laut (Kappaphycus alvarezii) sudah dibudidayakan secara luas di pantai Kalimantan Timur. Sementara itu, setiap wilayah berpotensi memiliki status kesuburan perairan yang berbeda yang akan mempengaruhi kandungan karaginan rumput laut yang dibudidayakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan status trofik lokasi pembudidayaan rumput laut dan kandungan karaginannya pada dua wilayah, yakni di perairan Bontang dan di perairan Panajam Paser Utara (PPU). Sampel rumput laut diambil pada dua umur tanam berbeda (30 dan 40 hari), serta dilakukan pengukuran dan sampling kualitas airnya. Terutama, parameter Total Nitrogen (TN) dan Total Fosfor (TP). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Perairan Bontang memiliki Indeks Trofik (TRIX) 5,9 (berarti kesuburan tinggi), namun sebaliknya, pada perairan PPU memiliki Indeks Trofik 3,9 (berarti kesuburan rendah). Akan tetapi, kandungan karaginan rumput laut dari Bontang justru lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan PPU, yakni; 45 % dan 64 %
Teknik Pemijahan Buatan Ikan Baung Hemibagrus nemurus (VALENCIENNES, 1840) di Instalasi Riset Plasma Nutfah Perikanan Air tawar, Cijeruk Rafi Maulana Rasyad; Muhammad Rizki Maulana; Fadhil Naufal Tamirrino; Riski Awalia; Sutisna; Muh Herjayanto
AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN ) Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55340/aqmj.v10i1.1090


Hemibagrus nemurus (Siluriformes: Bagridae) or which has the Indonesian common name baung is a type of native fish that is distributed in river waters on the islands of Sumatra, Java, and Kalimantan. This fish is in great demand as a consumption fish because it has thick meat, few spines, delicious taste, and high economic value. The provision of seeds for fish cultivation activities needs to be done through hatcheries. Based on this, it is necessary to observe the artificial spawning techniques of baung at the Instalasi Riset Plasma Nutfah Perikanan Air Tawar,Cijeruk. This activity was carried out from 12 January to 12 February 2023. Observations showed that the artificial spawning technique for fish was carried out through hormone injections and artificial fertilization. The activity starts with the brood-rearing selection of mature gonad broodstock and continues with egg incubation and larval rearing. The number of eggs produced was 33,672-158,795, the egg fertilization rate was 51%, the egg hatching rate was 43%, and the total number of final larvae was 23,530.
Teknik Pemijahan Semi-Buatan Ikan Barbonymus gonionotus (BLEEKER 1849) di Instalasi Riset Plasma Nutfah Perikanan Air Tawar Cijeruk Fadhil Naufal Tamirrino; Muhammad Rizki Maulana; Riski Awalia; Rafi Maulana Rasyad; Sutisna; Muh Herjayanto
AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN ) Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55340/aqmj.v10i1.1091


Barbonymus gonionotus, or in Indonesian, it is called 'tawes' is one of the native freshwater fish commodities from Indonesia which lives and spreads naturally in the waters of West Java. This fish has high economic value and is relatively easy to cultivate. Cultivation activities require seeds obtained through hatchery activities. One of the critical things in hatchery activities is knowledge of fish spawning techniques. Based on this, semi-artificial spawning techniques were observed for tawes at the Freshwater Fisheries Germplasm Research Installation, Cijeruk, Bogor, West Java. Observations were made in January-February 2023. The results showed that tawes spawning used hormonal induction and then spawned naturally with a ratio of 3 males and one female. Semi-natural spawning produced a total of 113,669 eggs, hatching rate of 87.4%. The total length of newly hatched tawes larvae ranges from 3.0-3.5 mm.
Kualitas Air Sungai Konda, Kais, Metamani dan Inanwatan Kabupaten Sorong Selatan Marhan Manaf; Suhemi
AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN ) Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55340/aqmj.v10i1.1092


This study aims to obtain information or an overview of the water quality status of the Kaibus river (Teminabuan river), Kais river, Metamani river, Musiro river, Rur river, Nurangge river, Kamamur river, Sepa river, Suaboor river, Awoge river, Sekak river, and the Siganoy river. The method of measuring water quality is carried out directly in the field (on-site) and consists of temperature, pH, DO, TDS, salinity, and brightness. Meanwhile, what cannot be done on-site, is carried out by taking composite samples to be observed in the laboratory (ex-situ). The results showed that the quality status of river water in the Konda District, Kais District, Metamani District, and Inanwatan District are classified as lightly polluted waters with a Pollution Index between 0.85 and 3.10. Water quality parameters contributing to the Pollution Index in the lightly polluted category are low DO values and high concentrations of BOD, COD, Boron, Fluoride, and Surfactants.
Pengaruh Perbedaan Dosis Ekstrak Kunyit Merah (Curcuma domestica) Terhadap Perubahan Morfologi Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) yang Diinfeksi Bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila WaOde Safia; Budiyanti; Riki Purnomo; Nurmita
AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN ) Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55340/aqmj.v10i1.1093


The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of red turmeric extract doses to change the morphology of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) infected with Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. Treatment A concentration of 0 ml of turmeric extract, treatment B concentration of 10 ml of turmeric extract, treatment C concentration of 15 ml of turmeric extract, and treatment D concentration of 20 ml of turmeric extract. From the results of observations for changes in fish morphology, changes in behavior, survival rates, water quality, and physical characteristics of the Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria, the data were analyzed descriptively in the form of tables and figures. The results showed that the ability of red turmeric extract was able to heal and inhibit Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria. This can be seen from the healing rate and changes in the morphology of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), where the wound is getting smaller even a few days after the injection the scar on the fish is not visible or closed. The highest survival rate for tilapia was in treatment B with a concentration of 10 ml of turmeric extract of 73.3%. Water quality parameters can still be tolerated by tilapia.
Pengaruh Dosis Ovaprim Terhadap Indeks Kematangan Gonad Ikan Komet Carassius auratus Tamar Mustari
AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN ) Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55340/aqmj.v8i2.1102


In the world of ornamental fish business, Indonesian products are known to have many species of freshwater ornamental fish, one of which is the goldfish Carassius auratus. In aquaculture activities, hatchery techniques that are still minimally mastered by fish cultivators are the main problem in these activities. Artificial hatchery techniques for fish can use the ovaprim hormone as a material in accelerating the gonadal maturity level in fish. This study aims to determine the appropriate dose of ovaprim hormone for gonadal maturity index and spawning latency time after injecting ovaprim hormone at different doses to goldfish (Carassius auratus). The study was conducted for 28 days, using aquarium media with a capacity of 40 liters, as many as 12 pieces and filled with fresh water that had been sterilized. The main ingredient of the hormone ovaprim Syndel uk. 10 ml and 100 ml of 0.9% NaCl as a hormone solvent. The organisms used were goldfish Carassius auratus with Gonad Maturity Level I, as many as 3 individuals with a male to female ratio of 1:2. The design used was a completely randomized design, 4 treatments and 3 replications namely A (0.2 ml/kg ovaprim), 0.4 ml/kg B (0.4 ml/kg ovaprim), C (0.6 ml/kg ovaprim), and D (ovaprim 0.8 ml/kg). The results showed that the best goldfish (Carassius auratus) gonadal maturity index was found in C treatment (0.6 ml/kg ovaprim), namely 6.11+0.08%, and the lowest in D treatment (0.8 ml/kg ovaprim, namely 5.61+0.05%. The fastest spawning latency occurred in C treatment (0.6 ml/kg ovaprim), which was 9 hours 46 minutes and the longest was found in A treatment (0.2 ml/kg ovaprim) which was 12 hours 22 minutes.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Tulang Ikan Tuna dan Tepung Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) dalam Pakan Buatan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Tamar Mustari
AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN ) Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): AquaMarine (Jurnal FPIK UNIDAYAN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55340/aqmj.v9i2.1103


The research aims to determine the effect of adding fish bone meal with water hyacinth flour to artificial feed on the growth of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The study was conducted for 60 days, using 9 pieces of happa media with a size of 1 x 1 x 1 m, and put them in a fresh water pond. The test feeds, namely tuna fish bone meal and water hyacinth flour made according to the procedure for making artificial feed, were given 2 times/day as much as 10%/day of the total fish weight. The organism was tilapia (O. niloticus), size 4-7 gram/head. The design used was a completely randomized design 3 treatments and 3 replications. Treatments A (30% water hyacinth meal), B (30% fish bone meal), and C (15% fish bone meal and 15% water hyacinth meal). The results showed that the use of fish bone meal and water hyacinth flour had an effect on the growth of tilapia (O. niloticus) (P<0.05). The highest absolute growth and specific growth were in C treatment (15% fish bone meal and 15% water hyacinth meal) namely 9.27 ± 0.96 grams and 1.74 ± 0.25%/day with the best feed conversion of 4.55 ±0.43. The lowest results were obtained in A treatment (0% fish bone meal), namely 6.37 ± 0.95 grams and 1.48 ± 0.39 %/day with feed conversion of 5.21 ± 1.41, while the survival rate during the study is 100% with proper water quality for the growth and survival rate of tilapia.

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